• Member Since 30th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Dawn Flower

Have you ever heard about the theory about how subatomic particles can pop into existence at random? Well, replace subatomic particles with updates and you have my writing style in a nutshell.


After another boring day of dealing with court affairs, Celestia meets up with an old friend and enjoys a delightful game of chess, while having an interesting discussion about what it means to rule.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is copyright of Hasbro
Code Geass is copyright of Ichirō Ōkouchi

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 15 )

I like it^_^ you have a Good pacing, you are never confused as to who it speaking, your characters fits extremely well, and your punctuation is decent.

Unfortunately people whom has not seen Code Geass won't be able to enjoy it as much.

All in all a great story, I do hope that you will write more.:twilightsmile:

We need some sequels where Lelouch plays chess against the other princesses.

Once upon a time, that was my biggest mistake. I was forced to leave the soldiers under my guard, and without my leadership, they quickly fell apart, forgetting what they truly stood for in favour of a quick victory.

Oh hey the Black Rebellion.

I at least managed to learn from it, however, and learned to place complete trust in those closest to me. The second time around, and from what I’ve seen, it worked out much better.

Yeah besides the whole near execution by firing squad, it worked out the second time.


Or rather keep the theme of philosophy and change up the characters

Maybe Edward Elric teaches zecora alchemy

Or general iroh plays pai sho with luna

In other words, as long as the queen can carry on, the war can be won.

This isn't Chinese Checkers! I was expecting Chinese Checkers!

Joking aside, this was a very good read. The many philosophies regarding royalty and rule, as well as the essence of the game being played revealing one's character was very clever.

As soon as I saw this, all I could imagine was Lelouch and Mao playing chess in Code MENT.

7143849 And in the case of Celestia's board, Twilight Sparkle is the Queen.

I feel you characterized Lelouch very well here, it would be cool if he played chess with other MLP characters too.

Yeah, Lelouch broke the rules. When your king is in check, you must protect it. Instead he put Celestia in check mate, leaving his king to die. That means, should Celestia wish, she could take the king and win despite being in checkmate.

Great read. Thank you for the story.

That absolutely perfect. Please make another story with Lelouch in it, because you characterized so well. To be honest, I have ideas for stories, but can never put them down on paper. To me its kinda depressing that I can't get a story made at all.

Sorry to those who read this, I just needed to get this of my chest.

This reminds me of a quote I heard once that went "When the game is over, the King and Pawns go into the same box."
How accurate is this exactly?

This was a surprisingly insightful and entertaining read.

plays chess against guy who has the ability to make people do what he wants them to do for only one time

Excuse me?!

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