• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 1,001 Views, 23 Comments

Celestia's Protege - StormLuna

Starlight did it, she passed her entrance exam and was accepted as Celestia's protege. Join her during her journey through school where she makes new friends, continues to expand her knowledge and helps other ponies with their studies.

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My Biggest Exam Yet

Six years has passed since my entrance exam and things have changed dramatically for me, and not just as far as how advanced I am in my studies. I have grown quite a bit and have begun to mature. With this being the case, I can't help but wonder how much longer I will have to sleep across from Celestia. Personally I hope that it won't be for much longer. I'm not exactly a filly anymore and the thoughts of me having a whole study tower to myself, well Spike would be living with me as well, sounds very nice.

Another Saturday morning had arrived and like I always did, I was out with my friends. Despite there being a three year difference between Moondancer and myself, our intelligence levels were similar and apparently I have grown rather fast as we stood at roughly the same height. Unlike how it was years in the past, I did not go to see my friends alone, Spike accompanied me pretty much everywhere I went now.

That morning would be rather surprising though as Spike would cough up a very important message. *BELCH!*

As soon as I began to read the message, a nervous look appeared on my face. Spike was the first to see this and asked, "What is it Starlight, you look worried?"

Minuette added, "Yeah, you look like you saw a ghost or something."

I replied, "Well Celestia wants me at the castle immediately."

Lemon Hearts asked, "Why Starlight? Are you in trouble?"

I replied, "I don't think so but I better get going. I'll see you ladies later." I looked at Spike and ordered, "Hop on! We don't want to keep Celestia waiting."

Spike hopped on my back and I galloped to the castle. Something in my mind was telling me that this could be big, very big. Once we arrived in the throne room Celestia stood there with her wings spread wide and I have only seen her do that over matters of great importance.

I saw her and asked, "Princess Celestia, you wanted to see me?"

Celestia replied, "Yes Starlight, I did."

I asked, "What is it over?" I haven't done anything to upset you have I?"

Celestia laughed, "No Starlight, you haven't." She became more calm as she continued, "I have called you here because it is time for you to take a test, a test that will have a lot of influence on your future."

My pupils shrank. I began to wonder what would happen if I was to fail this. Celestia saw this and continued, "Starlight, don't worry. It's not like if you fail I'll kick you out of school or drop you as my protege. If you pass however, you will prove that you are ready for the next level, which includes moving into the study tower!"

I gasped, "Really?"

Celestia replied, "Really!"

I asked, "So when do you want me to take this test?"

Celestia led me into the Starswirl the Bearded wing where I would have more privacy and replied, "Now."

She set a huge test in front of me. The thing had to be at least twenty pages long and this did unnerve me, a lot as it was likely 25 or more pages long. I asked, "So what all is covered in this test?"

Celestia replied, "World geography, advanced mathematics, physics, chemistry, pony history, biology and there will be an advanced language portion as well. After all, a pony must have proper grammar and know proper usage of the Equestrian language if she is to move on to the next level."

I asked, "Will there be a spell casting portion?"

Celestia replied, "Starlight, you have shown me so much magical ability that what would have been in it, you have already done and then some." She then sat down far enough away from me that she would not be in my eyesight but I would still know that she was there. I suppose that this is something she likely does to make sure students don't cheat even though she knows I would never do such a thing.

Once she got out of my eyesight I began to work on my exam. The first part was world geography which was beyond easy for me. I have always been interested in the location of things and I even enjoyed looking at maps back home. The next part though would not be so easy for me, advanced mathematics. I have been able to ace pretty much everything EXCEPT advanced mathematics since I have been here. I'm better at it now than I was in my prior life but still, I don't ace it and that is so frustrating, especially given that everything else seems so easy for me.

After that, it was physics, chemistry and biology. Those have always been easy for me for the most part. I will admit, biology has always proved to be a bit of a challenge but nothing serious. The next thing was pony history which was beyond easy, even easier than world geography as I have always loved history and pretty much read history books as leisure reading. The final part was the advanced language portion. Yeah I don't do a ton of writing but I know my language well enough that I should be able to pass it with no problems.

After three hours I finally finished my exam and handed my exam to Celestia. Did I think I did good? Yes, I did. Was I nervous? You bet I was. I wasn't sure how good I had to do to pass this thing but I was pretty certain that I aced the geography and history portions. The only portion that had me nervous was the math portion, of course I think a lot of that anxiety may come from my prior life where math wasn't so easy for me.

When I gave her my exam, she and Spike both gave me a smile. Celestia levitated the exam to herself and Spike asked, "Starlight, do you think you passed?"

Celestia looked up and raised and lowered her wings, which is her way of saying she needs it quiet. I simply smiled and nodded. I watched Celestia read through it in anticipation yet a bit of fear. I could not tell how I had done as she kept a completely neutral expression on her face the whole time. A half an hour later she set the exam down and stood tall, keeping that neutral expression on her face the whole time.

Once she stood tall she spread her wings wide and began, "Starlight Glimmer, I have finished grading your exam." She again levitated the exam up and continued, "I read through the world geography part and I must say, you have an uncanny knowledge when it comes to geography as you are the first student who has ever scored a 100 on that section."

I asked, "Really? Nopony else has ever got a 100 on it?"

Celestia replied, "No, nopony else has." She flipped to the next section, the mathematics and continued, "Starlight, I must say. I have NEVER seen a pony show her work the way you have and I am very proud of you! I know you have always said that advanced math is difficult for you but I beg to differ. You are the FIRST pony to ever score a 100 on the math portion as well."

I was shocked. I never imagined that I would ace a math exam, especially one involving such advanced and complex mathematics. She flipped the exam to the next section, the sciences. She gave me a smile and continued, "I must say, I am amazed at your broad knowledge of science and I'm going to let you in on something, nopony until you has ever got the genetics part correct in the biology section and like you have in the other sections so far, you scored a 100."

At this moment my anxiety had all but disappeared. The only results she had left to report were the history and language sections. I was a bit stunned that she simply flipped past the history section and went straight on to the language section. She continued, "Starlight, I have always heard ponies mock ponies with rural origins and claim that they have poor language skills."

I wondered why she would bring that up and I knew it. I replied, "Yes, I have heard about that."

Celestia smiled, "Well those ponies don't know what they're talking about. You are also the first pony to ace the language section as well."

I was relieved over that but I still couldn't understand why she skipped past the world history part. Finally she flipped back to it and I have never seen a smile so big in my life. She finished, "Starlight Glimmer, I guess all that time you have spent reading about world history really paid off. You aced the world history exam as well!"

Wait a minute, I aced every section? Did I really do it, did I......She then continued, "Starlight, you have done something very special. You have become the first student to ever ace the entire exam! I am so proud of you Starlight and I bet your parents and friends would be as well."

I was so happy when I heard this I began to teleport around the room, "Yes, yes, yes, yes! I can't believe it, I aced it! Woo-hoo!"

Celestia let me celebrate for a couple minutes before calming me down. She said, "Well Starlight, you have proven you are ready for not just the next level of your studies, but also to have more space to study and live."

I asked, "Do I get to move into the study tower?"

Celestia replied, "Yes Starlight, you do."

Naturally I was beyond ecstatic and was ready to get moved in right away and apparently Celestia could sense it. She asked, "I take it you want to get moved in there as soon as possible?"

I replied, "You bet I do!"

She hugged me and said, "Well since you don't have a ton of personal belongings, how about we grab what you do have and you can move in today if you want. Unless something has happened in the past 300 years, the bed should still have clean sheets, nice pillows and blankets on it."

I levitated myself up to eye level with Celestia, hugged her and continued, "Thank you your Majesty, I'm so happy."

I couldn't help but laugh over her response, "Tsk, Tsk Starlight, what am I going to do with you? You know you don't have to address me like that!"

All I could do was reply, "I know, it's just out of respect for you." as we headed towards my bedroom. While I didn't have a lot of personal belongings I did have one thing that I was extremely protective of, my lock box. Some ponies may wonder why I am so protective of that thing but it has something very important to me, something from my prior life, Starswirl's time travel spell that I altered.

Luckily Celestia didn't ask about what I had in that box nor did she even say anything about it. All she did was smile as I gathered all of my belongings out of what used to be my bedroom and headed towards the exit. I can only imagine what life is going to be like now. I do know one thing, Spike is going to be hacking up a lot more messages!