• Published 4th May 2012
  • 3,615 Views, 224 Comments

The Other Earth - hunterz263

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Chapter 8: Party - Part One

You gasp and feel the left side of your bed. You felt something incredibly soft and warm and turned your head, heart sinking immediately. A plain white pillow lay on the bed, alone and covered in a little bit of your drool. You sigh in relief knowing Silver Java was not actually in your bed. It was just a bad (but strangely good) dream. That spot was still open to the love of your life.

You were laying back down when suddenly was a slight creek near your door followed by a blinding light that made your eyes burn in irritation. “Oh. Sorry man. I didn’t realize you were asleep.” Zach was peeking in, his hair looking a little bit rough and messy after his day at work.

“It’s okay, Zach.” You say, rubbing your eyes and slowly stretching out your body. After a satisfying stretch you look towards Zach and resume the conversation. “You look rough. Did Twilight already start those experiments?” Zach’s cheeks blushed slightly and he turned his vision to your carpet, trying to avoid an awkward story.

“You could say that she did…” He chuckles a little, opening the door just a little more. Upon closer inspection of his smooth face, you could see a dark red bruise on his right cheek. “She tried picking me up with her magic but she wasn’t expecting me to weigh that much. Her magic failed and I fell down onto her floor pretty hard.” Zach turned his head to give you a better view of his mark. “It still stings, but after a few apologies we had a good laugh. How about your day? Did Rainbow Dash come see you again at work?”

You shake your head and look down at your pillow, shivering as a thought crossed your mind. “No, work was boring today. All Silver and I did was play 20 Questions and serve Twilight Sparkle. I did meet a new friend who lives a couple apartments away.” You smile, remembering Purple Sire and make a mental note to visit her sometime soon. Maybe she would be at the party tomorrow night.

Zach walks into your room and stands against the wall. “Purple Sire? What does she do?”

“She’s a painter actually. Met her after I woke up. She says she was looking for inspiration from the sunrise.” You were certain she found a lot of inspiration. Equestria’s sunrise was simply divine.

Zach chuckles and folds his arms. “I’m sure she found plenty of inspiration. The sunrise here is unreal and so beautiful.” You nod in agreement. “Anything else happen?”

“I did meet a…wacky individual today. Apparently Pinkie Pie and that guy are hosting a party and I’m on the guest list.”

“Oh that’s going to be fun!” Zach says while thinking to himself. “Do you think Twilight will come along?” Despite your room being dark, you could already see Zach’s blush returning with a vengeance, causing you to chuckle yourself.

“I’d be surprised if she didn’t come to a Pinkie Party, Zach.” Suddenly you felt nervous yourself remembering Rainbow Dash and her excitement for the party. Your face felt warm, your heart felt a little fluttery, and you were stammering your words now. “I-I also saw Rainbow Dash o-on my way home; s-she’s coming t-to the party as well.”

“That’s good.”

How Zach was always so nonchalant even with his face on fire was a mystery to you. Taking a deep breath you control your nerves and slow down your soaring heart. “But, I might ask Silver Java to come along. She’s really nice and I think you’ll love to meet her.” A cold shiver rode down your back and a fresh wave of vivid images of your dream flooded your mind and made you lose your train of thought. All you could see was Silver Java cuddling and kissing the crown of your head caringly.

“That sounds like a plan.” Zach turns and heads for the door. “But I gotta get some sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow night at the party. It’s in the town square right?”

“Y-yeah, t-town square.” Where did that stutter come from? You just had your voice under control! Could it be from thinking about Silver Java? No! It had to be from Rainbow Dash and the idea of being with her. Right?

“Alright. Sucks our schedules are off, but I hope you have a good day in town.” Zach walks to his room and shuts his down quietly leaving you in a cloud of mysteries thoughts.

You figured the only way to deal with these conflicting feelings was to ignore them and focus on exploring the town.

. . . . .

Sightseeing did little to distract you from your mental war over Silver Java and Rainbow Dash. Why did you have a dream about Silver Java in your bed? Sure she was nice, but that was about it. She was not awesome, beautiful, or interesting to you. Your thoughts should have been focused on Rainbow Dash and her wild mane, her athletic, muscular hooves holding you, and her wings wrapping you in a warm blanket. That cerulean pegasus you have known for a long time should be on your mind! Not some pony you met just three days ago.

You sigh and walk into your apartment’s lobby. The receptionist smiles and greets you. You return the greeting and head up the stairs. Walking down the red halls only made voices return to your mind.

“She doesn’t love you truly.” Silver Java says, giving a menacing look at the Rainbow Dash in your head. “She won’t care for you, love you, or even be there for you. I will always be there for you.”

Rainbow Dash just blew a raspberry towards her enemy. “Pfft, you know me more than anypony. You know how loyal I am and how compassionate I can be with my friends. With you as my boyfriend, I practically couldn’t leave your side!” A small smile forms on her lips while she walked circles around Silver, eying either her deception or just not liking her. “This little mare has nothing compared to me. She’s not loyal, or an Element, and she’s not even going to care for you.”

“Have you been in his dreams cuddling him after he had a nightmare? Has she ever popped up in your dreams baby other than for lustful intentions?” Your consciousness did have a point unfortunately, and a hard hitting one. Despite how hard you tried to think of Rainbow romantically, all your head came up with were these dreams of pleasure. Rainbow Dash was almost like a-

No! Rainbow Dash was not that.

You open the door to your apartment and walk in, rubbing your head from the self-induced headache. You walk into your room, exhausted from your walk around Ponyville and crash onto the soft, luscious bed. You looked at your pillow and failed to see any mare there. You groan, toss and turn until you were comfortable, and close your eyes.

. . . . .

Waking up and showering left you with one thought: Was Silver Java attending the party? You seemed to have forgotten about the whole thing while at work. Maybe that was a good thing for your soul, or you were just too bored. Either way, you were determined to find out if Silver Java wanted to attend.

You walk into the store to see Silver Java beaming a stunning smile towards you. “Good morning. Ready for day two of the long weekend?” You nod and walk to your assigned register. “Did you have a good sleep last night?” Good sleep? Of course you had a good sleep, no dreams whatsoever. You look at Silver Java, raising your right eyebrow but see she has a frown on her grey face. “You look like you had some sort of nightmare.”

“Uhh… I didn’t have a nightmare, Silver.” You say, trying to eliminate her worry. “I didn’t have any dreams at all.” Now you were getting worried a bit. However, Silver Java smiles and nods her head.

“Alright.” Silver loads some of the beans into the coffee machine and heads back to her register.

You look towards Silver a little more nervous than usual. It is just asking her a yes or no question; not like it is a date with Rainbow Dash. Suddenly your heart started thumping, only making you more anxious than before. “Uhm… S-silver?”

“Yes?” She says, putting on a warm smile that makes you feel a tiny bit more relaxed.

“Are you going to that party tonight in Ponyville Square?” You gulp down whatever congestion remained in your throat that prevented you from speaking normally.

“Oh, the one Pinkie Pie is hosting? I’m not sure…” You were not all that surprised considering her opinion on humanity. You still felt she might have a good time at the party. “I never really been to a party that colossal before so I’m a bit nervous.” A stroke of genius entered your brain and suddenly caused you to smile ear to ear towards your boss.

“Why don’t you come with me? I’m a bit nervous myself. Maybe attending together will reduce that.” Silver Java looked down at her register than towards the upper-left portion of the ceiling deep in thought. Maybe she would not go and leave you all alone. She turns her attention back to you and give you grin.

“Sure. I’d love to go together. I’ll close up the shop early so we can get ready.” Energy that made you feel blissful coursed through your every single vein of your body and caused you to form a toothy grin. Silver noted your over-abundance of happiness and decided to ruin the moment. “But first you need to sweep the whole shop again and make it shine.” You sigh and walk over to the broom while Silver giggled lightly.

At least you would not be attending the party alone.

. . . . .

After sweeping, scraping, dusting, and more silly games with your buzzkill boss, Silver finally closes the shop. You two departed and agreed to meet back at the shop forty minutes before the party.

You walk home and head straight for the shower. You sighed in content when you felt the hot, steamy water contact your skin. Your muscles relaxed and the dirt fell off your body, making you feel soft and smooth. You knew Rainbow Dash was going to be there so you made sure every part was squeaky clean; you did this by washing up twice.

Next conundrum was going to be clothing. You knew from the show that Pinkie Pie parties were not to be taken seriously, so modest clothing was not necessary at any of them. Then again, this was no ordinary party. This was the party of the century, perhaps even the most important party of all time! Two species were going to have a great time together! That surely called for formal attire. You look in your closet and pull out your outfit: A black shirt, grey vest and a pair black khaki pants, along with a pair of black square toe shoes.

You suit up and look at yourself in the mirror. You give a lopsided grin and nod your head in approval. Rainbow Dash could not resist your looks now; you would surely have her begging for you to kiss her.

The walk back felt short and left you feeling more anxious than ever. It was a simple party and your friends were going to be there. You finally reach the shop and are disappointed to see Silver Java was not there. You sat on the ground and looked up towards the sky for the first time in ages. Up above you was a beautiful clear bright blue sky. No pollutants or lights obstructed its natural beauty. It was pure and liberating to see the atmosphere in its perfect form. Earth’s population would never see a beauty like this and you felt eternally grateful you had a chance to see something so simple, yet so divine.

Finally you see Silver Java walking towards you with a big smile on her lips. She also decided to go the formal route since she had a stunning white dress on. It wrapped around her neck and went all to her hindlegs, covering her tail and most of her body. Her front-hooves had pure white stockings that appeared soft and warm. Her hair was done in a classic bun and she had a little bit of makeup on that made her face sparkle just a little.

Even if you fought with the mightiest army in the universe, your blush still would have spread all over your cheeks. Silver Java noticed your red face and giggled. “I look that pretty?” She asks, half-joking.

You felt your face warm up quickly and you could have sworn your heart skipped a beat. You nodded slowly. You had your mouth open, and your eyes were scanning her body up and down. Her next move caused you to jolt in surprise. Silver stood up on her hindlegs and wrapped her hooves around your neck, pulling you into a tight hug. Her coat felt velvety, her fur’s scent permeated through your nostrils with a flowery smell, and her hooves felt marvelous and sent a shiver throughout your whole body.

Silver broke off the hug and only giggled more at your temporary paralysis. Your thoughts were blazing faster than the speed of light to comprehend what you just felt, why you felt it, and why Silver Java gave you a hug in the first place. Did she consider you her friend? Was she a master teaser? Did she know you had an extremely awkward dream about her and was simply trying to get you to spill the beans to her so she could tease you and make it a reality?

Probably not the last one, but it did leave you in a maze of questions that only served as fuel for your anxiety.

“Are you okay?” You shake your head, pushing all the thoughts aside and look at Silver’s worried eyes. “You haven’t said anything for the past minute.” You close your eyes and try to focus on the task at hand. You still had a party to attend and you were not going to let these thoughts get in the way of your true goal.

“Yes, I’m fine,” you reply and begin walking towards the town square. “I was just a little startled by your hug is all, Silver.”

“Oh I’m so sorry.” Silver says sincerely while she catches up to you and keeps to your side. “I won’t hug you again if that’s what you want. I understand if don’t want to touch me, an alien.” That could not be farther from the truth according to your subconscious and your nervous system.

“It’s not that at all, I just wasn’t expecting a hug is all.” You could feel the blood rushing back to your cheeks. “It felt really n-nice actually…” Now you were stuttering which only caused your cheeks to grow hotter. Silver Java had no reaction and simply continued walking with you – at least she did not tease you.

The silence lasted for what felt like an eternity. Each second that passed only made the awkward silence grow in strength, causing you to doubt whether this party was going to be fun with Silver Java. How did the people in movies deal with it? Ask questions? Worth a shot. “How did you get the shop?” You ask that question out of nowhere and have no idea whether it would spark a conversation with the mare. Maybe it was too personal?

Silver Java smiles at the question – success! “The shop is actually an interesting story. I was from Canterlot originally when my parents worked as accountants.” This was going to be a long story, but you did not mind. “Their pay was good, but the job was more stressful. Numbers drove them half insane by the time I was a teenager. It was at that point they told me to never pursue their career path. I was a bit of a slacker when it came to school, so I was relieved when they told me not to follow accounting and number crunching.” Silver Java pauses for a moment and takes a deep breath, smiling from her nostalgia. “From that point onward I decided I wanted to run some form of business. I didn’t find my cutie mark as a foal, so I was picked on a lot, but still found friends – bullies never got to me. One day while I was home alone I experimented with coffee. Needless to say, I found my destiny. My parents gave me a massive sum of bits after that point. I moved to Ponyville, bought a building and have been running the shop ever since.”

A teenage mare and still no cutie mark? Was that even possible? You pushed your questions aside for another time and smiled at Silver. “Quite a story, Silver.” Now you were out of questions and remarks, which made you feel the awkward silence returning.

“What about you, human? Why did you decide to move to Equestria?” Now things did get awkward! How were you supposed to answer that? Earth televised a show about their world, society and lives of their protectors? That you actually came so you could be with Rainbow Dash? You were on the spot and needed to think of a white lie fast. You did always hate pollution back on Earth. Plus you knew you would not need to attend school anymore if you did leave.

You had your lie. “I hated the atmosphere of Earth mainly since it was covered in nothing but smog. Plus, I knew leaving Earth would get me out of school.” Silver chuckled and smiled.

“You left because you would get out of school? That’s a perfect reason to move to a new world you know nothing about.”

“No doubt there, Silver.” You both chuckle lightly and continue to walk afterwards. You were surprised you and Silver had something in common: a disdain for school. Maybe you two had more in common than you initially thought. “You excited for the party?” You certainly were, and quite nervous as well.

“I am excited, but being frank, I’m still a little worried how I will act. Parties are not my specialty.” Silver Java says, losing her smile. “Let alone a Pinkie Pie party. I remember the first one she hosted for me when I moved here. In my own home and about half the town attended. I tried to enjoy it, but I could never get into the groove even with Ponyville’s friendly population.”

You were left a little speechless by her words and stopped for a moment. Silver kept walking, but eventually noticed you were standing there. Maybe you could give her a pinch of confidence, and, in turn, yourself confidence as well. “I haven’t been to any big parties either. Back on Earth I was a social outcast. I hardly had any friends, had no parties, and not even a single celebration for any of my accomplishments. But here I am, with a great friend such as yourself and attending the party of the century. If we can make it through this party, we can make it through anything together.” Silver Java smiled and immediately ran towards you, hugging you tightly in her arms. You smile and wrap your hands around her back and bury your face into her shoulder, sniffing up her pleasant aroma.

“Awww, you two make a cute couple. But that speech was totally, you know, lame!” Why did somepony have to ruin this moment? You immediately gulp and open your eyes to see that cerulean pegasus you dreamed about floating ten feet away from you and Silver, smirking lightly. “You’re a fast one. Already got Silver Java in your arms. Not bad, human. Not bad.”

“Rainbow Dash…” Silver says with a sigh and breaks your tight hug. “Glad to see Ponyville’s Element of Loyalty is also a hilarious jokester. I am not dating this, human. That’s gross!” You never did consider if the ponies even wanted to take things further than being friends.

“Oh they’re not that bad-” score! “-you just need to get use to how weird they look. How do you walk on two legs anyway?” Oh, now this is getting good! She is interested in humans! You surely will have her in your arms now! “What’s with the tuxedo anyway? Are you two getting married already?” White dress, black suit… you were doomed from the start. Your face was an absolute inferno and only grew – Silver Java had a blush that was either caused from irritation, or being abashed.

“I don’t even find him attractive!” Silver yells out.

“Yeah, yeah. Cool your jets, Silver.” Rainbow said nonchalantly and landed on her hooves and walked over towards you two. “So did you bring that awesome coffee?” Rainbow asked with a smile. This was not fair! First she was teasing you, and now she is giving a big, toothy, beautiful and warm smile!

“U-uhm… no… I-I forgot Rainbow Dash…” Rainbow Dash was not deterred by the news at all. Her smile still beamed at you, and her eyes still shined with magnificent life.

“Aw, that’s okay. We all forget sometimes. Hehe.” Her giggle sent a shiver down you spine. That giggle was the cutest giggle ever!

“Rainbow? Who is the best coffee maker in Ponyville?” Silver asks curiously.

“This human of course! His coffee rocks!” You blush promptly returns after Rainbow’s remark. How as it even possible you made better coffee than Silver Java? You just learned the process a few days ago. Was Rainbow Dash lying to you, or were you truly that good at making a cup of coffee?

Out of the corner of your eye you notice Zach and Twilight walking up. Zach was in his usual T-shirt and jeans while Twilight wore nothing. Zach waved at you and you returned the gesture.

“Well now the party can get started! How are you Twilight?” Rainbow Dash asked, flying over and giving her friend a hug.

“I’m doing good, Rainbow. Just ready to party all night here with Zach.” Twilight replies enthusiastically.

“I think we’re all ready to party, Twilight.” Silver Java adds while she stands next to you. “Is that the friend you mention?”

“I certainly am.” Zach replies easily.

It’s pleasant to see you again, Silver Java.” Twilight says with a big smile before she rushes over and hugs Silver Java. Silver hugs back, but again moves close to you. Maybe she was finding comfort in your presence?

“Alright, we all got together, dressed up, and ready to party.” Rainbow says, smiles and looks towards you. “Who wants to dance with me first?”

Author's Note:

Alright guys! Another chapter this year, and a bit of a longer one too. I hope you all enjoyed part one of Party. The whole chapter is massive and I needed to break it up into two parts so I could meet my New Year's Resolution goal.

That is another thing: every month I will be releasing something I wrote. Whether it is a one-shot or a story update, something will come out of me every month. If you like this story, follow me. I have more second-person stories to come while I write this. They will probably be shorter and more compact (maybe even one-shots) but I will make sure they retain the same quality.

Thank you all so much for being patient with me while I write out Party. The next chapter should be out in two months or so -- it is a long one. Your support and comments always encourage me to continue this story.

Thank you guys so much!

I think that sums it up for this author's note. I have some more reading to do. As always, rate and comment on what you liked and hated. If you really enjoyed this chapter too, feel free to follow me for more stories.

Until next time everypony
