• Published 26th Oct 2016
  • 6,675 Views, 140 Comments

From the Ashes - Boltstrike58

After Captain America: Civil War, the Avengers end up in Equestria, where the ponies must help them forgive each other.

  • ...

Chaper 8: Meet the Team

Earth, San Francisco

"Daddy," Cassie started, her voice shaking as she got the words out, "why do you have to go again?"

Scott Lang smiled a bitter smile as he gently stroked his daughter's hair. He'd easily made the decision to join Captain America's team in their job on the...pony planet, but actually doing it was a different matter. Cassie may not have been reliant on him for finances or anything (thank you, Hank Pym), but if he didn't make it back...

No, he thought, crushing that fear. He would make it back. This was just another routine thing. Better than breaking into places and stealing stuff. Okay, technically, he still did that, but it was for a good cause now.

"You know why, peanut," Scott finally answered, hugging Cassie close. "Daddy's Ant-Man now. I'm an Avenger, and they just need me to help out somewhere."

"But why are people still chasing you if you're an Avenger?" Cassie asked. She seemed like she was close to crying, because she just didn't understand.

"Some people just don't like the Avengers," Scott said, simply. He couldn't bring himself to tell her the truth. Yes, he'd been fighting for the right thing, but he'd intentionally gone against the law. Again. He could take Paxton or Hank yelling at him for a while, but he didn't want Cassie to believe he'd intentionally chosen the life of a criminal for the second time.

Cassie finally took a deep breath, visibly relaxing. "Okay, Daddy," she finally agreed. "But please come home soon."

"I promise," said Scott, giving her another hug. He finally stood up, grabbing his Ant-Man helmet.

He turned around. Hank, Hope, Paxton, Luis, and Maggie had all gathered at one of Hank's old, remote properties to see him off, far from the reaches of prying eyes. Scott hadn't seen the Bifrost activated before, but from what Captain Rogers told him, it would probably attract a pretty big crowd, naturally leading to disaster.

"Take care of yourself, Scott," said Paxton, clapping him on the shoulder. Maggie gave him a reassuring hug. Scott smiled a bit, happy that the divide formed between him and his loved ones after he'd gone rogue again hadn't been permanent.

"Don't die out there, dude," chimed in Luis, giving him a slap between the shoulder blades.

"For once, I agree with him, Scott," chimed in Hank. "Just...be safe."

"No promises," said Scott, chuckling. He turned to Hope. "Well?"

"Keep dreaming, dweeb," she snorted. Scott made an exaggerated sad face, while everyone else in attendance laughed.

The collective humor ceased at the arrival of the trademark golden light. It impacted the ground a few meters away from the group, causing some to jump back, though Cassie wasn't one of them. She was awed at the sight. Scott could only stare in shock. This was a big step from how Hawkeye had picked him up before. The column of light finally ceased, leaving a group of three standing in its place, surrounded by the intricate runes burned into the grass.

"Mr. Lang," said Steve, giving a brief nod.

"Tic-tac," said Sam. "Good to see you're still in one piece."

"Uh, thanks," said Scott, before yet another slap on the back, courtesy of the other Avenger present, nearly made him face plant into the dirt. Scott almost cursed, the weight of the blow feeling comparable to a hammer.

"So, you are the one honored with the title of Ant-Man?" asked Thor, heartily. "I welcome you to the Avengers." He thrust his hammer towards the sky. "And now, onwards!"

Paxton and Hope had to stuff their hands in their mouths to keep from laughing. Luis and Sam didn't even bother trying. Scott just gave them the stink eye.

"Shut up," he snapped, before clamping on his helmet.


"But Father," Thor implored. "Why? Equis is our ally—"

"Former ally, son," Odin interrupted. "You'll recall my decision regarding our relationship with them."

"They never became our enemies," insisted the thunder god. "Why not provide them with aid? These fauns are working alongside an army. Asgard could provide sufficient forces to counter it."

Odin sighed, Gungnir creating its signature echo as the tip touched the floor. This debate had already gone on for ten minutes. Sif and the Warriors Three had already bombarded Odin with demands to send troops to Equis, as well as to join the battle themselves. Thor, of course, supported that idea. Even so, Odin failed to move from his position.

"Thor," started the All-Father once more, "Asgard severed ties with Equis a millennium ago. To return now would open the floodgates for disaster. There are those who would see Equis as a target, in order to get at Asgard. In addition, these fauns only have designs on Equis, not our world. My decision is final."

"But All-Father—!" Sif started.

"NO!" Odin's voice boomed, silencing the knight instantly.

Thor looked internally for another plea, but found none. Odin had failed to listen to him during the rise of Malekith and the Dark Elves as well. Even seeing the error of his ways on that occasion wouldn't be enough. Thor slumped his shoulders, giving in.

"Very well," he acquiesced. "The Avengers shall deal with this task alone."

Sif and Volstagg sent sympathetic looks at Thor, but he gave them a reassuring smile. He turned, heading back to the Bifrost. The Warriors soon departed, leaving for other pursuits. Alone, Odin slumped his shoulders, laying Gungnir off to the side. A green glow passed over the old king, leaving Loki with an expression resembling remorse.

"No luck?" asked Steve.

"Unfortunately, no," said Thor. "And I cannot force Asgard's soldiers to help us."

Steve's group was currently gathered inside the golden dome of the Bifrost, taking a quick pit stop. Tony and Twilight hadn't called for pickup yet, something Steve was grateful for. The longer he didn't have to deal with that storm, the better.

"So," Rainbow started, looking up at Heimdall, "you can see every soul? Across the universe?"

"Indeed," replied the guardian, holding his sword at attention.

"Wow..." said the rainbow pegasus. "Don't your eyes get tired?"

Heimdall couldn't suppress a bit of a smile at her words.

Applejack, on the other hand, was more interested in talking with the other Avengers, as they gazed out into the expanse of space from the lookout platform.

"It's beautiful..." she breathed. "I can tell, even from here, these ain't the same stars as Equestria."

"It's fascinating," agreed T'Challa. "Since birth, I've only ever been able to see the universe from one angle. Now, I can see so much more..."

"It's lovely," Wanda said. "I always loved to watch the stars..."

"You and Twi will get along great," Applejack replied, patting the woman with her hoof. "It's one of her favorite hobbies."

Natasha and Scott hung back, preferring to observe for the moment. Not just the view, but also the ponies they'd apparently be working alongside. From what they could tell, the two seemed fairly nonthreatening. Of course, it took quite an effort just to get past the utterly bizarre nature of their existence, Rainbow especially. Scott was also taking the time to psyche himself up for whatever he'd gotten himself into this time.

Bucky stood quietly next to Steve and Sam, his arms folded, his eyes focused on the floor. He had no inclination of how to act around the others, even after fighting alongside them (or in the case of Natasha and T'Challa, actively fighting them). Sure, Wanda had removed the Winter Soldier programming from his brain, and they'd confirmed that the code words wouldn't work anymore, but that knowledge did little to assure him. Every second felt like another chance for his installed personality to take control, and mercilessly kill anyone who so much as inconvenienced his mission. The seventy years in and out of cryogenic suspension keep bubbling to the surface of his mind, and he could feel the lives ebbing away in his hands. It was a fight just to keep those memories quiet.

"Hey!" a brash, female voice suddenly interrupted his brooding. Bucky looked down, finding the pegasus with the prismatic mane looking up at him. She pointed to his prosthetic. "I didn't realize before, but do you have a metal arm?! That's awesome, dude!" Rainbow poked Bucky's arm with her hoof, listening to the metallic reverberation.

"Uh...thanks," Bucky murmured, deja vu kicking in. Sam had a quiet chuckle at the sight.

"Well," said Steve, drawing everybody's attention, "if we're not getting any additional help, we might as well go back." He left out his desire to get back before Stark did, hoping the billionaire would be less likely to try something if they were all there.

Heimdall nodded. "Very well." He slotted his blade into the bridge.

Equis, Ponyville

Celestia, Luna, the remaining Elements of Harmony, Spike, Starlight, and Thorax had gathered on the front steps of Twilight's castle (Discord got bored with waiting and left to do his own things). When the first bolt of the Bifrost impacted the grass, the assembled looked in awe at all the newly assembled Avengers. Applejack and Rainbow moved to join their comrades, though Applejack delayed long enough to give Steve a reassuring glance.

The second strike of the Bifrost came seconds later, bringing back Tony, along with the Princess of Friendship. As Twilight moved back to her friends, a few wordless communications were exchanged between the Avengers. Wanda and Vision gave each other a quick glance, but both immediately returned their gazes to the ground. A few eyebrows were raised at the sight of Bruce Banner among them once more, particularly Natasha's. The doctor gave her a quick glance, his face betraying no emotions. Bucky seemed to be doing his best to become invisible, but Tony didn't even attempt to look at him. Though the more observant among the ponies noticed the soldier's actions, in addition to Steve and Tony both clenching up their fists.

Black Panther was the first to act, stepping forward to face Celestia, Luna, and Twilight. He unclasped his helmet, removing the cat-like mask and giving a low bow.

"Greetings, Princesses of Equestria. I, Crown King T'Challa of Wakanda, extend my greetings to you. I hope that I, and my allies, may assist you in dealing with these criminals."

Celestia's eyes widened quite a bit at the sight. They certainly hadn't expected a king to be among the Avengers. Still, he certainly made a good first impression. Celestia politely extended her hoof, and T'Challa grasped it with his gloved hand.

"It's wonderful to have you, Your Highness. Equestria welcomes you, and the Avengers."

Luna shook his hand as well, and T'Challa got down on one knee to shake Twilight's hoof. The others nodded politely, deciding to let the Avengers do their introductions first. Of course, Pinkie was already sweating bullets, the desire to start informing everybody present about the massive party she was already planning fighting to get out of her.

Deciding to continue the trend, Natasha followed T'Challa's actions.

"Hello, I'm Natasha Romanoff, alias Black Widow." She gave a small bow, but Luna waved a hoof at the action.

"Thank you, Miss Romanoff, but there's no need for such formality. You are our guests in Equestria, do not concern yourselves with etiquette."

Natasha gave a small smile. She liked this planet already.

Vision moved up next. "Um, hello," he said. "I'm called Vision, I'm honored to be a guest."

"I'm Dr. Bruce Banner," said the scientist. "I'm mostly here for, uh, consulting purposes. I'm not much use in combat." Thor snorted, but didn't interrupt.

Scott pressed the release on his helmet, showing his face. "Hi," he started. "I'm Ant-Man." Noticing the looks on the ponies' faces, he quickly followed up with, "I promise, it's better than it sounds."

"My name is Wanda Maximoff," the Sokovian woman announced quietly, her hands twitching close to her stomach.

That left one remaining member of the group to be introduced. The ponies turned their gaze to Bucky expectantly, though he avoided their eyes, looking down at the dirt. He opened his mouth once or twice, but words failed him, and he shuffled back a bit. Not out of fear, but reluctance, as though following the example of the others would cost him dearly. Steve put a hand on his friend's shoulder, giving him a reassuring squeeze. Finally, Bucky faced the ponies.

"Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes," he said simply, before stepping back.

The ponies looked a bit perplexed at his mannerisms, but none called attention to it. Twilight noticed, out of the corner of her eye, that Tony tensed up even more at the sound of the name. His jaw tightened, and it appeared that his lower eyelid twitched. However, the billionaire's face failed to provide any insight into what he was feeling, rendering him unreadable to the alicorn. Twilight's concern only grew at the sight.

At the same time, the ponies failed to notice the crinkling of the bush behind them. From between the leaves, three pairs of filly eyes watched the aliens gather with the pony leadership.

"They're so cool!" Scootaloo squealed, before Sweetie Belle's magical grip closed her mouth.

"SHUSH!" said the unicorn. "Not so loud, they're gonna hear us!"

Apple Bloom poked her head out alongside her fellow crusaders. "Do you really think they don't get Cutie Marks?"

"I guess not," said Sweetie. "I can't see anything on them that looks like one. Even ponies that wear clothes usually leave their Cutie Marks exposed."

"Look at that one with the red face, and the gold jewel in the forehead. He almost looks like some sorta statue!"

"I know, right?" said a voice to the side of the Crusaders. "I wonder if he's some sort of human species offshoot."

The Crusaders almost leapt out of the bushes in surprise. Lyra Heartstrings had somehow managed to cram herself into the bush beside them, without them noticing, her face covered with a small amount of dark green face paint in an attempt at camouflage.

Scootaloo put her hoof on her chest as she breathed. "Lyra! Don't scare us like that, we almost got caught!"

"Look at them..." breathed the unicorn, ignoring the Crusaders. "Those fingers...The females have such different figures than the males...The red one...There's so little color variation compared to ponies..."

"You know what else they have that you don't? Respect for others' privacy!" Bon-Bon popped out from behind Lyra, putting her in a choke hold with her forelegs, her training coming in. That, of course, didn't stop the unicorn from struggling against the restraint.

"No! You will not steal this from me, Bon-Bon!" roared Lyra.

The Crusaders decided to ignore the spectacle, focusing instead on the Avengers once more.

"What about that one who dresses like a cat?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"I dunno," said Scootaloo. "Seems odd, even by the standards of your sister."


"Guys, shush!" snapped Apple Bloom. "We can't let them—"

She stopped in mid-sentence, distracted by the sudden appearance of a rather large stone moving in front on their bush, surrounded by a turquoise glow. Lyra and Bon-Bon froze at the same time, ceasing their "battle." From around the rock, the gathered ponies could see Starlight Glimmer giving them a sheepish grin, as she released the levitation on the rock, dropping it in front of them, completely obscuring their view of the Avengers.

"OH, COME ON!" exclaimed Sweetie Belle.

"Nooo!" whined Lyra, dropping back down on her stomach, dejectedly.

Starlight held back a brief chuckle as she turned her attention back to the Avengers.

"So, Captain Rogers reported that you knew the location of the thieving fauns?" asked T'Challa.

"Indeed," replied Luna. "Though our information on the Badlands is a bit lacking. We enlisted some aid, and they should be here..." she looked down at the watch she'd recently purchased, "now."

A flying chariot came over the horizon, pulled by two muscular pegasi. The guards pulled into a sharp descent, coming to a sliding stop next to the gathered group. The door was opened for the two fairly large ponies inside the carriage. Dropping to the ground, the occupants were revealed to be a pale pink alicorn, crowned in royal regalia, alongside a large white unicorn stallion, clad in sturdy armor.

"Hi, Shiny! Cadence!" called Twilight, jumping over to her brother, nuzzling him affectionately. She hugged her fellow princess.

"It's good to see you, Twilight," replied Cadence, returning the hug. She turned to the Avengers. "Welcome, Avengers. My name is Princess Cadenza Mi Amore of the Crystal Empire. But please, call me Cadence, that mouthful of a name drives me crazy."

"I'm Shining Armor," said the stallion. "Formerly Captain of the Equestrian Royal Guard, now Prince of the Crystal Empire, and Twily's brother."

Further pleasantries would've followed, had not a certain genius billionaire playboy philanthropist superhero burst into laughter, nearly falling onto his rear in the process. The other Avengers, at least those who knew him well, had no reaction, while the ponies merely stared at the sight. It wasn't anything particularly new to them, given how many times Pinkie or Rainbow collapsed from amusement, but usually the reason was more apparent.

"Excuse me, Twily?" asked Tony, clutching his chest. "Oh, I'm gonna get so much mileage out of that!"

Twilight groaned, rubbing her head in exasperation with her hooves. "Please, no. I got more than enough of that from Rainbow."

Rainbow laughed to herself. "Ah, good times."

"Uh, not to be rude, but aren't we getting kinda off topic?" asked Scott, raising his hand.

"Yes, perhaps," agreed Celestia, though she privately found the whole spectacle rather hilarious. "We should continue this discussion indoors." Her horn ignited, opening the doors to Twilight's Crystal Castle.

"The Equestrian Badlands are located just to the west of our home, the Crystal Empire," announced Shining Armor, pointing on the massive map splayed across the Cutie Map table. "Their name is actually quite descriptive. Not much more than a vast expanse of barren ground, not even much vegetation. I think the last time our government even had any interest in the area was the war against King Sombra, where one of the higher stakes battles was fought."

Cadence took over, creating an arrow out of pure magic, pointing to a far point of the Badlands, on the very edge of the border of Equestria.

"The shrine Thorax heard about is located here. It's practically empty, making it an ideal hiding location for some sort of plot."

"What was the purpose of building the shrine?" asked Vision, curious.

"The truth is, we are unaware of that," said Luna. "The shrine predates Equestria itself. Its origins are a mystery to us."

"We've searched that shrine many times before now," said Twilight. "I've even been there myself. There's no artifacts, no inscriptions, no creature remnants of any kind, nothing. It's like the place just dropped into our world one day, and has been decaying ever since then-"

"Boring!" Tony interrupted. "Can we get to the part where we get my stuff back?"

Twilight gave Tony a glare. Bruce elbowed him in the ribs.

"Might be best not to insult the extraterrestrial royalty, Tony," he hissed, under his breath.

"I agree, Mister Stark!" Rarity huffed. "Surely you have more tact than that!"

"I'm with him, actually," chimed in Rainbow. "Let's get something done already!"

"Alright," said Steve. "Now, we're gonna need some transports..."

Author's Note:

Bit of a filler chapter, but more will happen soon.
I'm finally out of school, so I'll be able to update more often. Thanks for your patience.