• Member Since 1st Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 58 minutes ago

The Psychopath

My very first (self-published) book can be found on Amazon Kindle for 5 or 12 paperback! If you love dragons, give it a look! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CSM7QQ2M


The story was featured 4/9/2015. I haven't had a feature since 2013. :pinkiecrazy:

It has been nearly thirty years since Sombra's destruction, and the Kingdom has prospered greatly under the guidance of the royal couple. The mane 6 have stayed closely connected no matter the distance, and Ponyville boasts itself as the holder of the world's largest amount of information held within its library.

A young filly is newly born within the Crystal Kingdom, a birth long since announced as a curse by the father. The mother suffered from nightmares and emotional stress since her pregnancy, and the shadows bend and twist to her fears and pain. Her birth immediately causes distress in the room, and the doctors don't give the mother a high chance of survival. And the father...

The little filly will find friends despite the mean things that others say. She has to. She must. No matter how long it takes or how old she becomes. Just one to talk to and play with would be enough. She'll do it, even if she has to break every bone in her body. Even through all the hardships and rejections she will meet and go through in her life as she grows up. She'll make it and get stronger from it. She won't cry. She won't...even if everypony hates her when she did nothing wrong. Maybe the whispering shadows would help. The grinning one could too. Maybe they could even become...friends.

(Cover by Evehly)

Additional characters: Twilight Sparkle (alicorn), Rarity, Spike.

Chapters (21)
Comments ( 306 )

Okay, I don't normally say this but I'm tracking this by description alone.

I always love a good Sombra fic... and am enjoying this just on the first chapter. Oh on a side note! Don't you dare pull a me on me and not update your story after the first chapter. I should really update more often...

5422113 I never do that. I'm randomly alternating between the fics I haven't finished, currently.

Wish I could say the same :twilightblush:
Me and responsibilities don't get along well...

Other then that you have a good concept and the writting skills to pull it off expertly. I can't (but will have to anyway) wait to see the final product!

5422785 I watched Pirates of the Caribbean. I absorbed the dialogue into writing. That's why I'm writing like this. That, and a vast majority of english is returning to me. It tends to hop out of my brain when I need it because of my knowledge of the french language, and I'm only bilingual! Imagine what a person who knows more than one has to go through.

:rainbowderp: God... that’s ruff man. On that note I really can't imagine what that is like but it must make writing tedious. Though I have nothing against your writing and I hope you didn't take it that way. Contrary I thought your writing was brilliant!

5422831 Why would I have taken it offensively? Trust me. You have to be very direct for me to notice such things. And, even then, I'll probably en up stretching that argument for as long as possible because I like to see just how many stupid things can come out of a person's mind.:trollestia:

You to? I love extremely long conversations sat 11:00 at night trying to see how long I can be in an intelligent conversation before somepony backs out. :pinkiegasp: Wait did I say somepony? Well... ponies have now broken a new barrier into my personal life. F--k it I've gone this far.

5422843 You misunderstand. I like to drag oout the conversation with the likes of the impolite and the cruel just to spite them no matter how hard they try and make me leave. It's not hard to adapt to the mind of the person and predict their actions after about three comments. Predict it two or three times after and note that they did exactly as you expected, and they'll start imitating you.

Should I answer should I not? These are all very good questions... either way no matter what a person says I still answer because for whatever reason I need that last comment in a conversation. Also have no intentions of engaging in an uncivilized conversation but I feel that it is important to note that I constantly lie to myself, and to others.

5422852 I hate lying. If I do it, it's because I have extremely good reasons. Otherwise I never lie, because the truth can be discovered faster than the lie was made.

Where are you getting your information from! The apple horse? As long as the lie isn't too important and you're a half decent liar you don't get caught immediately! In my experience it takes about 3 years and then everything crashes on you at once. But then again I am not the best person to take advice from so...

5423229 Could've done that on my page...

Odd... Definitely needs a spellchecker and editor. Need to read more before I leave a real opinion.

Yeah, I'm going to say odd and leave it at that. I honestly don't know what to say about this. Still going to track because I want to see where you go with this but no vote yet.

5427950 What do you mean? I used a spellchecker. I always use a spellchecker now.

5433563 ...would you accept that I may have been hallucinating? I don't see any of the errors I thought I did.

Interesting O.C... Yea interesting sums it up nicely, nice to see frequent updates, loving the story so far. :twilightsheepish:

Those eyes... they are staring into my soul. Its like my entier life has been laid down flat in front of a internet gif, kinda like the cockroach under my shoe. Or is that pronounced Jiff? Like the peanut butter... I have never got the pronunciation of gif nor will I sacrifice the half a minute of time it would take to google the pronunciation. I have much better things to do at 12:35 at night... like... that one time... I have to... well I certainly have learned a lot about myself today. :rainbowderp:

...odd. Very strange, weird and other words like such. Still don't have an opinion on this but that's certainly not a bad thing, I'm just awaiting more.

Click Clock's a different kind of terrifying.

5458716 Click Clock? Nonsense. You'll love what purpose I have of her. Plus, did you get the 'very subtle' hints she said?

5459281 Subtle. Right. Yeah, I think I gleaned as much of those vague hints as I could.
No, Click Clock is horrifying; I'm sticking with that.

5462909 it's the ones who only vagualy answer what may or may not have been your question that are the most unstable/scariest. The unstable ones you have to watch out for because you don't know if they're lighting a fire for warmth or to start swinging.

5462924 So what is Click Clock to you?

5462955 I dunno yet, I haven't gotten a full characterization of her yet. Right now she just feels like a can of peanuts, is it full of nutty goodness or will it explode with snakes is the question.

Jeeze, Psychopath. Some editing might have helped, and your drama is a bit heavy-handed. I like the idea of the story, but the prologue doesn't belong at all.

This is something that needs a little consistency, and the heavy leanings towards off-pattern behavior sort of ruins the story. This kind of info should have been hidden and developed as the plot moved along, not shown to the whole world in one setting. I guess this means this'll be a different type of story than I initially expected.

First two chapters are shades different than this one.

"I can't abode by that decision."

It's errors like these that make me enjoy seeing the occasional error. To put this in perspective, what you said basically means: "I can't house by that decision."

Well, tracking. This is vaguely inconsistent.

5478189 I don't understand what you're talking about.

Also, yes, they're different because I lost my "Pirates of the Caribbean influence".

5479259 Backstory. That's what I'm talking about. I'm also worried that you're taking the feeling of the dialogue too hard into the story. It's like two differently-colored threads spun around each other, except neither are the same fabric, consistency, or texture...and one seems to be fraying at its ends.

5484039 Eh. Trying to experiment again with more developped 'decorations'. Also, what do you like in the story? I'm all for constructive criticism and am thankful for you sharing your thoughts, but I need to know what you like as well. A fruit doesn't become sweet with its tree in the shadows.

5484049 To be honest, I like what the description described. I thought it was headed in an entirely different direction, one of drama and suspense. But if I had to chose something explicit...it'd likely be your perspective with the children. I.e. How they're described and in some cases, their personas. I think you'd need to develop them a little more, give them a little individuality independent of one another...cause I can't seem to focus on who's who besides 'Sour Blackberry' and 'Crunchy Apple'. Aside from that, Shadowrette, (>..< Why that name. Why? It...it's...clunky.), has a very good 'innocent' vibe. Kind of what I'd expect from a friendless child who grew up alone for seven years. Really good on that.

However, I don't think the story you planned out works with the supernatural elements. It looks like an action story trying to be a drama. I understand each of the necessary points, but it's like the characters are excused from normal emotions...like the drama is expressly written from logical standpoints. Cadance won't trust Som-I mean, Stellar, because of a shadow giving her nightmares. You're paving the way for a main antagonist that doesn't appear to belong. A puppeteer visible to the audience, yet not to the cast. It's a very visual way of storytelling in progress here in 'My Last Shadow'. Being that writing is a very descriptive method, it's like you're writing the script to the story that's being seen on TV.


Cadance won't trust Som-I mean, Stellar, because of a shadow giving her nightmares. You're paving the way for a main antagonist that doesn't appear to belong.

Have you learned nothing about me? That's far too obvious and simplistic. I did think about that but refused it as it was boring and overused.

And the visual thing, I don't know if you're saying that's good or bad.

As for the children, it's because I don't have much to develop about them because I have other uses for them in the future. As such, not much needs to be displayed for now. Secret secret.

5484101 1. I've learned plenty. ...just not enough, apparently.

2. Both.

3. If they end up as fodder, I'm going to be a might upset.


2. Then that means you only meant good. :pinkiecrazy:

3. Pfff. No.

I don't like saying this but I agree with Ikio; it's written differently than it plays out. I'm thinking that's why I've been finding this odd (and still do).
Also, such kilala.

I've enjoyed the story so far. please continue.

5529085 You're doing it wrong. It's supposed to be like this...


5512144 I don't understand. You mean the first two chapters? I wrote them while still influenced by Pirates of the Caribbean.

Alright, bear with me here (because deleting words is difficult now so this is all in one go): as has been said before, this story seems oddly written; like a ham and cheese sandwich made with peanut butter and jelly(or the other way if you prefer meat sandwiches). I'm kinda worried though that this story may go the way of one authors and forget where its headed (forgetting adventure for slice of life or vice versa)though I've been known to worry over nothing often.
Yet I like it, so far im still interested, its not like a horror you don't want to look away from, more akin to a child you want to see grow.
Tl;dr stereotypical moar pls comment

5530949 Don't worry. I haven't forgotten the romance tag.

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