• Published 20th Jul 2016
  • 2,202 Views, 16 Comments

Baubles And Squeak - deadpansnarker

After the events of Crusaders Of The Lost Mark, Pipsqueak and Diamond Tiara have a little conversation. Surprises are shared, secrets are learned, and a scheming best friend is up to something...

  • ...

Meet Cute

Diamond Tiara looked on as the trio of blank-fla... fillies made their way throughout the town, showing off their new cutie marks to everypony who cared to look, and singing in perfect simultaneous harmony while doing so. An impossible feat you might think, but considering the fact they were also in flawless vocal synchronisation earlier as they pursued the pink filly backwards in Ponyville, maybe not that unbelievable after all.

As she thought back to the many, many occasions that she'd picked on the Crusaders, manipulated them into doing her malevolent bidding and brought them down emotionally whenever she could, Tiara only felt a comprehensive sense of shame. She only did those horrible things because of an underlying jealousy that those three fillies had yet to find their place in life, with so many possibilities and adventures ahead for them.

All Diamond had to look forward to was a career as a professional classist bully, a repugnant role thoroughly encouraged by her demanding mother, who would never give the pink filly a moments' peace when it came to prejudicial lectures about 'hanging around the right kind of equine' and 'always knowing you're better than everypony else'.

Thankfully, all that misery seemed over now... the once barren hind-quarters of the CMC now proudly sported their own 'amazing' new insignia, and Tiara in turn had discovered her own private revelation in that she didn't have to utilise her natural flair for leadership in destructive purposes, as the construction of a large-scale playground in the grounds of the elementary that she'd personally supervised would testify. She'd proven to be a massive help, rather than an obnoxious pain in the flank for a change, and it had felt great.

She glanced briefly at the fence that her and Silver Spoon had mended together, wondering if there was a metaphor there for something. After her rough treatment of the grey filly during the hustings for the class election the other day, she wouldn't have blamed her best friend for never speaking to her again afterwards. Yet, here they were again standing side-by-side, watching the locals celebrate, as if nothing untoward had happened between the duo. For her part, Diamond vowed that never again would Spoonie be made to feel like she was a loose wheel in this friendship. They were both equals from now on, no matter how fetching the dress, glittery the tiara or tasty the ice cream.

"Hey there you two, what's up?" A perky accent piped up above the general hubbub, and it was none other than the new class president Pipsqueak, or 'Pip' for short. Derogatorily referred to by Spoiled Rich as 'that transplant from Trottingham', Diamond had done everything within her considerable resources to prevent the patched colt from taking up his new position, but none of her underhanded tactics, from threats to blackmail, had proven at all effective. Proof positive maybe, that kindness and honesty get you a lot farther than selfishness and deceit, at least as a child. When you become an adult, it's anypony's guess.

"Hello, Pip!" Tiara enthusiastically furnished the diminutive colt with the same genuine smile she'd sported since her change of heart, which caused him to unconsciously flinch in his stride. Despite her friendly grin being at least a thousand times preferable to the arrogant sneer she used to wear, he was still adjusting to it.

He straightened himself out, now was not the time for his personal hangups to take over. Pip had something to say, and he didn't need any distractions. "H-hey Diamond, can I have a word please?"

"Er, sure Pip...if you like..." Tiara was a little taken aback by the abruptness of this request, so soon after the two were mortal enemies on the campaign trail. "Listen, Spoon..."

"No need to say anything, I know when I'm not wanted..." Silver remarked in a mock tone of resignation, with her head held high. "I'll make myself scarce, so you two can have some quality time alone..."

The grey filly nodded at Pip, before giving Diamond a cryptic wink, and heading off into the crowd, turning around every so often as if she expected fireworks to go off while her back was turned.

Pip watched her go, a raised eyebrow hinting at the confusion running through his mind. "What was that all about... surely she doesn't think...?"

"That's Silv for you, always teasing. I have to take some responsibility for that, though..." Tiara shook her head, pondering at the extent to which she'd corrupted her friend over the years they'd been inseparable.

"Hey, hey. Don't beat yourself up about it." Pip lay a comforting forehoof on one of Diamond's own. " It's not entirely your fault, Silver Spoon is her own pony, surely she can make her own decisions..."

"Yes, but I'm the one with the power to make others do what I want..." Tiara snarled, pointing at her ubiquitous mark that until recently she had no idea what to do with. " I could have used it for good purposes throughout my life, but instead I listened to my mother and bossed everypony else around, and caused a lot of problems! Sometimes, I wish I'd inherited another symbol, because clearly I can't handle the one I've got!"

"Well..." Pip was a bit stuck for what to say, but if he was to be a good president, he was going to have to learn how to give out a lot of advice. Maybe now was a decent starting point. "Remember the Foal Free Press..."

"How could I ever forget it..." Diamond fumed, with crossed hooves. " Spreading lies around town. Making a lot of other ponies feel embarrassed and ashamed. Causing the crusaders to be made public enemy number one, even though the false rumours were mostly my responsibility as editor. That just reinforces my point, I'm just not equipped to deal with a talent of this magnitude. Come to think of it, I've heard reports of a unicorn in a remote village out north that might be able to help me out with my dilemma. Hmm... I wonder if I could convince Daddy to pay for transportation...?"

"N-no, that's not what I meant!!" Pip began wildly gesticulating, a single bead of sweat dripping down his brow. "What I'm getting at is... you made a big success of it, right? More ponies read the paper when you were boss than at any other point in it's history. In other words, you did a good job!"

"So?" Diamond responded skeptically. " It still doesn't make up for what I did..."

"Yes, but imagine if you could apply your skill to other areas..." Pip started jumping up and down excitedly, thinking that he'd made a good point. "I mean, without all of the nastiness. You could assist so many ponies with their troubles, and make the world a better place! I mean, just look at how happy everypony is today alone from what you've done!"

Tiara followed Pip's outstretched hoof from the play area she'd helped assemble, to the youngsters she'd defended from Spoiled's reckless ire, to the three fillies that she'd, albeit unintentionally, assisted in achieving their lifelong dream. Everything started spiraling around in her head in a vicious circle, before it all clicked into place.

"Just think..." Pip continued, beaming at the thoughtful pink filly. "If you can accomplish this much in twenty-four hours, how much good you can do in the rest of your life! It doesn't matter what you've done in your past, what really counts is that you regret it all now, and are willing to change for the better! Everypony makes mistakes... some, more than others, but there's always time to turn it around. I think you're well on the way to becoming a great mare, Diamond."

Tiara stared down with eyes like saucers at the deceptively smart colt before her. "Wow, Pip. You really are a dark horse... well, more of a white and brown one actually, but you know what I mean. Since when did you become so knowledgeable about other pony's destinies? You aren't a Crusader in disguise, are you?"

Oops. Pip was kind of hoping she wouldn't have asked that question, because now he'd have to 'fess up. "Actually, it was something my Dad told me, after I found out what pirates are really like. He told me that just because there were evil ones out there, it doesn't mean there can't be any good pirates. So I could carry on wearing my costume every Nightmare Night, and not feel guilty about it."

"Oh, right..." Diamond commented, deciding to spare Pip's feelings by not informing him that she was pretty sure altruistic brigands didn't exist. Apart from that Robin Hooves stallion, but surely he was just a myth like Daring-Do. "Well anyway, you and your father are absolutely right! I can make a difference, I won't let my old self dictate who I am! In fact, I think I'll start showing off the new me now, and apologising to everypony I've ever been rude to!"

"Really?! You mean it?!" Pipsqueak seemed equally surprised and delighted his input had bore such productive results.

"Really." Tiara grinned at the humble colt before her. "In fact, I think I'll start with you. Pip, I'm very sorry for calling you 'the weakest link', drawing that silly picture of you, bopping you on the head and indirectly causing your scooter to be destroyed that time at Princess Twilight's old library."

"O-oh, that's okay, Diamond..." Pip started blushing, though he had no idea why. "Y-you really helped me out with my main election pledge that I couldn't fulfill. I-If you want, we can work together more often in the future, too. W-with your skill at influencing others, and my ideas, I-I'm sure we'll make a great team!"

"I'd quite like that, Pip. Anything you need, just say the word..." Tiara's hypnotic smile continued to beguile the colt, who felt as if he was slowly melting into a puddle on the ground.

"Incidentally..." desperate to contribute something to the debate, he spoke almost without thinking. "I have something to apologise for, too. You know that kickball I whacked in the playground that almost hit you in the face?"

"Yes?" Diamond was curious as to where this was going.

"What if I told you it wasn't an accid... Whoops." Pipsqueak tried to cover his mouth, but it was already too late. The damage had been done. His penchant for honesty had gotten the best of him once again.

"Oh." Tiara wore a hurt look which sat somewhere between shock and disappointment. "Well, I'd say I was ever-so-slightly surprised, for certain. I mean, it's not like I didn't deserve it, the way I was carrying on. But from you, of all colts, I must say I'm somewhat astonis... listen, I gotta go."

"Huh?" Pip's ears pricked up. He'd really wanted to hear the end of that sentence.

"Y-yes, lots of ponies to make amends to, not much time before the Crusaders' big cenera later on. Now, where's that pony with the goofy teeth...?" Diamond took leave of her companion, galloping away with clear intentions of escaping as quickly as possible.

She was quickly chased by a bewildered Pip, as he desperately tried to keep pace. " Diamond, I-I didn't mean it! It was just a rush of blood to the head! Come back!! I-I want to ask you something else... Oh, why is this so hard?!"

While the two youngsters disappeared into the crowd together, a couple of other little ponies emerged. One was a victorious looking grey filly, and the other was an annoyed green furred female.

"Told you, Peach Fuzz. It's true love. Now, hoof over the bits."

Author's Note:

My latest in a series of one-shots, I hope you enjoyed it. I'm not normally a shipper, but there's something about those two... Douses self in freezing cold water Ah, that's better.

Comments ( 16 )

By far one of my most favorite ships. Pip and Tiara. Then again they are two main characters in the PVFD story. :pinkiehappy:

Aww, cute. Never would have thought of this couple, but you made it work quite well.

Silver Spoon's a shipper, who knew? :rainbowlaugh:

7408916 7408908 7408552 Two 'mortal foes' becoming eventual lovers? It's the most classic of scenarios... ;)

7408927 Ah, so Silver Spoon thinks it's like "Romeo and Juliet", or maybe a happier example would be Princess Leia and Han Solo.

This is a nice story, but are you ever going to update A Mother's Love? It's been MONTHS! :raritycry:

7409173 It's been such a long time since I've added a chapter, I need to read the last few again to jog my memory about where I'm at with the story. Which is what I'm in the process of doing now. Watch this space... :scootangel:

Okay, so a few weeks?:duck:
Yeah, I'm not so good at this whole "patience" things. :trollestia:

7409202 Join the club. I've been waiting for AGES for Diamond Tiara's next speaking role in MLP... :pinkiesmile:

I know! They need an episode with Di and Silv interacting with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Maybe with the former bullies struggling to be kind, and the occasional blank flank slipup. Make it happen, Hasbro! :trixieshiftleft:

7409255 Well, Diamond will appear in "The Cart Before The Ponies" racing alongside Randolph. So that's a start, but for right now I'd say Silver needs a good solo appearance to redefine herself as something besides Diamond's lackey.

7409600 I'm not too optimistic about that, TBH. The entire plot sounds like an obvious moral to not to get too over competitive and just let the kids have their fun, a lesson that's been done to death. I also think that Diamond will once again, be nought but a background distraction to the 'adorable' antics of the Crusaders... :facehoof:

Pipsqueak: There's something sweet and almost kind, but she was mean and she was course and unrefined. Yet now she's dear and so unsure, I don't know why I didn't see it there before.

Diamond: He glanced this way, I thought I saw and when we talked he didn't shudder, that I saw. Though it can't be, I'll just ignore but then he's never looked at me that way before.

I definitely didn't watch the live action remake of a certain Disney movie recently. :trollestia:

Even though I feel like Pip was a little too insightful for his age, this was just adorable in every sense of the word.


diamond tiara's attempt at redemption is total bullshit and we all know it

anyone who spends years bullying other kids over something stupid and then blames it on their own parents and said stupid thing is nothing more than an ass

This oughta be good...

Good fic like pipsqueak and Diamond Tiara conversation nice reference to starlight

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