• Published 28th Apr 2018
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Pray, Hope and Wander - Flashgen

The investigation into the disappearance of the citizenship of Ponyville nears an end, as those involved desperately look for answers.

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Session 08 - Gilded Cage - April 29th

Transcription of Session 08: Gilded Cage, Perimeter Guard Lead
Date: April 29th
Time: 5:09 p.m.
Interviewer: Doctor Blue Sky, PhD

Cage arrived on time to his session today, though there were several minutes of silence before either of us spoke.

Blue Sky (BS): I was curious as to why you missed our scheduled session yesterday, Cage. Miss Vines told me you switched shifts with another guard.

Cage coughed to clear his throat, but still looked reluctant to talk.

Gilded Cage (GC): Yeah. It was something last minute. Just someone that needed some time to themselves. They were back to work there today, so guess it helped.

BS: And you made your regular shift today?

GC: Of course. I appreciate the concern after what we both saw, but I’m used to those things.

BS: That seems like an awfully difficult thing to become used to.

GC: It is. At least he didn’t end up actually killing himself.

BS: I assume that means you’ve seen someone actually—

GC: No. Not someone doing it to themselves at least. You still think about it though. If anyone is going to see the worst things in Equestria, you hope it’ll be us, right? So we have to be hardened without experiencing it.

BS: That’s a very dangerous state of mind. You can’t act like an immovable pillar in every experience.

Cage looked down in his lap for a few moments, before looking up at me.

GC: I still have a job to do. I can’t let someone else almost killing me and themselves over stress keep me from that.

BS: Did you work with Lantern much before this case?

GC: A few times. We knew each other, but we weren’t close or anything. I know Vines more than him, but we’ve been on a few cases. Pendant was a little closer to him, though.

BS: You were there before Vines and myself arrived, was there anythi—

GC: I already gave my statement on that, Doctor. Miss Vines let you read everyone’s, I’m sure.

BS: I apologize. I’m just concerned that a brief description in a report isn’t the entire story. This meeting is supposed to be about you though, yes. We talked a bit about your grandfather last session, didn’t we? Would you like to talk about him some more, or your sister?

Cage grimaced at the mention of his sister.

GC: I don’t know what else there is to say about him. He’s not around anymore, however much I want him to be. My sister is the only pony left in my family I feel connected with or who wants to even talk to me. With all our traveling, for work or whatever, we don’t cross paths all too often. I wanted to take time off to travel with her for a bit, but it just wasn’t the right time.

BS: I won’t force you to talk about it, but the wedge between you and your parents, is there one cause you could attribute it to?

Cage took a few deep breaths and I was ready to write off him talking about it all together.

GC: I didn’t want to do what they wanted. My job, the way I acted, the ponies I talked to; it didn’t fit what they wanted from me, for their image. I don’t hate them for it. I understand where it was coming from, but they just wouldn’t budge on it, so I didn’t either.

BS: You cut off talking to them completely?

GC: Yeah. I couldn’t stand not talking to my sister, or my grandfather, but he passed not long after that and my parents never seemed to care what my sister did with herself.

BS: What’s her name? You didn’t mention it before.

GC: Pavé.

BS: You mentioned her traveling. Is it for business?

GC: No, she just likes to see places. She thinks there’s so much to see, so, why not get out and see it? She even sends me postcards and pictures and I try to get them forwarded wherever I’m stationed, but they don’t always get to me on time. And I can never tell where she’s gonna be to send one back. We still talk once or twice a year, though, when we can plan it.

Cage’s demeanor and expressions turned much more dour when talking about Pavé.

BS: Have you ever considered trying to make amends with your parents?

GC: A few times.

BS: Were they all your idea?

GC: … No. Pavé was the first to bring it up. I don’t— It’s too personal.

BS: It’s alright, Cage. Is there anything else you might want to talk about? Was your shift yesterday a nice change of pace?

GC: Being indoors or outdoors isn’t much of a difference. I mean, I wasn’t just sitting there looking out for ponies, but looking through rooms for the fifth time isn’t all that exciting either.

BS: One of the journals said that investigators were staying at the hotel you were assigned to, but one of your teams had already searched there?

GC: Yeah. One of the first places they searched, after the library. Didn’t find anything about the other investigators there... and still haven’t found anything about them being there, other than that journal.

BS: There are very few threads left to follow. How do you feel about that?

Cage was silent, eyes closed, before he sighed and started to stand up.

GC: I don’t know.

BS: I’ll let Miss Vines know if you’re needed for another session tomorrow, Cage, but to be honest, I don’t think you’ll need one.

Cage said nothing else as he left. While looking seemingly despondent, I think Cage’s mental state is sound, especially given what he had experienced.