• Member Since 27th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen 18 hours ago

Andrew Joshua Talon

A fellow traveler...


A thousand years is quite the generation gap, so Princess Luna decides she has to get with the times. However, this isn't quite as easy as she thinks it will be...

Chapters (21)
Comments ( 658 )


I love this series. It's easily my all-time favorite MLP fic.

I think you forgot something....

Wow, part two was a short read.

Oh, I get it! This chapter represents the power of imagination! It's whatever we want it to be! Is imagination like the 7th element of harmony or something?

Wait, no. That's just me being stupid. Yeah, I think we've got a few words missing here. :twilightblush:

Please update it here. I've already read all the new ones on EQD, but having it posted here will give me another reason to reread it. :pinkiehappy:

Yeah, I'm with Sgt. Brony on this. Spread the Progresslove!

Oh come on, when will the next update be.

It's only a model...
Come, knights. Let us RIDE, to, CANTERLOT!

We're Knights of the Round Table,
We prance when ere we're able,
We do routines and chorus scenes
With hoofwork impeccable.
We dine well here in Canterlot,
We eat ham and jam and spam a lot.
We're Knights of the Round Table,
Our shows, they are, formidable,
But many times, we're given rhymes
That are quite unsingable.
We're Opera mad in Canterlot,
We sing from the diaphragm
a looooooot.
In war we're tough and able,
Quite indefatigable,
Between our quests we wear sequin vests,
And impersonate Clark Stable.
It's a busy life in Canterlot,
I have to pull the pram a lot.

You know what? On second thought, it is a silly place...

Monty Neighthon and the Holy oatpail

15933 something for your reading torture- I mean, pleasure, whilest you await the updating from our esteemed author. All Hail!:rainbowwild:


'Luna versus Baseball' has the funniest ending :rainbowlaugh:

That will be all.

Yes! This is the fic that basically characterized Luna months before she was actually characterized. Automatic five stars.

'Progress' updated? I think I must be living in some weird, alternate dimension.

Dude, there's almost 30 chapters. They're just on fanfiction.net instead of here.

I know; I just never expected it to updated again here.

I've had some issues with FIMFiction.net, but I'm happy to report they've been resolved. So now I'm posting all of the Progress chapters and all my other Pony fics to this site as well!

I love this fanfic! You deserve more! :raritywink:

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!!!!!!

I for one, feel that there's been a distinct lack of "progress" these days. More please! :twilightsheepish:

Lmao this is my favorite chapter. :rainbowlaugh:

This was such a comedic and light hearted story! I would love to see more from this.


Yosh! I can't wait for more update!

I read this about an hour ago, and I can't get this Mr.Rogers theme out of my head.

This "sister" comment needs to be returned to at some point.

FInally!! FINALLY! A whole new reason for me to re-read 'Progress' again! And again! And maybe one more time! And then once more! And... Well, you get the idea...
It's the most awesome story containing Luna EVER.
To everypony: If you still haven't read it, READ IT IMMEDIATELY.
To Mr. Talon: Thank you for being awesome again, and... Wait... Where is Luna-Do-Well, eh? Don't say you won't continue Luna VS Vigilantism... I won't be able to bear it...

I'm glad Angle got it in the end. Good-for-nothing little varmint...:flutterrage::ajbemused:

Please do. This is a very Scrubs styled fic. Kinda cute.

I felt that bro. Immortal goddesses that remember heroic long lost loves is very heavy. Gives me a good feel. *raises flagon of OJ* To Magnificent! The Stallion that captured the heart of the Moon in a bucket! May his story live till the stars dim and then on! :twilightsmile:

So I hear the Space part's getting cut. Do you have a revision for this line from the current arc (From Fanfiction.net) "After the whole... Being fired from the Space Program... Thing, I've been working to catch up on other matters of state."

Two chapters in...

ME GUSTA. :moustache:


Seriously though, how in Discords name do you come to the conclusion that it takes twenty seven minutes to pop popcorn?


I think what happened is that she calculated the time it would take for every kernel to pop, rather than the amount of time to pop as many kernels as possible without burning any.

This is one of the best story series that involve Luna ever!:twilightsmile: Could you give me advice on how to write a fan fic? Thanks!:yay:

*twitch*:twilightangry2: *twitchtwitch* :flutterrage:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGHlright I'm fine now. Had to get a primal scream out at that *shades* part, it's become an almost involuntary reaction to them. Onwards to the next chapter!

I love the Pinkiecopter. I hope we see something similar again soon.

I'd watch Ninja Pony Spa Attendants. I'm not sure why, maybe just out of curiousity.

If you get enough Fail...
you get a Win! :pinkiehappy:

Will read more tomorrow :D

"Dealing with Luna at this stage was like dealing with a frightened bird. A frightened, super powered, prudish and insecure bird who could destroy the world, but a frightened bird nonetheless."

One of my favorite quotes of all time.

Can't tell if Trollestia or Molestia....not sure which I prefer.

This is wonderfully cute! :rainbowkiss:
I cant wait to read the rest of the chapters :pinkiehappy:


My pet theory is that the result somehow got multiplied, or failed to be divided by, 10. 2.7 minutes would probably be about right.

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