• Published 30th Dec 2015
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It's A Screwed Up Life - Autum Breeze

Life can become very confusing when you go from working in a factory to waking up as a pony with Choas Magic. Wait. Did I say confusing? I meant FUN!

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So… do we Call it the Stone of Harmony, or What?

So… do we Call it the Stone of Harmony, or What?


“Fluttershy, enough with the screaming!” Sunset’s saying as I arrive and Gloriosa’s walking past me, a very stressed look on her face as I shake of the very brief blink and you’ll miss it magic I sensed.

I blink, pulling out a stopwatch from my pocket. Huh. I apparently jumped back in time upon my return to the Equestria Girls world. Filthy hasn’t yet spoken with Gloriosa with my interrupting them to show Filthy guilty of starting construction on the land before the allotted time is up.

That would explain why I could sense another version of me in the camp at the time. I’d simply ignored it because I was so angry at Filthy, but now I guess I was just sensing the me I am now.

Well, whatever the case, I am feeling good. Really good. Let’s just say, Spoiled learned what I warned a certain Merck with the Mouth a few days ago and it felt GOOD!

Sweet Celestia, all my anger towards that mare finally had a release and I am so at peace because of it.

When I handed her over to the Royal Guard, she begged them to lock her away forever, somewhere she’ll never have to see me again.

The guards didn’t question it. They know my feelings towards that mare and clearly knew it wiser to just do their job and not ask questions.

“I didn’t scream,” Fluttershy says in confusion, pulling my attention back to the group.

“For once,” Rainbow smirks.

Rarity shakes her head. “Nobody did.”

“Huh?” Sunset looks very confused.

“Whoa,” I say, looking around the room that looks like a cake blew up. “What happened in here?”

Before anyone can answer me, Principal Celestia’s voice comes over the P.A. system. “Attention, campers! Anyone who’s interested in making floating paper lanterns, please meet us by the picnic tables.”

Applejack looks around at us. “H don’t know about the rest of y’all, but Ah’ve been lookin’ forward to comin’ here for a month. Maybe we forget about this new magic for a bit and just try to focus on enjoyin’ our time at camp?”

“I was oh, so excited about designs I’ve come up with for the camp fashion show.”

I facepalm. Rarity, what is wrong with you this week?

Dash swipes a punch through the air. “And I’ve barely gotten to whoop anybody in tetherball.”

Sunset looks uncertain. “I think we should try to figure it out. But if letting it go for now is what the rest of you want...”

Everybody sans Sunset and Twilight murmur in agreement.

Ignoring suddenly getting new magic and pretending it’s not happening. Oh, yeah. This won’t backfire on your asses at all, girls. Smart thinking.

But, it’s clear no one but Sunset is willing to listen to reason (and yes, I see the damn irony that the Princess of Chaos is the one saying we need to talk reason here), so we all start heading out.

As we walk, I hang back to speak with Fluttershy, whispering, “What the heck happened in there? It looked like a cake bomb went off in that room.”

Fluttershy looks away uncertainly. “It… kinda did.”

I cock an eyebrow at her. “Please elaborate?”

Fluttershy fiddles with her fingers. “Well, you know how Applejack and Rarity have new magic?”

Apparently neither Sci-Twi or Sunset have mentioned the former’s new magic, but I indicate for her to continue.

“Well, it turns out they’re not the only ones.” Huh. Maybe I was wrong and—

“Even though Sunset and Twilight don’t seem to have new magic, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and I seem to.”

And it turns out I was right the first time. Trying not to let my frustration at the fact Sci-Twi is still keeping her magic quiet I ask, “So, what new magic do you each have?”

“Well, Rainbow Dash can go really fast now,” Fluttershy explains. “Back at the rock climbing wall, when she ran off, she went so fast she suddenly found herself back in town.”

I blink. Huh. Well, since her pony counterpart can break the freaking sound barrier and spectrum barrier at the exact same time, super speed for Dash would make sense as a new power.

“But it only worked near camp. It took her a while to get back and as soon as she was close enough, her power started working again and she went so fast, so suddenly, she smacked into the wall of the cabin.”

Oh… Yeah. I can see Dash will have to work on controlling that. Guess there are some downsides to suddenly getting super speed.

“So, you?” I ask.

Fluttershy gives a small smile. “I can talk to animals now.”

I cock an eyebrow. “Uh… couldn’t you do that anyway. You’ve always been so good with animals.”

Fluttershy blushes at my praises. “Well, yes, I’m good with animals, but I’ve never actually understood what they were saying… until now, at least.”

I frown, thinking it over. Sci-Twi gains levitation magic, like a normal unicorn can use, but her Alicorn counterpart uses quite regularly. Rainbow can now go crazy fast, like her pony counterpart. Applejack seems to have super strength, similar to her counterpart and now Fluttershy can understand animals like her pony self.

All their new magic is tied to something from their Equestrian selves.

I freeze, my body going cold as realization hits me.

“Screwball?” Fluttershy stops and looks back with concern. “What’s wrong?”

I gulp, failing to keep the quiver from my voice. “Wh-wh-what’s Pinkie Pie’s new magic?”

Fluttershy blinks. “When she throws things they explode.”

I stare blankly for a moment, before my eyes widen as my mouth becomes a flat line.

Pinkie Pie… can turn anything into explosives.

We. Are so. Fucked!

“I’m… going to my tent,” I say in an unfocused tone, pointing as I slowly turn and make my way back to my tent. “I… need a lie down.”


I walk towards the dock, where Rainbow, Pinkie, Fluttershy and Applejack are continuing its construction. Rarity’s just sitting in a foldout chair, sewing something.

“… at the pace you two are moving, I don’t know that the runway will ever be finished,” the fashionista is saying as I get within earshot.

Applejack stops what I notice is very light hammering. “The dock is our gift to the camp, and it’s gonna get finished.” She then looks over to Dash, raising an eyebrow. “That is if Rainbow Dash would hurry up and bring me more wood.”

Rainbow gives an uncertain look. “Oh, I can’t go any faster! I don’t want to end up in the woods again.”

Applejack rolls her eyes. “Don’t be silly.”

Dash deadpans and puts down the planks of wood she was holding. “Really?” she then mimics AJ’s light hammering.

Applejack blushes, before she sighs. “Ah know Ah said we should try to forget all about this new magic business, but Ah can’t. What if Ah hammer the board into splinters?”

Rarity, Fluttershy, and Dash all murmur in agreement.

“Well, Sunset and I have suggested we actually deal with this before it gets out of hand,” I lecture, making them all jump. Apparently my presence had gone unnoticed til now. “You think when I got my powers I just ignored it? Sure, I chose to have a lot of fun, but I also made sure to test my limits first, so I wouldn’t lose control suddenly. And, let’s face it, Chaos Magic is way more dangerous than just one single type of magic.”

Applejack looks down, before frowning. “Aw, shoot! Ah’m all out of nails.”

“Oh, here you go!”

The chirper voice makes my blood go cold as we all turn around to see Pinkie holding a box of nails and throws it!

“Pinkie, no!” we all scream, as the box goes flying, myself an Rarity instinctively throwing up barriers to block them as Applejack dives, just getting behind my own barrier as it comes down, while Rarity’s knocks Fluttershy and Rainbow over.

The box thuds against the barrier, before dropping down at hitting the dock. We all tense… but nothing happens.

We all heave huge sighs as I lower my barrier, before we all glare at Pinkie.

“What?” she asks, before blinking and smiling… a little too nonchalantly for my taste. “Ohhh, did you think the nails would explode like the sprinkles? Wow! Glad that didn’t happen, huh?”

“Yes!” I yell, a vein twitching in my forehead as I snarl at the pink girl. “Of course we’re glad that didn’t happen! Pinkie Pie, are you fucking insane?! You could’ve killed us!”

Pinkie smiles sheepishly, before smiling normally. “Yeah. But I didn’t and that’s what matters.”

“I… but you… and we…” I struggle to find the words through gritted teeth, before I shake my head and throw my arms up in the air in exasperation. “Ugh! I give up! Doesn’t matter which of you it is! Doesn’t matter which!”

Rarity sighs before leaning down to help Fluttershy and Rainbow up. “Sorry, girls. I didn’t mean to.” She holds her hands out in front of her. “I don’t know how to control this.”

Dash smiles reassuringly, saying surprisingly quiet for her, “It’s okay.”

Fluttershy nods. “Oh, none of us do.”

“Which is why we shouldn’t pretend this isn’t happening,” we all turn to see Sunset walking towards us, smiling.

Rainbow looks quizzically at the bacon-haired girl. “Do you have them now, too?”

Sunset nods. “It started last night. When I touch people, it’s like I can feel what they’re feeling and see their memories.”

That… could’ve been worded a bit better, I think.

Pinkie Pie rushes forward, standing in front of the girl. “Oooh, fancy! Try me, try me!”

Without even giving Sunset a chance to respond, she grabs the other girl’s hand and puts it to her forehead. Sunset’s eyes glow white for a second, before they return to normal and she steps back… a blank expression on her face.

“That explains so much,” she says flatly.

“Yep,” Pinkie Pie just smiles.

Okay. Probably better I don’t know what the hell she saw in Pinkie Pie’s mind. Also, mental note: make sure Sunset never uses her power on me. Disregarding all I know about her original world and this one being from a cartoon, I don’t think her mind would be able to handle everything being a Princess of Chaos means is going on inside my head. Her mind would likely crack at seeing just a fraction of what’s going on up there.

Sunset looks around at all of us. “Girls, we can’t just brush these powers aside because it doesn’t seem like the ideal time to get them. What if it turns out that they could actually make things better?”

I join Sunset and we explain how having these new powers and embracing the magic is far better than ignoring it. Well, okay, we sing it, but that’s still explaining.

As we explain and the girls start to embrace their new powers, we’re able to finish building the dock.

“Okay,” Dash says once we’re done, “that was pretty awesome!”

Sunset smiles, indicating to the dock. “And look what you managed to accomplish!”

Rarity looks around excitedly. “Please, please, please can we do a run-through for the fashion show on it right this minute?”

And I’m out. I have no interest in this fashion show. I will be in my tent.

I decide to take a nap, but am woken when I sense Sunset’s magic. Now that I know it’s hers, I can see its similarities. Before, they seemed different because they weren’t in sync with her, but now I can differentiate the magic as hers, as with the others and their new magic.

I sit up, cocking an eyebrow. Wonder who’s memories she was trying to see. Wait, she did ask permission first, right?

Suddenly I wince as a huge surge of magic is just there and it feels… wrong. Shaking my head to focus, I realize it’s corrupted magic. Magic that is being used with intentions for negative goals.


I leap up, teleporting as I do so, landing on my feet in front of Rarity, startling her.

“Screwball, what is the meaning of—”

There’s a record scratch and music that had been playing stops and I whirl around, picking up on the corrupted magic and seeing… a knock off Poison Ivy who’s floating as she moves?

Okay. I will admit, I did not see that one coming.

“Why did you stop the—?” Rarity gasps, seeing what w’ere all seeing. “Oh, my goodness!”

“Attention, campers!” the knock off says and I realize it’s Gloriosa Daisy.

“It’s Gaea Everfree!” Trixie screams.

“She’s real!” Flash gasps.

Bulk Biceps screams. “We’re doomed!”

I look to the former, holding up a hand. “One, no, she’s not real. That’s just Gloriosa. Two,” I look to Bulk, deadpanning, “thanks for the vote of confidence.”

“Gloriosa?!” Timber asks, looking at her in shock. “What are you doing?!”

Applejack eyes widen. “That’s Gloriosa? Am I goin’ crazy, or are her feet not touchin’ the ground?”

“Freaky-deaky!” Pinkie says… floating sideways in mid-air.

Nope. No way! Already got one problem, don’t need another caused by my brain going inside shutdown from questioning that.

Gloriosa looks around at all of us. “I have an announcement to make! Filthy Rich wants this to be the last session of Camp Everfree. But don’t worry, I’ve got this!

She slams her hands into the ground, green magic crackling from the point of contact and spreading through the width of the camp’s grounds, vines and thorns sprouting up like a wall around the whole area.

Everyone starts running, trying to avoid the vines, the girls and myself leaping away from the dock as vines and thorns rise up from the lake, destroying the dock.

“Oh, come on!” Dash yells in exasperation. “We literally just finished building that!”

Gloriosa then starts explaining in a matter of fact tone that we are all going to be staying in Camp Everfree and we will stand by it, not letting Filthy or anyone else take it away, all the while, the vines and thorns continue to grow around the camp, engulfing everything. She even traps Princpal Celestia and Vice Princpal Luna in one of the cabins along with several other students.

“Not happening, you Posion Ivy Ripoff.”

She looks to me in surprise as I stand strong, cracking my neck.

She cocks her head. “What do you mean?”

I levitate into the air to meet her eye to eye, a fire ball forming in my right hand. “I just dealt with someone who forced someone I care about to do something she didn’t want to. I’m not letting you do the same.”

“So, you’re not going to help me save the camp?” she asks, her eyes narrowing slightly. “Then, if you’re not going to help me… you’re the enemy!”

She thrusts her arms forward, several vines shooting up from the ground, aiming at me.

I manoeuvre around them, tossing fire balls, the vines making screeching sounds as they burn.

She snarls, lashing out at me with several thorny vines.

“Sorry, I don’t really feel like playing,” I say, folding a leg over the other as if I were leaning against something, cross my arms and snap my fingers.

There’s a pause… during which nothing happens.

“Hmm?” I say, looking down at my hand and snapping my fingers again. Nothing. “Uh, gimme a sec, will ya?” I stand up straighter, frowning as I keep snapping my fingers. “Come on, come on, work already. What’s going on? I took these in for a tune up just last week.”

A cough draws my attention and I look up to see a very unamused Gloriosa, before she sends a surge of vines my way.

“Yipe!” I teleport out of the way as the vines lash out, reappearing behind her and come down from above, wearing a hocking mask while wielding a whirring chainsaw, but am grabbed by a vine from underneath.

“Uh oh,” I say blankly, before I’m flung downward, but teleport out and rolling with the momentum to get into a better position and leaping back into the air. “Damn. And here I thought being at camp, working with a camp horror trope would work.”

Gloriosa looks down at me. “Done yet?” She opens a hand, several vines with flower buds rising up before her and opening, revealing what look like darts made of wood.

“I gave you all the evidence you need to halt Filthy’s plans!” I say firmly, skidding in mid-air and back flipping to avoid darts fired by said plants. “You don’t need magic to stop him!”

“No one would believe me if I used that!” she growls, a bow made of roots forming in her hand, which she uses to fire several tipped arrows at me. “They’d think I’m just some desperate fool, trying to falsify evidence to use his past crimes against him to get my way.”

I blink, before facepalming. I hope that’s just the magic messing with her mind, because if not… this woman is really stupid.

Taking the time to acknowledge her stupidity turns out to be my downfall, however, as I’m suddenly hit in the back of the head, sending me tumbling, before I feel a stinging sensation in my right arm and the world goes black.


The girls all looked on in horror as Screwball fell from the sky, hitting the ground hard and skidding for several feet, by pure chance landing where they were hiding. She was unconscious.

Though, despite their worry it would draw her attention, with Screwball knockout, it seemed Gloriosa had forgotten about her and was focusing on spreading her vines throughout the camp.

“Oh,” Fluttershy groaned, hugging her knees, “why do these kinds of things always happen to us?”

Rarity looked down trodden as she pulled Screwball close, holding the younger girl’s head in her lap, pulling the red dart out from her arm. “What are we going to do?”

Rainbow walked up in front of the white skinned girl. “What we always do!” She held out a hand. “Save the day!”

The others all nodded and they put their hands together in a cicle.

Pinkie Pie started dancing in place. “Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy! This is gonna be so much fun! I only wish we had time to make superhero capes!”

Rarity smiled excitedly. “Oh, me, too!”

Dash groaned, before looking around at the group. “Enough about our wardrobe! We’ve got to stop Gloriosa from trapping everybody in here!”

The girls all got to work, Rarity protecting Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon from being crushed by a totem pole the vines knocked over by creating a diamond shield, Dash getting them to safety with her super speed, while Fluttershy talked to some gophers and asking them to dig a hole so they could get out from under the vine wall.

Applejack tried throwing a massive boulder through the vines, but the hole it created quickly sealed up and even Pinkie throwing multiple bunches of exploding sprinkles didn’t help, all the holes sealing seconds after they were made.

Despite their new powers and Ponying Up, things were quickly turning south as Dash struggled to dodge around vines, the holes made by the gophers were sealed with more vines and AJ and Pinkie did their best not to get caught in the vines.

“This isn’t working!” Applejack called out after several minutes. “Her magic is too strong!”

“Well we know someone who’s magic is stronger!” Dash called, zooming back to where Screwball had been left and only just managing to grab her before several vines encased her.

She stopped as the other girls gathered around her and she started shaking the younger pink girl. “C’mon, Screwball. Wake up! We could really use a hand here!”


I groan as my consciousness returns. Is someone shaking me? What happened?

I wince as I feel a headache.


I shake myself, my vision slowly to see the girls. They’ve all Ponied Up.

Looking around groggily, I see the camp is almost completely covered in out of control vines.

“Thank goodness,” Fluttershy smiles.

“Can’t you stop her?” Dash points to the magic woman causing all the problems.

I lazily look back at Dash, before groaning, holding my head in one one. “Whatever was in that stuff she got me with… it’s potent.” I give a giddy smile. “Heh heh. Potent. Po-tunt.”

“Aw, shoot,” Applejack sighs. “She’s still outta it.”

Why are you fighting me?!” we all look to see Gloriosa has landed on the sundial as is glaring in our direction. “I’m doing this to save our camp! I’m doing this for you!”

Rarity chuckles nervously. “Gloriosa, let’s just think about this for a moment, shall we?” Rarity says, sounding like very calm and like she should be able to settle things down if we just talk this out. “I mean, I think Camp Everfree is absolutely delightful, but I just don’t know that I’m quite ready to give up my weekly trips to the spa.”

That snaps me out of it a bit and I facepalm. Crap. Rarity, you had a chance. You were getting somewhere… until ya said “spa”. You could’ve said, mall, or café, or hair salon… but you just had to say spa.

“To the spa...?” Gloriosa says sweetly, before her face fills with rage “To the spa?!

Her words are followed by the magic going even crazier, vines bursting angrily from all around her starting to surround Gloriosa herself, encasing her lower body as she rises up.

“Gloriosa, this isn’t the way!” Timber calls from next to her.

She looks at him in annoyance. “I appreciate your concern, Timber, but I got this!

Timber cries out in alarm as the vines spread out, starting to encase him too. “No, you don’t!”

Huh? Am I sensing Sci-Twi and Sunset’s magic? Urgh. If not for this headache, maybe I could think straight.

“Please, Gloriosa!” Timber begs as the vines close around the camp, less and less of the sky being visible with each passing second. “What you’re doing is crazy! You have to listen to me!”

“Rarity!” AJ’s voice grabs my attention and I shake my head and realize I’m somehow now inside a shield Rarity’s made and Sunset and Sci-Twi are with us.

Huh? Wait, did I zone out or something.

“I can’t keep this up forever!” Rarity grunts, struggling as the vines press against the barrier she’s created.

“You sure you can’t do anything, Screwball?” Dash ask anxiously.

I shake my head, clearing it enough to properly think at least, before looking to her with a downtrodden expression. “If it were just some random Equestrian Magic, like what was in the locket at the Friendship Games or the Sirens, sure. But somehow Gloriosa’s magic is coming from the Elements. I don’t know how, but those crystals are connected to them and I can’t affect the Elements. They’re unintentionally fighting back. I can do this at least.”

I hold my hand up, palm out and an orange sphere forms around us, allowing Rarity to relax. I wince, putting my spare hand to my head.

“Think you can hold it?” Dash asks.

I massage my temples. “Yeah. But using magic while having a headache does not help it. Not sure how long I can do it.”

“It’s up to you,” Sunset says, taking Sci-Twi’s hands. “You can use your magic to pull the brambles apart!”

The lavender girl pulls back, shaking her head. “No. There’s too many of them. It would take too much magic. I can’t!”

Sunset looks at her desperately. “It’s the only way! You have to embrace the magic inside you!”

Sci-Twi hugs herself. “What if she takes over? What if instead of saving everyone, I turn into Midnight Sparkle and only make things worse?”

Sunset looks firmly at her. “That won’t happen!” She smiles. “We won’t let it.”

Sci-Twi closes her eyes and her hands start glowing with her lavender aura, but I notice a blue circle of light around her forehead, where her horn had been when she turned into Midnight Sparkle back at the Friendship Games and sense something there. Wait. Is Midnight actually still in her after all?

The shield starts cracking.

“Come on, Twilight!” Sunset says firmly, grabbing the other girl by the shoulders, who own hands glowing with her red aura. “You have to be stronger than she is!”

I slump to the ground as I sense a massive amount of magic from all seven of them, but, even having cleared my head as much as I have, this damn grogginess still doesn’t let me focus properly. I sense it, but that’s all. It’s like hearing noises when you’re sick, but you don’t have enough strength to comprehend what those sounds are.

I’m suddenly knocked aside, my mind instantly clearing and I look around as the vines explode in a ray of rainbow colours and notice the girls are all wearing new outfits.

Sci-Twi is wearing a light blue sleeveless shirt with her star Cutie Mark emblazoned in the centre of her chest, a dark-purple skirt with star patterns along the edge and an outer frill of light blue that was see-through, bright purple long socks with dark-purple boots, a tiara-like hairband with a purple star and her ponytail is now super long. Not only that, she’s… got Alicorn wings?

I mean, since her pony counterpart is an Alicorn, I guess it makes sense, but what would happen if she went into Equestria? Would she become an Alicorn or just a unicorn?

Sunset is wearing a dress with flaming designs, red shorts that reach to just above her knees, fingerless lacy gloves that reach from her hands to just below her bare shoulders, and, oddly, one boots with yellow flames along the front on one foot, but a small toe shoe on the other, looking very mismatched.

Rainbow Dash’s new look is something I can best describe as an athlete’s blue uniform, with rainbow lines down the sides, rainbow wrist bands and black leggings that end in rainbow running show with wings on their sides.

Fluttershy has a light purple, flowery-like dress with and outler layering that reminds me of peacock feathers and bright pink sandals.

Pinkie’s new attire looks kinda like a pink shirt-skirt combo with a blue puffy… something between the shirt and skirt with a bright yellow heart with blue and pink hearts within it on the chest, blue streamers around the waist, bright cream gloves and… cream coloured high-heeled shoes?

Applejack’s is the most normal looking. It’s a blue leather shirt, a simple red dress that’s short at the front and longer at the back, a belt with an apple shaped buckle and red cowgirl boots.

Finally, Rarity’s new outfit is a light blue flowing shirt with a short blue cape, purple silk skirt, golden shoes that have buckles in a creeping fashion that go up to just below her knees and silk blue gloves.

Okay, what the heck did I miss?

The girls all come down from the sky as everyone cheers for them, Spike running over and leaping into Sci-Twi’s arms. “You did it!” he pauses, then smiles. “Whoa. Nice bling.”

Following his gaze, I notice a round pendant around Sci-Twi’s neck. Glancing around, I see that all the girls have a pendant, coloured like… like the gems that were around Gloriosa’s neck all this time.

Applejack taps hers. “What... What are these?”

Sunset smiles. “I’m not sure. But clearly we have some kind of connection to them.”

“I think these are the Elements,” I say, frowning and scratching my chin as I look at Sunset’s gem. “Or, at least, this world’s version of them.”

“But, I thought we were already connected to the Elements after Princess Twilight came here,” Fluttershy says, looking confused.

I fold my arms. “Well, she opened up a connection, yes, but I think these are actually your world’s Elements. Like back in Equestria, you could still connect to them without actually needing to have them, but couldn’t fully utilize their powers without them.”

“That… would explain why we didn’t get these newer powers til we came here,” Sunset ponders, before cocking an eyebrow at me. “But… I thought there were only six Elements. What’s mine?”

“That… I’m honestly not sure,” I scratch my head, with my other hand on my hip. “It’s been theorized that there was always a seventh Element, but we’ve never really seen any sign of it in Equestria.”

“I almost don’t care what they are,” we look to Rarity, who looks enamoured by her gem. “They are gorgeous!” She gasps, her smiling widening. “And will totally go with the other collection I was working on for the camp fashion show!”

We all give her a deadpan stare.

She giggles nervously. “That’s probably cancelled, isn’t it?”

We then all spend the next hour or so fixing up all the damage caused when Gloriosa was consumed with Equestrian Magic.

I offered to do it in a snap, my powers are back to their fullest again and I doubt the Element Pendants would stop me now as I’m not fighting against them, but everyone insisted they wanted to do it themselves.

Still, just because they wouldn’t let me snap everything to normal doesn’t mean I can’t use my magic to move and alter some things. Just not everything at once.

In no time, we’ve almost everything fixed up.

“I am so sorry,” my attention is drawn from the repairs I was making to the roof of one of the buildings by Gloriosa’s voice and look down to see her talking with Celestia and Luna. “I only wanted this to be the best week Camp Everfree has ever had,” she look down, ashamed as she hugs herself, “and instead I’ve made it the worst. Maybe it’s for the best that I’m losing the camp to Filthy Rich.”

“No. It’s not,” Princopal Celestia says firmly. “This camp has meant so much to so many people, my sister and me included.”

Vice Principal Luna smiles. “Why do you think we wanted our students to come here?”

“And do you really think I’m going to let that asshole I sadly share genetics with get his way after all the shit he’s pulled and has no remorse for his actions?” I call as I leap down, halting just before touching the ground and lightly land, folding my arms.

“We can’t let Filthy Rich take this place away!” Sci-Twi says, coming over. “If camp meant so much to you two, maybe it meant as much to the other campers who came here in years past.”

Sunset’s eyes light up as she and I seem to have the same thought. “And maybe we can get them to help save it!”

“Oh! Like a fundraiser?” Applejack says, casually putting down a large log she was carrying all on her own with one hand.

Okay, seeing this world’s AJ doing that kind of stuff is going to take some getting used to. I’m used to her pony self doing that, but then she’s an Earth Pony, not a human.

“Or a ball?!” Rarity suggests.

I rub between my eyebrows. Please let this be a thing Rarity gets out of before we get back to CHS. This has to be some kind of phase and it’s irritating me to no end.

Rainbow fist pumps the air. “Our band could play!”

Fluttershy nods. “I could help write a new song just for the occasion!”

Many of the other students voice their agreement.

Gloriosa looks around and gives a sad smile. “Those are all good ideas, but where would we hold it?”

“We could hold it in the crystal cave!” Sunset suggests.

Wait. There’s a Cyrstal Cave here?

“A Crystal Ball! I love it!”

PLEASE let this be a phase! Please!

Gloriosa Daisy looks down, seeming to think it over, before her expression saddens and she shakes her head. “I admire everyone’s enthusiasm. Really, I do. But I-I just don’t know how we’re going to plan a ball by tomorrow and invite everyone.”

The girls and I look at each other and smirks, before looking to her and saying in unison, “We got this!”


Using the girls new powers and my own, along with working with the rest of the students, not only do we fix everything at Everfree, but manage to prepare the Crystal Ball in the cave and, after looking over all the past Camp Everfree alumnae and myself doing a scan of the whole city and surrounding areas for said people, Dash and I zip around, getting people interested and willing to come and help Everfree.

The girls all play, the performance going overly well, with everyone invited loving the show, aiding by myself and Trixie doing some magic tricks and Vinyl and Octavia also doing their own performances.

After the girls finish their performance, Gloriosa Daisy comes on stage, taking the mic.

“Thank you all so much for coming! And for helping us raise enough money to...” she pauses, the brightest smile on her face, before she pumps a fist in the air and cheers, “save Camp Everfree!”

As everyone else cheers, I look around and notice Filthy in the back of the ground near the entrance.

He glares, adjusting his tie, before walking off in a huff.

I smirk, teleporting next to him and float alongside, my hands behind my head. “So… looks like Everfree won’t be your new ticket to wealth, hmm?”

He just glares at me. “Don’t think I’m done, brat. I can come back from this.”

I snicker. “Only because Gloriosa decided not to press charges after I wiped all traces of your contruction away.”

He pauses, before snarling. “You did what?”

I hover before him, arms folded, my sneer never fading. “Aw. What wong, daddy? Can’t secretly and illegally build that mall now behind Gloriosa’s back. The land’s her family’s again. You can’t do anything without suffering legal reprocusions. And, trust me, I’d make sure you do.”

He just glares at me.

I wave a hand in a shooing manor. “Now, scat. No one wants you around. Honestly, I kinda hope you have the brains to not do anything illegal or morally wrong again. You don’t wanna end up like my mother did back in Equestria.”

He turns to leave, before pausing, glancing back at me inn slight confusion. “Huh?”

I put a hand on my hip. “Remember what you said back in Gloriosa’s office? Well, I went back and checked and your guess was actually right.” I give a smile that I know is unsettling. “And when I found her, I let all my years of hatred towards her out at once. Oh, man, the things I made her suffer.” I sigh, giving a warm smile. “Fond memories that will keep me warm for many years.”

He steps back, staring at me in absolute horror. “You… you murdered your own mother?!”

I blink, looking at him in confusion, before waving a hand. “What? Yikes. Heck, no. I didn’t murder her.” Then I give him a siniseter smile. “But you’d be surprised what you can live through.” My smile returns to innocent and I wave. “Just something to think about, Filthy. Buh-bye, now!”

He just stares for several moments, before slowly backing away, then breaking into a sprint for the carparks.

I snicker. I get the feeling he won’t be pulling any fast ones again any time soon.

“You know what else is cool?” Rainbow is saying as I teleport back into the cave, appearing next to the girls. “Our awesome new superpowers!” She zooms off around the room, stopping by some of the balloons, “I handed out, like, four hundred fliers,” she zips over to the where the girls’ intruments are, “set up the stage,” she zips back over, now carrying a box of pizza, “and still had time to pick up pizza! I love my super-speed!”

Fluttershy looks to Sunset and myself. “You’re not gonna ask us to give up our new powers, are you?”

Sunset and I look at each other, before shaking our heads.

“Discord never planted his Plunder Seeds in this world,” I say nonchalantly, “so I doubt we’ll need to return them at any point to stop said vines.”

Sunset smiles. “In fact, I think maybe we were meant to have them all along.”

Sci-Twi nods. “Me, too.”

“Didn’t I literally explain just that not yesterday?” I ask, looking around at them all and they all blush sheepishly.

“So, I hear you went back to Equestria before Gloriosa went wild with Equestrian Magic,” Dash says, looking to me and clearly trying to change the subject. “So, what’s up over there?”

I frown, folding my arms. “Not… really sure. I definetly know something’s up though.”

Sunset cocks an eyebrow, curious. “Why? What gave you the idea something’s up?”

I look to her. “I ran into a future version of myself.”

There’s a pause as what I said sinks in, before the girls and Spike simultaneously say, “HUH?”

“Yep,” I say, hands behind my head. “Didn’t really get much of a chance to talk with her. She just gave me Decade’s Rider belt, said something about me giving the big finisher and left me. And, I dunno why, but she’s currently moving the sun and moon.”

Sunset’s eyes widen. “What? Why? Did something happen to the princesses?”

I shrug. “Like I said, didn’t have time to look into it. After we get back to school tomorrow, though, I’ll go back and check it out.”

Author's Note:

And that's it. we are finally through with Everfree. Next time, Screwball and her part during the season 6 finale?

Yeah, figuring out a way to not have Screwball fixing things right away with Gloriosa was a little tricky until i remembered the gems are pretty much the elements.

and, yeah, i gave the girls their forgotten friendship and onward look instead of the one they had in Legend of Everfree since they only got those for that movie.

Not sure how long it'll take to get the next chapter out, but i might be able to either tomorrow or the day after, since it's a public holiday this monday, so i might just be able to convince myself to spend three days at the library this time instead of just two.

Well, hope you enjoyed this chapter (please Screwball making Human Filthy piss himself with fright) and, til next time, later everypony.

Ps After next chapter, i'll try updating both Twilight's Twinlight and The Human Lifestyle... with Magic.

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