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Foals Errand

Guess whose back?!


After Princess Luna's gentle kiss Twilight hadn't been able to feel anything but unsettled. She had gently tried to explain that she only had feelings for colts. That was when her beloved mentor had said it. "If you break her heart, i'll break your spine." Now Twilight was stuck. She really liked her spine! Hmm, perhaps being a Lesmare wouldn't be so bad!

Edited by Jumbled I can never thank you enough for your help.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 85 )

Only you twilight, only you...

She could have asked for the Mighty Spine-Breaker for help, though. She's the one that insisted! :pinkiecrazy:

Only one question...
which book series?

link4 #3 · Oct 23rd, 2016 · · 1 ·

while reading her shenanigans, i also considered 'product of environment' lol after all, canterlot seems like a prude-ish place. who's to say same sex relationships were frowned upon and not tolerated in such a snobbish society? i can see her parents asking her only if she had a nice 'colt' to bring home. makes sense.

but i like your ending, it's sweet.

Lad. This is legit weird. I came in and expected a 10/10 meme fic but it instead turned out to be... Well... This.

Not sure if it is bad or good but w/e.

Also you might want to go through the fic with a search bar and fix all the 'i'm' s in there. I counted like at least three that weren't capitalised.

7665302 Somehow, I suspected so...
... but I don't understand.
Twilight is a straight romance.
U mean that is such a bad series that it turns you the other way if you read it?

It's a super old joke.

Thanks, FE! I'e waited SO LONG for someone to do a story based on that strip! Almost commissioned it for lack of time to do it myself.

I got permission from the artist forever ago then I got writer's block >.<

didn't the comic have a sequel, where Luna asked "what would it feel like to be stabbed in the eye" or something like that?

if so, would this fan flic follow that and Twi's thoughts on the creepy side of Luna?

Wow this is super old joke, from season 1.

Well this is....well it's not bad but it's not great either. I found some parts funny and over all it's not that bad. Interesting concept though.

The only thing that bothers me is Celestia threatening to break her spine. It's well OOC for her unless it was just an empty threat.

Over all not bad.

Not really sure how to react to this. It made me laugh in the lead up, but I'm not sure how I feel about the ending (nothing to do with sexual orientation, it just comes across as odd).

“You aren’t going to like colts anymore! They are icky and not as nice as fillies! So from now on that's what you are going to do. You are going to like fillies!” Fluttershy narrowed her eyes just a bit and Twilight felt herself begin to sweat a bead of it rolling down her cheek.

:twilightoops:PLEASE don't have this going where I think it's going.:twilightoops:

“Yes ma’am! I’ll like fillies, I will!” Twilight would like fillies from here until the end of forever if it would stop the stare. Then, as quickly as it started, it was over and Fluttershy was wiping the sweat from Twilight.

Oh thank god.:ajsleepy:

Why didn't she go to Cadance? If anypony could switch her team, it was her.

Yeah, it probably was an empty threat. However, we've seen Twilight do worse with less before, though. Canonically, even! Remember Lesson Zero? Ooh! Speaking of! Why didn't she just cast the "Want it Need it" spell on Luna every time that she was around her? I'm sure that an Alicorn could handle it rough...:rainbowlaugh:

Oh Twilight, love is long. And so is Celestia's lifespan. That heart needs to stay unbroken for a very, very extensive period of time.

This had one joke. Amusing, even if old. And then things kind of petered out.
Shoulda just ran the spine joke into the ground some more. Or have the whole debacle exposed as part of Celestia's scheme to keep mares away from Soarin while she worked on that troublesome 'he's gay' thing.

I saw the title for this and i'm disappointed there's no gore tag.

I expected one book to have its spine broken by the end. Instead, Twilight found an exception to the rule of her sexuality. Actually fairly believable.

Comment posted by Cynewulf deleted Oct 25th, 2016

She tried with the needle to make herself associate Arousal (at colts) with pain... However since she is still... ah... aroused, I wonder if she didn't make herself associate pain with Arousal instead . If it was the case, the scene with Rainbow Dash would be hilarious, because the "never again" given the public setting would have an entirely different meaning :rainbowlaugh:
(If one is to assume that, the "oh mommy that hurt" and whimper also take an entirely different meaning :trollestia:)

i cannot believe this is featured in 20-flippin-16. don't use 'predatory lesbian' as a plot device (and yes, 'i will severely injure you if you don't love me' falls into predatory, even if it's being threatened by someone else). don't use predatory lesbian as anything. like great point you're trying to make here with 'gender doesn't matter' but if the rest of the story is going to be going through pain 'therapy' to change the character's attraction that's a serious issue and something that does happen to gay and lesbian kids to turn them straight.

so good idea, kind of, awful execution. sorry to be harsh, but i'm tired of this kind of thing.

EDIT: Do y'all realize you're downvoting the lesbian for wanting stories without predatory lesbians? That's rich

You're comment made me think of this:

Anyways, Twilight should have just used the reform spell she planned to use on Discord, that would probably have worked.

Sorry that I'm a lesbian who doesn't like seeing lesbians used as a plot device? :/

Haha, classic. Y'all really haven't changed in the years I've been gone, have ya?

I personally apologize. This story was not written to say bad things about lesbians. If you look I have written many lesbian stories. I started this two years ago when I got permission from the comics' artist/author. I tried to make a point that none of those things that Twilight tried affected her gender preference at all. I personally don't see gender when I meet people. Thus I have been in love with men and women. Though I admit I am a woman married to a man.
... So yeah, once again. No harm meant. Never wanted to offend anyone...

You can be offended by whatever you want, just don't try to crucify the author for doing it as if they made some grave moral error.
Especially when they're genuinely nice. 7666815


The problem is, if you write a story where it's one character knowing they only like one gender and putting themselves through extreme pain to like a different one, it has some uncomfortable parallels to begin with. It's fully understandable that you yourself might like any gender, but that's not the same for everyone - and it's not going to be the same for a character that the story hinges on being straight.

If you wanted the end result to be that, hey, it's okay to love someone of the same gender, you have to focus the story on that. Having someone realize they like more than one gender isn't usually something that comes from a pain treatment, it's something that comes from self-discovery. You could have had a great story with the same message if it was a Twilight-had-never-considered-mares-before-and-talked-to-her-friends-about-it instead of a Twilight-likes-colts-and-gets-her-friends-to-hurt-it-out-of-her. By including that Rainbow is gay, and then having her be a part of that pain treatment, you're missing out on a great chance to have a more "hey, have you considered that maybe you don't want this?" kind of discussion, instead of having the looming threat of harm being the deciding factor. I'm pretty sure no lesbian is going to agree to zap the straight out of their friend.

It's not meant to be a criticism of you, or of your relationships. It just might be for the best if you work with the problems you present in the story (Twilight is straight, Luna is gay) instead of essentially barreling through them. Does that make sense?

You can be nice and still screw up the writing of a group you don't belong to. Being nice doesn't change that.

The sequel is indeed Luna asking about how it would feel to be stabbed in the eye!:twilightsmile:


(Go through the artist's gallery. Lot more of Luna being bad at interacting with other ponies)
(Luna is just the worst at it. Of all time. (Argument could be made for Celestia being worse.))

Well, I like the message. And I like the tone of the story. And the characterization of Twilight was really cute.

The down side for me was the pacing. This felt far too rushed, it jumped from one to another with no time to recover, and the solution came out of nowhere for no real reason and with no development.

The message struck me as... unrealistic. A fanciful ideal at most that just isn't how the world works. The idea that Twilight would begin to develop romantic feelings for Luna seems far less likely then her developing a strong, platonic friendship with her. This is from real-life experience, I'm straight, my would-someday-be best friend is gay, they came onto me, I made it clear that I wasn't gay, but we still ended up hanging out and discovered we shared a lot in common, but that didn't suddenly make me find them attractive. We're best friends, practically attached at the hip, but nothing more than that because I can't change what I find physically attractive as with most people. At most for this story, I'd say the only logical explanation is that Twilight is a bisexual and just never realized it, but that's unlikely.

I agree the pacing was off for all sorts of reasons, Luna's feelings being a big one. The story portrays it as Luna only seeing Twilight the night she was saved, then inviting her to a date a couple of weeks later and springing a kiss on her. I don't know about any of you, but that would be a major red flag to me. Not only do I barely know you, but you barely know me as well, and you'll already pulling crap like that? That's straight up crazy with a side of murder right there. Twilight's sudden change in feelings is equally jarring; love shouldn't just appear like that, and when it does in the real world, we call the afflicted creepers because it's unnatural. Lust at first sight, not love.

As I said, the pacing is all off. Flipping on this literally overnight is silly.

As for why I find the message itself believable, it is both from personal experience and anecdotal commentary from someone that did some very good cross-gender research.

The personal experience is that the women and girls I know are far more accepting of same sex parings than males. Girls seem more likely to get an "awww" reaction from a touching scene regardless of the pairing, while boys will only find it appealing if at least one girl is involved.

The anecdotal commentary is from a woman who dressed as a man (VERY convincingly) and went on several dates. If a second date was accepted, she would tell her partner that she was actually a girl. Some her partners still wanted to give it a try. Here's the video, The segment I'm referring to starts at about 11:30.

In short, I think that some girls could accept a significant other regardless of their own sexual preferences.

7666815 Do not apologize. You knew at one point someone on the Internet was going to be upset at your story. That someone was somebody who apparently can't capitalize anything.

You did nothing wrong. This is a great little fun story. If someone wants to take it way more seriously than they should, then that is very silly and conceited of them.

I am mostly straight, there are very few men however that I could see myself attracted to. One is my best friend, the other is Dave Ghrol. Twilight just happened to find Luna.

S'all good fam.

7666859 yes and Twilight is dating said lunatic

lol lest just hope they don't have kids X3

Don't sweat it, Twi. Celestia's...
(Wait for it) :pinkiesmile:
... got your back.

Can't say that needle aversion therapy doesn't...
(Wait for it) :pinkiesmile:
... have a point.

Rainbow's behavior was certainly...
(Wait for it) :pinkiesmile:
... shocking.



Spike, quick as a shot, took the needle

Ah, I see what you did there:rainbowlaugh:

7667107 Barring biology altering spells or adoption, natural biology has that issue covered.

7666626 yeah the issue I have with your comment is how your acting to the author, and the story, really when I read the story I felt some Hiccups and celestia portrayal but that went away when you think she's an older sister protecting her little sister from a broken heart. Though adding in the idea Twilight is more likely bisexual, though never had a chance to experience it, and I can tell what the author was doing, She was trying to have twilight go through an arch where she was forcing her to change doing all she could to make herself into something she wasn't but letting herself relax and she found herself enjoying being with luna, if she makes a sequel maybe explore it more, and learn from her mistake. I also understand the turning of a person from gay to straight but those only really happened in the early 50's but times have changed and in the universe of mlp this could make sense her not able to understand her sexuality, she lived in canterlot where the show gives is very prudish for the most part.

So it comes to reason she wouldn't be able to understand her own feelings at the most, and the stress of her mentor telling her what to do. Also we're not downvoting your comment for being a lesbian for wanting a story without predatory lesbian, it's because what your saying is ridiculous, and your basically telling a writer who worked hard on this to go fuck themselves, but hey how about this, if you think you can do a better version of this story make, it post it and I'll read it and give a review and tell you if I like it or not. Put your money where your mouth is.

7667440 for Twi's sake, i hope the sex change spell does not exist X3

or Twi is going to have to explain why babies are made X3

When I read that ending, I couldn't do anything but go "D'awwwww" :heart:
This was both funny and touching, I love this story! :twilightsmile:

Yeah... It's a strange subject, but the thing that stuck me was that Twilight went at the problem completely wrong. What she did was trying to make colts unattractive for her. Even if that worked that wouldn't have made her like fillies. Problem is trying the correct way around needs at least a teen rating.

7665749 "It started as a little, humble ship, but got build up in time to face forthcoming obstacles to become a large and beautiful ship we see today" :twilightsmile:

Huh, I figured Twilight would accidentally make herself asexual by associating any arousal with pain.

Your ending is better though. Plus she gets to keep her spine.

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