• Member Since 14th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen April 19th


Life is what you make of it. Enjoy it as long as you can, for you never know when it could be over.


It's so much easier to look back on your life and see the bright side of things when you have somebody by your side.

And at least for me, it's even easier when that somebody is a beautiful, red-haired girl named Roseluck.

Credit for the cover goes to Geeflakes, aka Arnachy.

Find a sequel here.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 16 )

Obligatory musical reference go!

Comment posted by O1 deleted Jul 2nd, 2016

Need more. I wants more. I need more. I DEMAND MORE!! XD lol but seriously, this fic was great. Those two down voters can screw themselves.

7356965 Eh, you can't float everyone's boat, I suppose. If someone didn't like the story, they're free to go and give it a downvote. Feedback is feedback after all.

Still, it's always nice reading positive comments like yours! ^_^

Also a sequel may or may not be in the works ;)

7355421 Much appreciated, Mr. Norris!

7355447 Believe it or not, but I don't remember listening to this song before you posted it here. Didn't know Bon Jovi had a song that fit the story so well.

7529671 It only took you 8 weeks and 5 days to reply......
I think you deserve a good old Golf Clap.

7530229 Thank you, thank you! The line for autographs starts right over here! Photos are five bucks!

Seriously though, I know I'm a horrible slowpoke when it comes to replying to comments, but I still appreciate every comment I get ^_^


Thank you, thank you! The line for autographs starts right over here! Photos are five bucks!

i'll give you 20 bucks for your left sock.

but in all seriousness it's nice that someone like you actually responds to older comments, most people leave them to die unanswered.

Hey, if someone actually takes the time to comment on this pile of junk I call a story, it's only fair if I take the time to reply with a comment of equal or lower quality, no? ^^

I'm a tad bit late to the party, but is that sequel still in order?

Huh, I didn't expect anyone to still be interested in that.
To answer your question, yes, the sequel has been in the works since last summer, and has been sitting unpublished, but pretty much finished on my hard drive for almost half a year now.
Coming to think of it, I don't know why I haven't published it yet. Guess I might throw it online sometime this week after giving it another lookover.

8093222 I've never been responded to three times, on three separate tabs, by one human being... My brain just exploded. :derpyderp1:

Joking aside, I thoroughly enjoyed my binge-reading of your story archive. Everything I read left me feeling relaxed and, for lack of a better, more descriptive term, happy. I am both sad and proud to say I know the damage a cat can do, God rest his soul. As far as the Those Mornings, I found them very nice to read, despite the randomness of everything. In fact, if the randomness did anything, it made the ponies cuter.

And this? Well, the protagonist acts a bit odd to me, but I'm an introvert, so take no advise from me on social skills. But, I still loved it. I'm elated to hear that you'll be releasing it's successor.

8093234 What makes you think that I'm a human being? For all you know I might be an army of sentient monkeys. Or a North Korean super-computer. Or a member of an alien invasion-force, seeking to gain the trust of the human race.

Or maybe I'm just a random guy who can type pretty fast and has several tabs open. We may never know.

Anyway, thanks a lot for taking the time to read through all my stuff and leaving some feedback. Know that it's highly appreciated, and I'm glad I could make you feel, in lack of a better term, happy ^_^

As for the protagonist in this story acting strange ... well, I'm not necessarily an extrovert myself, and while this story is supposed to be anything but a self-insert, I did take some inspiration from some situations I've been in before, and how I would/should have reacted. Still, this was my first shot at writing anything closely related to a romance (not a genre I normally enjoy writing or reading), and I realize that it's got a few awkward passages. I'm glad you liked it, though.

With that said, the sequel should be up later today, so stay tuned for that!

8095781 Considering my phone just broke, and I lost hundreds of hours of data, (I hate technology) this is a ray of sunlight through the storm clouds of T-Mobile.

Living on a Prayer

Always happy to brighten up days ^_^

(Also you might want to get a Dropbox-account. Saved my data two times already after my phone killed off my SD-card.)

8096469 At least I have a good story to read tomorrow. I won't bother trying to do so today, I'm far too tired.

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