• Published 28th Feb 2014
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Heir of the Nightmare - Polaris501

A thousand years ago, Princess Celestia banished her sister to the moon, that much we know. What wasn’t known, and what Celestia kept secret was that before her banishment, Luna had given birth to a foal; Twilight Andromeda Sparkle.

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Chapter 8: Fire

Canterlot Castle

Ten Minutes After the Revelation

Nightmare Moon


Nightmare thundered through the castle, galloping frantically through the hallways as she made her way to her sister’s former chambers.

Twilight was in danger.

Nothing else mattered.

Smoke was quickly filling the castle, it crawled across the ceiling and ash drifted on a heated wind as if from a dragon’s breath.

She rounded a corner quickly, her iron-shod hooves skidding as she turned, causing sparks to fly across the black stone. Servants fled past her in the hallways, Nightmare assumed they were protected from the initial magical blast by the protective enchantments woven in the walls of the castle. They were spared the magical shockwave unlike her soldiers, who received the full brunt outside and had fallen unconscious immediately.

Twilight, please be alright. I can’t lose you again.

She was getting closer, which was obvious as the heat’s intensity increased with every step she made. She picked up speed and rounded another corner as she threw herself into finding her daughter.

To her surprise, somepony else was also coming around the corner.

Before she could stop herself, or otherwise react, she collided with the unknown ponies and they became a mass of white, pink, and black fur struggling to disentangle themselves from the floor.

Nightmare grunted in frustration as she extricated herself quickly. She reached out and grabbed the offenders with her magic with the intention of throwing them aside, but she recognized the clumsy fools.

It was Cadenza and Armor.

“YOU TWO!!” She screamed. “WHERE IS SHE!!? WHAT HAPPENED!!?”

Nightmare was absolutely furious, her teeth gnashed in rage as she levitated the trembling pair so she could see them at eye level. The two should have been with Twilight, not running like a pair of faint-hearted ninnies.

Sudden dread crawled up her spine, for if these two had abandoned Twilight, then something absolutely terrible had to have happened.

Neither pony had time to answer, Nightmare saw them attempt to say something, but she quickly flung them behind her and galloped as fast as she could down the trail of smoke. She heard their muffled cries of pain and surprise as she resumed her rapid approach to Celestia’s chambers.

Renewing her frenzied gallop, Nightmare became aware of the magical pressure from the unearthly storm dramatically increasing. Sweat matted her fur as the stress it radiated sapped her strength. It was unlike anything she had ever felt, this magical firestorm, it teemed with pure magical energy both destructive and uncontrolled. The closer she came to Celestia’s chambers, the more strain the uncontrolled magic put on her. The feeling of moving through it was akin to swimming through a mud pit.

Casting her magic about herself, Nightmare conjured a protective layer of enchantments around her body to stop the effects of the rampant magic. To her surprise, her spell did not halt the effects, but only mitigated it.

Not having the patience to correct or strengthen her spell, she rounded the last corner to Celestia’s chambers, and—


A lance of purple lightning flew out and struck Nightmare in the chest, flinging her backwards as if she were a small sparrow struck by a hurricane. She screamed in pain as the lightning burned through her chest plate and scorched her chest. She then collided with a back wall, causing the stone to crack and dust to fall from the ceiling.

Hissing in pain, Nightmare looked up from her crumpled position on the floor to finally gaze at the epicenter of the wild magic.

Her draconic eyes could make out the faint outline of something pony-shaped, but the brightness of it threatened to blind her, so she quickly looked away from the eye of the storm.

Her sharp maw opened in shock as she caught sight of the state of the castle hallway.

Nightmare had explored the castle and its capabilities once she renovated it. The very walls and stone were woven together with powerful magic that could withstand the strongest of storms, and the flames of a dragon.

But they apparently could not withstand the uncontrolled tempest of an alicorn unleashed.

The entirety of Celestia’s chambers and the precipice of the hallway were overtaken with flames. The fire filled the room and danced along the walls and ceiling. The blaze was not orange or red, but were instead tinted a light purple along the edges that deepened closer to the epicenter. In addition to the flames, lightning struck out randomly along the whole distance. The purple lances of energy would appear and scorch the stone of the castle, leaving craters and trails of cracked stone wherever it struck. Smoke crawled along the ceiling in ever-increasing amounts, poisoning the clean air and threatening to suffocate any who would be caught in their smog. The heat from the fire melted all the metal fixtures in the hallway. All the gold and silver dripped down and collected on the floor, pooling in a beautiful yet terrifying collection of liquid metal. The black stone along the entire length of the hallway was cracked and misshapen, no longer smooth or possessing luster.

But worst of all was the magic.

It rolled like thunder from the ruined chamber in droves of energy. Each wave carrying with it enormous amounts of magical energy that threatened to combust into anything at any given notice. It was far more dangerous than the lightening or the fire, for the magic was totally wild and uncontrolled, it was as likely to cure disease as it was to boil blood. All it needed to go from bad to worse was direction.

But throughout that, there was a signature to the magic that Nightmare knew as well as her own.

It was Twilight’s.

And it was angry.

Nightmare could feel the flood of anger and sorrow that the magic carried. Even though the emotions were not her own, just feeling it made her want to curl up and sob as well as lash out in a rage. The unified combination of these negative feelings coursed through her psyche and left Nightmare with a tremendous ache that wracked her black frame.

But still, she would not give up. For now she realized what it was she faced, and what had happened to Twilight.

Undoubtedly, the stress from her confrontation with Nightmare, being restored by the Elements, and combined with the world-shaking revelation of her heritage, Twilight was gripped in the deepest pits of doubt and denial. Her response had taken the form of an uncontrolled magical flare, which reflected how Twilight’s thoughts and emotions clashed in a dizzying torrent.

Upon realizing this, regret filled Nightmare’s thoughts. She didn’t want Twilight to hurt, but Nightmare couldn’t bear to not let her know who Nightmare was to her. Nightmare was absolutely resolute in revealing her love to her daughter.

If some tears were shed in the process, so be it.

Gathering her strength, Nightmare lifted herself from the crackling floor and steeled herself, for she was about to charge into the storm.

She loved Twilight, with all her heart.

Nothing else truly mattered, compared to that.

The pain Nightmare felt through the magic, it was Twilight’s, and she would do everything, anything, to stop it.

I’m coming Twilight, just hold on.

Even as magic hurled through the air and lightning danced dangerously around her, Nightmare’s horn flared in a bright and shining beacon as it engulfed her body. Pouring her magic into the enchantment, she cast another protective charm over herself.

Step by agonizing step, Nightmare struggled to reach her daughter. The magic thundering off of Twilight blazed to life around her. Its thunderous song deafened her, but still she trudged on. The lightning crackled around her, striking her like whips, stinging and biting like knives.

But still she walked.

The hard journey to Twilight was as difficult as flying through a tornado. Wind, aided by the powerful magic whipped her ethereal mane like a tempest. Even as she drew closer to Twilight, her magic struggled to hold her spell. The uncontrolled magic sought to strip her of her magical protection and hurl her away from her daughter.

But still she walked.

At last she was naught but ten hooves away from where she knew Twilight to be. But the light was as bright as a star, and she could not make out her daughter’s form.

Adjusting her magic, Nightmare tuned out the roaring of the magical storm and dimmed the light so that she could see her beloved daughter.

What she saw tugged her heart from her chest, for sorrow gripped her as she beheld Twilight.

Her daughter was seemingly suspended in the air, curled up in a ball with her wings furled to her sides. If Nightmare had not known the turmoil she felt, than her position could have been described as peaceful. Her mane and tail had transformed into purple flames, like the star Andromeda for which she was named. Her fur seemed to shimmer with flashes of white and purple like nebulae. Her eyes glowed brighter than the most radiant of stars, and her Mark shone like the most beautiful of constellations.

But her sobbing, more than anything, seized Nightmare’s heart and attention.

Twilight wept tremendously. Tears fell like rain, only to disappear in a flash of steam. Her heart-wrenching wails caused her form to tremble, even as she tossed and turned as if in a fitful sleep.

All Nightmare saw and heard assaulted her as nothing had ever before.

It was beautiful.

It was terrifying.

It was heart-breaking.

But even so, Nightmare was determined to help Twilight and so she summoned her magic stronger than before, and approached her daughter.

The path to Twilight was akin to approaching the core of a star, for all her protection was stripped from her as she struggled to embrace Twilight. The chaotic magic removed Nightmare’s protective magic from her like peeling an apple. Fire burned her, lightning shocked her, and magic tested her.

But nothing would stop her from helping Twilight.

Nightmare reached out despite the agonizing pain with her hooves and brought Twilight to herself in a motherly embrace, as if Twilight were a foal again. As she made contact, a torrent of thoughts and emotions poured into her.





Those dreadful emotions were what plagued Twilight, and it made her mother sad to know her child’s pain, and to know that she was the source of it.

But she was here now, and she would take care of her foal.

Twilight, I love you…

Fighting back against the negativity that gripped Twilight in iron shackles, Nightmare smothered them with the love she had for her. She poured her love into Twilight through the bond they had, seeking to comfort her and end her pain.

Deep down, she felt Twilight respond, reaching out to her mother’s love as if it were a lifeline in a maelstrom.

Twilight’s hooves encircled her, and she embraced Nightmare.

Mother and Daughter were reunited.

Slowly, the magical storm died, the lightning disappearing and the fire dimming. The thunderous roar faded away into silence, leaving a mother holding her Twilight.

It was over.

Looking down at Twilight, who had reverted back to her normal state, she nuzzled her lovingly. A few tears of her own dripped down to the floor, but these were not of pain, nor sadness.

No, these were happy tears.

How long she sat there amongst the ashes of her sister’s chamber she did not know, nor did she care. Nightmare cradled the sleeping Twilight in her forehooves and rocked her back and forth soothingly, much like she did a thousand years ago when Twilight was a new-born foal.

Nightmare knew Twilight had calmed down for now, but they both needed rest. No doubt the magical flare had exhausted Twilight, and
Nightmare felt her own strength wane, and a desire to sleep and rest was quickly overcoming her.

Her horn lighting up gently, Nightmare teleported herself and Twilight to Twilight’s tower in the castle. She knew about it from her researching Twilight’s status as Celestia’s student.

Nightmare looked blearily over to the bed nearby, and first put Twilight on it gently before joining her daughter on the bed. She hugged Twilight tightly to her body, and wrapped a wing around her protectively.

This is how it should be.

And with that thought, Nightmare let go of consciousness and joined her daughter in a peaceful rest.

Twilight’s Tower

Eight Hours Later

Twilight Sparkle

It was very warm where she was, it were as if she were encircled with a thick blanket. The soothing cocoon was wrapped all around her, and Twilight could feel a warm presence at her back, and a hoof holding her close to the body.

It somehow…felt familiar.

It felt like a long forgotten dream, one which she hadn’t felt since a foal.

And she loved it.

Twilight slowly awoke from her slumber, yawning as she did so. Not wanting to leave the warm embrace, she leaned back into the large body behind her and snuggled closer to the comforting presence.

Her eyes were still closed, for she did not want to awaken and leave the blissful state of rest she was in.

However, something was tickling her muzzle, and she couldn’t hold back a small sneeze.


Reluctantly awake, she opened her eyes to look at the offending tickler.

A long black feather, attached to a large midnight wing was the culprit.

Twilight stifled a cry of shock, only managing to muffle it into a surprised squeak. She looked hesitatingly behind her, slowly revolving her head until she could see the warm, comforting presence behind her.

It was Nightmare Moon.

Her mother.

But, unlike before, the alicorn did not inspire instant fear inside Twilight. Perhaps it was because her eyes were closed, or because the sharp teeth were hidden inside her mouth. Without those prominently scary features and armor, the smooth face looked peaceful, and calm. Oddly, Nightmare was snoring a little, and it too sounded familiar, much like her own.


Confusion seeped through Twilight, wondering why she was here in Nightmare’s embrace, until she remembered what happened.

A slight shudder ran through her at the memory of her loss of control. She had not fully been aware of what was happening, only this bright and burning light as she wept for her troubles.

Going over the memory, she realized what, or who, had stopped her magical storm.

Nightmare Moon had saved her.

No, her mother had saved her.

There was no denying the truth or their bond now. Only further denial would postpone whatever emotions Twilight would have to deal with.

Since I can’t deny it, I accept it.

Slowly, ever so carefully, Twilight escaped Nightmare’s embrace. Extricating herself with the utmost care with every movement, not wanting to wake the sleeping lunar alicorn. Nightmare mumbled on occasion and tried to reestablish her hold on Twilight, but the lavander alicorn was determined to get up. Once fully separated, Twilight sat down and looked over her mother’s slumbering form.

Nightmare Moon was pock marketed with burns and scrapes, no doubt from Twilight’s flare. Her wings were similarly disarrayed and burned. But despite the obvious injuries, it was equally determined that they were healing at an abnormal pace. Undoubtedly Nightmare’s alicorn nature was helping the mare recover from the burns.

Looking down over her mother, Twilight came to a sudden and dark realization.

It was possible nopony else knew, for certain, that Nightmare was her mother. If she acted quickly, it could stay that way. Nightmare was so vulnerable right now, a quick spell, a silent attack, and Nightmare would forever be silenced.

Nightmare Moon was her enemy, right? She should be glad for this opportunity to vanquish her foe. To stop her reighn.

Why then, did she hesitate?

Because she loves me….

Despite having no true recollection of herself during the magic flare, there was one thing that stood out like a pillar in the desert, strong and true.

Nightmare Moon loved her, with all her heart.

The feelings of anger and sadness that had whirled within Twilight had been smothered by the true and absolute love this mare had for her. Such feelings could not be fabricated, within herself, Twilight had felt the love Nightmare had for her daughter, and there was no disputing that.

And deep down, Twilight knew she loved her too.

It was a feeling, long dormant, that she could never have realized without Nightmare’s love flowing through her to calm her. A bond between mother and foal that could never be severed.

Not by distance, and not even by a thousand years of separation.

What can I do?

Despite realizing her emotions, Twilight knew she couldn’t let Nightmare Moon continue with her plans. Her friends were in danger, her mentor (aunt?) was in danger…

The world was in danger.

Eternal Night would kill their world, condemning it to a slow and cold death. If everypony did not starve first from the plants withering away, then surely the cold darkness would claim them.

There was so much she didn’t know. Why did Nightmare Moon want Eternal Night? Her mother was not unintelligent, that she knew for certain. Surely she realized what destruction her Eternal Night would cause to the whole world.

Why then?

Why did Nightmare hate Celestia? Why did she lash out and hurt her friends? Why did she do the things she did?
Twilight did not know, and that vexed her more than anything.

But she would find out.

Twilight could not bring herself, in that moment, to harm Nightmare. She knew that perhaps the Elements were still the best way to stop the madness, but she did not desire for Nightmare to disappear or vanish…

Twilight wanted her to be healed.

There was something…wrong with her mother, she knew it. She had to believe it. And she would do everything she could to find out what.

Research would be needed.

Celestia perhaps knew what could be done, if only Twilight could find her. It was doubtful she could wheedle the information from Nightmare.

She needed to know, before she acted.

Was it possible? Could she do it? Could she save her friends and her mother?

Can I stop this nightmare?

She had to try.

Leaving her mother slumbering on the bed, Twilight made her way across the room to the doors. She looked behind her one last time at the black alicorn as she opened the doors.

Just as Nightmare had saved Twilight from herself…

So I shall save you mother.

Author's Note:

If you think the fireworks are over...you're wrong.