• Member Since 14th Jul, 2013
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Nameless Narrator

Reading order/list is on the profile page or here.


  • TCorrupted Lands
    Two centuries after Twilight Sparkle's ascension, the pony races are nearly gone. The ancient kingdom of Equestria cannot be traversed safely, and deadly beasts roam the land. Will ponies recover from this horror, or is the time of their rule over?
    Nameless Narrator · 123k words  ·  53  9 · 876 views
  • TShine Of The Silver Sun
    Necromancers and dark mages are rising all throughout Equestria. Some ponies aim to find out why and destroy the root of the new evil. For now, though, the important ones are those standing against the new darkness - The Order of the Silver Sun.
    Nameless Narrator · 148k words  ·  40  2 · 870 views

This story is a sequel to The Third Diary

Now featured and with cover art by ProjectRabbid

Two decades ago the city of Cloudsdale passed over a growing town on the southwestern outskirts of Equestria called Wild Bastion. Several months later a newborn hippogriff appeared on the doorstep of a local orphanage. It wasn't dark and stormy night, the date wasn't a mythical number reoccuring once a millenium, and the little bundle of solitude was nopony special.

Discord, Nightmare, and Harmony, the three deities supposedly behind the creation of Equus are infinitely older but during recent years they learned to appreciate the value of mortals and understand their threat. Unfortunately for the gods, the secret they kept from everyone else is about to be revealed and old hatred and games will have to be forgotten.

Chapters (27)
Comments ( 148 )

Hmm... a deadpan snarker with nowhere to go embarks on a journey to become part of the Royal Guard? Why do I feel like there should be a young, depressed unicorn in this role?

The dialogue was certainly on par with your previous works, though the prose in between feels slightly bland. At some points, the narration genuinely feels reminiscent of your previous, first-person fictions, in that the reader could tell how the protagonist saw the world and learn about the character through that perspective. This style never fails to keep me entertained and enticed for the next part.

Other times, it just seems as though the narration was never revised. The first chapter suffered heavily from a lack of articles and commas, which created confusion over the description of the other world. A couple of words were out of place in some sentences; sometimes I had to stop and piece together the sentence in my mind. None of these interruptions aid the immersion.

A few choice descriptions, metaphors, and the like could be tweaked as well. Maybe a little more attitude or character could be placed in those.

Regardless, I am invested in seeing where this story goes. Here's to the next chapter!

5959969 I'm playing with a rather different personality now, definitely a more brighter one. Perhaps I'm just too used to a dark, depressive one so I'm doing it wrong.

As for the narration mistakes, I'm trying to find someone to do some pre-preading but that's still in the works.

Thanks for the constructive criticism, I'll go through the chapters again. Perhaps I'll think of something.

I think I was more bothered by the fact that certain creatures could sense 'hostile divine power' in individuals than by the fact that someone could casually carry guns in the capital city. The latter provides for interesting social world-building (maybe Equestria is gun-happy like Switzerland), while the former just seems unfair. Some are born villains?

Good work on this chapter, regardless! The narration feels cleaner and provides more insight into our protagonist's mind and perspective. When I read Straw's description of Canterlot, I see a parallel to New York City in the eyes of an immigrant-- the cornerstone of a new world of opportunity. Class tensions, fantastic racism, and daily fights in the taverns!

I find it sort of difficult imagining chemistry between Straw and Fortune. I understand there was a time skip in between chapters, but nothing from their interactions in the chapter seemed to suggest what made them get along so well together. I do not suppose the whole relationship was built upon a common annoyance at Leo's racism, yet it cannot also built entirely on the fact that Fortune protected Straw. If there were more common interests or ideals that both possessed, then the relationship suggested by the story would be more plausible.

He would become a Royal Guard, he would visit Wild Bastion again, and he WOULD show the other orphans that they could make it if they tried hard enough. Anything was possible.

Now Straw here has a motivation that I can get behind! That quest is a simple goal, yet it means magnitudes for his character.

But suddenly, observers attack! Those creatures were rather nicely designed, existing in another dimension and appearing to those who knew of them. As for the italics coma section, that was some otherworldly writing-- remarkably far, far away from any of the narration seen in this story thus far! Everything from there just goes to chaos, and I found it worked rather well.

Also, I had no idea that was what Blazing Light becomes! I have been missing quite a lot of continuity, you see.

6096264 Next chapter might explain a bit about why Fortune hangs around Straw.

As for continuity - this story is supposed to be a standalone one (and understandable for anyone who hasn't read Blaze's storyline), but it is still set after The Third Diary and events that happened in other stories.

Thanks for the constructive input.

Alicorns with immense divine power were usually rather inept in matters of magic as the subtle manipulation of existence was too difficult while keeping the boiling mass of a much stronger power under control. Those alicorns were usually tied to some natural force or flow and no amount of knowledge about the workings of magic would allow them to use it effectively. Void was one of those. The others Scream knew about were the elemental alicorns of Wind and Fire, Zephyr and Celestia. The only exception was, of course, the new alicorn of Magic herself.

...what about the alicorn of time, or the ex-alicorn of magic?

"We got it all wrong."

...now I'm worried.

"Piece by piece we assemble what was broken. What would this piece be good for? No, don't get ahead of yourself. Having a pawn is enough for now. Time is running out."

Time is running out... time until what? The plot... thickens.

Straw felt the presence inside his head shift uncomfortably. He tried something.

Wait... this is Nightmare, right..?

"Save your questions, pawn! And yes... I do. None of your concern though."

And yet it not only can't conceal its own thoughts... AND it is being half honest, with something it never really needed to?

...curiouser and curiouser.

The night progressed and a clear white orb brightened up the sky. Moonlight and torches lit the top floor of the castle as the duo walked onwards. A quick glance around made Straw take notice of a strange shimmer behind a clear window. It looked as if a long, see-through wine was hanging outside.

In the same way as the invisible wines there was something moving further down the hall. Dawn went on and on about some servant gossip without noticing it whatsoever. He had no choice but to follow her. Stopping here would mean acknowledging the presence slowly getting closer.

Trying not to imagine a strangled batpony hanging from the 'wines' outside, Straw mustered his self-control and simply answered:

...uh, wines? So... a thing made out "an alcoholic drink made from fermented grape juice." attacked him? ...what even are you talking about?

For a growing lad, the month was over in a blink of an eye, the signs of coming winter crept around, and the monthly recruit evaluation was just around the corner.

Wait... it wasn't winter already? Well, that's a first. Still, close...

Waiting for lunch back at the castle cantine, Straw was smiling like an idiot. It felt as if nothing could break his sunny disposition there and then...

...just wait...

...and nothing did.

...that's a surprise. (When it is surprising that nothing surprising has happened, you know you are probably in the wrong place... or are you, or me.)

"He might be okay with this but I'm not. The traitor must be stopped and this vessel provides adequate protection."

Protection? Protection from what? Questions... questions... one answered, three more growing out of the original's remains...

EVERYONE collapsed on the ground as their eardrums exploded with an extremely high-pitched screech. It stopped as quickly as it came but while most recovered in mere fifteen seconds or so from the feeling of their brain running through a wringer, the bronze alicorn kept squirming and thrashing in pain on the ground.

Everyone? Even Bucket?

"Yeeeah," the alicorn sighed tiredly, "I'm about as excited as you are. But hey, welcome to the Order of the Silver Sun, the place where we teach young mares and stallions how to fight hostile divine forces, and then send them off to die because not even we have any clue what we are doing."

...when something is funny and sad at the same time, you must be reading Imbalanced...

...now to puzzle over who the other three are...

"So big..."

Is this another one of your sex jokes?

Two, Three's... sister, if I use the term loosely, the most powerful dreamling right after their queen herself.

...what about One?

Nightmare and its shenanigans. Poor straw...

Invisible tentical monsters that hate being seen....


... i.... aw...wa....what....something so bad that discord isn't scared of it... he has given up without a fight... the god of chaos... has given up... i am both exited and terrified at what eldrich abomination is about to rear its ugly head and ruin everyone's day.

Straw was very sad when the groups spread out on the large stretch of grass, mostly because he had literally no idea what was going to happen.

Uh... how are they going to devise a plan if they are all spread out?

Meet me on the training grounds an hour before dinner. Come fully armed.


"No idea," Straw shrugged, "but I think I'm getting used to being run through a wringer. I mean, how much worse can the day get?"

"Worse than getting repeatedly set on fire? I doubt that."

...seriously? Everything's doomed to be dragged down the sewers already merely by being in one of Nameless's stories. Did you have to invoke Murphy's law on top of that!?

"Exactly," the alicorn nodded, "But when they all see how easily you fell when faced with divinity for the first time, they won't have any other option than to stop this nonsense. I will have to deal with gods myself, but at least I won't be sending any more foals to be tortured. Your lives... will serve the greater good."

...Blaze has gone off the deep end... no, the deep end is only a kiddie pool at this point. More like he skydived straight to the deepest trench in the middle of the Atlantic, completely naked save for the rope tying all his limbs together, while scream-singing out the crappy theme song of a kid's show from the eighties. So basically, just another regular day in Imbalanced.

He was lying on the mansion lawn, green grass swaying slightly in the chilly winter air. He wasn't alone. Straw couldn't stop his tears. No, he wasn't alone. Leo was lying nearby, trembling in a pool of his waste and gasping for air as well. Connie was sitting a bit further, gurgling noises revealing she was throwing up, ignoring the brown pool she was sitting in. Quiet sobbing from behind him told Straw that Fortune, while catatonically hugging her legs, was also okay, at least physically. Only Walter was standing up, staring into nowhere and breathing heavily.


All the members of Hoof Of Fate, Straw chuckled at the silly name again, would have to work through the mess in their heads eventually, but at least they didn't have to do it while stinking like a hobo after a rough night.

I know it's just an off comment, but...

Why would Straw chuckle at the name... if it was only mentioned in the story's narration? Does this mean Straw is the narrator, and he is just narrating in third person? Hmm...

Come on, if nothing, Blaze does keep his promises, and he said he'd give Straw a chance.
For a moment there, Straw was on the same wavelength as the narrator.
Hmmm, didn't think this would be a problem, but the observation does make sense in a way.

There still was the dream of serving in the Royal Guard, which meant spending the remaining year being trained by the Silver Sun, but even that was now too much thanks to Three and Blaze's uncertain position on his continued existence.

...why am I laughing?

but even that was now too much thanks to Three and Blaze's uncertain position on his continued existence.

Probably because that is said so casually, like it was just a mild inconvenience temporarily keeping him from reaching his goal. I got a scene stuck in my head now because of it. Something like...

Blaze and Cromach, suited up in the fanciest tuxedo's Manehattan had to offer, (not that it was any of their choice, as the princesses insisted they dress up, as to not make the Silver Sun look bad) were ready for their date... well, almost. As if in spite of all the excess glitter and golden tape needed just to get this far, neither of them decided on what to eat, where to eat it... or even if they really wanted it to be a dinner date in the first place.

"So, what do you think? Should we go out for some Griffon cuisine, or would you rather have Straw roasted over a pit for dinner?" Blaze suggested, "I have been wondering what meat tastes like ever since our trip to the Griffon Empire. It smells terrible, but so do fancy cheeses. The taste might be good if I plug my nose..."

"I doubt that will work, but I know I won't be able to convince you otherwise when you get stubborn, so... Griffon cuisine or Straw... maybe we should flip a coin over it?"

Blazing pulls out a bit, tossing it into the air. "Huh, heads. Guess Straw lives to see another day. Tomorrow maybe."

...or something. I'm not the best writer. I mean, my writing itself is decent, but it is usually unstable, not really thought out, with the characters oftentimes going out of character. In other words, I don't have a clue on how to write Cro or Blaze... or any other character for that matter. Kind of why I rarely write... okay, I should stop rambling... so why am I still typing then? I feel like I have to say something more but I have no more somethings to say. Uh... you know what? I will just stop typing and push 'Post Comment' right... now. Yep... definitely doing that... Right now... Uhuh... yep. I mean, of course I did that, or this comment would have never been posted, right? This... this comment will be posted, right? Right..? I mean, It's not like I am typing this forever, right? So... yeah, definitely, certainly, obviously, clearly, without a doubt, undoubtedly, for absolute certain I am pushing that button, yep. Definitely going to happen... riiiiiiiiiiiiight... now.

I mean, right... now!

Uh... now?

Why not ri-

They were given a number, and when they pushed through the mass of ponies to a much cleaner and calmer room they commandeered a table for themselves. Surprisingly, with the amount of ponies inside the club slash restaurant, the waitress came with their drinks only a minute or two after they had sat down.


"Proje-? Who's projecting? Damn halfling thinks she's so smart," Leo grumbled, blushing like a schoolfilly, "How can she think a pure unicorn like me would have a crush on her? She's projecting!"


"Ehm," Leo coughed, sipped the remnants of his beer, and calmed down, "Forgive my temporary... astonishment. Of course a commoner would succumb to a delusion that I would go for her, it makes sense. What do you think she drinks?"

Riiiight, 'delusion'...

"Maybe...? I mean, yeah, she's unique, but think of all the things her fingers can do, how hot her skin must be without all the fur in the way, how round her hips are, and, most of all," Leo waved his hooves in front of his chest. The half-circles were quite clear in revealing what he meant, "No mare has them that huge. Well, aside from that one milkmare from Trottingham, who I honestly think is just an urban legend made up to lure tourists."

Isn't that a reference to something..?

...that's an honest question. I think I heard something like that before, but forget where... another story, probably.

"I couldn't help overhearing you are dissatisfied with the way you are. I don't mean to pry, but I can help."

What is this- Deadpool?

"I work for an organization set on discovering the true power that lies inside ponies, finding their true potential and releasing it. As you may have heard, there's magic in all of us, manifesting itself in our cutie marks," he looked at Straw's star-grasping talons and Leo's blank flank, "Our goal is to harness the power assigned by fate into any endeavour an individual might attempt. Simply put, our goal is pony perfection, the forging of beings bound only by their own decisions and will."

...Let me guess, his name is 'Ajax'.

"I, my little slave, am only on my side, and I like to keep my options open. Unfortunately, I am running out of those rather fast. For now, you can trust me when I say I want to stop what's coming just as much as you will when you understand. After that, we shall see."

That leads to a question... Why would Nightmare want to stop what I suppose is essentially the end of the world? I mean, it doesn't make much sense when it tried to end the world itself multiple times, and even succeeded in one alternate universe, so isn't that what it wants?

But, that was an alternate universe, so it technically was not the sane Nightmare, and the Dreamling universe Nightmare might have had different goals, ambitions, and desires than that of this universe. Still...

So many questions...

"I'm willing to try, but I don't trust the 'plan' enough to let you finish that sentence."

Good cat-bird-pony...


"Good, then we can be useful! Logically, do you think we've been here long enough or that we are important enough for them to know who we are?

You know, unless you practically said it right to his face...

"Leo... all of us ended like that. There was literally nothing we could have done. No magic, no protection, no way to attack. For Celestia's sake, I stabbed his throat clean through and he just healed it. Walter got his skull crushed, Three cut Connie to ribbons and bit her head off. There was nothing for us to do aside from 'dying'. And hey, at least you and Connie stopped Antares in the practice before. I just got smashed by Cross, and if that wasn't enough, none of that would have happened if I wasn't there. All that was just because of Nightmare. If worst came to worst then the others would have just been told to join the regular guards. I shouldn't even be here, I'm just-"

^I mean... for one, every little thing they've said points to them being in the silver sun for starters and...

All that was just because of Nightmare.

but something had to balance you being possessed by an ancient god of destruction.

...did they have to say out loud that he was possessed by Nightmare? I mean really. And it's not like he didn't hear it all...

The earthpony, apparently, had very good hearing.

"I couldn't help overhearing you are dissatisfied with the way you are. I don't mean to pry, but I can help."

So... yeah. Not exactly good news.

Wait... if Leo said this...

"Okay," all hints of Leo's drunkenness were gone, "What now? This really looks like some back alley behind a cheap disco."

And Straw replied with...

"I don't know, wait for the famous potion? How bad can some moonshine be?-"

And this was what Leo said in return...

"-Point taken. Can we punch our way out if things go south?"

Then why did Straw say...

"I still have my telekinesis, and you have your talons. It's not much, but as long as they don't come heavily armed it might be enough. I'd prefer seeing their Gift, quietly sneaking out, coming back to the mansion, and sicking the crazy alicorn on them."

Did they magically switch bodies on that last bit, or..?

Comment posted by Anonymous Critic deleted Dec 21st, 2018

Okay, finally! A hilarious chapter!

"A split personality with its own body? And one able to circumvent the greatest problem of naturally powerful alicorns?" Magnus' eyes grew wide, "I don't have a big enough jar in my lab."

Well, at least that buys Blaze some time... at least until the universe's largest jar is found.

Anyways, forgot to say this yesterday, so the big bad is Harmony? All this time I was thinking it was... I don't know... someone else? How Discord described him as 'the perfect being' (which I'd doubt the perfect being could be restrained from interacting with the world) and how Discord and Nightmare were afraid of him; well, I was thinking it was something more powerful than a god, probably harmony's boss... if a god would have a boss.

"Time, company, life. Don't be afraid to give your everything to protect those you want to, and never regret having done so," Straw mumbled.


Very heavy words indeed.

"The castle... is currently off limits. The princess will tell you all the details. I really don't know much about it aside from nopony being allowed to even go near it."

Curiouser and curiouser...

"Maybe one or two rounds, I can barely remmber the rules," Fortune shrugged.

You can barely remmber the rules? I can barely remmber the rules myself. Or can I..? How do you 'remmber' the rules anyways?

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