• Published 12th Mar 2014
  • 3,098 Views, 11 Comments

Twilight's Wish - PrincessDashie

The loss of your friends is truly a hardship, even more so when you just happen to be an immortal princess of Equestria.

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Wish Upon a Shooting Star

Dear Princess Celestia,

Lately I have been learning another lesson about friendship. Sometimes you have to say goodbye to a pony you love, or ponies. This morning Rainbow Dash passed away... there weren't many with her. Just... Scootaloo and myself. The hospital called this morning to inform me, but by the time I had arrived she had already passed. How am I supposed to say goodbye to her? My best friend in all of Equestria... how? I knew... my friends would age and I would not... as if my body had frozen in the sands of time... unable to age... unable to move forward... standing still... for all eternity. The past five years had passed quickly. Since Applejack passed away, Rainbow was my final companion; but even then I knew her time was limited. I shouldn't be sad... or should I? Rainbow and Applejack are finally together again after five years apart, bless their souls wherever they may be. But... I am sad. Is that wrong? These past eight years I have watched each of my friends, and their respective husbands and wives pass before my eyes... I was the only one who did not marry. I guess... even way back when, all those years ago... I couldn't bear to watch a lover age, and pass away... leaving me alone... as I am now. So... I may not be your student anymore, but I felt the need to send you this friendship report.

Your faithful student,

friend, Twilight Sparkle

Twilight finished blotting the last letter, taking care to remove all of the sand traces before rolling the letter up, and placing it under her wing. She trotted slowly down the stairs of the Everfree Castle, and upon entering her throne room, placed the letter next to her throne and took a seat. Minutes passed as she sat alone in complete silence. Much to the displeasure of the nobles, there was to be no night court this week, on account of the death of the fifth Element of Harmony.

“Well... prior Element of Harmony.” Twilight whispered, closing her eyes and thinking back to the events of the Tree of Harmony, all those many years ago.

Moments passed as she sat in thought, before she returned her attention to the letter sitting on top of her table. With a faint shimmer of her horn, the letter de-materialized into a resemblance of her night stars, and made way through the open window, heading in the direction of Canterlot.

Twilight's silence was broken with the faint, yet audible 'ting' of a teardrop falling upon the marble floor.

“I didn't want this...” she cried, collapsing from her throne and rolling into a ball on the floor. “I didn't want to watch them die... all of them... I... don't want to be alone.”

Twilight whimpered as she pulled her hind legs in tight against her barrel, and letting out a howl which many would mistake for a wolf in heat. Tears streamed down her muzzle, forming a puddle on the floor at the base of her chin.

“Rarity... Fluttershy... Pinkie Pie... Applejack... and now even Rainbow... they're all gone... and I... cant... have... them... back. Even... Spike has left me... to live with the other Dragons... everything I once cherished has removed itself from my life.”

Twilight's entire being was being thrown into chaos... enough to make even make a certain Draconequss proud.

“Maybe I can...” she stuttered as she pulled herself onto her legs. “Library time..” she whispered through sobs.

★     ☆ ★     ☆ ★     ☆ ★

High up in the regal city of Canterlot, Princess Celestia was just finishing up her day court as Twilight's letter materialized in front of her.

“Oh my...” she stated as she held the letter bearing Twilight's seal on top of a lavender ribbon.

“Good morning big sister.”

Celestia turned around to see her little sister Luna floating softly down from the second floor of the castle.

“Good evening my dearest little sister.” she chuckled as she unrolled Twilight's letter. “Time for night court?” she asked.

Luna approached her sister, giving a small nuzzle as she looked at the letter. “Indeed, just as soon as I raise the moon for the evening.”

Celestia nodded, a tear streaking down her eye. “Oh my...”

“Dear sister, pray tell what has caused you this sadness?” Luna asked, as she wiped her sister's tear away with a feather.

“It's... from Twilight.... read.” she mumbled, allowing Luna to grasp the letter in her magic as she read.

As Luna read, Celestia watched as her ears slowly collapsed backwards as a steady stream of tears began to roll down her muzzle. “Oh... Poor Twilight” Luna whispered, barely audible.

Celestia placed her hoof on Luna's back, offering a sentiment of comfort to the smaller Alicorn. “Follow me sister.”

Luna turned, and followed slowly behind Celestia, as she lead her up the stairs towards the upper living chambers.

“Your Highness’s!” announced a guard who was currently standing guard in front of a large oak door, bearing a celestial symbol upon it.

“Silver Shield!” spoke Celestia. “Inform the others that night court is to be postponed until tomorrow evening.”

“Yes your Highness. Any other requests?”

“No, you are dismissed, that is all.” Celestia said, as he bowed before taking his leave.

Luna followed Celestia into her sleeping chambers. “Sister, I will be but a moment.”

“Of course.” Celestia replied.

Luna walked absentmindedly towards the private patio. Upon opening the doors she was met with a gentle summer's gust as a stray leaf blew mere inches from her nose. Slowly she unfurled her wings, she began to take flight slowly: raising herself but a few meters above the patio, as her horn glowed a pale royal blue as she coaxed the moon into existence. Slowly it made itself known as it peaked above the horizon, and soon raising into the beautiful starless night.

“Starless?” Luna thought to herself, before shaking her head violently. “Of course, she is probably too pained to bring about the stars but even so-.” she said, as she watched Polaris shine into existence, followed closely behind by Kochab, and then Pherkad. Soon, all of Ursa Minor had revealed itself, slowly followed by Ursa Major, Canis Minor, and Draco. One by one, the stars slowly shimmered into existence until the sky was filled with a soft shimmering light. “Amazing, she is hurting this badly, yet refuses to neglect her duty. She makes it rather easy to admire her.”

Luna gave a small smile at the stars she once called hers before turning to head back inside, but as she had opened the door once more, something caught her attention from the corner of her eye. Luna turned to face the sky, falling back on her haunches as she watched a meteor shoot across the sky, followed by another, and yet another. Time passed as the meteor shower continued, shooting across the sky, like tears being blown in the wind.

Tears dropped to the ground below as Luna watched in awe at the spectacle Twilight had offered to the world this night. Not once had she seen something this beautiful. Meteors shooting across the sky, as the stars shimmered softly in the background, being joined by the gentle blueish purple hues of an appearing aurora.

Luna shivered when she felt a white feather adorned wing drape across her back. She turned to see her elder sister sitting next to her, staring into the night sky.

“It's beautiful.” Celestia whispered.

Luna nodded, refusing to take her eyes off of Twilight's display.

“Go to her.” Celestia whispered.

“Why me?”

Celestia nudged Luna's side, coaxing her into standing. “I can think of no other pony more suitable for the job.”

Luna stifled a giggle before staring into her sister's eyes. “You were her teacher, were you not?”

Celestia nodded as she stood up. “I will always be a friend, and a mentor to Twilight. However...” She said, turning to head back into her room. “Right now... she needs a friend... not a teacher.”

★     ☆ ★     ☆ ★     ☆ ★

Twilight laid upon a single cloud on the outskirts of the Everfree forest. Canterlot castle was just barely visible on the horizon. Twilight laid there as she carefully guided her creations across the sky. Painting it as she saw her self at the moment.

“Wishes... wishing upon a shooting star...”

Truth be told, Twilight was not a naive little filly any longer, and as such, knew there was no truth to wishing upon her meteors. But still, the little filly in her longed to come out at such times and as such, she felt the need to oblige to her inner needs.

As she watched a particularly bright meteor shoot across the sky, she closed her eyes and whispered. “I am tired of being left behind. I don't hate my immortality, yet... I hate watching those close to me leave me. Please... I don't want to be alone anymore.”

A single tear fell from her eye.

“I don't want to be alone anymore...”



“You'll never be alone... Twilight Sparkle.”


Sniffling, Twilight opened her eyes to see the Princess of the Night slowly descending in front of her, staring into her eyes.

“P..pr.... Princess Luna!” Twilight stuttered.

Luna took a seat next to the younger Alicorn, and protectively draped a wing over her. We have known each other for close to fifty years now Twilight... prithee, Twilight, how many more times must I ask you to stop being so formal.”

“At least once more,” Twilight hastily replied, earning a small chuckle from the Night Princess.

“Fair enough.” Luna replied as she laid her head into the crook of Twilight's neck, earning a slight shiver from her.

Silence befell the two, as Luna continued to watch the spectacle in the sky as it unfolded slowly.

“It's beautiful Twilight.” Luna whispered. Twilight did not respond, but from the corner of her eye, Luna could see her muzzle turning upwards into a slight smile; causing Luna to respond with an uncontrolled ruffling of her wings.

“Cold?” Twilight asked.

“So innocent.” Luna giggled, thinking to herself. “Perhaps a bit” she said.

Silence continued for a few more minutes as Twilight slowly ended the sky show. As she watched the final meteor fall out of her eye's sight, she allowed herself to lean into Luna a bit more.

“How are you feeling Twilight?” Luna asked.



“Have you ever had anypony close to you pass away?”

“I have.”

Twilight was at a loss for words... she did not want to trample into Luna's private affairs.

“Twilight...” Luna said. “Many.. many moons ago, before my time as Nightmare Moon... Like you I had a few very close friends.”

Twilight pulled her head away from Luna, and turned to face the Night Princess as she spoke.

“Back then, times were not as peaceful as they are now. I had two friends, Velvet Rose, and Alabaster Plains...”

Luna lowered her head, and placed it onto her hooves as she stared off into the sky.

“We spent our days together. I would do my best to cut my tutor sessions short, whether it be by faking ill, or just refusing to go to our tutor... Tia and I... that is... One day... many years later... Discord came and... well...”

A tear slipped down Luna's muzzle, as Twilight scooted over and leaned into her side.

The Night Princess sniffled before continuing. “Our parents were not Alicorns... neither were Tia and I at the time... Tia had been born a Unicorn, and I... a Pegasus. One fateful day, Discord came... he discovered our home... Tia and I ran and hid while Discord opened a riff and sent our parents... and friends... to Discord only knows where. Tia and I were distraught to say the least... we didn't know where to go, or what to do. Well... years passed and we grew, not only did we grow, we ascended... just as you had. Though... to this day we still have yet to determine just... why... we did.”

“Well... moving on.” Luna said, as she closed her eyes and leaned into Twilight's mane, inhaling and taking note of the soft... sweet smell of lavender. “Well... later on we stumbled upon this forest, and the Tree of Harmony... and well... you know what happened afterward.”

Luna opened her eyes to be met with a sobbing purple Alicorn to her side.

Sighing, she wiped the tears gently from Twilight's eyes. “For years we ran, and we blamed ourselves. We knew wherever they were they were most definitely killed. Discord... was ruthless in olden times... we both went through what you are going through now, and yet we stuck together... and now roughly 2500 years later, we are still together.”

“Just as we will be.” Luna whispered, as she gently nuzzled her younger friend.


“You will... never... be alone Twilight. You will always have me... and you will always have Tia.”

“Do you promise?” Twilight asked.

Luna closed her eyes, and planted a soft kiss on Twilight's cheek, just an inch or two at most from her mouth.

“I promise Twilight.”

A moment passed as Twilight remained silent, flabbergasted at the recent turn of events. This whole time she had thought she was alone, yet, forgot of three very special ponies who would never leave her. Cadance... Celestia... and... Luna.

Placing one more kiss on Twilight's cheek, Luna stood up and unfurled her wings. “I think it's high time I returned to the castle, it's late and time for me to get some sleep.” Luna said, as she saw the faint orange glow of Celestia's morning sun moments away from breaking forth from the horizon. “Care to join me... Twilight?” Luna said with a mischievous grin plastered across her face, and with one quick powerful thrust of her wings, she launched herself towards Canterlot.

Moments passed as Twilight stared absentmindedly towards Luna as she flew away.

Soon, what Luna had said finally registered in her mind... “Hey wait for me!” she called before launching herself into the early morning sky, chasing down her friend. She stopped mid-flight as a stray shooting star launched itself across the sky.

“Thank you.”

Comments ( 11 )

i usually tend to stay away from these type of stories,
but this was nice.

I call bull shit spike would never lave her

This was a nice story. Well done. Like and fav from me.


Twilight's entire being was being thrown into chaos... enough to make even make a certain Draconequss proud.


It was quite the good story, but I see only very vague hints at any sort of romance. For people like me who offer a kiss on the cheek to close friends or family, one would believe the romance tag is unneeded. Might want to look back over the content of the story; 'sall I'm sayin'.


There should only be a vague amount of romance present, as this story is going to be a prequel to a future story I have in the planning

4072279 Ah, well then I'll keep an eye out.

4072279 Oooh, interesting. I look forward to seeing it.

This would be a hurt/comfort story if there was a tag like this...

Nicely done, although there are a few mistakes;


Is the most glaring one, should be Princess.

Try to replace the "..."'s with actual descriptions of what's going
on with the characters, like describe Twilight's emotions through
Luna's observation.

reading this after seeing the finale early. :twilightsheepish: well, actually...:rainbowwild::trollestia:

I wonder how this story would play out if it followed the canon of the actual story with Celestia and Luna retiring and Twilight being the only ruler of Equestria. I think the ending would be the same except Luna and Twilight probably wouldn't meet for a couple days after her letter was sent, and instead of Twilight being at the everfree forest, it would probably be the balcony of the Castle or somewhere over Canterlot.

This story was amazing.

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