• Published 9th Oct 2020
  • 5,884 Views, 73 Comments

Full of Love - Autum Breeze

Cadance is foalsitting Twilight when something goes wrong. Now Cadance is pregnant with Twilight. Wait. WHAT?!

  • ...


Full of Love



“Alright, Twily. You be good for Cadance now, okay?” Twilight Velvet smiled as she nuzzled her daughter.

Twilight giggled as she nuzzled her mother back. “Of course I will, Mommy. Don’t be silly.”

“We should be back around ten,” Night Light said, looking in from the door. “Come, dear. If we don’t move quickly, there’s a good chance we’ll be late.”

Velvet pulled away from the lavender filly, nodded to her husband, then looked to Cadance. “Twilight’s bedtime is 8:30. And make sure she’s actually asleep and not reading.”

“Mommy!” Twilight pouted, puffing out her cheeks.

Cadance chuckled. “Don’t worry, Mrs Velvet. Everything should be just fine. Go and enjoy yourself.”

The two ponies waved, heading out the door and down the path.

Twilight watched from the window, waiting until she couldn’t see them anymore once they’d rounded a corner.

“So,” Twilight turned around as Cadance walked towards her, smiling, “what do you want to do, Twilight? Build a book forte and defeat the evil tyrant Smartypants? Read some books?” She winked. “Bake some cookies?”

Twilight blinked, looking up, thinking for a moment, before her eyes lit up. “Cadance, can you help me figure out this spell I found today?”

“A spell, huh?” Cadance smiled. “Okay, Twily. What is this spell?”

“Wait here!” Twilight leaped down from the couch and scurried off upstairs, likely to her room.

Cadance lightly chuckled, shaking her head. “Never change, Twilight.”

She waited a few minutes, the sound of things being quickly shuffled about upstairs telling her Twilight was still looking for the spell she wanted to show her.

After about ten minutes, she heard a triumphant cheer of “Found it!”, followed by excited hoofsteps as Twilight trotted back downstairs, a book that likely contained this special spell held in her magic.

As the little unicorn came closer, however, Cadance couldn’t help noticing more details about the book.

It was old. Very old. From a look, the pink Alicorn assumed it had to be at least over seven hundred years old. Such books were rare, the majority of them currently residing either in Aunt Celestia’s personal study or the Canterlot Archives.

Where had Twilight found such a book?

“It’s this spell, right here!” the chirp of Twilight’s happy voice pulled Cadance from her inner thoughts and she shook her head to see Twilight flipping through the book and stopping on a page.

“For Quick Families,” Twilight read out, turning the book over in her magic to show her foalsitter. “It sounds really cool.”

Cadance didn’t get much of a chance to actually look at the spell in question though, before Twilight flipped it back around, frowning in confusion.

However, she had caught a glimpse of the date the spell was written.

It was before Aunt Luna was consumed by the Nightmare and her aunt had had to banish her to the moon. In fact, it was shortly after Celestia and Luna had first taken rule of Equestria?

How had Twilight stumbled upon a post founding book?

“From what I can tell, this spell lets ponies who are not related become family. None of that yucky marriage stuff.” Twilight looked to Cadance, her eyes alight with happiness. “Isn’t this great? You could become my sister!”

“Twilight, where did you get this book?” Cadance asked sternly, ignoring the other statement, no matter how much a part of her really would like it if Twilight was her little sister.

Twilight waved a hoof. “Oh, it was this old bookstore that had been shut down that the Royal Guard were standing in front of.” She grimaced. “To think somepony would just abandon all those books, and in that state.” She wrapped her hooves around the book. “This was the only one I could take without the guards noticing. I was hoping we could go there and save the rest of them.” She scoffed. “To think, the Guard would leave those books in such a state.”

The Guard?! “Where was this store?” Cadance asked firmly.

Twilight shrugged. “Somewhere near Restaurant Row. Still, that’s not important. After we save those books, do you think we could find the store’s previous owner?” Her expression became grim. “I wanna talk with him about how he left all those books we won’t be able save. It’s not fair. Those books didn’t deserve that fate.”

Cadance wasn’t listening anymore. Her mind was elsewhere. Specifically, a meeting she’d overheard her aunt having with several Royal Guards not too long ago.


Cadance was trotting down the castle halls, humming a little tune to herself.

“It is done, Your Highness!” a gruff voice said.

Cadance was pulled from her inner thoughts and headed towards a nearby turn and peaked around the corner.

Aunt Celestia was standing there, three Royal Guards standing before her.

“All the dangerous books were recovered?” she asked firmly.

The mare at the front, a black Pegasus, saluted. “Yes, ma’am. At least twelve books on Dark Magic were discovered upon investigation. We arrested the culprit, but he managed to get away. We have guards standing watch to make sure nopony goes inside. It’s unclear what other spell books may be within.”


“Twilight, give me that book!” Cadance said quickly, grabbing the book in her magic and pulling it towards her.

The sudden jerking from Cadance’s magic had taken Twilight by surprise, causing her to almost lose her grip, before she doubled her efforts.

“No, Cadance! What are you doing? I was just starting finishing reading the spell!”

“Twilight, you don’t know what’s going on!” Cadance pulled harder, the book moving a little towards her, before Twilight yanked it right back.

“No! You don’t understand!” Twilight growled. “Cadance, this spell can make us sisters. Don’t you want that?”

“That’s not the point!” Cadance retorted.

The two pulled the book back a forth for several moments, neither letting up.

Suddenly, Cadance felt a tingle in her horn she hadn’t expected.

“What was…?’ she murmured, glancing up at her horn.

“Cadance?” Twilight’s confused and worried voice made her glance back to Twilight to see her glowing with a purple and blue light. “I feel funny. What’s happening?”

Before Cadance could do more than open her mouth to answer, Twilight flashed with a bright light and vanished.

“Twilight? Twilight!” Cadnace glanced around frantically, hoping Twilight had just accidentally used a teleportation spell. Those did feel funny when you’re not used to them. “Twilight, where did you go—whoa!”

Cadance found herself trying to stop, her momentum being very off as a very weird feeling came over her.

Her eyes widened as she felt her stomach expanding rapidly, something large and heavy having suddenly just become there.

She suddenly found herself very short of brief and feeling very heavy.

Glancing back, her eyes widened at the sight of her very distended belly. What in Equestria just happened?

However, any confusion was suddenly replaced by horror as she felt whatever was now inside her shift, followed by a light kick.

She… she was… BUT HOW? Ponies don’t just become pregnant like that? She knew how the process worked and she’d never heard of this before!

Glancing around her wildly, she noticed the spell book Twilight had brought downstairs laying face down on the floor.

Grabbing it in her magic, Cadance frantically flipped through the pages, trying to find anything that might explain what had just happened to her and maybe it could even explain where Twilight had disappeared to.

Eventually, she got to the page Twilight had shown, her eyes catching the For Quick Families part.

“This spell is to be used when new family cannot be made through marriage or newborns,” she read quickly. “I can guess I understand why that would interest Twilight, but why did she vanish?”

She kept reading… and the more she did, the heavier her stomach seemed to feel.

Twilight was right this spell could make non-family members family… but it wouldn’t have made them sisters.

This spell made it so that the pony it’s cast upon is placed within…

Her eyes widened further than ever and her head snapped in the direction of her bloated stomach.

“T-T-T-T-Twilight’s in my…”

She stumbled as the world started to go out of focus.

Cadance shook her head, trying not to fall unconscious. No. No, I can’t fall down. If I do, I could hurt the ba— Twilight! I could hurt Twilight! She mentally corrected herself. I need auntie’s help!

Looking around frantically, she noticed a paper and quill, quickly grabbed them in her magic and wrote a message.

Dear Aunt Celestia,


No need to panic or anything, but you know that bookstore the Guard shutdown a little while ago?

Yes, sorry, I accidentally eavesdropped, but that’s not important right now.

Twilight Sparkle, one of the little ponies I foalsit for, passed by that store with her parents a little after it was shut down.

She took one of the books and wanted me to help her understand one of the spells because she thought it would make us sisters so we could be family.

Well, it certainly made us family, but not by making us sisters!

I’m currently still at her family’s house (her parents are out for the night and her brother is in the Guard barracks) and technically alone.

I say technically, because Twilight is NOW IN MY WOMB!

I don’t know what to do and I need help! Send it, fast!

Your currently inwardly flipping out of her mind niece and fellow princess,



Cadance sent the letter magically, then hobbled over to the couch and rest down on it.

What in the world was she going to do now?!

Author's Note:

I'm sure THIS is a surprise for many of you.

Now, my original plans would have been to write more of my own personal story and update another of the fics I already have on this site.

HOWEVER, things took a turn I never saw coming last Sunday, i was got really sick. I mean, so sick I couldn't even drink water because my throat was hurting so much.

all Sunday, all i could drink was milk. I just couldn't eat without fear of spewing, i felt that bad. and i had the worst headache. it was so bad i didn't even get to sleep til after 2am on Monday.

Certainly NOT the way I'd wanted to spend Labor Day.

it was so bad my dad actually took us both to get a COVID test just in case I had it.

Thankfully, Tuesday evening the test results came back and they were negative, so it was just a cold, but still QUITE the nasty one and i'm certain it's because of this guy who sat behind me on the bus home last Friday who REEKED. I was trying not to gag the whole time he was on the bus and I'm certain he passed a bug on to me.

From beginning it went: Nasty headache, lack of appetite for 2 days straight along with not being able to get to sleep til 2 am both those days due to the headache, massively blocked nose and ears and a nasty cough.

I didn't go to work either, even after getting a negative test, so I was stuck at home trying to get over the cold.

as of now, while i am better, my ears are still blocked, my nose still blocks up every half hour or so and i am still coughing every once in a while, though thankfully only to get rid of phlegm, so, as long as i'm careful, i'm okay to be out of the house.

However, this did present me with a major problem. I had no will to write my personal story, since it requires all my own original ideas and i'm currently at a point where i'd really need to think about where to go to get to the next part, and the remnants of my cold are not letting me feel the flow of the story.

So, i thought, since i was coming down to the library to download the latest chapter of Scribbler's Vampiolence audio drama, I decided, since i couldn't bring myself to write my own personal story right now, I'd write a new chapter to one of my fics, planning on Unexpected Aftermath... until i realized i really need to think on that one, so it wouldn't work.

Same for all my other fics.

I needed to do something that wouldn't require too much in depth thought right now. Something i could get into right away without needing to think too far ahead.

So, i looked through my unpublished stories and my eyes fell on this one.

Gave it a few moments of thought, decided it could work and starting writing this prologue.

Now, to clarify, this is Twilight THREE YEARS BEFORE the Sonic Rainboom, keeping with the fact Twilight doesn't have her cutie mark in the cover art.

This does NOT mean the Sonic Rainboom isn't still going to happen, just that the scenario and whereabouts of Twilight when it happens will be very different from the show.

how does this effect Twilight's future? You'll have to wait and see... especially since i'm not sure when i'll get back to this, before in terms of wanting to get back to it and also when time will allow it. after all, i didn't get to do anything yesterday due to not feeling 100% up for a trip down to the library yet by then and also the weather was being an ass.

There's one other fic i'm gonna try and get something done with, since i still don't feel like continuing my other fics yet and this next one is one i've had a hold for a long while, but really wanna get out.

ironically, it has a similar premise to this fic, just a bit different and... well, actually, A LOT different in many ways.

i kinda look forward to seeing what you'll all think of it.

Anyway, i'll stop rambling on or else my computer time will run out before i even get this posted.

Hope you enjoyed this first step into Full of Love and, til next time, stay safe, stay clean and see you later everybody.