• Published 6th Sep 2014
  • 16,723 Views, 817 Comments

An Apple Far From the Tree - Autum Breeze

You would think life would be normal. Yeah, well, then you ain't me. I've become Apple Bloom, for crying out loud!

  • ...

Chapter 5 (Rewrite)

Chapter 5


As I walk onto the plane, I glance up to see several of the stewardesses looking at me. The moment they see I see them; they turn and continue doing whatever they were doing to prepare the plane for when it took flight.

I walk with Michelle until we’ve found our seats in Premium Economy and take them, Lauren and Tara taking seats in the row next to us.

As we sit down I look out the window, my thoughts elsewhere.

Seeing the kind of anti-pony reactions already here in Australia, I’m a little anxious as to the reactions of those in America. From what the others had told me, both the girls and even my family, the web had gone bonkers over the news about me. The clip showing Jack and I in the backyard had over ten million views and my interview on Weekend Sunrise had been streamed by someone and posted on Youtube.

It eclipsed the first video at twenty million views and Twitter, Facebook, Snapchats, every single part of the net was abuzz at the news of my ponification.

The chances I wasn’t the talk of pretty much the whole planet wasn’t too hard of a stretch to believe. It made me worry just what would be waiting for us when we arrived in Las Angeles. Would it be a mob of screaming fans, all wanting to see the living, breathing pony... or a bunch of people wishing my death?

I have a sudden understanding of how native Americans, African Americans and pretty much anyone who wasn’t white felt in regard to the KluKlux Klan.

It was saddening to think that was probably the equivalent to what we encountered at the gate. Wonder if those people will realize that’s how their acting?

I settle into my seat, struggling to do up the seatbelt. I may be able to hold things with my hooves, but some things don’t like to cooperate.

Michelle sits down next to me, leaning over to help me with my belt.

A few moments later, one of the stewardesses comes over, looking at Michelle.

“Miss, if you’re going to have your pet onboard, could you please...?”

Her voice trails off as she notices me giving her a death glare.

“Ah. Ain’t. No. Pet!” I snarl threw gritted teeth. “During the flight, watch the news. Ya might just learn sumthin’!”

Looking a little taken aback, she leaves to deal with whatever else she needs to.

I huff, folding my forehooves across my chest. At least sitting like a human in this seat gives me that luxury.

“Sam,” Michelle says quietly.

I snort, looking out the window. “How is it people working in an airport don’t know about this? Ah’m gettin’ tired of it.”

Michelle sighs, before nodding. “It is pretty rude, I’ll admit. Even if they hadn't seen the videos or the interview, you don’t move or act like a normal animal, so you’d think that would be a clue to them.”

We slip into silence as we wait for all the other passengers to finish boarding, before a stewardess comes out to the front of the compartment and gives the unusual instructions on flight procedure.

I choose not to listen to her directly, fitting, with some difficulty due to them not being designed for an equine's head, my earphones and watch the safety demonstration video playing in the screen in the back of the chair in front of me instead.

Once it’s over, I just sit and watch the plane’s flight path video being shown. I’d seen this kind of thing back when my dad and I went to Japan in 2012, though back then it had shifted between English and Asian for each part of the demonstration, whereas this time round it was all in English.

After a while, the plane starts moving, before heading down the runway for takeoff.

As we rise, I wince, my ears folding against my head. Okay, the ear-popping thing? Way worse when you’ve equine ears that are far more sensitive than human ones.


“Hmm?” I murmur, turning my head.

Michelle smiles at me, pointing towards the seat in front of me. I turn my head and see a tray of food there. It has a small selection of veggies like a baked potato, some pumpkin and sliced carrots. Next to that is a small tub of noodles with corn and spinach. And finally, a small bar that, upon rubbing my eyes and reading the label, says it’s raspberry and vanilla ice cream.

I blink, before turning to her with confusion.

“You kinda zoned out during the takeoff,” she chuckles, starting on her own food tray. “Guess it took longer for you to recover than us because, well...”

I nod, turning to look at my food. Leaning forward, I use my mouth to untie the napkin around my cutlery, which takes a bit of maneuvering, then take the fork with my right hoof and the knife with my left.

As I eat it, I can’t help remembering something the puppet comedian Randy said in his show Randy Is Sober, where he mentioned how aeroplane food is lance with Imodium so everybody’s doesn’t back one out at altitude.

Right now though, that’s fine with me. I do not want to have to use the restrooms on this plane. Trying to figure out how to do your business in this form is hard enough on the ground. In the air, surrounded on the outside of the room by several dozen people I don’t know? Forget it.

So, I just eat my meal without complaint. Well, okay, I do have one problem.

Ever since I became Apple Bloom, I’ve need a lot of high calorie foods to keep up my energy. Day three of my change my parents had taken note how low I reacted to things.

A little looking into the show and just how many high calorie foods they eat and they took a gamble that my body needed more than I originally did as a human and it paid off.

This meal, sadly, was lacking in the amount of calories I needed for my new body. That being the case, it isn’t enough to have recharged my energy levels that much and I’m honestly already tired from the early wake-up to get on Sunrise.

I yawn, which causes Michelle to look at me “Ah’m gonna take a nap.” I settled into the chair, wishing I could curl up or something, but I’m so tired, I’ll make do.

“Sure,” Michelle’s voice says, starting to sound faint. “I’ll wake you if we start landing before you wake up.”

I nod absentmindedly, before sleep takes hold of me in it's gentle embrace.


“Sam? Sam!”

“Hmm?” I murmur, noticing a head on my shoulder, shaking me. I open my eyes to see Michelle smiling. “We’re landing soon.”

I glance to the screen on the back of the seat in front of me, seeing it’s returned shifting of the screen showing the flight plan, which then goes to current time of the destination, along with several other things that will repeat over and over til the plan lands and all the screens go off completely.

I remember this from my Japan trip too.

I yawn, sitting up straighter and stretch. “So, where we goin’ first?”

Tara smiles at me. “The Ellen Degeneres Show.”

I blink, before giggling. “That’s gonna be a fun show.”

The four of us all laugh together.

About twenty minutes later, the plane lands and moves to the docking area. We all get off, myself riding on Michelle’s back so I don’t get lost amongst all the tall humans.

As we exit customs, the sound of angry shouting can be heard. Moving out of customs, we’re met with an odd sight.

It’s a shouting match, that’s for sure. Like back at the airport at home, there are people dressed in MLP memorabilia, T-shirts, wigs, even some full body suits. A lot of Apple Bloom merchandise can be seen.

However, along with them are groups holding signs saying things like, “God Mad Man In His Image, Not The Animals,” and those are the tamest of things written.

As we listen, I can understand what’s going on. The fandom people are arguing with people like those who came after me back at Adelaide airport. With all the arguing, none seem to have noticed us yet and it looks like we’ll be keeping it that way, as several security men come over and escort us out through another entrance, assuring us our luggage will be delivered to the station.

We get outside and are hurried over to a group of taxis. As Michelle and I move towards the nearest one and get in, the driver glances back, asking, “So, where to Miss...” His eyes widen as they fall on me. “Apple Bloom?”

I look to him, irritated at being harassed even though we avoided the anti group inside the airport. “Yeah, what of it?”

“What are you doing on Earth?”

I groan, facehoofing. I'm sick of explaining this, especially since I’m likely going to have to do so when I get on TV later. ”Look. Ah was a normal guy, then Ah woke up as Apple Bloom. That's it. We don’t know why, but it happened. Ah ain't no pet, no animal, no Equestrian refuge, an’ Ah ain't no demon!”

His only response is a casual, “Oh. Alright then,” and turns back to Michelle, who quickly tells him to head for the studio and he then turns back around to the wheel.

I blink. “Wait, wha...? That's it? Yer just gonna let it go?”

He smiles slightly at me through the rear view mirror. “Hey, I've been in the taxi service here for nearly thirty years now. It'd take more than meeting a Cutie Mark Crusader at LAX to rattle me.”

I just stare dumbly as he starts the cab and drives us off into the city.


We sit in the greenroom as we wait for the show to start. Once we’d gotten into the city, it was easy to get to the studio where the The Ellen Degeneres Show is filmed.

It took some time getting inside, as it seemed news had gotten out this would be my first interview here in the US.

Now, we wait for the big moment... which feels like it’s taking forever!

“How much longer?” I grumble quietly.

Suddenly music starts up, followed by the sound of the crowd. Then, the woman herself, Ellen Degeneres enters from stage left.

She dances in front of the crowd, the cheers seeming to grow louder somehow, though my ears are already flat against my head to try and block some of it out.

Once everything calms down, as much as that statement holds water when it comes to this show (I’ve seen it a few times in my life, so I have a good idea of the levels for that), Ellen smiles for the cameras. “Welcome to my show. I know I don't usually get to the guests so quickly, but I'm just so excited about these guests, one in particular. If any of you have watched the news recently, you know who my first guest is.

The crowd burst into cheers and clap as the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic logo flashes on screen. She points back at the screen, “Yes, the characters from the show are real. Or, that’s what we’re going on, as, just a few days ago, it was confirmed that we have one of them right here on Earth.” Behind her the screen flashes scenes from the episodes that have Apple Bloom in them, which are quite a lot.

Ellen waits til she can speak again and be heard clearly. “My guest today has been all over the internet since a video of her came out. And she's here today to talk to all of us and let us know her side of the story. Ladies and gentlemen, Sam Wilson, or, as others are calling her nowadays, Apple Bloom.”

I can’t help rolling my eyes. She could’ve done that a bit better.

Sighing, I put a smile on my face and trot out. As I walk out, a spotlight hits me, nearly blinding me. So I slowly walk in the direction I’d been before, making sure my balance doesn’t shift, thus changing my direction, giving my eyes time to adjust to the onslaught of light.

I almost scream when she pulls me into a hug. Being hugged by someone you can’t see isn’t exactly a confidence boaster.

I’m lowered back down, then guided to the couch. I settle into it and watch her take her seat as well.

After what I feel is a ridiculously long time with a lot of applause, the audience finally calms down. I can't see them, not with all the stage lights, but I can sure as hell hear them. Ellen clears her throat and starts, “Well, first off, why don't you tell your story.”

I look to her and shrug. “Ain’t really much ta say, Ellen. Father’s Day Ah woke up and found mahself like this,” I indicate to my body. “No clue as t' how or why, Ah just suddenly am Apple Bloom.”

I like the thoughtful look on her face. After a moment she continues. “How did your family take your... change?”

I can’t stop myself from chuckling. “Mah ma fainted soon as she saw me.” That earns a few chuckles from the audience.

Ellen tries to hold in her giggles. “And after she woke up?”

“She fainted again,” I smirk.

A lot more chuckles follow that.

Once Ellen stops giggling, she looks to me again. “So, how have you been coping with all these sudden changes?”

I shrug. “Well, at first, Ah would mostly spend mah time in the backyard, just resting or playin’ with our dog. He seemed ta understand me better, now that Ah’m a pony.”

“Like Fluttershy and her animals in the show?” she asks, interested.

I shrug again. “Ah guess. Though, Ah doubt mah special talent’s dealing with animals like her.”

She nods, before looking to the camera. “And you’re not here alone, are you?”

I shake my head. “Eenope.” That gets another round of chuckles and even a few whistles from the crowd. “Ah came here with three women involved in the show Ah look up to, literally,” I add, earning more chuckles. Jeez, I should be a comedian. Hey, maybe that’s my special talent.

I glance at my flank, but sigh. Ellen doesn’t ignore that, either. “Um, what’s wrong?”

I give a playful shrug. “Nothing. Just, with all the laughs goin’ round, Ah thought mah special talent might by comedy. But no. Guess failing to get a Cutie Mark’s something else Ah can add to the list o’ things that’ve happened since Father’s Day.”

A few pitying chuckles come from the crowd.

Ellen coughs, clearly wanting to get back to what we were talking about before. “Well, as you said, you aren’t here alone. Please welcome, the original producer for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Lauren Faust, and the voices of Princess Twilight Sparkle and Apple Bloom herself, Tara Strong and Michelle Creber.”

With that, the three women came out on stage and joined as in the seats provided.

“So, Michelle,” Ellen asks once they’ve all sat down, “how weird is it having the pony you voiced sitting next to you.”

Michelle smiles. “It was really surprising at first,” she says, looking to me. “But Sam and I got to talking before we went on Weekend Sunrise and we got along pretty well. We even had a few role plays.”

“Changeling,” I say in answer to Ellen’s questioning look. “Ah’d pretend to be a changeling lookin’ fer her and she’d hide, doing her Apple Bloom voice.”

We answer some more questions, namely the plans for what we’d be doing after this. After heading for Michelle’s home and meeting her parents, we’d be heading for the studio where the David Letterman show is filmed, appearing on there.

After a while it goes to a commercial break. When the light on the camera extinguishes, Ellen visibly slumps a little. After a moment she looks at me, smiling. “This is just... wow.”

A few minutes later, Ellen nods at the cameras and cues flash for the audience to start applauding. After a long moment, Ellen speaks up.

“And we are back, if you didn't know, I’ve been talking to Sam Wilson, the boy who woke up on Father’s Day as Apple Bloom from the show My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.” She gestures with her hand, and I watch another camera swing a bit towards us, with a red light on the top. I'm guessing that's the active camera right now. The applause swells for a moment before calming down once again.

“Oh, hang on,” Ellen says, holding a hand up to her earpiece. “I’m told we’ve got some calls coming in, you wanna take them?”

I look at Lauren, Tara and Michelle, who nod and smile. “Sure. Ah don’t see why not.” Ah just hope we don’t get any haters callin’ like last time, I think to myself.

“First, we’ve got a call from Lilly from Longhaven. Lilly, your on the air.”

“Apple Bloom, you’re my favourite CMC, ever!” a little girl’s voice screams excitedly.

I chuckle along with the others, shaking my head. “It’s nice t’ meet you too, Lilly. But Ah’m not really Apple Bloom. Ah’m just stuck lookin’ like ’er.”

“Oh,” she says, sounding a little disappointed. “Well, I still think she’s the best, which means I kinda think you’re the best now too!”

I can’t hold back the smile. “Thanks, Lilly.”

“Okay, we’ve got another caller,” Ellen says, nodding to someone. “Charlie Higgins from Carolina. What’s on your mind?”

“Am I speaking directly with Apple Bloom?” the male voice on the other end asks.

“Ya sure are,” I grin. “Well, actually, Ah only look and sound like her, but—”

“It’s because of freaks like you that Robin Williams decided to kill himself!” the man shouts, cutting me off.

We all flinch, caught way off guard and my mouth drops open in horror. Ellen, wisely, motions to end the call.

“That... How can he say that?!” I growl, pounding the cushion of my chair. “That... ARG!”

I’ve always been a huge fan of Robin Williams and his death last month took me by surprise as much as it did for everyone else. But this pony hater is going to use that as an excuse to say something bad about me because I’m a pony? He’s gonna blame me for that? Seriously?

Thankfully, the rest of the show goes without too much more hassle and the rest of the callers are actually nice people.

Well, a few were clearly weirdos, since they asked if I’d be willing to donate my body to science when I die... which also put me a little on edge.

Once it was over though, Ellen thanked us for coming on and we all headed off, Michelle and I heading over to her family’s house, where I had a feeling I’d be staying for a long while.

Author's Note:

Okay, as much as i've enjoyed adding a bit more to Sam's time before the human world, i'm feeling a little drained on the idea now, so next chapter will be returning to where i originally started off with chapter two, before the rewrites, with Sam waking up for reasons she can't explain in Equestria, while providing an overview of the remaining time she had on Earth before finding herself in the pony world.