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Wiz Ahmad



Fluttershy gets caught in a storm and ends up on Earth. She is taken in by a family in Colorado Springs, Colorado, where she learns how to live with humans and also learns to drive. Later, a millionaire/inventor approaches her and says that he can return her to Equestria with his experiment - an alternate universe portal. However, she must perform one task: drive his 1200whp Toyota Supra from a garage in Albuquerque, New Mexico to his mansion in Malibu, California. Sounds pretty easy. Or is it?

2019 AUTHOR'S NOTE: I edited this story to remove some unnecessary details. There's a lot of forced emotion in this story, which is a reflection of some of my own emotional issues I went through as a teenager when writing this story, as well as many videos and news articles I was exposed to during my random surfings of the wild wild Internet. I can happily say I'm better now as a person, and as a writer too. However, I won't try to edit out those emotional or "crazy unexpected" moments. I want readers to acknowledge that I'm not perfect and that my style and choices in writing changes and improves over time. To be on the safe side, I'm still keeping it T-rated.

Chapters (15)
Comments ( 45 )

Just a note for those who might wonder: whp = wheel horsepower, which is the amount of horsepower generated at the car's wheels. It is generally slightly less that the amount of horsepower from the actual engine as there is slight loss of horsepower in the clutch, transmission, and differentials due to friction and other factors.

Watch this video to understand more:

Tbh we need more car stories on fimfic


6856352 lol no I live in ontario, Canada :twilightsheepish: but if u like u can tell me about that area it would really help with descriptive details in the story thanks :twilightsmile:

Well first of all we have an amazing view of Pukes Peak. A.K.A America's mountain.

Manitou middle school has an amazing view of all of Manitou. Manitou is located in a valley and is what I call the "Hippie Town." And one thing is what is it like in Canada?

6857735 It's very nice and lovely, a lot of nice mountains and coniferous forests in British Columbia and Alberta. Plenty of wildlife (deer, bears, geese, ducks, skunks, songbirds) national parks, the first and most famous being Banff National Park in Alberta.
Other Canadian stuff:
- the CN tower and the Rogers Centre Sport stadium
- 15 year car import law
- Justin Bieber (yeah he's changed for the better recently so drop any prejudice/hate)
- Beautiful lakes and beaches (especially lake superior)
- Orca families off the west coast of British Columbia
- Large number of I.T. (computer tech) colleges/universities as well as careers in Ontario

Thanks for the info. SPOILERS AHEAD :rainbowderp:
Here's the millionare's mansion that I'll be featuring in the story: (link)
The mansion in my story is actually for sale...for $5.75 million. :rainbowlaugh:

The Supra on my fanfic cover was actually sold to a lucky anonymous owner in not sure where in the southern US (I think Texas) for around $60,000. it was fully tuned, customized, and built by an Orlando, Florida company called Real Street Performance. I'll be modifying the car's actual specs to suit my personal tastes for the story.

One last thing. Do you know about Vanossgaming? He lives in Toronto or something and is one of the top 10(?) Youtubers in the world. Just let me know if you know him or see him. You can see him in one of his vlogs. But also about Colorado, I honestly think it would be humorous if Fluttershy sees a movie set because literally nobody films movies in Colorado because it costs I don't even know how much.

And also Holy Shit that mansion is cool!

6864097 Movie set in Colorado...sounds like a great idea for one of the chapters! and no I haven't seen or heard of VanossGaming. I'm not into those types of youtube channels. thanks though :twilightsmile:

No problem. So another question. What do they teach you about like, 9-11 ans Snady Hook and and all that stuff. It's ok if you don't want to answer.

So um. One last thing,(probably not last) can you check out my YouTube account? It's Rocky Shackleton.

6866880 will do. :raritywink:

and heck no. In fact exactly the opposite. Canada is a nice country and has held the 4th to 2nd position for the most peaceful and happy to live in country in the world. :ajsmug:

So what do you guys hear about those tragedies in America if you're in other countries?

6867673 Ah I see what you originally meant sorry. Yes we do hear about other countries' fatalities and incidents through various media outlets. However, sometimes they may be biased, but mostly we take in the info about the incidents as the truth, even though some aspects may seem questionable.

btw nice channel, keep it going :twilightsmile:

I quote Vanoss in saying, Keep Er' Goin' though I may come back here and ask for help with things in the future as I am 11 and not an experienced writer.

A Toyota Supra?:fluttercry:

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little...:pinkiesick:

The Fast and The Furious

We draw inspiration from the same well. :moustache:

6848359 Agreed. Cars play a major role in my story. Won't promise that the story is good, but it has vehicles in it. That link is to a blog I wrote about three of my favorite cars, and one of them is a Supra. :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Dimensional Librarian deleted Jun 29th, 2016
Comment posted by Wiz Ahmad deleted Jun 29th, 2016

FYI Dimensional Technologies is now watching this guy VERY CLOSELY :ajbemused:

6905134 I haven't heard of Dimensional Technologies before xD
srsly though are you upset at something I did in this story? :fluttercry: I'm open to improvements

6905137 Lolz Its just a joke and Dimensional Technologies is something of my own creation and its just a company that watches everything :twilightsheepish:

6905159 oh okay. I'm working on the next chapter currently. :pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by Wiz Ahmad deleted Feb 6th, 2016

and the road home begins.

Got to love a speed jucnkie

I have seen a few Rolls Royces in my life. My neighbors grandson has a 2001 Corniche convertible that I see around town every so often

6932240 I agree. I myself am a car fanatic. However I am more into American muscle cars. Not real fond of imports or a lot of foreign cars. I do however love Jaguars and the Audi R8. My mustang has all the speed I need. Lol

I love the F&F reference in this chapter

She got the car up to 174mph! DAMN!! I've never gone over 130 before! Let me tell you. THAT was fun as hell.

Just FYI .....I'm a HHHUUUUGGGE ..Fast & Furious Fan and a MAJOR Gearhead, however....I approve of the "Paul Walker Tribute" song & music video being used here. If the reader is able to visualize the scene and time the music just right, while also adding the right "Cinematic Effects" (Slow-Motion, Etc.), I'd say in my opinion Paul Walker AKA "Brian O'Conner" would approve.......(("RIP Paul Walker, We Will And Always Miss You"))......

Time to see how I'm going to visualize that Toyota Supra......I'll put my 2 1/2 Cents in on that at least once ...*singing* "Here We..Go..Now!" (Quoting Initial D Opening Song)

Here's a little Fast & Furious Scene Mash-Up (Edited) :

Dom's in his 2nd Version of "The Beast" stopped at a Red Light when Fluttershy pull's up in JD's Toyota Supra Dom looks at the Supra while "Bumping" the powerhouse of "Detroit Muscle" sticking out of the Mopar's hood and says to Fluttershy in his calm deep tone "Ride or die."

Fluttershy says calmly while looking in Dom's eyes "Ride or die." then turns on Head Unit's media player with the "Bars" Visualizer and starts playing "We Own It" by 2 Chainz & Wiz Khalifa. Dom smiles and they both get ready for the Green Light. On Green they Launched Flutter's Smoking the tires slightly while Dom ends up looking skyward as "The Beast" stands on it's Drive Wheels doing a "Wheelie" as they race a "1/2 Mile Drag" ending at none other than Neptune's Net it was to close to call and as Dom stopped at "the Net" for a bite to eat Flutters Beep the Supra's Horn to say "Bye". Dom looked at the Supra "Ride Off In To Distance" while saying to himself "Heh, haven't seen one of those pony's in a long time" then he thought to himself Wonder how Sweetie Bell's doing?

In short you "Nailed It"
The little "Sweetie Bell" Reference is to a Crossover Story Called "Quarter Miles" by L_Wolf

~She's Back.~

Hmm....on rating of 0-10, I'd give "The Shy Driver"............hmmm..............20!!!:pinkiehappy::yay:
You heard me right ...20!!!
Oh if you're a "Twilight Sparkle" and say "that makes no sense!"
*Does Single DX-Chop Taunt While Saying*
"SUCK IT!!!"

But seriously if this was "School Work" I'd give it a 100% (A+). Keep up the "AWESOME!!!" work.

Diezel Riggz

Sneak across the border into New Mexico? You so realize New Mexico is one of the fifty U.S. states right?

I was referring to state borders, not country borders.

Then why would they be sneaking into another state if it's legal to cross into another state

Border officials wouldn't take too kindly to ponies. I stuffed this idea later in the story, realizing that I only inserted it in at that moment just to provide a sense of suspense and adventure.

Ture, true, but living in New Mexico myself the only real border officials are more south near where I live. The only reason we have them is cartel and drug issues

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