• Published 23rd Jan 2016
  • 2,701 Views, 126 Comments

Ponyville Fire Department - Rescue Sunstreak

A story of Rescue Sunstreak and the PVFD, and the honor, duty, and sacrifice all first responders give.

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15 - Recovery, The Moon, and New Thoughts

Two more weeks, and never once was Pip alone. After that question, after finding out he finally had a family to call his own now, he had discovered so much more! There, on his flank, was his brand new cutie mark, telling all he was far more like Rescue and Ailan than anypony else. It had been yet another joyful moment, but the pain had come, and medications that made him drowsy.

He had woke to find Diamond Tiara, Scootaloo, and Rumble all at his side. Across the room, the big-winged tan Pegasus that was one of his new adoptive parents, slept. It was every day, medications to help with pain, friends and now his family at his side as he worked to stand, and later, struggle to walk. He decided to never let others down. Now that his cutie mark was clear that he was destined to be just like Rescue, he could only push to better himself.

A lot had occurred while he slept in the magical coma. He found out about Scootaloo, she had a home with Rainbow Dash now. After the fire at the orphanage, every last one of the foals had found a home. Scootaloo most of all with her hero, and now mother, Pip was glad for that. He and Scootaloo had grown to be great friends, and she deserved a home and love.

The odd one was Diamond Tiara, she was always there. He woke to her walking quietly into the room and fell asleep to her reading a comic book next to him. The first few days weren't normal, but now Pip looked forward to seeing her. She was his drive, his strength to do better. She would stand at the end of the walking rails and urge him on to take just one more step. Even when the therapy was almost too much, she never let him falter.

His final day in the hospital found him surrounded by everypony he knew. His fathers bracketing him, as he had refused to be carried. Tiara had walked close with him too, that ever-present unbreakable stone he knew he could trust and lean on. With his new family at his sides, and all of the fire ponies that were not on duty, Pip walked proudly, albeit slowly through downtown Ponyville. He hurt noticeably, and others saw it. Poor Ditzy clung tight to her daughter as they walked past, while Pinkie Pie bounced with joy next to the Cake’s foals and Mrs. Cake.

They walked slow, what should have been a simple fifteen minute walk was half an hour, yet no pony left him. They all fell in behind him and the two strong stallions at his side. Pip glanced up at them and seen joy, pride, and worry all at once in their eyes. Once or twice he had stumbled some and a father's wing or a small pink body always caught him and helped him steady himself.

Through a small gate in a small fence around the house. Rescue opened the door and let him walk in first. Pip found himself looking carefully around the living room. Seeing his picture up on the mantle above the fireplace, it reminded him once more, this was his home now, and a tear began to form. However, when they showed him his room, not a shared room, his own! His bed, his dresser, his carpet, his closet with his uniforms in it. There on a shelf rested his books, a set of saddle bags hung on the back of the door that Rarity had created with his new cutie mark on them.

It was a lot to take in, and the tears came as he spun and latched onto Rescue’s leg and started to sob. He felt Ailan’s wings come together around him as well as the significantly larger earth pony that was his other father. So, they cried together once more. This time, in joy.

Of course that was not to be, not with Pinkie Pie around! The party had been enormous, and it filled the street. It filled the house and the back yard. By the end of the night, Pip was worn out and had fallen asleep. He would later find out many pictures of him had been taken, asleep, pressed side to side with a sleeping pink earth pony filly. Diamond had been carried home by her father, Pip carried to his room by Ailan. Laid out on his bed, he slept the sleep of a worn-out foal. Safe and home.


A week passed, Rescue had set up things, and now he stood here once more. Looking over his shoulder at the open bay of the fire station, the two wagons sat, gleaming brightly in the sun. Standing on the very short stage, he stared back out at the crowd. Almost all of Ponyville was here. Shops had closed, and even the Apples had put off work for this event.

He glanced to the left, spotting all ten of the Junior Firefighters standing in rank, dressed in their uniforms. There behind them, spread out in two ranks, were the rest of the Ponyville Fire Department. Thirty total mares and stallions, four of them full-time like himself, the rest, volunteers. One had come back from training to be here for this event.

Kevin, just two weeks ago, had been accepted into the academy in Canterlot for advanced training. Low and behold the little changeling turned out to have a knack for the mechanical equipment. Rescue had sent him off to learn and become their mechanic as well as a full time firefighter. It had taken a little prod from his father, a favor Rescue had asked for. However, he was proud because this was, as the Princess had put it, 'A first step in creating lasting friendship with changeling kind.

Speaking of his father, Rescue peered over to the right of the stage. Standing proud in his uniform stood an older pegasus. The light green fur even lighter with age, his wings had white along the edges. However, the light in the blue eyes spoke well of his drive and his strength. Rescue had yet to introduce Ailan to him, or the stallion standing next to the Fire Chief. That pony was a silverish-white in color, another earth pony like himself, and was in fact around the same age, but had a more playful smile. Rescue again gave a internal sigh, unsure if he wanted to introduce his brother to his soon-to-be husband.

Then, he heard a light noise, and gave a nod. Clearing his throat, Rescue spoke into the small microphone before him. “Thank you all for coming today. Before we start, I wish to give thanks to our special guest, and to both the Fire Chief and Battalion Four Chief, for taking time out of their day to come to Ponyville for this special occasion.”
Glancing back at them both, he saw them nod, then he turned back to the crowd.

“Mares and gentlecolts, we are here today to pay honor to two of our own. Now, tradition would be that Fire Chief Firehook would conduct this ceremony. However, we have a special guest speaker today, one that has pulled rank as it would be,” Rescue stopped, getting a chuckle out of many, in truth most knew who it was. The only ones who were confused were the two colts in the JFE uniforms. One a little paint, and the other a gray winged pegasus. Even their friends and fellow Junior Firefighters knew what was to come.

“Without further adieu, let me introduce our special guest. Would you all please bow, for Princess Luna,” Rescue continued, stepping to the side and lowering himself as did the whole crowd, as Luna stepped out of the fire station and walked with her chin up, her wings slightly out, dressed in her finest regalia, she looked every part of her station. Stepping up to the microphone on the small stage, she cleared her throat.

“Please, rise my little ponies. Thou do honor me, but we are here for others today.”

Tugging out a set of notes, the princess looked around and then anyone could see the tiny blush form on her cheeks. She pulled out a set of small reading glasses in a dark blue magical aura and set them low on her muzzle, clearing her throat as her gaze set upon the paper.

“Never before in the recorded history of the Equestria Fire Department, have two ponies so young done something so selfless. Before I read the account, I wish to bring on stage the ones we are here to honor.” Looking to her left, Princess Luna stared right at the ten foals with a soft smile. “Junior Firefighter Rumble, Junior Captain Pipsqueak, please come forward and take the stage beside me.”

Both gulped hard, but stepped forward out of formation and turned, walking up the two steps onto the wooden platform, Pip following with a slight tremble, one not missed by many watching. Though the uniform covered up his front legs and chest, it did nothing to hide the still-healing burns along his ribs, nor did it keep his new cutie mark hidden. Luna gave them both a smile then turned back to the crowd and her script.

“On the night of April 10th, a terrible blaze sparked at the Ponyville Orphanage. The caregiver, Miss Quill, sounded the alarm and started to get her charges out of the building. Once outside, it was learned one was missing. Upon hearing this, two foals charged back into the building despite being told to wait.” She paused and swapped papers, briefly looking over at the two foals.

“Without a thought for their own safety, the two fought their way to the middle floor. There, they found the stairs already fully engulfed. Grabbing an extinguisher from the wall, Junior Firefighter Rumble picked Junior Captain Pipsqueak up in his legs and flew up to the third floor landing. There, they came across Junior Firefighter Scootaloo, who had been overcome by extreme smoke inhalation.”

Again changing papers, most of the crowd was silent, a few sniffles, a few shocked and worried faces even if they knew the outcome.

“While Junior Firefighter Captain Pipsqueak used the extinguisher to hold back the flames, his teammate grabbed the down filly and crashed with her through the window nearby. Taking her to the ground, he was told to stay put, however ignoring his own cuts and burns, he again disobeyed Miss Quill’s orders. He flew back into the building through that window, and found the Junior Captain down, as well to smoke inhalation and two serious burns. Once more suffering burns of his own, Rumble grabbed up the Captain, and again exited the building, suffering burns along all four legs, and his wingtips.”

She gave a exhale and composed herself. “For gallantry above and beyond the call of duty, for putting others before themselves, we will issue the Iron Hook to both. Never before has any Junior Firefighter Explorer, in the history of the Equestria Fire Department, been awarded its highest honor.” She paused once more, turning to look at Rescue and the two other attending Chiefs. “Station Chief Sunstreak, if you would?”

Rescue gave a nod, and reached behind him. Lifting up a small wooden case, opening it he held it out. The princess took in her dark-bluish magic one of the medals. A cross made of two fire hooks in gold, with a bright red ribbon attached through a small hole. Turning, she glanced down at Rumble, who was shaking like a leaf, but with a proud look on his face.

“For duty above and beyond the call, and by the power vested in me by the Equestria Fire Department, as well as my own standing as princess. We award you, the Iron Hook.”
Placing it around the colt's neck as he dipped his head, She gave a nod and turned lifting the other one up in her magic and turned back, looking at the little paint colt.

“Just five years ago, you honored me, Little Pip, by being unafraid of me and befriending me after my return. Now, it is with great pride of heart and spirit, I award you the Iron Hook, for gallantry above and beyond the call of duty.”

Placing it around the colt's neck, she could see both tears and joy welling up. She didn’t miss his whisper. “My favorite princess.”

Blushing some, Princess Luna stood up and looked back to the gathered crowd.

“Mares and stallions, fillies and colts. It is my proud honor to announce that along with this award, a place in the Fire Academy will be held open should they decide, when they become of age, to follow in the hoofsteps and traditions of the Department.”

She had to smile, and many let out a laugh as one little orange filly with the purple mane let out a bellowing call. “Heck yeah!”

After, Luna gave a nod. “May I present to you, Junior Captain Pipsqueak, and Junior Firefighter First Class Rumble.”

The hooves began stomping the ground, or together, then the cheering. The ponies yelping and calling out, it was almost deafening as the two little colts bowed their heads. Rescue overheard Rumble whisper to Pip.

“Firefighter First Class? I um…”

Pip grinned a bit and in that Trottingham accent of his said. “Relax, Rumble, you will do just fine.”


As always, there was a party after the fact. Was there ever a time Pinkie didn’t throw a party? After all, the whole town, it seemed, came by and congratulated them. Rumble and Pip found themselves with Diamond Tiara and Scootaloo. Tiara seemed to have a odd look on her muzzle and kept looking over at Scootaloo who would nod and gesture with her hoof. Giving a deep exhale, she glanced at Pip.

“Uh, Pip, can I ask you something?”

Pip smiled warmly. “Always, Diamond. We are like, best friends, right?”

She gave a nod and glanced over at Rumble, who was trying to figure out why Scootaloo was suddenly standing over closer to him. Looking back at Pip, she gave a gulp and laid her ears back.

“W-would... Would you like to go out with me?”

Pip could not understand why it seemed the whole world was silent. He could see everyone around him talking. Seeing Vinyl Scratch over at the disk jockey booth, and the speakers hooked up to her turntables throbbing with the beat. Yet nothing in that moment could break him out of the only sound he could hear was his heart pounding hard.

Looking at his friend, seeing her face, his heart sunk. She looked so nervous right now. He had seen the same look when he was taking his first painful steps in therapy. Did she like him? Did he like her? Why do things like this have to be so complicated?

All of that raced through his mind in all of the second and a half before his head dipped and he spoke.

“U-uh, sure, Diamond. I-I mean, I am not anything special I-”

She put her hoof over his mouth to stop him.

“You really are like the Chief. Mr. Sempar is right, you talk too much.”

But that smile he had, that goofy, silly smile of a love-sick colt said it all didn’t it. Scootaloo poked Rumble and said just as casual as could be.

“We are going to double date with them, right?”

Rumble blinked and looked over. Pip glanced at the grey pegasus and saw the poor colt's face. He was shell-shocked. Scootaloo next to him simply wing-slapped him lightly on the back of the head. “Breathe, and just say yes.”

Rumble took a deep inhale, and then gave a stupid silly grin of his own. “O-okay.”

Unknown to them, a group of ten ponies stood watching them. One, a pegasus mare with bright-rainbow mane leaned over to Thunderlane. “I... don’t know. I mean, perhaps they are too young.”

Rescue spoke up, keeping his voice down so the foals wouldn’t know they were talking about them. “Relax, Rainbow. It's just a date, Besides, give the two fillies credit. They did come ask Thunderlane and us,” he then gestured to Ailan.

“For permission to ask them first. I would say that makes them plenty mature,” he added, watching her look at her friends, then back over and she sighed deeply.

“Yeah, you are right. It's just, I am new to this parenting thing.”

It was, oddly, that new mare named Starlight Glimmer that spoke first.

“No you aren't, Dash. Look at Tank, look at how you are with your friends.” Starlight then gave a slight smile. “You are going to do just fine as a mom.”

Rainbow could not miss the smiles and the nods from all the other girls. Looking back over at the foals talking, she smiled a bit. Perhaps it was time to get over her own fear like Diamond just did, and talk to Soarin.

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