• Member Since 1st Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


Best known for My Little Pony Legend crossover series. I am a Christian, graphic designer and aspiring story writer.


Discover what happened before Kuvira took over, before the weddings and before Korra lost her magic.

After the defeat of NightMara, Team Avatar Harmony uncovers that Twilight's new castle comes with a special feature...a magical map! Now, the group of friends will travel to uncharted lands in Equestria, meet new friends and new enemies, including a strong-willed unicorn named Starlight Glimmer with a goal all too identical to that of a past enemy.

Time to saddle up for new adventures, new stories, and new discoveries with your favorite human/pony tag team as they spread the Magic of Friendship everywhere they go!

(Based on season 5 of MLP)

Click here to read retellings of “The Crystalling” and “To where and back again”

Chapters (29)
Comments ( 47 )

I'm the first commenter. Nice.

I love the comparison notes between Starlight and Amon. They really do have a lot in common. They desperately want equality, and were willing to lie about their talents to do it. I have wondered how Korra would react to that psychotic unicorn. By the way, if you're going to upload the whole season, are you going to include "Make New Friends, But Keep Discord" too? I loved that episode.

You know, when I saw Korra and Twilight stand up to Starlight at the revelation scene, I couldn't help but imagine the Freak Flag song from Shrek the Musical. It does seem to be the musical enemy of Starlight Glimmer.

I have just one more question: are you a Christian? I'm just asking because of the Bible verses you put at the end of your chapters.

I only read the description. Is this a sequel?

6060999 To answer your question: Yes, I am a Christian and not ashamed to say it. I actually found a blog where they have Bible verses with screenshots of MLP, so I was inspired to post the most that best reflect the messages of the story, since my spiritual faith is what inspires me to write to begin with. I guess it's also a subtle way of telling folks they have nothing to be afraid of when it comes to God or the Bible either. Still, I am not the kind of person who will shove my beliefs down anyone's throats, I have met people like that and I understand fully how infuriating it can be at times, especially if their beliefs are not in the right. Just wanted to make that perfectly clear. BTW, I also have various verses in my FanFiction version of the story and have been updating them with the verses, and fixed typos, on FimFic. So far, I am halfway through book 3.

Also, yes I will be including "Make New Friends, But Keep Discord", I already have it done, now I just need to post it. Oh, and the other episodes will come as well, including "Tanks for the Memories" and "Applelosa's most wanted", featuring the airbender kids with the crusaders. However, "Bloom and Doom" won't be included, since it is an Apple Bloom centered episode and I will mainly re-write episodes that include the group. I'm also thinking about including "Slice of Life" as well.

Thank you for commenting and I hope you enjoy the story. Take care, God bless *kiss, kiss*

6061116 More of a prequel, actually. After the "NightMare's Return" and before "Balance of the Heart."

6061303 I was asking if there were others before this, but I guess that works.

Looks like Amon found peace in death

Glad they made the castle more liveable

This was one of the deepest meaningful episodes so far, and this week is the special episode. I can't wait to see how you write it.

:rainbowlaugh: nice frozen reference at the end.

Nice. Loved it, including the Frozen reference.

I'm glad that Gilda was finally reformed.

Wait a minute! Didn't Vaatu already been destroyed?!

This episode always remind me to Treasure Planet, especially when Gilda must choose.

Wonderful work, episode 100 had to have been the best episode of all.

Since the next episode/chapter is about yaks I feel the need to get the obligatory yak jokes out of the way.

Thank you.

This was a good chapter, nice seeing Bolin was the one causing problems and not Spike. That dragon gets enough problems as it is.

I liked seeing Korra actually having the courage to stand up to the Yaks for all their roughhousing

Now we see what would've happened to Twilight if she never went to Ponyville.

Hey, are you going to do one based off of the upcoming Friendship Games movie?

Um, is the author on vacation or something, cause I havent seen him add a new chapter in forever.

6061303 KO when is the next chapter coming please say your working on it. :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::rainbowdetermined2:

IT LIIIIIIIIVESSSSS!!!!! (Broken throat) welcome back.

Glad to see this story continue. It's been FAR too long.

ah. That was fun. And kinda nice to see them poke holes at the last time an avatar tried to solve a situation like this. =)

Omg honestly I couldn't pick favorites between mlp and legend of korra ah I'm so sad the series is over. But it went on longer then it should have anyway so.. But I'm kinda scared to read this lol I'm rambling..

Wonderful as always. Now I need to ask what's next for you?

So will you do your version of Friendship Games?

7122088 I think that's been done already

Will you be planning on doing season 6? Either way is fine for me.

7122924 No, no season 6. But I did make a one-shot story based on the premiere. It's in my fanfiction page.

6062639 yeah but she will change after the 5th season

7122962 please do a kora-fied season 6. new episodes come on every Saturday morning at 11:30 on the discovery family

huh: Meelo really HAS spent a lot of time with Pinkie Pie...

The Tantabus then touched the entire cave which…changed the whole scenery.

No longer were they in a cave but in a very brightly colored meadow with candy-like trees, frosting branches and dancing, singing sunflowers, all singing to the tune of "This Old Man". Each one had big eyes.

We are such happy flowers

We will now sing for hours

Aren't we unbearably cute?

Watch me solo on this flute

Rainbow Dash screamed in terror. This was her worst nightmare of all!

Luna saw the Tantabus go up into the sky and chased it into the clouds.

I still shudder at this one it's HORRIBLE.

"You little--AH!" suddenly, the dark alicorn began to struggle, her eyes closed shut and twitching as if something inside of her was eating her up. She struggled and struggled, her guards backing away in fear of what might happen. The princess shook her head like a rabid dog, stomping her hooves anxiously before finally opening her eyes. For a moment they did not look cat-like nor where they filled with rage and furry, but kindness and innocence. This was Luna, the princess of the night they knew and loved.


As much as I appreciate this story series, this specific story is the main reason why I have a.. personal spite with this series as a whole. And the answer lies within this chapter.

First off, kudos for trying to make Korra trying to make amends with Teo.

But there is just one problem I have with this: the one where Korra chained him up with that magical lasso.

Now I understand that you are trying to keep him in line, but her attitude and the way you try to execute it.. it rubbed me the wrong way.

Teo felt his hips suddenly become wrapped with a sparkling cyan strong with the other end wrapped around Korra's wrist.

"Are you kidding me? Do I look like a pet to you?"

"So long as I hold this lasso anything else you try to swipe, I'll know it before you do."


But Korra could spy an act when she saw one. Boys were particularly easy to read at times.

And this... really... freaking irritated me! I know I’m being nitpicking, but that’s just who I am! Stuff like that really ticks me off!!

I’m a type of person that always looks for any sentence that doubts my thinking that something will be good and this just seals it along with their sorry excuses of children!!

(Breathes heavily and calms down)

(Sighs) I’m.. I’m sorry for that little rant.. It was childish of me to do so..

It’s just.. You know Maggie...
whenever I have too much hope, I remember to replay sentences like this in my head to remind myself that... there’s no equality and perfection...

(Looks down solemnly and whispers) There’s no perfection, equality, or hope for anyone... That’s just how I was raised... to be excellent..

And Teo’s attitude reminds me of myself...

(Hugs my knees sighing) I feel like I’m the antithesis of what you believe in... Because out of everyone that appreciate your stories..

I want to like it.. but I just can’t bring myself to do it because of those doubts in my head...

"Of course I remember. How could I forget all of the promises you made me only to completely forget I exist so you could be the world famous Avatar like you wanted."

Also that quote, I like.
A promise is something that you cannot easily restore once it’s broken.

"Look, I didn't bring you up here for any more poignant reminders of what a bad friend I was. I brought you here to show how much I really want to set things right."

News flash Korra. No matter what happens, you cannot escape or forget your past. It will ALWAYS find you.

I’ve already tried that..

Korra placed her hands on her hips, "Let me ask you this: haven't you wondered why the name "Princess" comes before "Avatar"? Or it's simply, "Princess Korra"? I can't forget my past or change it, but I can learn from it. I believe everyone's life is a story, and once you figure out what it means you can share it with others. That's why I'm here, Teo. Because I firmly believe your story's not finished yet, regardless of what you think."

Nole (My OC): That’s because like everyone else, you were lucky enough to have a choice, Korra. Me..? I’m bounded by fate.. I never had a choice.. even if I wanted to make one.. Even if I wanted to expand my own story.. fate will decide to write it down.

I’m sorry, whenever I see someone tried to being their hopes up, I just shoot them down with a statement that is both contradicts their way of thinking. It may be harsh but it’s the truth. I learned that the hard way...

Sorry... I have a habit of doing that...

Thank you for being honest with me, and I’m not offended by your dislike of this chapter in the series, or even the series as a whole.

I won’t try to justify my writing choices with things like “Well, you’re wrong and I meant for it to be this way!”, no, no, no. You interpret things as you see them and I will respect that.

However, I do want to offer you a piece of basic advice: Breathe in...breathe out...

It’s understandable to get upset over something you don’t like, sweetie we’ve all been there, but don’t let it get the better of you. Teo is not you and you are not Teo. He is fictional, you are not. At the end of the day, this is still a work of fiction and art is subjective.

As someone who often wrestles with moments of depression and anxiety it terrifies me that I may have unintentionally hurt someone with my work. Sometimes I even consider outright quitting writing just so I won’t risk hurting anyone, even if it’s by accident. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve cried myself to sleep over ONE little mistake. But that’s no way to live.

Take things easy, okay sweetie. Like Iroh said: Life is like a dark tunnel, you never know what you’ll find on the other side. But if you keep going, you will eventually reach a better place.

Take care, honey. Remember, no matter what you see or read, it doesn’t have to defy who you are or who you become. I will keep you in my prayers. *hugs*

*Hugs back* Okay..

Thank you for understanding.. Normally, I would meet with people that are.. a bit sensitive about their work..

So thank you for understanding..

Fluttershy's entire body suddenly turned into an orange, minus her head which was really just colored orange, along with her mane. The entire group, minus Twilight and Spike laughed at the scene, even Fluttershy found it humerus. Rainbow Dash literally tumbled over, laughing so much she kicked her legs while hugging her stomach as he back rested on the floor.

Hahahahahah!!! I’ve heard of becoming a blueberry, but this is ridiculous!!!:rainbowlaugh:

There's a little extra:[Diamond Tiara]
Cutie Mark Crusaders, I've got
Something I need to say
I was headed down a path
That was leadin' me astray

But now, I've changed my ideas
You helped me see I care
I'm gonna show the world
How much I have to share

You've made your mark
And showed me a better way
You've made your mark
Helped me see how I could change
All I thought I ever knew of my cutie mark!

Also, what's the cake for?

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