• Published 14th Dec 2016
  • 1,638 Views, 39 Comments

Resetting Her Destiny - StormLuna

Starlight did it, she prevented Twilight from hatching Spike and now, as a filly, plans on setting a new destiny for herself.

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The Good News Hits Home

Almost two weeks had passed since Starlight and Primrose sent their letter off and naturally Starlight was getting anxious as she waited for a response from the princess. With each day that passed and no response from Celestia, Starlight only became more nervous and a bit irritated that they still hadn't heard back from her. As they headed to the post office Primrose said, "Starlight, when we go to the post office today and if we don't get anything from the princess, could you please not make a scene? If we were to hear from Celestia and she learned of your behavior, she probably would frown upon it."

Starlight replied, "Ok mommy, I won't."

When they arrived and picked up their mail, Primrose scowled at the first letters, as they were bills. The last one though would bring a smile to her face. She said, "Starlight sweetie, you got a letter from Princess Celestia!"

Starlight's ears shot up as she asked, "I got a letter from the princess? It is addressed to me?"

Primrose replied, "Yes, you did. From what I understand when Celestia addresses it to the applicant, that is usually good news."

Starlight immediately grabbed the letter from her mother and opened it. As she read it a huge smile grew on her face, "Yes! Yes! She wants me to go up and take an entrance exam!" She teleported onto her mother's back and continued, "Mommy, she wants me up there on the first of the month!"

Primrose gasped, "Starlight, you can teleport too? Wow, I'm sure Celestia will be beyond impressed when she can see everything you can do." Her smile grew as she continued, "You never know, she might do more than just let you into her school. She might even want you to be her protege!"

Starlight teleported back to the ground and began to jump up and down, "Really mommy? You think she might even want me as her protege?" She began to gallop home and continued, "I can't wait to tell daddy that we get to go to Canterlot!"

Before Primrose could even catch up to her, Starlight teleported into her house right in front of her father. She levitated the letter up to him and squealed, "Look daddy, Princess Celestia addressed this directly to me! She wants me to go up to Canterlot!"

Stone Cutter read the letter and was ecstatic. He hugged Starlight and said, "Wow Starlight, I never expected her to address it directly to you!"

He was begging to say something else when Starlight interrupted, "I know! Mommy said that if Celestia addresses it directly to the applicant, that it is usually a good thing."

Stone Cutter replied, "Well it certainly looks like it was here!"

Very shortly Primrose returned to the house to find Stone Cutter and Starlight talking about the upcoming trip to Canterlot. Obviously Starlight was showing a ton of excitement but what she wasn't showing was the extreme amount of confidence she had in herself. One thing that did concern both of her parents though was how excited she was.

Primrose began, "Starlight honey, you know we love you very much and are very happy for you but I think it might be best if you calmed down."

Starlight asked, "Why?"

Stone Cutter replied, "Because if you are too excited you might not be able to get enough sleep and that might cause you to not do your best when the time comes for your entrance exam."

Starlight sighed, "You're right. I shouldn't let anything keep me from doing my best."

The rest of the day went by as normally as it could for Starlight and her family. While she had a smile on her face the rest of the day her parents couldn't help but worry about her. They had their concerns as to what would happen if she couldn't do up in Canterlot what she does at home and how she would react. After Starlight headed upstairs to bed, Primrose and Stone Cutter had a discussion over this.

Primrose asked, "Honey, I know we are all excited for Starlight but what are we going to do if she fails her exam?"

Stone Cutter was shocked over his wife's question. He asked in return, "You seriously think Starlight will fail her exam? How could you even think such a thing?"

Primrose sighed, "It's not a matter of me thinking that she won't pass, it is a matter of me being worried that she will be too excited and won't be able to pass."

Stone Cutter replied, "You know how she is, that excitement might work in her advantage."

Primrose asked, "Why would you think it would work to her advantage?"

Stone Cutter replied, "Remember how excited she was the day that she got that scroll? Remember how it was that excitement that likely caused her to just start flying to begin with?"

Primrose suggested, "That is true but I still think we should try to calm her down a bit because she does need her sleep. If she is wound up like this she definitely won't get any sleep."

Stone Cutter added, "Yeah, that could be a problem. If she is too tired she might not be able to do her best up there." He paused and continued, "Well we still have a few days before we head up there. I'm sure we can get her calmed down well before then."

Primrose replied, "You're right, we'll get her calmed down and she will do fine."

While her parents were talking, Starlight laid there in bed wondering about so many things. She couldn't help but remember what gave her this opportunity, her past adult self stopping Twilight as a filly from hatching Spike, she couldn't help but think about the opportunities that would open up for her when she passed her entrance exam but most of all, she couldn't help but wonder if she would see Trixie while she would be up in Canterlot.