• Published 29th May 2016
  • 6,507 Views, 31 Comments

Hidden Desires - StormLuna

Princess Luna has always been the one to hide her feelings and try to not show signs of weakness but something has been troubling her heart recently. After raising the moon and going out for a flight, she decides to visit Twilight for some advice.

  • ...

Hidden Desires

Another evening had arrived in Canterlot and like always, Luna was waking from her daily slumber. She opened her curtains and looked at the sun moving towards the horizon. For ages this sight brought about great happiness within her as it meant that she would be able to bask the landscape with her lovely night. Recently though, that was not the case. Something was troubling her, something that had been troubling her for quite some time but she was not one to share feelings so like she had for months, she kept quiet about it.

As she headed down to the dining hall she was greeted by her sister, who like always, was in a cheerful mood. She saw a sad look on Luna's face and was concerned. "Luna, what's wrong? You used to love this time of day because soon it would be time for you to raise your moon."

Luna replied, "We are not sure big sister. It seems as though lately we have been feeling depressed, we feel like part of us is missing."

Celestia asked, "Luna, you know you can tell me what is bothering you. Out of all the ponies out there, I'd think I would be the only one you would trust."

Luna sighed, "Well this is something that we feel that would be best if we kept to ourselves."

Celestia replied, "Well alright, but if you need to talk, I'll be here for you."

After eating their supper and doing their royal duties, Celestia and Luna would normally sit down to have a snack but that would not be the case that night as Luna headed towards the exit. Celestia yelled, "Luna, wait! Don't you want to have our nightly discussion tonight?"

Luna replied, "We kind of want to start our nightly patrol early, we just want to have some solitude."

Celestia gazed into Luna's eyes and wasn't completely sure if she was telling her the truth or not but decided she was not going to question her, she was just going to let her go. As Luna took off from their balcony, Celestia could only sigh in frustration. While she was concerned over the change in her sister's behavior, she knew that if Luna wouldn't talk to her about it, that there really wasn't anything she could do.

As Luna took flight she felt a sense of ease as she headed out. While on most nights she heads directly into the Everfree Forest to check for trouble, she decided that she would fly over Ponyville first, hoping that the one pony she has been wanting to talk to would be there.

Once she arrived though she began to become nervous about whether the pony she wanted to talk to would be out and even if she were out on her balcony, would she even want to talk to her. Luna was gazing into the moon when she suddenly slammed into the side of a building and fell onto a balcony.

Luna sighed, "Ugh....why must we be so careless? Why must we be so distracted that we don't even watch where we are flying?"

Before she could say anything else a lavender Alicorn rushed out to check on whoever it was that crashed on her balcony. She asked, "Are you....." When she saw that it was Luna she asked, "Princess Luna, are you ok?"

Luna replied, "Yes Twilight, we are ok."

Twilight noticed that Luna had taken quite a hit to the head as she had a bruise and a gash that was bleeding a bit. She helped Luna up and said, "Come inside Luna. We need to get that cut on your head taken care of."

Luna got up and followed her inside. While Luna was grateful that Twilight was going to fix her up she was also nervous, very nervous. She felt a bit nervous about being taken inside by Twilight for the reason that she was but thought that maybe this is what fate had in store for her.

Once she was inside, Twilight took a closer look at the injury on Luna's head. She said, "Just wait here princess, I'm going to get some alcohol and bandages to fix this up."

When Luna heard this, she cringed a little. Despite always trying to look tough and fearless, she knew that this was going to sting. When Twilight returned and began to work on Luna's wound she asked, "Princess, why did you crash onto my balcony? Did something distract you?"

Luna sighed in pain, "Ow, that hurts."

Twilight replied, "I know but I have to get all the bacteria killed so this doesn't become infected."

Luna said, "I know that Dear Twilight." She continued to grit her teeth as Twilight continued to work on her wound, "Now to answer your question. I crashed on your balcony because I was distracted and didn't see your castle."

Twilight's ears shot up as she noticed something different about Luna. She noticed that she was not speaking in the third pony like she normally does. She asked, "Your Majesty, are you sure you're ok? Normally you don't speak like this."

Luna replied, "Twilight, could you just call me Luna. Right now is not the time for formalities."

This brought out a great amount of concern from Twilight because not only was she not using the old Canterlot way of speaking, she also did not want to use formalities. She asked, "Are you sure you're ok Luna. First you stop using the Royal Canterlot way of speaking and now you don't want me to be formal with you." She put her hoof around Luna and continued, "Is something wrong? Are you and Celestia at odds again?"

Luna blushed a little when Twilight put her hoof around her but did her best to hide it. She asked, "Twilight, can we talk out on your balcony? I really don't want Spike listening in as you are the one I need to talk to, not anypony else."

Twilight replied, "Don't worry about Spike. He was helping out at Sweet Apple Acres today and decided to just stay there tonight since they offered him a huge breakfast tomorrow morning but if you want to talk out on the balcony, we can."

Luna replied, "I would like that. Besides, it isn't that often that I can just enjoy my wonderful night talking with somepony I'm close to."

While Twilight was happy that Luna would want to enjoy the night sky with her, she couldn't help but wonder what Luna meant referring to her as "somepony she's close to."

Once they arrived back out on the balcony Twilight was bound and determined to find out why Luna was behaving so much differently than she normally does. As soon as they sat down and looked skyward Twilight asked, "Luna, I can tell something is wrong. You never behave like this and I am worried about you. You can tell me anything and I promise I won't tell anypony."

Luna replied, "Alright, I'll let you know what is going on." Her voice began to break as she began, "Twilight, as you know I tend to be more reserved and even though I am no longer feared, I still get nervous to forge close ties with ponies, but...."

Twilight interrupted, "Luna, what is it? It sounds like you want to forge a close bond with ponies?"

Luna put her wing around Twilight and replied, "I do but it is really just one pony in particular."

This really shocked Twilight. She began to realize who that one pony is that Luna wanted to forge a close bond with and while she would never admit it to anypony, she had always wished that she were closer with Luna. Twilight asked, "Is that pony......?"

Before she could finish her sentence Luna moved in for a kiss. Twilight saw this and parted her lips a bit to allow entry to Luna's tongue. As their lips met and Luna's tongue met that of Twilight, the two felt a sense of pure bliss. Without even thinking, doing it more on pure instinct, the two wrapped themselves together and laid down on the balcony as their kisses became more passionate. They were both moaning in pleasure as neither one had felt love like that before.

After an hour of non-stop kissing Luna finally broke the kiss. She gazed into Twilight's eyes and squealed, "Twilight, I have never felt anything like this before in my life!"

Twilight asked, "Really? You're over a thousand years old! I would think you would have at one point or another."

Luna replied, "I'm being honest Twilight. I have wished to pursue other mares in my past but you are the first one that I ever felt that would want anything to do with me."

Twilight said, "Luna, I'm surprised." She kissed Luna again and continued, "Well I'm going to be honest with you. While I have many great friends and I'm sure that there are many mares out there that would want me, I've been waiting for this day to come."

Luna gasped, "Really? You have been waiting for me to express my desire to be with you?"

Twilight replied, "Yes Luna. It was during that Nightmare Night when you came to Ponyville that I fell for you. While I know you were trying to put forth a tough attitude that mirrored the legends of you, I could see deep down that you were lonely and just wanted to be loved."

Luna asked, "But Twilight, why didn't you approach me then? It was on that night that I fell for you as well."

Twilight replied, "Because I knew that Celestia would be furious and would punish you. I knew she would accuse you of trying to seduce me and likely banish you again."

Luna said, "I had wanted to pursue you for so long but for so long I feared my sister's reaction of my desire to be with you." She pulled Twilight close and continued, "But tonight, I realized that I can't live in fear of my sister's reaction anymore. We are both grown mares, we are both princesses and my sister should not meddle in either of our personal lives."

Twilight replied, "I agree with you Luna." Twilight blushed and continued, "So, what do we do now? Do we just do this or do we do more?"

Luna replied, "Twilight Sparkle, my feelings for you are very strong. Ever since that Nightmare Night my heart has skipped a beat when I am around you. You are everything a mare could ever want, you are beautiful, you are kind, you are sweet, you are smart, you use rational thought...." she blushed as she finished, "and you are so sexy!" She pulled Twilight close and asked, "Twilight Sparkle, would you be my marefriend?"

This is something Twilight has only dared to even think about and now here was her true dream was coming true. She squealed, "Yes, oh yes! Yes Luna! Yes I'll be your marefriend!"

After another passionate kiss Twilight asked, "Uh, so what are we going to do? Despite me being a full grown mare and both of us being princesses, I have a feeling that Celestia will be very upset, if not outraged over our relationship."

Luna replied, "For now I think we should keep it a secret. I can come and visit you in the nights so we may spend time together."

Twilight asked, "But what about Spike? I can't just send him off every single night so we can be alone for when you visit me."

Luna replied, "We'll figure something out." Luna yawned and asked, "Twilight, I am wondering if I could stay here with you until it is time to lower the moon?"

Twilight began to lead Luna towards her bedroom and replied, "Of course you can!"

Luna saw where they were headed and said, "I am so happy Twilight. I just want to spend quality time with my first marefriend. Even if we just cuddle and gaze into one another's eyes, I will be more than happy."

Twilight replied, "I feel the same way Luna."

Once they reached Twilight's bedroom they laid down, wrapped themselves together and gazed into one another's eyes. "I love you Twilight, I love you with all my heart."

Twilight replied, "I love you too Luna, I love you more than life itself."

Finally after years of hidden feelings and secret desires, Princess Luna and Princess Twilight were marefriends. While they both were worried about how Princess Celestia would react to their love and relationship, they decided to push those fears aside and focus solely on one another. They viewed that night as the beginning of something that they hoped would lead to much, much more.

Comments ( 31 )

Adorable, this was just what I needed after reading some frankly rather horrible fics earlier.

7257787 I'm glad you liked it. This was the first TwiLuna story I have ever done and it was quite enjoyable to write.

:trollestia: Took you two long enough...
:twilightoops: Wh-what do you mean?
:trollestia: I have pictures.
:facehoof: And what now?
:trollestia: Now, I remind Lulu about a 1500 year old bet...
:twilightoops: Lulu?
:trollestia: You can call her that too. In fact, I insist.
:facehoof: I am so bucked...

7257821 You must have been reading my mind regarding Twily calling Luna Lulu because I do plan on doing a sequel and developing their relationship further. I have a couple other projects ahead of it but it will happen.

7257821 I decided to go with the whole Lulu thing and your 1,500 year old bet thing gave me an idea....an extremely odd idea that involves the loser having to pay up in a way that only the closest of sisters would do.

Cool, this oughtta be good. :pinkiesmile:
(gets popcorn!):yay:

7276319 It will be. The real fun part will be in a side story that will focus specifically on what happened because Luna lost the bet.


Well, it's nice and cute. But I think it's a bit rushed. Of course, I'm going to read the sequel right away. Still, not bad. Not bad at all.

It's been a while since I've read someone else's work besides Jacoboby1's Equestria Noir series so reading this I got really confused by the way the characters were speaking and such. Also I have to agree with Maexam, this story is very rushed, like very rushed. Normally, I'd shrug at the pacing and just brush it off since the fast-paced stories are normally one shots so it doesn't bother me as much, but I know this story isn't a one shot, so it irks me with the pacing of this story. I'm not hating on the content or you, dear author, I do apologize if my comment offends you though, but I'd recommend pacing your stories, it makes it more appealing and you'll have enough time in the story for your readers to gain interest in it. Just a recommendation though.
Jon signing off

7397406 No problem. I will admit, some of my stories are rushed. I'll take your advice and hopefully it will help me out.

This story is...in need of work. The idea felt very rushed, the indirect characterization of Celly and implications of what she would do were bizarre, and the premise and other elements with the characters (Luna and Twi's dialogue) was very cliche. This felt like the summary of a run of the mill TwiLuna story rather than a story I imagine you tried to put some work into. I'd suggest putting more complicated motivations behind character interactions and working on dialogue (by the way an ellipses is '...' nothing more, nothing less) as well as getting a proofreader or editor for a second opinion.

Hey, I really like the premise of the story (so far). I have had fun working on my Luna/Twi story and the two make a great pair.
Don't worry about anyone saying anything about being rushed. I get the same thing all the time. It is way we tell our stories. There is no reason to expect to read how Twilight likes her eggs and the way Luna washes her hooves after going to the little filly's room.
I am moving on to the next one. I'm sure it will be as good. :twilightsmile:

7670625 why downvote people why? it makes no sense this story is great. so why downvote

7742855 I have tried to figure that one as well. You got a thumbs up from me. Do what you like, forget the haters.

7743166 you know there is a person who got downvoted so much they decided to go to fanfiction! that is truely sad becuase they did this after they had a decant rep here.

7744601 That is sad. I tried using fanfiction first but then I heard about this site and I tell you, it is much more user friendly here and the fact that it is solely pony stories, makes it even better.

I personally wouldn't mind if they removed the whole like/dislike feature. I know I published a story with over 20,000 words. It had its first dislike in two minutes. I have found that there is a population of people who believe that we want them to be cruel and thoughtless as if it is doing us a favor. BS!

I write this stuff for me. If I like it, I share it. If the reader doesn't like it, they don't have to read it. Helpful hints on missed spelling is okay, telling me it steps on their head cannon; I DON'T care.

You write yours the way you like, I'll write mine the way I like. I'm sure reasonable people out there would agree.

Sorry for ranting.

This was awesome, but too short! Let me hope that there's a sequel... :yay: I really enjoyed it though, have an upvote and fave!

Very cute, very short though.
But it was enjoyable so totally worth the up vote from me.

Not bad, the grammar could perhaps use a little help here and there, especially the double 'arrived' in the first sentence should likely be taken care of, but I like the story itself even if it feels a bit fast, so I'll continue this by reading the sequel.


Double arrived? I am sorry but I am not seeing a double arrived in the first sentence.

'Another evening had arrived in Canterlot arrived and like always,'

The arrived is in front and behind the word Canterlot as you can see, but it should only be there in front of it to make sense.


Fixed. Thanks for noticing that.

No prob, we all make mistakes like that, I seem to make the mistake of typing a word that I didn't meant to type at times, luckily others pointed it out for me so I could alter it, I'm just paying it forward here.

How made the cover art?


I have no idea, I found it on Google.

Does this answer your question? The cover art is by 90Sigma. Link to Cover Art

Also I did a reading of your story! Enjoy! Youtube Reading It's premiering February 25th at 10:30 PM EST.


Well I am definitely looking forward to it!

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