• Published 23rd May 2014
  • 6,457 Views, 155 Comments

Finding Myself as a Flightless Filly - Autum Breeze

I had a good, normal life, until Discord came and yanked me from my own world and tossed me into the world of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Finding Myself as a Flightless Filly

Chapter 1


Burning. That’s all I can feel. A searing, white hot pain coursing through my body as I tumble through what seems like a void of white light.

Where am I? What’s going on? Who am I? When and how did I get here? Was this how things have been since the beginning?

I don’t know, and none of these questions are being answered as I plimmit through this endless void of white and pain.


“Scoots? Squirt? Hey, guys! I think she’s waking up!”

I know that voice. It’s Rainbow Dash.

I slowly open my eyes, something that takes more effort than it really should and see a blurry world around me.

At once I feel something warm wrap around me and hear the sound of sniffling.

“I— I thought we’d lost you, Squirt,” Rainbow’s voice comes, her sobs seeming to rack her body as she held me.

I’d never seen Rainbow Dash cry before. This was weird.

“She’s here, Rainbow. Let her hold her daughter, okay?” Twilight Sparkle’s voice says from somewhere.

Dash reluctantly pulls away from me and I’m suddenly encompassed by a pink something this time.

“Oh, Scoots! Don’t ever scare me like that again,” my mom, Cadance’s voice says.

I give a small weak smile and nod. “Okay, Mom. Sorry.”

My vision clears enough for me to see again. Rainbow Dash and all her friends are standing around. They all look like they’ve been crying.

Once Mom lets me go I lay back against the pillow of the bed I know realize I’m lying in. I’m in a hospital gown.

“Um... what happened?” I asked, looking around at them all. “Why am I in the hospital?”

Mom has tears in her eyes and she wipes them away. Twilight is the one to answer.

“You fainted, Scootaloo. Can you tell us the last thing you remember?”

I frowned, closing my eyes as I try to remember what happened before I woke up to find Rainbow Dash hugging me.

“It was... two days after that Tirek guy came and stole all our magic,” I said, rubbing my head, trying to keep my mind focused. “Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and I were trying to get our Cutie Marks in... um... I dunno. We were trying to get Cutie Marks, anyway. We’d just finished and were heading over to Sugarcube Corner for a snack. I remember suddenly feeling really tired and falling over and... That’s it. I don’t remember anything after that.”

I open my eyes and look around at all the adult ponies.

I frown. “Where’re Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle?”

Applejack sighed. “They’ve been stayin’ up fer nights on end, tryin’a figure out how ta wake ya, sugarcube. We sent ’em home only an hour ago to finally get some rest. They ain’t slept well since ya’ll were admitted.”

“How long was that?” I asked and they all glance at each other, as if worried about something. “What?”

Rainbow Dash takes a deep breath, as if steadying herself for some reason. “Scoots, don’t be alarmed, but you’ve been out for almost three weeks.”

My eyes widen. Three weeks? I was out for three weeks?

I move to sit up, but that’s when I notice something I’m wearing other than the hospital gown. There’s something wrapped around my flanks. Something cushy.

I frown. “Why am I wearing a diaper?”

Mom gives me an apologetic smile. “Sorry, honey. You wouldn’t wake up, so we couldn’t get you to use the bathroom, so the doctors put diapers on you so you wouldn’t wet the bed.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Well, I’m awake now, so can I take it off?”

Twilight shook her head. “I wouldn’t advise that, Scootaloo. You’re body’s really tired right now. Do you feel you’ve enough strength to walk to the bathroom?” She pointed a hoof to a door on the wall to my right.

I try to get up, but suddenly feel really tired. It was as if my body wasn’t used to me moving at all. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think I’d been dead.

I pout. “No. I feel really tired.”

Twilight nodded. “Well then, for the sake of your bedsheets, until you can move on your own to the bathroom, you’ll have to wear those diapers.”

I turn away, before I give her a really ugly look. She might be the Princess of Friendship, but she’s not too tactful when it comes to handing out bad news to somepony. A lot of the fanfics involving her certainly capture that.

Wait. What? What fanfics? Where in the hay did that come from?

“Come on, girls,” Twilight said, ushering the other mares aside from my mom out, her voice pulling me away from my confused thoughts. “Let’s let Scootaloo get some rest. She needs it.”

Rainbow smirked. “And ponies say I’m lazy,” she joked. “You wake up after sleeping for three weeks and seconds later, you wanna rest again. Talk about lazy, Squirt.”

I give a slow, weak wink. “Sure, Dash. Whatever you say.”

Mom give me a final hug, whispering, “I love you, honey. Always remember that, okay?” before pulling back and leaving the room with the others.

I look around the room as the door closes. It’s pretty much your average hospital room. Light-blue painted walls, a few chairs for visitors to sit in, a window showing a garden outside, nothing special.

I lean back and smile. Man, my mom and Rainbow Dash are the best ponies ever. They’re even better than the show portrays them. I blink. What?

I sit up, frowning. “Show? What show? The Wonderbolts shows? Is that what I’m thinking about?” I ponder over this for a few second before shaking my head. “No. I wasn’t talking about the Wonderbolts shows. But, what show involving Rainbow Dash could I possibly be thinking about then?”

A mournful sigh comes from somewhere I can’t see. “I had honestly hoped this wouldn’t happen.”

There was a popping noise and suddenly Discord was standing by my bed, looking even sadder than right after Tirek had taken his magic away, or back when he was apologising to Fluttershy after Twilight got Tirek to let him go.

I froze. What? How do I know that? I wasn’t with them when that happened. I was lying on the ground, barely able to move after my inner magic had been taken. What was going on?

Discord pulled a chair over and clicked his clawed fingers. “I’m sorry.”

At once my eyes widened as I was slammed by memories of another world. Hands and fingers, humans and animals, TV shows, including one about this world, writing fanfics, going to work, talking with work friends.

I held my hooves to my head as the memories poured in, conflicting with the memories of my life in Ponyville after Mom let me come here so I wouldn’t get teased and bullied by the Canterlot fillies and colts.

Once the memory onslaught stopped, I stared at Discord, my eyes wide with fear and rage.

“What have you done?!” I shouted, pointing a hoof at him. “Why have you put me in Scootaloo’s body?”

I remember who I am now. I am Mike Johns, known online as Autum Breeze, an MLP FiM fanfic writer. I have two bothers and three sisters. I live in Australia, on Earth.

However, the last thing I remembered of that life was posting the latest chapter of my fic Wings, a Horn and Hooves, the chapter linking it to the season four finale and then... I woke up here, thinking I was Scootaloo.

Discord looked away.

Were... were those tears in his eyes?

“I... I just wanted to make my friends happy again,” he sobbed.

I reeled back. Discord... sobbed? He really just sobbed? I know he’s a good guy 100% since the end of season four but... I don’t think I ever heard him sob before.

“What...? What happened?” I asked, more softly this time. While I don’t know what’s going on, I can’t just be mean to someone... er, Discord when he seems really upset about something, can I?

Discord looked at me, his eyes already red from crying. Man, that chaos magic can really suck for him sometimes, huh?

He sighed. “I suppose you know about the whole Tirek taking everypony’s magic, right?”

I nodded. I was getting a very bad feeling about this. Scootaloo’s memories about how it felt to have your magic drained out of you wasn’t helping, either. I shivered as I wrapped my forelegs around me.

Discord sighed. “Well, I suppose you know how Scootaloo had yet to fly before that, then?”

I nodded again. I really didn’t like where this was going, not to mention I felt a little insulted by his talking about how I couldn’t fly.

How Scootlaoo couldn’t fly, Scootaloo! I cannot let myself start thinking as if I’m her.

Discord looked away. “Tirek took all the pegasi’s flight away from them.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Yeah. So what?”

“At the time, Scootaloo didn’t have any flight to be taken.”

I shrugged. “You point is?”

“Something else was taken.”

Another shiver, far worse than the one from before went down my back, making my wings buzz uncomfortably.

I inwardly shook my head. Stop thinking about this body as if it’s yours. It’s not. It’s Scootaloo’s!

“Wh-what was taken?” I asked, though personally I didn’t want to know. This was sounding really creepy and that’s saying something when you’re someone who’s been yanked out of their world by a master of chaos and placed into the body of a Pegasus filly from a television show.

“Her essence.”

That cold shiver suddenly felt like a blizzard spreading throughout my— Scootaloo’s body.

“Wha...? What do you mean?” I squeaked.

Discord looked down at the floor. “After Twilight and the others all returned magic to Equestria, Scootaloo seemed to be back to normal too. However, her spirit was badly damage from the temporary loss of her essence and... well...”

“That’s why I woke up here,” I said, finishing it for him. I frowned. “But... what happened to me, back on Earth?” I wince as I feel a pain in the back of my head. “And why does it feel like something hit me in the head, yet I don’t feel a bump or anything?”

Discord sighed again. “The girls were all distraught while Scootlaoo was here, unconscious. Rainbow Dash didn’t even come out of the room. She was here the whole time, watching you, waiting for you to wake up.”

“For Scootaloo, you mean,” I said quietly. I’d wanted to correct him sharply, to remind him that I’m not Scootaloo, but, from the atmosphere of the room, I couldn’t bring myself to.

“When I searched your world for a spirit that could help her recover, I saw what you wrote in that message to Night Mist.”

I blinked, then glared. “Were you spying on my private messages? There's a reason they’re called private, Discord. And you actually hit me in the head with a frying pan?" I let out an exasperated sigh. "Look, Scootaloo’s obviously fine now, so just take me out of her body and send me back to my world and we’ll both forget this ever happened, okay? I won’t even write a fanfic about it.”

Discord looked... ashamed? “I can’t.”

I frown. “What do you mean, “I can’t”? You’re Discord, master of chaos. You can do things every single pony and other living creature in this world can only dream of. And you pulled me into your world; you can easily send me out, right?”

Discord sighed. “The only reason I was able to visit your world is because Tirek upset the balance between the worlds.”

I raised an eyebrow. “That sounds like something out of a Doctor Who episode... or Doctor Whooves, even.”

Discord looked away. “I was desperate, and that message you sent to your friend was an open invitation.”

I scowl. “So, you just took me, without even asking?” his silence was my answer. I face hoof. “Okay. Why can’t you send me back?”

“You took a while to fit in Scootaloo’s mind and synchronise with it. By the time you woke up... the worlds had sealed themselves again.”

I sighed. “You only copied me, right? Just a fragment of my mind? I’m still okay, back on Earth?”

He somehow looked even more ashamed. “I’m so, so sorry, Autum.”

I frown, both by what he said and what he called me. “So, you’re going to address me by my user name?”

He looks at me, not saying anything.

I roll my eyes. “Fine. But, why do you still look sad? If I’m only a fragment of my real world self’s memories, I can live with that.”

He shook his head. “You’re dead.”


I stare at him. “Wha...? What?” I manage.

He clicks his fingers and a television appears in front of me. On it I can see my family, all standing around a coffin... crying. I can see my mother, my father, my brothers and sisters... but I don’t see me. The picture on the screen showing who the funeral was for... was me.

I slowly turn to Discord. “I’m... dead?”

Discord slumped, tears still sliding down her face. “If I’d only been more careful, a small piece of you would’ve been all I’d have taken. Just enough to heel Scootaloo, but I... I—”

I stared down at the hooves that felt like they were my own. “You... You took all of me. You... left my human body with no spirit.”

Discord gave a weak nod.


Discord sobbed, whimpering as he shrank down against my rage-filled onslaught.


“B-but—” Discord stammered.


Discord’s lips quivered before he vanished with a popping sound.

The door opened and the ponies from before came running in, worry on their faces.

“Scootaloo’s what’s wrong?” Cadance asked, coming up to me. “We heard you screaming from down the hall.”

I stared at her, Scootaloo’s memories of her mother flooding my mind.

I burst into tears. This was too much. I couldn’t handle this.

Cadance wrapped her hooves and wings around me, and started saying comforting words, but they fell on deaf ears.

Her hugging me only made it worse as a feeling of love that I knew wasn’t mine came to the surface and caused me to cry even harder.

Author's Note:

well, here;s one of the two new fics i thought up.

not sure when I'll post another chapter of this, got some other things i wanna do first, but I will get around to it. i just needed to get this one out before I forgot about it.

So, yeah, I made Cadance Scoots' mother. Don't hold that against me, please. I just didn't want this to be another scoots' an orphan fic and after going through all of the female characters, i decided on Cadance because of a picture i saw that made me think they could be related.

hope you enjoyed this first chapter and please leave a comment.

later, everypony