• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 46,732 Views, 10,229 Comments

The Substitute Demon - Reykan

Right before the Elements struck, the Nightmare unleashed a spell out of desperation. A substitution spell. Otherwise known as the correct use of Kawarimi.

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It's not Often We get Visitors

The next few days saw the newest alicorn resident slowly recovering, or at least Ted hoped she was recovering. The mare slept like a rock, clung to Ted when she was awake, and generally stared at nothing in particular when she wasn't being spoken to. Pandinus still scared her slightly, being a queen and also someone who could easily get in her head if the queen wished, but otherwise the mare was emotionally deadened.

"Sounds like whiplash." Luna said one night after he'd mentioned it, the blue mare gently stroking Cadance's mane in the dream realm. Even here she was quiet, not talking to anyone. She just clung to her aunt for support and stared at the ground or into the distance. "She went from t- a bad experience to being freed but mentally bound to the changelings, to being offered a safe place and even reunited with my sister and I. She's been through much over the last few years. I think she's just letting it all slide by her for now, letting her mind recover from it all." Luna shook her head, looking at Cadance. "I know this is odd, but Tia had me talk to somepony who was, what did she call it? He was a doctor for one's mind. I thought it a silly thing, but it helped me deal with my situation immensely after my return. Perhaps, if you can..."

"I'll keep an eye out for psychologists, Luna." Ted said, shifting a wing to pull the two closer.

So they sat there, the three alicorns pressing against each other, keeping the pink mare between them and pressing into her reassuringly even as the darker alicorns continued their magic lessons. Ted had abandoned the idea of leaving Cadance to her own dreams after the first two nights. Despite his best efforts, her dreams quickly devolved into nightmares, even as he sat inside of them. It was easier that way. She didn't dream, she was just able to hold onto someone she knew, people she trusted.

Nearly a week after the pink alicorn began following him like a second shadow the Temple received its first important visitors. Certainly the dragon quartermaster from their northern neighbor was well and good, and the griffons and changelings that had found their way to the Temple over the course of the last week. But this was the start of something big.

Cimmerian was in his war room as usual that morning, going over the needed expansions to both the Temple grounds and the last few material runs required before they would be able to repair the dock and storage shed. He'd been worried that the damage from the blast and the number of bodies would be a problem for repurposing the old town, but the only problem seemed to be getting the materials to rebuild it. The dead changelings were all but gone when he'd next visited the town, and the pony soldiers were nothing more than gnawed bones. Even the glass from the blast wasn't easily visible, the shifting sand of the beach covering it as the glass settled lower. The only issue at that point was the stench of dead fish, but even that was fading, other sea life and scavengers moving in to the once-again safe shores to feast on the bounty.

A griffon runner, standing at the doorway ruffling his feathers nervously, drew the alicorn from his plans. Looking up, he chuckled at the tom's anxiety. Some of the griffons were still getting used to the idea of living under his rule.

"Well? I know you're not here because you think I'm cute. What's going on?" He asked the griffon, drawing a nervous smile from his guest.

"A group of armored griffons just arrived from Zarris, sir. Demanded to be granted an audience with the alicorn of the Temple of the Shadows." the griffon answered. His gaze wandered a moment, before returning to the dark-furred ruler. "I think it was Talon mercenaries, the armor had the slash marks on the front."

"Really?" Ted asked, adopting a thoughtful smile. "I wonder if Herrick's put that rune to use already. Oh, this I've got to hear." The alicorn rose from his work quickly, his aura shuffling his desk into a neater pile even as he walked to the doorway. "Don't just stand there, lets go!" He said to the messenger, brushing past the griffon in his haste.

The alicorn passed many in the crowded hallways of the first floor. The Temple was busy as ever, creatures running back and forth, the mess hall having shifted to an all-day buffet and Slop taking on several more assistants to keep up with the demand. Hunting teams were going out constantly, a mix of several griffons, a gnoll guide, and sometimes a changeling, the emotional radar adding a little more safety. Injuries were common, but only one hunting party had actually been lost; another gnoll den had ambushed them, taking the hunters prisoner. Pandinus had immediately alerted him to not only the event, but the location of the den. A single show of force later, the destruction wrought by both an angry alicorn and a protective queen leaving the outside of the den a smoldering wreckage and several of the den's guards dead, and they not only had another den offering them tribute, but Ted managed to get this one to agree to the rules he'd planned on enforcing with the den that had attacked the Temple. For all the speed at which they responded though, it was still the first losses they'd suffered, and the alicorn and changeling had both spent the evening comforting each other.

For Cimmerian, it was his first loss of those under his rule. It was a reminder that things weren't always going to go smoothly, and that even things that were routine could be lethal.

For Pandinus, it was the first loss of a drone in her hive. She was left stunned for a few moments, having still been connected to the drone when a gnoll had decided to kill it. She described to him in detail the sensations the drone felt as his life left him, said she could sense his fear even as he hoped his Mother would reach him in time. She didn't though, they weren't fast enough. By the time they'd reached the den, he was gone. Twenty seven dead gnolls later, and she was demanding the drones body, personally carrying the remains back to the temple. A service was held for those lost, and a half-day was declared the next day, the alicorn publicly offering his time to any who needed an ear.

It was the first time he'd seen the queen so shaken. The first time she'd felt loss, felt just how fragile those under her rule were. She spoke to him, as they'd promised each other. She held onto him that night, and she asked him if she could feed on his sorrow, even if it was bitter. She wanted to use it, to feel the loss the way ponies did. The way everyone else did.

Shaking the memories from his mind and walking outside, he was soon joined by the queen, seemingly arriving out of nowhere as he made his way to the group of soldiers. She was connected to so many changelings by this point, she was able to keep tabs on almost any creature there. It was a bit creepy sometimes, but also useful. There were never any long searches for individuals he wanted to speak to.

"Where's Cadance?" Cimmerian asked casually, not even bothering with surprise at her arrival anymore. She'd probably been getting ready to send a changeling with the same news when the griffon went to speak to him.

"Sleeping in again. Amare is with her, so you'll be seeing both when she wakes up." The queen said with a hint of irritation. "I still don't understand why she doesn't try asking me over the link. It would be so much easier than asking through the proto queen she's so attached to."

"We've been over this Din, the link's not natural to her. It scares her." He answered, a grin forming on his face at the familiar sight of the Talon leader.

"Good morning, Herrick, what brings your company out here on this fine fall day?"

The griffon gestured to his side with the sweep of his wing. "A few friends of mine wanted to send their regards to the one responsible for allowing the first successful tweaks of the pony queen's nose since she started using those changeling swarms. You were right about the swarms, too. Break the crystals, and the damn things fall on whatever's nearby, including each other. I've even received reports of changelings being discovered after the crystal's been destroyed, and my toms have said they're often willing to part with any and all information they may have. It's been amazing. As for those behind me? These are representatives sent by my brothers."

"Kass Talon sends his regards milord." the first griffon said. "Sergeant Adne at your service."

"Bemot Talon sends his thanks for the runes." the second said as she stepped forward. "Sergeant Lorah stands in his place."

Finally a cloaked pony stepped forward. "Jantis Talon sends his thanks for the aid." The mare then pulled out a small bag, an orange hoof putting it on the ground between them. "He also sends two hundred gold bits in reimbursement for the strategies and suggestions he's started using against the Mad Queen. They've been most helpful."

"It's a pleasure to meet all of you." Cimmerian said with a bow. "Though I'm curious why a griffon would send a pony in his place."

"I have earned his respect, and-"

"And she's full of hatred for you." Pandinus cut her off, stepping between Cimmerian and the cloaked pony. "Why are you truly here. Do you intend to try to harm him? The one creature that has offered mercy to my race?"

Before anyone could react, the griffons were all shoved out of the way, twenty changelings surrounding the mare with fangs bared. Four more jumped the mare, pinning her to the ground.

"What it the meaning of this?" Herrick yelled, shock and anger in his voice.

"She carries hate. So much hate she's likely willing to do something foolish." Pandinus snapped, pushing through the line of changelings. "I will not let you threaten him, little pony. He is my home, he is my food, he is my safety, and if you think you will harm one strand of his mane, I'll-"

"That's how they get you." The restrained mare shouted, tears visible under her hood. "They make you need them, make you think life doesn't run without them watching over you." She looked at Cimmerian. "It's always the Tartarus-damned alicorns! It's always your race, showing up to save the day! The princesses were wonderful, they watched over everypony and the second they were gone, nopony knew how to take care of themselves. It was disgusting! Then she came along, she brought Luna back, she made everything happy again, she grew up, even became strong enough, smart enough to turn into an alicorn. Lo and behold, Tirek attacks, leaving ponies picking up the pieces again as she's showered with praise. What about those who were hurt? Those who stood against him knowing they could do nothing to stop him? Nothing! Now she's gone nuts, she took our families, she took our hope! And then you have the gall, the ovaries to show up as an alicorn, leading a wonderful little paradise here. Why does your kind always show up when things are at their worse?! Why don't you buckin' alicorns go find your own planet to wreck?!? Why, why do we have to get stuck in the middle of your mess..."

The mare's tirade devolved into sobs, leaving the witnesses of the spectacle feeling a little unsure of the situation. Ted moved towards the line despite Din's warnings and leaned down to the mare's level.

"Who did she take from you?" He asked, pulling back her hood to reveal an orange haired and purple maned mare. She was battle-scarred, many small cuts running up and down her visible body.

She stared at him through wet eyes. "She stole my mentor, my hero, my everything...

"...That nag took Rainbow Dash from me."

"And who is Rainbow Dash." Cimmerian asked her, not flinching at the hatred she spat at him.

The orange mare snorted at him. "Figures you don't know, she's not impor-"

"I've only been active in this world for a few months, miss." He cut her off impatiently. "I've been doing everything I can to make a safe place for anyone and everyone who comes to me. I've also had to be weary of overextending. I've nearly made several mistakes, but thankfully most of the locals aren't fans of the Mad Queen. Meanwhile the griffons are being over-run by changeling hordes under the control of the Mad Queen, what resistance do you think I'll be able to mount here with less than five hundred creatures of various races, mostly changelings and griffon refugees? The only thing many of those here started with was working limbs to help us build, some didn't even have that and ended up spending time in the infirmary."

"Help me, miss. Tell me how to keep those around me right now safe while bringing more under my wings. I'd see this entire world sleeping in peace if it was in my power, and maybe someday it will be. You see alicorns as storm-crows, signaling the worst of times. I am doing my damnedest to be a light-bearer, bringing hope to those who have none. I've bled for this city, I've personally fought for many of those here. Ask around; they'll all confirm it. I'm not some deity sitting in a tower and throwing around orders. I even have a good portion of the residents here calling me Father, because they need family. They need the stability after what they've suffered. That is my job right now, that is my sole mission, my goal. Tell me how I can help you, how I can help this Rainbow Dash, and I will do everything I can to do so."

The mare stared at him, anger warring with the newly delivered information. She didn't believe it, there was no way he was that good. Calling an alicorn Father? What madpony would do such a thing?

"Cimmerian, we have a problem." Pandinus whispered into his ear. "She woke up, and she's having a panic attack again. She's still clinging to Amare, but she's screaming at anyone else who gets near her."

The orange mare's ears perked up at the information. "Who? Who's screaming? Who did you hurt?!?"

Ted sighed. "I didn't hurt anyone. A mare came into my care recently, she was tortured by the Mad Queen for a long time. She was quiet at first, and I thought she'd be ok, that she'd recover. But as soon as she started sleeping again, she, she kinda fell apart." Turning to the gathered griffons, he smiled sadly.

"I'm sorry, gentlemen. I'll return as soon as I can. For now, I gave my word to two very important people that I'd watch over this one. Pandinus, do you think you can take over as host for me? If not, I'm sure we can-"

Queen Pandinus put a hoof to his lips, chuckling. "I understand. She needs her comfort, and you made a promise. I'll take care of things here. If it gets out of hoof, I'll call Amald or Shadow Weaver." As she finished speaking, she lowered her hoof and pecked him on the lips.

As the alicorn trotted hastily to the Temple, the Queen of the Temple's Hive returned her attention to the griffons. A grin played across her face as she tasted each one's reaction.

"Yes, he did just leave a changeling queen to see to your wellbeing. Yes, I will do just as he would have; Lady Thrisha's lessons were quite thorough on hospitality and she'd have my shell if I ruined my first actual chance to put those lessons into practice." The queen chuckled darkly her grin widening into a toothy smile.

"And yes, I was being serious when I said he was very important to me." She said, turning her smile upon the still restrained mare. Instantly all mirth was gone, her smile becoming cold and foreboding. "And his kindness to all his guests is the only reason I haven't rendered you incapable of harming him. I could easily enchant a tired, angry mare like yourself with the plentiful energy I have access to, but he finds mental manipulations of any sort to be the most heinous of crimes. So thank him next time you see him; he's the only reason I've not ripped apart your mind to be certain you're no threat to him."

The queen's ear flicked, and she turned back to the griffons. "I've asked Gleam, and she said we currently have some unused land that's been cleared on the northern side of the yard. Your soldiers are welcome to set up camp there for your stay. We'd offer you actual rooms, but all of ours are currently occupied, even with most of my hive keeping to the tunnels at night."

Herrick was the first to find his voice, seeming to come to a realization. "The alicorn that was reported to be wandering around with the other residents of the Temple. I'd wondered if they were just getting his color wrong, but the descriptions match you too perfectly. That was you, wasn't it?"

"Guilty as charged." She said with a much more pleasant smile. "This way please, and keep an eye on your pony. Cimmerian may be a bleeding heart for such cases as hers, but I will put her down if she threatens my hive."

The griffons nervously began to follow the queen to a nearby clearing, this one not yet being used for anything, but the wood still having been cleared for use in other locations. The commanders set about making camp, the orange mare keeping well away from the changelings most of the time. As they were finishing up, Herrick approached the changeling queen once more.

"I have to ask, how does a changeling become so attached to a pony?" The warrior asked. "I don't think I've ever heard of such a relationship before. Doesn't your feeding hurt him?"

Din smiled as she watched the griffons go about their work, before waving a hoof back to the Temple. "You saw the changelings wandering the Temple, didn't you? Most of them have joined my hive, their own hives being subjugated by the Pony Queen. I have a hive because he gave me a chance. I have food because he offers his own emotions to me. Because they're freely given, their potency increases tenfold. He's never complained to me about fatigue after I've fed, my first feeding excluded.

"I have safety because our hives work together, bound together as a single hive despite the differences. Both work for the betterment of the whole." The queen raised a hoof, absentmindedly rubbing a small section of her barrel, just below her ribs. "I have everything I want here, and it's because he offered it to me. Why would I not be protective of my mate? Thrisha has told me many times that griffons can be, how did she say it?" The queen's voice shifted, gaining years of experience to it. "'Downright stupid when it comes to defending the life or honor of a mate when they believe it is in danger.'" Pandinus said in a perfect imitation of the hen's voice.

The griffon chuckled "I'll have to speak with her again sometime. I spent some time over in Frostborne a long while ago, and I think I remember her. Stubborn old hen, not surprising she'd still be causing problems." Something the changeling said connected just then. "Wait, did you say mate?"

Author's Note:

Yes, I write a lot. Why do you ask?

No, Cadance is not well, She got excited seeing someone familiar, but that's passed she's not past the despair event horizon, but she was damn close. She's been reintroduced to her aunts, she's been given time to recover, now it's up to her. In the meantime, who is that strange mare that hates our hero so? I truly have no idea. :scootangel:

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