• Published 15th Dec 2014
  • 1,933 Views, 55 Comments

Spicy Tuna Roll - Fuzzyfurvert

A series of bite-sized, somewhat spicy scenes with Twilight and Luna in the vauge EQG-verse.

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Three Day Weekend(part 2)

Twilight hummed to herself as she ran her fingertips over the polished chrome accents of Vice Principal Luna’s preposterously large stereo system cabinet. Just below the frosted glass door was an immaculate frankenstein of the latest in digital playback hardware and increasingly older and more archaic devices that presumably allowed Luna to play older formated music through her surround speakers and subwoofer. Luna claimed she had it specially crafted to ‘blow the clothes right off you.’

“Like what you see?” Luna grinned from the doorway that lead from her bedroom back into the rest of the house. “I’ve spent years building and perfecting it.”

Twilight grinned and looked down the length of the room long cabinet. “I feel like such a newb here, Luna. I keep learning all these surprising things about you.” She stopped walking and squinted down at a blocky looking piece of plastic that has its own smoked, see-through cover. “It’s like a museum! Is this a combo cassette and vinyl record player?”

“Eeyup.” Luna drawled and straightened up. “I have an entire closet of tapes and 45 records covering every type of music you can think of. It’s my passion, collecting music like this.”

She smiled and walked up behind Twilight and looked down on her own past. “It’s weird, I know. But music is what I remember best about my childhood and younger years. I know where I was and what I was doing by the songs I was listening to at the time.”

Twilight nodded slowly and looked over her shoulder at the older woman. “I can understand that. Music has been shown to be excellent for memory mnemonics. And I know what having a nerd-on for an odd collection feels like. I have so many old books at home, I could supply a library.”

Twilight stepped away and stopped a second later to peer in at what could only be a machine from the truly dark age of early personal electronics. It had huge chunky dials that appeared to adjust pointers on a gage that was broken up by hatch marks and numbers that had no clear meaning. It had a gigantic port on the front that accepted something and most damning of all, it was covered in faux woodgrain paneling that made her lip curl. “What is this?”

“That, dear child of the digital age, is an 8track player. A Playdeck, specifically.” Luna scoffed smugly. “Those are impossible to find these days, and those are the ones that don’t work anymore. Mine still plays like a dream. So long as you know how to treat her.”

The high schooler snorted and clapped her hand over her mouth a second later. “Sorry! I didn’t mean to sound like that!” She snorted again and blushed as she turned away from the hideous Playdeck and its owner. “Just how old are you? I thought 8tracks went out back in the 70’s?”

“Pppbbbftt.” Luna waved a hand dismissively. “I’m not that old. They were already phased out and replaced by cassettes before I was old enough to even be aware of them.”

“But,” Twilight raised an eyebrow, “you said that you remember your past through the music? What memories do you have associated with 8tracks?”

“Mostly sexual positions.”

Twilight’s blush came roaring back with full force and made her cheeks burn. “What? That’s even more confusing!”

Luna shrugged and was silent for a long moment. Her eyes were distant as she dug through those memories. “It was a gift. You remember that previous special someone I didn’t want to talk about at lunch? She gave it to me. Same thing with all my 8tracks.”

“And you would…” Twilight moved her hands around vaguely. “While it played music?”

Luna nodded, her eyes still focused on nothing specific in the middle distance. “Each track on each tape means something to me. Your first love does that to you.”

“First? Where there other girls after her and before me?”

Luna smiled again and her teal eyes lit up and with them, so did the room. Twilight swallowed and shifted uneasily as her heart rate jumped at just that simple smile. Was she just another girl in a long line of lovers reaching back who knew how far?

“Twilight.” Luna shook her head and stepped up to the younger woman. She reached out and took Twi’s shoulders in her hands and looked into Twilight’s eyes. “Trust me. I told you it had been a long time for me. I’ve not had a serious relationship since her. Not until you came along and made my heart do those little flip flops in the park that night under the stars. I want you to know I’m not some skirt chasing fiend. I’ve had all of two girlfriends, and last time, I was the high schooler. We...we had a very rough patch before we broke up. It was a real nightmare. But I’m over it now and I just want you to feel comfortable here with me.”

Twilight sighed and relaxed in Luna’s grip. She looked at the ancient music device and then back to Luna with an eyebrow raised. “Sexual positions, huh? Like what?”

“Well…” Luna smirked and bent down to open the cabinet. She pulled out a drawer and inside Twilight could see row after row of organized, comically oversized plastic cassettes. “Pick one, and I’ll show you which position it goes with.”

“Holy moly! Are these organized by year, musician, or page the of the Kama Sutra the position is on?”

“By year, and then alphabetically by artist. If it has a blue sticker on the corner,” Luna pointed to one such adorned 8track. “the position is one that you can find in the Kama Sutra, or back issues of Cosmo.”

Twilight’s eye widened and made a quiet ‘eep!’ noise before she knelt and kissed Luna on the nose. “Have I told you that you are, like, the most wonderful woman ever? How can you be so pretty and so well organized?”

“Heh, so are you.”

“Well, I’m not that pretty though.” Twilight shrugged. “Not like you.”

Luna stuck out her tongue and stood up again with her hands on her hips. “You’re beautiful to me. Now pick a track, any track, and I’ll show you something fun, gorgeous.”

Twilight giggled and looked out over the expanse of music. The names were unfamiliar and she could only guess at the genres recorded on the magnetic tape reels. One name, however, did jump out at her and she pulled out one marked with ‘Barry White.’

“How about this one? I think I’ve heard of this artist for somewhere.”

Luna’s eyebrows shot up when she looked at the front of the cassette. “Oh my…”

“Is something wrong?” Twilight stood up and examined the tape. “‘Can’t Get Enough’ by Barry White.”

“1976.” Luna whistled. “Ok, gonna need to test something first. Hold your arms out, please.”

Twilight lifted her arms. “Like this? What ar-rrrrggghh!?” She flailed and nearly dropped the selected 8track as Luna lifted her into the air. Luna held her there for a moment and then set her gently back down.

“Yep, we can do that one.”


“Get naked while I put on the tunes and start the shower and I’ll show you.”