• Member Since 24th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


The original Sunburst!


As day ends and night begins, there is a brief window of time in which the two royal sisters meet on equal terms, neither one firmly in complete control.

In these times of quiet reflection with one another, their minds and their hearts can truly meet most closely. This is when they see each other the most clearly, here in the trading and in the game they play.

Note: The game in this story can actually be replayed if you're interested! Get the text of the .pgn (portable game notation) file at http://pastebin.com/NY258GJx, copy it to your clipboard, and paste into the PGN text box at http://chesstempo.com/pgn-viewer.html for a JavaScript based replay right in your web browser, or save it as your own .pgn text file and replay with the game viewer software of your choice (you can find one by Googling for "pgn viewer" - not to be confused with "png viewer", though, which is completely different).

It's not terribly important, however. Alternately, you can ignore the game replay and just read the story without it, which most people probably will. Other options for replay are in the notes at the bottom of the story.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 19 )

I feel incomparable gratitude that I was fortunate enough to be defeated when it was exactly what I needed.

The game of chess was not the only thing that was well-played in this story. The careful storytelling also wears that title.

An interesting, good story, but as a chess player I can't help but point out that after ...Qc6?? you could have played Bb5! skewering black's queen and winning queen for bishop and probably the game. Also the final position is a theoretical draw.

4370488 Yep, I know, and I saw it after the game... At the time it was just casual and quick, not spending a lot of time thinking out everything. Qc6 is decidedly a game losing move in a serious setting.

And yes, the end of the game is a draw if black wants it to be a draw. Luna knows she can do that. Just between Luna and Celestia, though, I felt like that's not who she is anymore and it would be in their nature for one of them to yield to the other when there's nothing else left to do.

4369840 Thank you very much, Descendant. I'm always interested in hearing your feedback on my writing. :twilightsmile:

Well, I've always been a fan of your stuff, so that works out well for the both of us, eh?:twilightblush:

5610271 Thanks! Glad you liked it.

This certainly was an interesting read.
Very reminiscent of Knight's Gambit.

Lovely dialogue and you seem to have nailed that sense of self discovery to me. Reading this is like watching a dance.


Grand Moff Pony here on behalf of the group You Might Like This. I wanted to let you know that your story was featured in one of our monthly recommendation posts.

Thank you for sharing your story with the community, and have a great day! :twilightsmile:


6856177 Thanks for the recommendation! :twilightsmile:

Beautifully written. I like stories like this, where a skilled author uses a chess game as a metaphor for life--and you've weaved your tales quite well.

Speaking as someone who has tried to get into chess several times and never succeeded, this was a deeply gripping and compelling game. Excellent work in symbolism and narrative voice. Thank you for it.

I wonder if there's some symbolism in the fact that after all, Luna did resign in a drawn position (it's the a-pawn, Luna's king can't be chased away from a8 or b8 and pushing a7 ends in a stalemate).

I read this a long time ago. Surprised I haven't left a comment.

This, I think, is the story that made me realize the symbolism behind Twilight Sparkle's name.

Twilight [noun] — The period of time between day and night.

So majestic and fitting. To bridge and to bring them together...

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