• Member Since 12th Mar, 2013
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Love is certainly a funny, wonderful thing. Cadance never expected it to grow into something so painful for her.

Try as she might, she can't hide it forever, not from herself, and certainly she can't hide it from her husband...

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 75 )

Cady x Twilight is a pairing I never would have thought of, but it's cute. Pairing my two favorite ponies together. :heart:

At least she has the decency to recognize the action of coming onto his sister as something immensely painful. I believe Shining's bitterness more than anything else he's expressed this story. That his sister is an amazing prodigy, and it's happened so much he's just resigned himself to being second banana, even in love, to his sister.

But, as a result, the only thing he can do is try to sacrifice himself harder, since he'll never measure up the best he can do is prove he's really really a good man, sacrificing his happiness for the women around him.

It was well written, though. Just depressing as hell... I get the feeling Cadance is intended to have it seem like it's sweet or sad for her that she cannot be with the person she loves, but I sympathize far more with Shining.

Good thing Alicorns are immortal, though that would make for an awkward funeral.

"Hey Twi, now that I'm single again, wanna go on a date?"

6785075 I guess I am! I'm going to have to get reading, then! Thanks.


Cadence want NORMAL life than her own fantasy because ultimately you see it...

She is afraid if she live that kind of life


It certainly isn't supposed to be heartwarming or sweet, I was more aiming for something along the lines of bittersweet. You should feel sympathy for both of them: for Cadance, she's kind of in an uncomfortable position of being in love with somepony else, and her inability to fulfill that desire or even treat it for what it is, is and will hurt her. She wants to put it aside and pretend it isn't there because she doesn't want to hurt her husband. As for Shining, as you suggest, he's kind of had a raw deal most of his life and finds himself making (or trying to make) even more sacrifices for the mares in his life.

Yeah. In one way it's people sacrificing things for each other, trying to make their partner happy but... well the raw deal that Shining, who should be on top or nearly on top of the world, feels like that in every way that matters he's just someone's second choice gets me more than Cadance's, and that his acceptance of inferiority has been pretty deeply ingrained, and it puts me further in his corner than hers.

And, actually, this is one of the few Twidance's that acknowledges what Cadance being in love with Twilight would probably mean for Shining emotionally, realizing he's either second place to Twilight again, or at least having to compete for it with her, and feeling like he's going to lose.

So it is pretty bittersweet, but I think I feel more bitter than sweet. :applejackunsure:

Again, though... it's good. I may abhor said situation but it is a well written short story of people who care about each other trying to navigate what is going to be an unavoidably painful situation.


And what about her kids.

She has at least one, now, remember? I don't see Cadance as the kind of girl who stops at one, either.

"So, Twily, now that I'm single again-"


I honestly don't see the ship at all, but it was still a nice moment for Cadance and Shining on that particular topic, perhaps regardless of who the conversation is aimed at.

Don't be silly, Cinna--the threesome solution is totally heartwarming and sweet. :trollestia:

Man... I can't help but feel for Shining Armor here, Twilight gets pretty much everything handed to her on a silver platter, and no matter how hard he works, he just can't compete.

Let's take a look, shall we?
*Born one of the most powerful unicorns of all time.
*Born with a genius-level intellect.
*A Cutie Mark not just for a specific branch of magic, but for magic in general.
*Through miraculous circumstances became Celestia's student.
*Through similarly miraculous circumstances overcame her anti-social tendencies to make five best-friends-for-life, became the element of magic, and freed Princess Luna from the grip of Nightmare Moon.
*Proceeded to then save the world multiple times from various threats through a combination of luck and determination.
*Became an alicorn by accident and was elevated to royalty.
*And now Cadence has fallen in love with her, without her really trying, and despite all the mental roadblocks that would normally get in the way of that.

Now, we don't know nearly as much about Shining Armor, but we can intuit a lot:
*Captain of the Royal Guard at an extremely young age.
*The most powerful (normal) unicorn shown on-screen. Twilight, Sombra, and Trixie with the amulet don't count.
*No matter what she says, caught the attention of the Alicorn of Love.
*Managed to defeat Chrysalis and her changeling army with love.
*Never stopped fighting Sombra, no matter how dangerous it was to him.
*Stood up to both Discord and Tirek.

This paints the picture of an earnest, loving, hard-working young man that always tries his hardest to do what he feels is right. He's blessed in many ways, but he never stops trying just because of that, and yet he always gets surpassed by his younger sister, oftentimes without her even attempting to do so! I think about all that he's been through, and just how hard he had to have to worked to have come so far in such a short time, and I can't help but think what it must be like to be him. Unfortunately, I doubt the show will ever let him be anything more than Cadence's perfect, ineffectual husbando, which is sad, because I think his character has a lot of potential... especially if they changed his voice actor, the California college jock accent is NOT flattering in the least.

I have some ideas floating around for a story that explores all of this more in-depth, but, like most of my ideas, it's still stuck in development hell.

Would also like to point out that I'm not dissing Twilight, I really do love the adorkable little bookworm. And I'm not saying she didn't earn it either, it took her many years of intense study and a lot of personal sacrifices to get her to where she is in canon. Not to mention the bravery and guile she showed against literally world-ending threats, in no way am I discounting that. But even Twilight herself will admit she's led a charmed life, especially after seeing just how bad things can really get.

I'm not sure what this story is going for. Is there an end point beyond the angst and knowing their marriage is probably going to slowly fall apart from here?

And then at the end of the day, you realize, "I'm over looking a cartoon again."

Haha :rainbowlaugh:

Hey, I've had the stomach flu for the past seven days straight. It's either over-analyzing cartoons, or back to moaning on the coach.

If you can't be with the one you love...


What about them? :trollestia:

Would this be considered cheating? I dunno, philosophy isn't my shtick.
If so, then this is the first adultery story that I've ever seen rated Everyone.


Twilight is not even a particularly humble character, which is something authors often go overboard with. She is not a braggart, and she can get flustered when she receives praise from those she cares about, but she's not self deluded, she knows perfectly well who she is and what she has, and has pulled her status/title/knowledge on others multiple times throughout the series, and thrown fits the times when they are not acknowledged, just not over frivolous things (usually).

It's all part of who she is and why we like her, and I agree that people tend to only want to see the virtues in her character which is why so many fics about her end up feeling very bland and Mary Sue-ish.


... Well this rout is several football field's worth of familial dysfunction and assassination attempts waiting to happen.


and has pulled her status/title/knowledge on others multiple times throughout the series, and thrown fits the times when they are not acknowledged, just not over frivolous things (usually).

I'd be interested to see a list of these. There's a fine line between "pulling knowledge" and genuinely thinking you have something to contribute and being flustered when no one believes you or acts on it.

Back to the story, this isn't the first TwiDance to treat these subjects, but it does so very well. Shining's angst is obvious and intense; I get the feeling his acceptance is based as much in resignation as in love or understanding of Cadance.


First time in the first 5 mins of the series, last time in Hooffields and McColts, also telling Fluttershy that she would get special treatment after FS stole Philomena, throwing fits when the Mayor wouldn't let her make an official announcement... those are just off the top of my head.

Like I said, she's not Trixie, bit she's not a deluded or unaware of who and what she is, and does have certain expectations of privilege, and that's OK because she does have a privileged position in life which she has earned.


Ohh cmon! It'll be good for them! They're learn all sorts of valuable skills in their quest to bring down the Dark Lady and her evil Cohort Midnight Sparkle! And then you get to whip out the whole "No Skyla, I AM YOUR MOTHER!" line.

Boo. Yay, but boo.

Yay for the well-written story.

Boo for breaking up one of the actual few canon couples.


Who said anything about them breaking up?

This was absolutely great! I thought it was heading straight for a very weird kind of V shaped polyamorous relationship but I was pleasantly surprised. The dialogue was very well written as well.

It's absolutely true that loving creatures are capable of loving more than one other, sometimes many more. But here Cadence does the best thing, the RIGHT thing, and stays true to her husband. Polyamorous relationships always end in pain for someone, and it wouldn't be right to risk that for any of the three of them.

Perhaps, if this is a Universe in which Cadence and Twilight have the spark of Immortality, Cadence and Twilight will have the opportunity to explore a relationship after Shining Armor's passing (the subject of more than a few TwiDance fics).


I don't think it's her other accomplishments that come into the picture. Brotherly pride would cover those without raining on his parade. At the end of the day, he just wouldn't mind that he doesn't stack up against the living-goddess world-saviour that is his little sister. ... At least until he finds out his wife wants her and not him.

For that reason I prefer my Twidence to be AU, where Shining's not interested in Cadence to begin with.


Having Twilight and Cadence get together (implicitly forever due to immortality) after Shining's death is really weird, as it kind of suggests that Shining Armour was just a minor thing before the true, better romance.


That's such a terribly limited, and IMO extremely incorrect, view of love. Loving one person doesn't inherently diminish the love one feels for others. It's not a finite pool, it grows eternally. Besides, think of the two characters we're talking about. IF they grew to love each other after Shiny passed away then their love could very well only be possible because of their respective relationships with him. Think of Shining himself. He would want his Wife, the Princess of Love, to have love again, and who would he trust her heart to more than his LSBFF?

And it doesn't suggest that she ever loved Shining Armor any less at all.

It's not cheating if it's mutually agreed upon. Welcome to the wonderful world of polyamory! :derpytongue2:


I'm talking narratively, from the point of view that they're both immortal alicorns who are ostensibly equals. Not from how the characters might view their romance.

Just read this again and had to comment again. I'd love a sequel or for this to become a longer story with chapters. Maybe a mature fic where Twilight/Cady/Shiny show their love for each other. Hehe. Or if not, just Twilight and Cadance spending some time alone, some nice clean romance with them having dinner, sleep overs, talking, princess-y stuff...it would be cool. This story is already popular and featured. I'm sure people would love more!

I dunno, I skimmed it and thought Shiny was upset, yet resigned to his fate.

I liked this. I would say more about it, I'm just too tired right now. :twilightsmile:

I kinda agree that Cadance, despite being the story focus, gets sidelined by Shining. There's a distinct feeling of pain and inadequacy, both at realizing he's lost a part of Cadance and that Twilight always manages to show him up. Part of what makes him stronger was that we don't know exactly what he is thinking, and that really helped. It still feels clipped around the edges. Cadance's love and SHining's feelings, while present, could be touched on so much more.

“Actually, Shining, love,” she cooed as she kissed him in the secret spot on his neck, “I think I’d rather remind you just how much I love you…”

And that's how Cadence got pregnant. :derpytongue2:

(Sorry, couldn't resist :rainbowlaugh:)

6785992 Nah, Cadance loves Shining, but she also loves Twilight. The conversation is mostly her attempting to reassure Shining that she's not going to just drop him and go shack up with his little sister on a whim. Shining is ready to sacrifice himself and let her go to let her be "happy" but they both know that would only hurt him, and Cadance is trying to explain that she'd prefer to remain as things are rather than risk hurting Shining and Twilight in the pursuit of a hypothetical pleasure in preference to something that is real. After all, she still loves him - they both know that - and she vowed to remain faithful.

Strong marriages are built on conversations like this. Communication of the truth - especially on matters of the heart - is key to maintaining a healthy relationship and preventing coldness and separation from setting in.


Problem is that there's still incredible potential (indeed it's sort of already happening) for an emotional affair. Things will exacerbate with time, especially whenever Cadence has alone time with Twilight or whenever Shining and Cadence have an argument or slip into moments of weakness.

6785287 It maybe awkward, but it would be hilarious!

Oh man. That's rough. I guess there's an obvious choice here, then.
Overthink your heart out!

Haha. :rainbowlaugh:

Georg #42 · Jan 1st, 2016 · · 2 ·

Uh-oh. Princess Twilight Sparkle has just spent a certain amount of time with the Princess of Love, and now will travel back to Ponyville. What characteristic does an object which is exposed to a Van DeGraff generator gain?

Answer: A charge, which attracts objects charged opposite to it.

Question: What kind of charge would the Princess of Love generate when she's in one of her 'moods' around her fellow princess?

Answer: A romantic charge, most probably Twi(--).

Question: Who do we tend to see escort Princess Twilight and her friends around the train station, and who seems to be charged FS(++).

Answer: Flash Sentr-- Uh-oh. Run, Flash! Run! No, wait! Fly, Flash! Fly faster! She's gaining on you!

Hm... I liked this, but it feels like the first chapter of a much larger story. As a one shot, it feels lacking. It's a pity that it is marked as incomplete.

My one quibble is on the subject of Twilight's skill with defensive magics. Twilight, if given time to study and practice, will exceed the skill of any specialist. But, she has to take that time while the specialist has a vast head start on the field. Twilight will inevitably catch up to Shiny in force-fields, but until then his natural aptitude will keep him as the master of shields.


I can only up vote you once, sadly.


It was interesting to see it the other way, usually it's Twilight and Shining so it's interesting to see it be Cadance and Twilight.


I am unfortunately too well-acquainted with this from my previous relationship. So I definitely know that gut punch.


This. Thanks mon. I'm so glad to have actually read this. Shining is usually the buttmonkey in Twilight Sparkle/Princess Cadence shipping fanfics. But I'm very happy that this didn't end up breaking up a canon pairing. :heart:

Now the sequel where Twi says no ;) Teh drama.


Honestly she was much more confident in the air than the last Cadance had seen her,

the last time


I tend to agree, largely the problem has to do with Cadance (in a sense) moreso than it does with Shining or even her desire for Twilight. If anything goes wrong, it'll be her unwillingness to confront the facts that'll derail their marriage.

Still, I can't imagine it getting that far before Cadance finds herself forced to confront her feelings in a way that she can't put off.

I kind of find it interesting that more people haven't been asking for a sequel, or a follow up, truly, and I kind of find myself wondering whether or not I really should write a follow up. I wrote this fic several months ago, and I've been tinkering with it when I've had time, since. Part of me kind of sort wants to just leave it as a nice sort of 'this is the sort of conversation a strong marriage should have' because it is. However, I think Cadance's feelings are probably written in such a way that they deserve more exploration.

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