• Published 27th Aug 2015
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BlackWarGreymon: Warrior of Harmony - I-C-U-P

After fate saved his life, BlackWarGreymon starts a new heroic life in Equestria. Making great friends along the way.

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Chapter 76: The Day of Calamity

Within the Harmonian Nexus, BlackWarGreymon remained speechless from what Harmony had just revealed. Down in Equestria, the ultimate horror had begun to rise from hiding. The evil Digimon that had been lying in wait for countless millennia had finally surfaced. And all his friends were right there with him. The black armoured Mega stuttered as he took a step back from shock.

“No. Has it already begun? Just like… what happened to her?” He uttered. The distraught Digimon thinking about Ayumi and the horrors she endured.

He then listened to Harmony’s words. The guardian stricken with disbelief.

“No! It’s not supposed to happen like this! It’s too soon! If he waited longer, then you would’ve surpassed him in power. But now…”

BlackWarGreymon paused from the words Harmony used. Just from seeing her fearful expressions, everything she had said about the evil Digimon was true. He truly was a world-ending threat. Far greater than anything imaginable. He then started to think as he glanced away, uncertain of what kind of danger the foe posed.

Then as Harmony was in a state of panic, the Mega snapped her out of her fit. He had done so by calling her name. And then followed by an important question.

“Harmony? Please tell me. Do I stand any sort of chance against him?”

The Unicorn stared at him in sorrow. Then looked away in sadness. She knew the answer to the question. But couldn’t bare to tell him. Fearing what his reactions would be. But she knew that he needed to know. With great hesitation followed by a deep breath, Harmony finally answered.

“I’m sorry. But even with all your power… your chances of victory are slim. Which was why I was hoping he would wait longer. That is… unless you would take a great risk. But I’m not sure you would be willing to use such horrible power.”

Despite the vague explanation on the latter part, BlackWarGreymon knew what she was talking about. Harmony was referring to his Berserk Mode. The Mega detested the idea, not wanting to go through such a horrid transformation again. He may put his friends in grave danger again. But for Harmony herself to make such a suggestion, it truly showed how much of a threat the evil Digimon posed. Making his options very limited.

As seconds ticked by, Harmony was snapped out of her sadness when she caught a glimpse of BlackWarGreymon walking past her.

“W-Wait. Where are you going?” She asked as she turned around.

Facing away form her, the determined Mega paused as he answered back.

“Harmony, please take me back to Equestria. And once there… I’m going straight for Canterlot.”

Harmony was stunned. Even after all what she’d told him, the Digimon was still willing to go and face the danger that could very well lead to his end.

“But BlackWarGreymon! If you go and face him now, you’ll…”

“I know!”

Harmony flinched from BlackWarGreymon’s reply. Interrupting her sentence. The guardian was stunned by the tone in the Digimon’s voice. There was frustration and worry. She could tell that he was concerned of what would happen should he go. Even he could tell that the fight would be far from easy. In fact, it would be the most challenging he ever faced.

Looking over his left shoulder, BlackWarGreymon spoke to her. Bringing up something that was important to him.

“On the very day you brought me to Equestria, I made a promise to myself. That it would protect the ponies from any harm. Even to my last breath. And since you’ve been watching me, you know that more than any other pony.”

The stunned mare paused. He was right. During BlackWarGreymon’s first fight with Lord Tirek, she had indeed heard his vow. She just couldn’t believe that he was so serious about it. As he turned to face ahead of him, the digital warrior continued as he closed his eyes.

“Besides. I once sacrificed my life to save my friends. And if that time comes, and that they’ll be safe from danger, I will do so again.”

Then as he opened his eyes, his fierce expression showed unbreakable determination.

“But I will NOT simply standby and watch my friends die!”

After hearing his honest words, Harmony knew that nothing would change his mind. not after everything he’d been through. It was a destiny he decided for himself. So, he would see through it to the bitter end. She couldn’t help but smile proudly at him as she spoke.

“Then I wish you all the luck. And pray for your success. I’m glad to have chosen you to be my warrior.”

Then as her horn glowed bright, sending BlackWarGreymon back to the realm of Equestria, she said one last thing to him.

“The Warrior of Harmony.”

BlackWarGreymon was then surrounded by a bright light. When the blinding world faded around him, he found himself back in the same cave he was before. He looked back to where he last saw Harmony. Knowing full well that despite not physically there, she could still hear him.

“Thank you, Harmony. For everything.”

But as soon as he focused his mind, he turned head sharply towards the entrance to the tunnels where he came from. He could sense it. The foul stench of pure evil was in the air. A power he never felt before, but it definitely belonged to a Mega level Digimon. The sounds of powerful winds howled through every entrance of the cave. The weather was already reacting to the presence of the evil being’s power. He finally realised why it frightened Harmony so much. The evil feeling might in fact be on par with MaloMyotismon. Or maybe even greater.

“He really is here,” He uttered sternly. His eyes narrowed into an angry glare.

After taking a long deep breath, BlackWarGreymon suddenly shot off the ground and ran through the tunnel. Within moments, he flew out of the mountain and across the peeks. He could very easily summon a black portal and save time. But the ability would cost him much of his much-needed energy. Something he didn’t want to wish upon himself. For what was coming might very well be the fight of his life. But first, he had to go through the sudden gusts of wind. Much stronger than usual. The sky too was changing. Dark clouds forming with flashes of lightning.

With the bright moonlight illuminating through the gaps in the clouds, lighting the world around him, BlackWarGreymon was alone with his thoughts as he made a beeline for Canterlot. Battling against the strong gales.

‘This threat. If he really is as strong as Harmony says, then he’s stronger than any foe I’ve ever faced. Then… could this be… my final stand? No! It won’t! I will win this! I’ll find a way. I have to.’

However, the concept of death lingered in his mind.

‘Don’t let this be the promised end.’

Far away in the city of Canterlot, the invasion had started. And the countdown to the Greatest Calamity had begun. An unspeakable horror had arisen in the sculpture gardens. The city’s very doorstep.

As tensions rose ever higher, Celestia, Luna, Twilight and all her friends stared on fearfully at what was standing before them. It was not the Changeling swarm. Nor Queen Chrysalis. Or even ChaosBlackWarGreymon. It’s what’s standing between them that caught their full attention. A monster whom Celestia described as the one from her vision. A Digimon whom Luna and Cadence encountered in Ayumi’s mind. The very same that brought complete ruin to her entire world.

But unlike the alternate Equestria, the beast revealed his name to all.

As all eyes stared silently at the large creature, Twilight silently repeated his name.


The young Alicorn suddenly felt a shiver up her spine. The others felt it too. There was something very unsettling about the name. It brought a horrible feeling within them. Despite only hearing it once, they felt as if the name had already burned into their memories. They would never forget it.

As he glanced down at the tiny pony before him, the evil Digimon… Diaboromon… decided to explain the meaning behind his name. Grinning while doing so as he slowly crawled towards her.

“That’s right. In the human tongue, it means Diablo. And you want to know another name for that is?”

Twilight trailed her head upwards as Diaboromon continued to advance. Intimidated not just by his appearance, but just the size of him towering over her. Her legs trembled as he stopped just a couple of feet in front of her. Deep down, Twilight was scared of what he was about to say next. To which the horrid Mega revealed.

“The devil.”

The purple Alicorn’s eyes went wide as she took careful steps away. The way he spoke, Diaboromon sounded as if he was the digital incarnation of the dark lord of hell himself. But with his demonic freakish appearance, one would think so. As Twilight retreated back to the group, Cadence glanced down at the Digimon’s hands as they rested palm down on the ground. They were huge. An ordinary pony could easily fit within the massive palms. But it was the red blade-like fingers that gained her attention. She had seen how easily they cleaved into solid concrete. Those were the kind of fingers that could cause harm. But with a sudden flashback to Ayumi’s past injuries flashed in her mind, Cadence’s expression switched to fearful to anguish. Those WERE the fingers that HAD caused harm.

As Diaboromon looked down, his sights fell upon the remains of the Statue of Friendship. Reaching down, he grabbed one of the pony heads of the statue and held it firmly within his large palm. He looked at it while grunting in disgust.

“The Magic of Friendship? A concept as predictable as it is clichéd. How sickening,” He said as he squeezed his hand. Crushing the statue fragment with total ease.

For the ponies, both Diaboromon’s words and actions was a very clear message. He despises friendship to the core.

Then as he glanced back towards the group, a stream of blue magic suddenly slammed into his left shoulder. Despite the forceful impact of the surprise attack, it didn’t budge the Digimon. When the attack ended, Diaboromon only blinked in surprise as he looked back at the pony group. Like him, most of the group were stunned. Not just from the attack itself, but from whom launched it. It was Cadence. The pink princess quietly huffed in frustration as her glowing horn kept pointing at the giant Digimon. Her eyes were full of anger.

“Cadence?” Shining Armor asked. Not expecting his wife to suddenly attack.

“Don’t give in to anger,” Luna added. But Cadence replied as she glanced over to the blue Alicorn with a look of anger and sadness.

“But Luna. He’s the one. He… hurt her,” She whispered.

Luna briefly flinched. Being reminded about the horrors of what Ayumi had gone through. The future Twilight from an alternate time who had suffered greatly by the hands of the alternate Diaboromon. Being reminded of such a thing made Luna gain the same thoughts of hate. But blind rage was going to get them killed. And she knew it.

When the ponies turned towards Diaboromon, they saw that despite the intensity of Cadence’s attack, it left no damage to the Digimon. But it didn’t stop the giant from making a retort.

“For a princess of love, that was hostile. You should keep her in line, Shining.”

All sorts of emotions were felt within the group. While still terrified, some felt that he had the nerve to talk about being hostile. Since he was the one who attacked the city first. But feeling that conflict would be inevitable and wanting to minimize as many casualties as possible, Celestia turned towards one of the Pegasi guards with an immediate order.

“Fly back to the city and order an immediate evacuation! Quickly!”

Not wanting to delay and seeing the urgency in the princess, the guard was quick to take to the skies and flew towards the city. As he flew by the first set of skyscrapers, he slowed down to give the announcement. Much to the surprise of the panicking citizens.

“This is a state of emergency! By order of the princesses, Canterlot must be evacuated! Please proceed to the airships immediately!”

As the guard and others like him spread the word, fear began to spread as the citizens immediately got ready to evacuate. Thanks to the initial destruction Diaboromon already brought, the ponies didn’t question.

Princess Celestia continued to stare in the direction of the capital. She never thought that she would be forced to give the command to evacuate her proud city. But an evil chuckle from Diaboromon sent fear up her spine and into her very being.

“It makes no difference.”

Immediately turning towards the evil being, the giant was seen slouching on all fours. As if he was ready to pounce. But instead, while letting out a loud grunt, Diaboromon stood back up and threw his arms out wide. Causing a transparent black energy dome to suddenly erupt from his body. Rapidly expanding and seemingly consuming. The ponies all flinched and closed their eyes. Expecting something bad. But to their surprise, they phased through the barrier without harm. Leaving the confused group to look at their surroundings as the dome continued to expand. The same happened for Chrysalis and her Changelings. Confused as to what was happening. ChaosBlackWarGreymon was the only one not bothered. Having full understanding of Diaboromon’s abilities.

The black dome continued to grow as it began to cover the capital. The terrified citizens gasped in panic as they too found themselves inside. Looking around at their new black tinted world. The barrier began to expand towards the castle. When the dark energy passed over to where Ayumi slept, the Alicorn began to toss and turn uncomfortably. A horrid feeling crept into her being as she tried to recover from the earlier incident. The dome soon turned into a sphere as it began to grow city sized. Within moments, the entire city of Canterlot was concealed within the black energy barrier.

Far away, BlackWarGreymon was struggling to get through the hurricane force winds. But he senses were firmly locked onto the direction of Canterlot. That was until he sensed a massive energy surge. And then… nothing.

Nothing at all.


Distracted by the sudden loss of his destination, the winds blasted BlackWarGreymon across the sky. Making him spin out of control.

After correcting himself mid-air, panic began to grip the black armoured dragon warrior.

“Wh…Wha…!? Where’s Canterlot!?”

Snapping his head in every direction, he was trying to retrace his location. But everything looked the same. And unable to sense his friends or even the evil Digimon, he found himself completely lost. And making him fear the worse.

“Wh…What happened!? Why can’t I sense them!? Don’t… don’t tell me it’s already too late!! Have… have they all gone!!?” WHERE ARE THEY!!!?”

But the cause for BlackWarGreymon’s loss of tracking was due to the energy barrier Diaboromon created. Within the ball of darkness, the ponies were in total panic. Rainbow Dash tried to ram into the barrier in an attempt to punch through it. But all her attempts failed, and she simply bounced away. Cadence and Twilight tried firing their attack spells at the barrier. But their magic beams did nothing.

“It’s not working!” Twilight exclaimed. She and the others began to get the feeling of entrapment. To which Diaboromon confirmed.

“This barrier surrounds your entire city. No one can get in. And no one can get out. There is no escape now.”

“W…We’re trapped?” Sweetie Belle whimpered as she tried to hide behind the equally terrified Rarity.

After getting over what was a surprise for her, Chrysalis turned towards a group of Changeling solders.

“You know what to do.”

“Yes, your highness.”

Upon command, the group of Changelings left the swarm and flew in the direction of the castle. But the ponies were too intimidated by Diaboromon to bother. Everything about him scared them to the core. His body. His power. His gaze and his voice. They had so many questions to ask him. But were too terrified to even talk to him.

But it was Diaboromon who broke the silence.

“Nothing from any of you? I figured you would ask why I’m here in your world.”

But just as silence was going to linger again from the ponies, Celestia spoke up.

“I know why,” She uttered. Fear evident in her voice.

The Sun Princess flinched when Diaboromon glanced over to her. She just couldn’t get over how horrifying the Digimon looked. He truly made every other villain look friendly. Another shiver went through her when he spoke up.

“Oh, do you now? Celestia?”

Again, creeped out by how he spoke her name, Celestia tried to shake off the discomfort as she tried to talk. The fear gaining a firm hold on her voice.

“Y-Yes. Y…You’re here… to cause death and destruction. I saw it in a vision. You… you were in it! You’re going to bring calamity to Equestria!”

Not wanting Celestia to speak out alone, Luna joined her.

“Not just ponykind. You will do the same to every creature you deem weak. The entire world will suffer.”

When Cadence joined in, her tone showed that what she learned had made it personal. Her anger took over her fear.

“And any unfortunate soul who survives your terror will only suffer more! You’ll just toy with them as if they’re playthings!”

Diaboromon’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. He even rubbed his index finger against his chin in puzzlement. The ponies were confused by his actions. But he was quick to express his doubts.

“Hmm… sounds like a lot for a simple vision. In fact, it’s as if you were aware of me. But how is that possible? Where have you learnt of this? May I ask.”

Cadence flinched in realisation. She spoke too much. The Diaboromon in front of her was unaware of Ayumi. And wanting to spare the former Twilight from any potential harm, she wanted to keep her identity a secret.

“I-It’s not hard to figure out.”

Twilight joined in. She two wanted to keep her future self hidden from the evil Mega.

“That’s right! You’re just here to destroy our world!”

The ponies were trying to be more confident as the conversation continued. Hoping that there might be hope for them. But the growing grin from Diaboromon began to unnerve them. He even began to chuckle.

“Y…Your world?”

To the surprise of all around him, Diaboromon erupted in laughter. Unsure what the Mega found so funny, the confused ponies remained silent as the giant settled down. Explaining afterwards.

“The world you live in. The land you all call home. Everything you come to know… wouldn’t have been possible if not for me.”

Gasps of confusion and fear were heard from the group. Unable to fully understand the Digimon’s words. Even Chrysalis and her Changelings were puzzled. Their master had never mentioned anything of the sort to them.

“Wh-What do you mean!? And how do you know who we are!?” Twilight uttered. Joined by a defiant Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah! Spill it you freak!”

Diaboromon was unfazed by the insult. His composure was frighteningly calm. His toothy grin grew bigger as he spoke.

“Oh, I know who all of you are. For I have been watching you all… from the very beginning.”

The group looked at each other in confusion. Having no idea what he was talking about. But the Mega was more than keen to indulge them. Even the changelings paid close attention. For they had never heard of the subject.

“Everything that has happened here, I was watching from the shadows. The banishment of Nightmare Moon. The fall of the Crystal Empire. Discord’s reign of chaos. Twilight becoming the forth Alicorn. I was there to witness it all. All the way back to when this land was nothing but ice and snow.”

The group were horrified at what they heard. They just couldn’t believe it. The evil Mega level Digimon had been secretly living amongst them the entire time. For thousands of years even! But it was the later part of Diaboromon’s words that left Twilight startled.

“Wait a minute! Y-You’ve been here… since Equestria’s founding!!?”

A collective gasp was uttered by not just the group, but even the other ponies that overheard the conversation. It meant that Diaboromon was far older than all the ponies present. And he had been lying in wait all that time. But Twilight became confused.

“But… how can you even be here!? And for so long!?”

Diaboromon answered her question as he continued.

“I was banished to this world for my crimes. That worthless guardian of yours had hoped I would be frozen for all time. But I persisted. Weakened… but very much alive.”

Confusion began to spread amongst the group like wildfire. But what shocked them the most was that they apparently had a guardian. Who was this guardian? And why choose Equestria to banish him? But all the uncertainty was getting the ponies nowhere. Celestia knew that.

“E-Easy everypony!”

With everyone silent, Celestia looked back at the towering form of Diaboromon. Even without her ability to sense energy of others, she could easily tell that she and her friends were no match for such a beast. Constantly thinking about the nightmare that was her vision. Never in her life had she wished that BlackWarGreymon was there to help. But believing that the saviour was on his way and seeing that the evil monster was in a talkative mood, she decided to use it to by time for BlackWarGreymon to arrive. A very brave gamble to make.

“You were saying?”

Diaboromon let out a quiet growl. But seeing no harm in indulging the ponies’ curiosities, he explained.

“I’ve waited here, in the dark caverns beneath your land. Deprived of my powers… but getting stronger. Centuries passed, and I quietly began to make my presence known. Surrounded by a lush green world. Full of love and hope.”

Diaboromon’s tone began to show his disgust.

“You all may find it endearing. But to me, it was sickening beyond compare!”

Luna then interrupted him. Uncertain about one thing he said.

“Make your presence known? You mean…?”

Just like some of the other ponies, Luna glanced over to Chrysalis and her army. Slowly piecing together the series of events that lead to the final day. All the dangers and incidents over the past several days. Then it clicked. It was so obvious. Aftar all, the Changeling Queen was standing by his side after all. And had even called him master.

“Chrysalis! You knew about him this whole time!?” Luna demanded.

But rather than making her usual retort, Chrysalis stood still with a solemn expression. But she didn’t deny it. In fact, she only reinforced their assumptions.

“Yes. My family knew of the master for years. Long before I was born.”

The ponies were august at the truth. Applejack then turned her attention over to the silent ChaosBlackWarGreymon. He too was by Diaboromon’s side.

“And ah take it that ya got something to do with him too?” The orange Earth Pony asked the evil Digimon while pointing her hoof at the digital clone.

Diaboromon chuckled before answering.

“How right you are. You all must have found it hard to uncover how ChaosBlackWarGreymon was created. But here’s your answer. My own energy was used to help form his body.”

“And Sombra helped in shaping his form,” Chrysalis chimed in.

The group were again startled at what the queen had just revealed.

“What!? Sombra was involved too!?” Shining Armor asked. Joined by Rarity.

“And it’s safe to assume Tirek was working for you too?”

Diaboromon chuckled loudly at the ponies’ deductive skills. Amused by them finally figuring him out.

But with everything that was said, it all came to a single conclusion. Something that scared Celestia as she fearfully glanced over to Diaboromon.

“Sombra. Chrysalis. Tirek. They all worked for you!?”

“That’s right, princess. Every disaster that affected you and your family were all orchestrated by me. Tirek invading your land with his brother. Lending a hand to the Changeling incursions. I even helped Sombra become the shadow king you feared. Now do you understand? I… did it… ALL!!!”

Diaboromon’s bold statement full of pride frightened the ponies even more. Virtually every disaster that had happened to them had the Digimon’s name written all over it. But the Mega didn’t stop.

“When I first gazed upon this lush world, it was full of wonder and joy. Do you honestly think any sort of evil could exist in a world like that!? Of course not! That was why I had to intervene.”

Out of all the ponies, Celestia, Luna and Twilight were the ones who listened to every word Diaboromon had said. And the three princesses could see a pattern forming. To which the shocked Princess of Friendship spoke of.

“Intervene? Wait. If you have been doing all that… throughout our past, then… that means…”

Unable to bring herself to speak, Diaboromon did it for her.

“That’s right. I completely altered your world. If I hadn’t, then you ponies would’ve lived such peaceful lives. But by doing so, I shaped this world as I saw fit. And through it all, you all didn’t notice me.”

Luna then interjected. Remembering Diaboromon’s previous words.

“It’s just like you said. Everything we knew wouldn’t have been possible… if not…”

“…For me.”

Every soul, both pony and Changeling felt a tremor through their very beings. Every experience they went through was all caused by the Digimon’s actions. All from behind the scenes, the evil Mega moulded Equestria beneath their own hooves.

When Diaboromon spoke more of the subject, his tone showed absolute joy. Openly thinking of himself as being above them.

“Now do you understand! I shaped your world long before most of you were even born! My age exceeds beyond even your beloved princesses! In a sense, I CREATED THE WORLD YOU COME TO LOVE!!! I’m above all of you!! The true supreme being!! And with my power, I am a GOD to you all!!”

“H-He’s insane,” Shining Armor quietly uttered. He and the other ponies seeing that the deranged Digimon had developed a god complex.

After calming down, he finished his declaration.

“I did it all, to prepare for this day. To pave the way for my arrival. And to take over this pitiful world! Then once I’m done here, I’ll take over the next world! Then the next! And the next! Until every world falls under me!”

After pausing, Diaboromon turned towards Celestia. His grin full of mockery.

“Was that all? Or do you want me to keep going until your beloved saviour arrives?”

Celestia’s eyes went wide in shock as she let out a gasp of disbelief. The Mega had already figured her little scheme out.

“H-How did…?”

“You thought you were cleaver. But even if it worked, it does not matter. Not even your precious BlackWarGreymon can stop me.”

The group all felt even more fear from Diaboromon’s statement. Hoping that it wasn’t true. That was until a voice spoke out.

“Don’t be so sure!”

Following the sound of the voice, Diaboromon’s eyes gazed over to the defiant looking Luna. The Princess of the Night then spoke again. Having gained the evil one’s attention.

“BlackWarGreymon has faced great odds, but he always prevailed! And he will do so again!”

Diaboromon quietly grumbled as she glared at the Moon Princess. He then began to approach her. The giant making great strides due to his lanky but huge build. With Celestia by her side, both she and Luna tried to put on a brave face as they stood their ground. But fear was still evident in their eyes as Diaboromon drew closer. The pair remained still even when the Mega was on top of them. His giant clawed hands resting just inches beside the princesses as he glared down at them. But his gaze was burning into Luna’s specifically. He grinned as he responded.

“You seem to have strong faith in him. Don’t you… my former minion?”

Luna completely froze as her eyes went wide as possible. What did Diaboromon just call her? Did he hear him correctly? Did any other pony heard it too? But it became clear that it was the case. What the Digimon said caught the whole group completely off-guard. Even Chrysalis and her children seemed startled at what he called Luna. Alongside her older sister, the blue Alicorn quickly retreated while looking at the Mega in deep confusion and uncertainty.

“W-What are you talking about!? Your… minion!?”

But before Diaboromon could explain, he was interrupted by an angry Shining Armor.

“Luna! Don’t listen to his lies!”

Seeing the bright glow of the Unicorn’s horn, all the other ponies moved out of the way of the enraged prince. The onlooking ponies and guard members cheered him on. Seeing potential action, Diaboromon turned to face the royal pony. It was clear that the prince had had enough of hearing the Digimon’s words. He glared angrily as his horn glowed brighter.

“I’ve had it with you! If you want to conquer us, then we’ll just fight back!”

Fuelled by determination to put a stop to Diaboromon, the Unicorn prince fired three beams of magic at him. Utilizing his strongest spell that he practiced on BlackWarGreymon once before. All three attacks landed direct hits on the Digimon. Two exploded against his armoured purple body, and one on his face.

With the Digimon’s head covered in magical smoke, Shining Armor thought that he’d delt a good blow. But it turned out to be far from the case. He was shocked to hear the Mega chuckling. When the smoke cleared, he was revealed to be completely unharmed.

“My turn.”

As Diaboromon adjusted his position a little, the dark green orb in the centre of his chest started to flash a bright yellow glow. The glow steadied as the rim of his purple chest cavity briefly expanded. Revealing the orb more as it glowed brighter. The group took a step back in fear, unsure what kind of attack was about to be launched.

As the yellow glow got brighter, the Digimon shouted.


Acting like a high-powered energy cannon, a small yellow energy projectile was fired from the glowing orb in Diaboromon’s chest. Shining Armor barely had enough time to dodge before the projectile struck the ground beneath him. However, the explosion that followed sent the prince screaming and hurtling through the air before painfully landed on the ground hard.

“Shining!” Cadence cried out as she ran over to the downed prince.

But Diaboromon was far from finished. He had longed to unload all his pent-up aggression through his favourite ability.

“Web Wrecker!” He shouted as he shifted his body to face the city. Only to begin rapidly fire a volley of attacks over the heads of the group and towards the city centre.

The royals could only gasp in horror as the attacks began to rain down on the capital once again. The attacks struck every building in their path. The panicking citizens could only flee in every direction in a desperate attempt to avoid the blasts. But Diaboromon kept firing. His attacks were indiscriminate. He didn’t care if he was even aiming properly. To him, even striking one of the castle’s towers was satisfying. The attacks were causing massive damage to structures. Even causing some buildings to collapse.

“STOP!!! The citizens have nothing to do with this!” Celestia cried out in a desperate attempt to make Diaboromon stop his onslaught. But to her horror, the Digimon had a massive grin on his face. He was enjoying the mindless destruction. The three fillies and the young dragon never felt so threatened. The Digimon didn’t care who he was hurting in the least.

But he eventually ceased firing his chest cannon, only to then glance over to the royal couple. As Diaboromon watched the pink princess help the stricken Shining Armor back on his hooves, he chuckled sinisterly. Finding the sight pitiful.

“This is why I despise you inferior creatures. You act tough, but you’re just weak. Only the strong can survive in the world that I’ll bring. There’s no room for weaklings.”

Within the group, Rainbow Dash was next to be fed up with the Digimon’s way of talking.

“That’s it! I’m taking you down hard!!”

“Rainbow! Wait!!”

Twilight’s plea was ignored as the blue Pegasus took off and flew to the furthest edge of the giant barrier that surrounded the city. Only to then keep flying along the barrier’s edge. Circling the city while gaining more speed. Flying faster and faster. All eyes watched the blue speed demon kept up her pace. Becoming a blue blur high above their heads. To those who knew her so well, they knew exactly what she was about to do.

“Hay, is she about to do the Sonic Rainboom?” Applebloom asked. With Sweetie Belle and the ecstatic Scootaloo joining in.

“I think she is!”

“Yeah! Get him, Rainbow Dash!!”

As Rainbow Dash was gaining more speed, the others too felt excited that she was going to cause harm to their foe. But when Twilight glanced over to Diaboromon, she grew a look of confusion. While the Digimon was facing up in the air, he was not keeping track of the blue Pegasus. He was very still. But he then let out a chuckle as the sides of his mouth curled up. Grinning wickedly.

Puzzled at first, it suddenly clicked for Twilight. She then remembered what he said. That he had been watching them for a very long time. Which meant that he knew very well what was coming next. And by the sight of his grin, had likely developed a counter!

“No Rainbow! That’s what he wants!”

But her voice was unheard by the blue Pegasus. With her sights locked onto the Mega far below, she began to put even more effort into her speed. Then it happened. As soon as Rainbow Dash suddenly dived back down, she performed her Sonic Rainboom. A giant rainbow pulse could be seen all around Canterlot as a rainbow blur raced back towards the Canterlot gardens. Aiming directly at Diaboromon’s front.

Exactly what he wanted.

“Web Wrecker!”

With little warning, Diaboromon fired a blast of energy from his chest. The energy projectile was speeding towards the Pegasus. Seeing the attack rapidly heading right towards her, the surprised Rainbow Dash yelled as she was forced to change direction. While narrowly avoiding the attack, the force of the Digimon’s attack, combined with her own momentum, caused her to fly out of control. Screaming in panic as she tried to control her direction of flight. Missing a couple of buildings before finally crash-landing several feet behind Diaboromon. Skidding to a halt, the blue mare groaned painfully as she tried to recover. But as she glanced up at the air, she suddenly saw the Digimon’s giant hand rapidly approaching her. Before she could react, the stricken Pegasus became ensnared in Diaboromon’s left hand. Much to the horror of her friends. But for Chrysalis and her Changelings, they were impressed by the Digimon’s quick thinking and strategy. A testament to how intelligent the best-like Digimon truly was.

As Diaboromon began to retract his outstretched arm, the Pegasus grunted as she tried to struggle free from his grasp.

“Such a predictable attack from you, Rainbow Dash. As foolish as ever.”

“H-Hay! Let me go!” Rainbow Dash demanded as she tried to squirm free. But was barely able to move at all.

Diaboromon chuckled as he held his new prisoner closer. The mare literally in the palm of his hand. Rainbow Dash paused her struggles when she realised how close she was to the Mega’s face. He truly was scary up close, even for her.

“I wonder what will break first. Your spirit… or your body!”

The large Digimon began to clench his hand. The painful pressure from the tightening squeeze, as well as the sharp pinching feeling from the tips of his claw-like fingers, were already proven to be too much for the small mare. Rainbow Dash tried to hold in her pain at first, letting out painfilled squeals. But it didn’t last very long. She started to scream and wail in agony.

“Rainbow Dash!!” Scootaloo cried out. She couldn’t believe her idol was being tortured in such a horrific way. And right in front of her.

The others were paralyzed in fear. The fact that a creature could outwit Rainbow Dash was truly frightening. But even if they had the courage, what could they do? Diaboromon was a Mega level Digimon. Something that only another Digimon could match.

As the squeeze continued, the pain became unbearable for the small mare. Rainbow Dash tried to cry for help, but she was finding it difficult to breathe. But just before she passed out, the Digimon slightly loosened his grip. Taking in deep breaths, Rainbow Dash was able to breath again. But she was still trapped in the Digimon’s giant hand.

But as she got her breath back, the blue Pegasus yelped in fright from being so close to Diaboromon’s face. His heartless actions, combined with his horrific chuckle had imprinted a newfound fear within Rainbow Dash. She felt her eyes beginning to tear up. She thought that BlackWarGreymon Berserk Mode was terrifying. Not anymore. Diaboromon was far worse.

“Still want to try me?” He sadistically asked. Showing that he was still keen on torturing her.

But the Digimon was briefly startled by a sudden outburst from an enraged Fluttershy.


All eyes turned towards the usually timid Pegasus. They could see that despite being scared, she was upset to a point where she just had to speak up. Wanting her friend back.

Diaboromon stared at her for a silent moment before replying.


Suddenly, the Digimon quickly reared his left arm back. The entrapped mare firmly held in his grasp.

“Here!” He shouted as he threw his long arm out and launched the pain-filled Pegasus back towards the group.

“Rainbow!” Fluttershy called out as she tried to get in position to catch the hurtling blue mare.

However, the force of how Rainbow Dash was thrown made her collide into Fluttershy with considerable force. The yellow mare let out a loud yelp of pain from the impact. The end result was moth mares crashing to the ground and barely able to stand.

“Rainbow Dash!! Fluttershy!!” The cutiemark crusaders cried out as they bravely rushed over to the fallen pair.

All the other ponies were horrified at what they had just witnesses. Seeing Rainbow Dash in pain was upsetting enough, but Fluttershy was next to be hurt by Diaboromon’s heartless actions. The yellow Pegasus hadn’t even done anything to the Digimon. Yet he harmed her for no reason except for enjoyment. Never in their lives had they encountered a creature so irredeemable. So cruel that he would be perfectly willing to hurt the innocent.

Everypony felt sick to their stomachs and glared angrily at Diaboromon. The Mega grinned in response before speaking again.

“Like I said. Nothing but weaklings. A complete waste! There is no place for you in this world!”

‘Background music’ ‘Forsaken Last by Lost Eden’

Though all the ponies glared at the Digimon with hate, it was the royal guards who were riled up. Being two of the six element bearers who saved the world countless times, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were seen as heroes. Prince Shining Armor was also once their caption. He was highly respected and admired for his bravery. To them, what Diaboromon had done was insulting. They wanted nothing more than to make the digital freak pay.

“How dare you! Guards, attack!!” The guardsmare Double Edge shouted.

Just as the guards charged in, the Changelings prepared to counter. But a brief flash of her horn, Chrysalis commanded her children to stand down. She could tell that Diaboromon was going to have fun. The evil Mega didn’t move a muscle. Allowing the ponies to attack first.

Pegasi and Earth Ponies swung their bladed weapons upon Diaboromon’s thin arms and legs. Believing that the unarmoured limbs were the weak points on his body. But found themselves shocked to discover that they weren’t effective in the least. Bizarrely, his limbs were like solid rubber. Almost elastic. Bending and bouncing against the pony-made weapons. Above him, Double Edge swung her magically enhanced wing blades to strike his neck. But despite the enhancements, her attacks dealt no damage to the Mega. The guards tried in vain to hurt the beast, all the while he was grinning at their futile attempts.

It was the Unicorn’s turn. A group of nine guards charged up their magic and fired a barrage of attacks from their horns. Different coloured beams exploded against the smirking Digimon. Seeing that their attacks weren’t working, the guards ceased fire and stared at him in disbelief.

It was then Diaboromon’s turn. With a quick grunt, he swung his left arm out and then like a whip, he brought it back. His open palmed hand smacked the front five Unicorns out of his path. He then did the same with his right. But dug his claws into the ground while doing so. He sent the four remaining Unicorns flying by raising the ground beneath their hooves.

“Fire!!” A guard shouted. Standing beside one of the few catapults they had available.

When one catapult was ready to fire, the wooden weapon launched a large boulder towards the Mega level Digimon. But Diaboromon saw the oncoming rock hurtling to his right. With his left hand clenched into a fist, he punched the boulder into smithereens. With the catapult square in his sights, using his legs and arms, he leapt high into the air like that of a frog. While chuckling with evil intent, he came crashing down on the catapult. First his body then his swinging arms smashed the weapon beyond repair. Tearing it apart.

As more guards charged in to attack him, Diaboromon leapt out of the wreckage and bared his sights on the ponies.

“Web Wrecker!”

While in the air, the Digimon fired an energy blast from his chest. The attack hit the centre of the group. The following explosion sent the pain-filled guards hurtling through the air in all directions. As he landed beside them, he leapt in the air again and spun to face against another catapult and an oncoming boulder. But with only two shots of his signature attack, Diaboromon destroyed both the projectile and the large weapon. Blowing it apart and setting it on fire.

While the Digimon continued his rampage, his allies watched on. But while the Changeling solders were admittingly in awe at the Mega’s capabilities, Queen Chrysalis however was terrified. She mostly saw him being calm and calculating. Despite his appearance, he was frighteningly intelligent. The only times she had seen him take action was when he was swift. Only taking a second to leave his mark. So to see him attack the ponies like a reckless monster, to her it was shocking and frightening. His speed, strength and power were beyond what she thought possible.

The ponies and dragon too stood on in horror as Diaboromon took down the next catapult with total ease. The fiery wreckage held aloft in the Digimon’s hands. To Celestia, it was like her vision was coming to life. Likewise for Cadence and Luna. Almost like reliving Ayumi’s memories.

Then as Diaboromon looked to his left, he saw the last catapult firing another boulder at him. But to the shock of the guards, the Mega caught the boulder in his right hand. Then using his elastic-like limbs, he spun in a circle and threw the rock back at the sender with phenomenal force. The guard only had a mere second to jump out of the way before the rock smashed straight through the last remaining catapult.

“Who’s next!?” Diaboromon gloated. Feeling invincible after years of inactivity.

He then heard a reply.


Elsewhere, Pinkie Pie aimed her party cannon at the Digimon as Rarity helped loaded it. While initially surprising their friends by their involvement, they were the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. Defenders of Equestria. They had to join the fight in anyway they could. With a pull of a string, the pink pony fired a small rock towards Diaboromon. The giant caught the rock before crushing it with his bare hand. Then with a swift stretch of his other arm, he smashed the party cannon into pieces. The impact knocked the two mares off their hooves.

Seeing Rarity being attacked had awoken a hidden aggression within Spike. Making the young dragon furious. To the disbelief of his friends, the small purple reptile charged towards Diaboromon’s outstretched arm. As he jumped towards it, he bit hard into the Digimon’s limb.

Despite Spike’s sharp teeth, his bite did nothing but gain Diaboromon’s attention. After swinging his arm around, he forced the young dragon to let go. Sending him painfully skidding across the hard ground.

“Spike!!” Applejack shouted as she rushed over to the downed dragon.

The ponies were again disgusted at what they saw. Diaboromon was perfectly to cause harm even to the young. Remembering that the cutiemark crusaders were nearby and realising that truly no one was safe from the Digimon’s wrath, the royals began to fight back. The recovered Shining Armor was first. Forming a magical blade from his horn as he charged at the towering form of Diaboromon. As the Unicorn prepared to strike, the Digimon countered it by merely raising his left hand. The magic blade causing no harm to the Mega as he shoved it aside. With the prince open to attack, the Digimon used a different ability.


Launching one of his arms forward, his open palm landed squarely on Shining Armor. And kept sailing above the ground until the large hand squashed him against a stone wall. Feeling the air escaping the pain-filled prince caused him to be knocked out.

Spurred on from seeing their friends and family getting hurt by Diaboromon’s actions, Twilight and Cadence decided to strike back. Despite the former knowing full well how strong Mega level Digimon could be. For Cadence, she was aware that he was the same Digimon that destroyed Ayumi’s home. But it didn’t stop her from trying to fight back against the inevitable apocalypse. Flying towards him, the two Alicorn princesses fired beams of magic at Diaboromon’s face. Though exploding on impact, the attack did no harm to the beast.

The two flew up above the Mega in an attempt to outflank him. But as Diaboromon tilted his body back, he fired several bursts of his Web Wrecker attack. Yellow energy shots flew by from under Twilight and Cadence. Spooking them into thinking they could get shot down.

But the shots were only distractions to what was coming next. By quickly throwing his left arm up, the limb stretched high towards the Alicorns. Sailing past the two. But as Diaboromon pulled it back down, his open hand grasped onto Cadence. Dragging her back down to the ground with a loud thud.

“Cadence!!” Twilight called out as she swooped down to help her sister-in-law.

With some of the royal guards summoning up the courage to fight more, the Unicorns fired more beams of magic at Diaboromon. Trying to force his hand off the trapped Cadence. But in retaliation, the Digimon used his said hand to swat the Unicorns away.

As Twilight tended to the downed pink Alicorn, she teleported away back to the safety of the group. Making sure her sister-in-law was safe. Meanwhile Diaboromon laughed madly as he backhanded Double Edge away. Sending her crashing into the other guards.

“Is this the best you ponies can do? Pathetic! And you call yourselves the protectors of this world!?”


The sudden outburst echoed through the area. Belonging to someone with a Royal Canterlot voice. All eyes turned to its source. But to their surprise, it wasn’t Luna. The blue Alicorn too was stunned as she turned to where the voice came from.

It turned out to be Celestia. The Sun Princess glared angrily at the evil Digimon. To the surprise of the ponies, especially Luna, they had never seen the white Alicorn look so angry before. Even more so than their confrontations with Discord of Tirek. Probably even more so than King Sombra.

The Spirit of Chaos wanted to bring chaos and disharmony. The centaur wanted to steal all their magic for his own self gain. The Unicorn king wanted to make all ponies his slaves. But Diaboromon… he wanted to destroy everything. Bringing death and destruction to the world he saw was inferior. All the while enjoying every minute of the misery he’ll bring. Just like his alternate self had already done to Ayumi’s Equestria. Leaving the alternate Twilight the only survivor.

Celestia had never felt so disgusted in her life.

“Hmm? You want to fight next? Celestia?” The Digimon asked. Unfazed by the angry princess.

Celestia didn’t bother to answer. She knew very well that Diaboromon would know that she would attack. Her body glowed in faint golden light which slowly got brighter. Within seconds, her ancient golden armour appeared on her body. Luna especially was amazed by the sight. The last time she saw Celestia’s armour was when they fought against King Sombra thousands of years ago.

As her armour materialized on her body, the white Alicorn spoke to the evil Digimon.

“The severity of your crimes are of the highest caliber! From the beginning, you bend others to your own will! Staging events and manipulating the innocent! Warping our home and our very lives! All to bring destruction Equestria doesn’t deserve!”

With her levitation magic, she readied her personal spear. Pointing the blade towards Diaboromon and charging it with her magic.


As if fuelled by sheer determination alone, Celestia fired a large golden beam of destructive magic from her spear and landed a direct hit on Diaboromon. The magic attack caused the Digimon to be set ablaze. Where he stood, became a great wall of fire.

The others had to shield their eyes from the intensity of the attack. Backing away to escape the heat.

Celestia continued to press on with her attack. But to her shock, the wall of fire started to rush towards her. She could see through the flames, Diaboromon charging with his sights locked onto her. Unaffected by her attack as he roared.

The Sun Princess immediately took to the air to avoid the rampaging Mega. But as she swung her spear down to attack, Diaboromon turned around and caught the weapon in his toothy mouth. He then snapped the spear in half by clenching his jaw. As she ascended higher into the air, Celestia rained down her magic attacks upon the Digimon. But much like the guards, her attacks had no effect on his armoured body as he kept his sights on her. Wandering through her onslaught as he readied himself to strike.

Then to Celestia’s shock, Diaboromon quickly stretched his right arm towards her and before she could react, grabbed onto her rear right leg. Then with a forceful tug, he pulled the princess back down to the ground. In a panic, Celestia tried to kick his hand to force him to let go. But his grip wasn’t loosening in the slightest.

Then Diaboromon heard a voice.

“Let her go right now!!”

Looking to his left, the evil Digimon saw a group of royal guards charging towards him to help Celestia. The Mega replied before giving an evil grin.

“You want her? Then here!”

As he spun around with the princess in his grasp, Diaboromon slammed Celestia into the guards before letting go. The pain filled Alicorn tumbled across the ground before weakly standing back up. But fuelled by her shear will to put an end to Diaboromon’s evil, she forced her pain aside and flew into the air. Ascending higher as her body glowed in a golden light. As she prepared one of her strongest spells, a golden barrier surrounded her as her magic began building in her horn. Glowing ever brighter.

Seeing Celestia preparing to attack gained the full attention of Diaboromon. As he turned to face her, the green orb in his chest started to glow yellow once more. Preparing to counter.

All eyes were on the pair. For the onlooking ponies, they hoped that Celestia would be the one to triumph.

Then with one mighty yell of her Canterlot voice, the Sun Princess fired a large golden beam down towards the beast-like Digimon. But he was more than ready to fight back.


From his chest, he fired a quick burst of energy. The small projectile ploughed straight through Celestia’s attack and, to the horror of the ponies, smashed through her barrier. The following explosion from within shattered the barrier as Celestia came hurtling out screaming.

“CELESTIA!!!” Twilight called out.

“SISTER!!!” Luna cried.

Knocked out by the blast, the defeated Celestia fell to the ground. Her radiant armour had been blown apart into countless little pieces as her magic was severely depleted. She twinged in pain as she tried to move. Diaboromon could only laugh at the pitiful sight.

‘Song end’

“Oh, how the mighty had fallen. You really are nothing without your precious saviour,” He mocked as he approached the fallen Alicorn.

Then to the shock of the ponies, the large Digimon reached down and picked Celestia up with his large right hand. Effortlessly raising her off the ground and up to his eye level.

“Let go of her!!” Luna shouted at the sight of her helpless sibling being brought closer to the evil Mega. But too afraid to do anything without running the risk of hurting her.

As she opened her eyes, Celestia was staring straight into the eyes of Diaboromon. For a moment, she believed that the meaning of his name was appropriate. She felt like she was looking into the eyes of the devil himself. It was far more intense than anything she had seen in her vision.

But when he spoke up…

“It’s over, Celestia. But it doesn’t have to be this way.”

The captured princes blinked in surprise. When the devil-like Digimon spoke on, he was making a proposition for her.

“Yes. Even now, it’s not too late. I can spare you from any further pain. You just need to do only one thing.”

Celestia breathed heavily from the fear and uncertainty. Having no idea what the evil Digimon had in mind for her. But apparently, she just need to do one thing.

But when Diaboromon moved closer to her ears, he revealed what it was. Which sent waves of fear into her very soul.


Author's Note:

Here we are ladies and gentlemen. Part one of the long awaited confrontation.

To those who are puzzled about the whole barrier thing, he had done something similar in his second movie. But there, he only did it around himself. I also included the ability to conceal energy signatures. (I have to do something to delay BlackWarGreymon for a bit.)

Not really much to say here. I just hope you all enjoyed the big bad being an absolute unit in this chapter. Please leave a comment. Leave a like. And I'll see you all later.

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