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Purple Patch



Fancy Pants and Fleur de Lis are two of the most important ponies in Canterlot.
Very little can damage them or the reputation they have among the citizens.
That is until the Bringer of Chaos showers his temptations and trickeries upon them both on the day of his return.
What happened to two ponies so seemingly untroubled by the trials of normal ponies.
What weaknesses do they have that Discord just so enjoys exploiting.
And how will they recover from the living nightmares they suffered.
Can they bear to show themselves to Canterlot.
Or each other?

MLP FIM is property of Lauren Faust and Hasbro.
The POV Series belongs to Alex Warlorn. Thank you so much for the watch!

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 35 )

Great piece of work. I am looking forward so very much to what happened to poor Fleur, though I think I can guess some of it.

Poor Fancy Pants! He's going to have one hard row to hoe to earn forgiveness for his insane actions after this.

7841370 Thanks. I kind of meant for him to seem so utterly delusional.
Rushing armed into the palace of an Alicorn monarch can only end one way. :facehoof:
Thanks for the fave! You're awesome! :pinkiesmile::twilightsmile::raritywink:

Wow. Dear sir, you never cease to amaze me with these wondrous stories of yours.

Poor Fancy, though. I hope that he doesn't come out of this TOO badly.

I mean, the poor stallion WAS Discorded, after all.

All in all, though, I think he caught it WORSE in a way than he did from Cascadius.

Now, THAT said, I cannot wait for the next installment, so we can see what happened from Fleur's end of things.

Well done, dear sir. Well done, indeed.

I just want to say first, I love the introduction, a good reminder that these are INTERVIEWS the ponies are having!

I notice he leaves out that Fluer was once a thrill seeker thief (she'd steal from the rich, and put the stolen treasure in a trash can a block away to be found) bore of high social standing until she tried to steal from Fancy Pants and he put her on the straight and narrow.

Then again, I can imagine that as a socialite, he'd know NOT to go sharing that around! He'd have to be INSANE to share that with ANYONE.

"For Gifted Unicorns and rather looked out for that little trio of awkward youngsters."

Isn't that six?
Minuette. Lyra Heartstring. Twinkleshine. Lemon Hearts. Moon Dancer. Twilight Sparkle.

If the Princess can stop me but doesn’t want to, surely she is malevolent. If the Princess wants to stop me but can’t, surely she is incompetent...Either way, why call her the Princess?”

The classic argument, and fits Discord flawlessly.

Thank you for writing this. It fits the utter insanity that is Discord, and Discord's victims. It was a beautiful gift, thank you! I'll take this as an slightly early birthday present!

7841739 Yeah, that was meant to be Silver Frames, Golden Gavel and Swan Song.
Realising only now that only one of them's a confirmed unicorn.
Then again, you couln't see Silver Frames' and Swan Song's horns (If they had them) through their great hats.

7841735 Yeah, I wasn't aware of this.
I'm definitely putting it in Fleur's chapter though, thanks.

Wow. This chapter is even better than the first one. Love it!

Also, I can't wait to see who's next on Discord's "hit list".

Something tells me it's not six certain young mares that we know.

Not YET, anyway.

Again, VERY well done, dear Purple.'
VERY well, done, indeed.

Again, love the introduction, but "it serves its worth the trials." Not sure if that sentence is missing a word or two.

You must ask her to help me”
You must ask her to help me.”

so many ponies I wasn’t fond of
so many ponies I wasn’t fond of.

and size in so many different ways”
and size in so many different ways.”

“Seven years back luck” he tuts “Of course, with me around, quite a bit more so”
“Seven years back luck,” he tuts. “Of course, with me around, quite a bit more so”

Okay, I'll stop point it out here, but I say this as a fellow writer and story teller, that you need to work on remembering your periods. That's just some honest sincere advice.

So is Discord doing this for real, or did he makes her hallucinate the hooves like he did with Rarity and Tom?

Why am I covered in this filth?!

What filth? No offense, but this might cross the line into "Don't remember what happened" when the pony pov series as a whole SUBVERTS that.

And yeah, you can tell Fluer is scared out of her mind here as she finds herself surrounded a stalker victim's worst nightmare.

Thank you for writing this chapter! Lots of story rarely get past the FIRST chapter! SO CONGRATS! THANK YOU! I Hope you manage to finish this and we get to see the HEALING of these two ponies as well!!!

7842860 Thanks for the help. Though I usually don't put punctuation at the end of speech marks (Always makes a green line under them on Microsoft Word and I'm kind of OCD in that regard.
I'll made some edits.
In any case, Discord's not really doing this. It is largely hallucination. Everything she touches emerge as hooves, even the ground beneath her.

7855078 I know. I'm working on it. Give me a few days. :twilightblush:

It's a lovely piece of work, and I really enjoy the way you showed Fancy's struggle with what Discord did to him.

Though it felt like an eternity, sitting there with only my colossal guilt to keep me company...I had only been in the cell five minutes after Discord’s defeat when the guards opened my cell.

Five minutes? Heh, that feels like Equestria.

And I imagine Fancy Pants ORDERED the guards to put him in there! And I imagine the guards mostly went along with it because they were traumatized as well.

The colours in her mane and eyes had not yet returned.

0-0 Wha?

Have you added your stuff to the Pony POV Series trope page?

Interesting. People respond to trauma differently. But surprised Fluer doesn't react violently to any stallion touching her and sleeping with a sword almost.

Granted, Canterlot tends not to hear about these sort of things as often as it should but nonetheless.

And the ceremony the mane six got in Canterlot for saving the world from Discord, and they did destroy the Grand Galloping Gala last year.

it’s not too late to sort things out”
it’s not too late to sort things out.”

You shouldn’t either.”

Dude, for the love of EVERYTHING put periods at the ends of your quotes!

‘bout crowns and kings and the princess bein’ useless? That’s probably just a naggin’ doubt or anxiety ya have in the dark corners of yer mind. Everypony has ‘em.

Wonder if he wonders how she knew that.

They seem like a cracking young quintet of mares.

They seem like a cracking young sextet of mares.

I like to think of it as my own little element of Chivalry.


She hadn’t wanted the lights on for a long time. She didn’t like to see them. The eyes. But they were there every time she blinked and so she could only keep calm in relative darkness.


As if Discord’s little escapade wasn’t enough, not all too long after, up jumps the one they’re all calling Princess Gaia.

And finding out who SHE is.

I mean really! One apocalypse is enough for my lifetime, thank you kindly, ma’am!

And he's already had two, remember Nightmare Moon?

Nothing too out of the ordinary when, all of a sudden, I’ve rapidly decreased in age and height, without so much as a by-your-leave.

This is odd. Since Philomina kept Princess Gaia's fog from ever touching Canterlot (Blueblood and his overworked guards were goaded into racing into it by Celly). So I wonder where the two are.

Thank you for writing this. It made for an interesting listen!

Fluer and Fancy did ironically play a bigger role during Mind Games and the Wedding Arc.

7858298 Alright, I'll go over this.
I confess, I'm fairly new to the POV Series. I'm not as informed as I should be. :twilightblush:
Don't worry, this has helped.
I didn't know you could put headcanon on the TV Tropes page. I don't have a TV Tropes account though.
I might be able to get 6samuelb to help out. He put my own stuff on there.

Very sick. Thank you for new chapter.

7884062 Glad you liked it. :pinkiehappy: Happy to contribute.

Lovely chapter here, describing both what happened to poor Fleur on the Day of Discord and her life before that. I see you went with the fannish theory that she is/was a thief, though here she was a very minor one.

I do wonder if she knows about her grandmother's rather odd personal history, at least in the Pony POV 'verse.

Sorry to be a pest, but I wonder if the repeat of one particular line was intentional?

Interesting choice of headwear, I have to say. Not my kind of thing but it’s quite striking.

She was a country pony, Sweet Apple Acres-born and raised and known to be hard-working and ever helpful, as well as a good advisor.

She was going around Equestria helping those in similar positions to our own.

Interesting choice of headwear, I have to say. Not my kind of thing but it’s quite striking.

7884585 Oh whoops. Thanks for pointing that out. :twilightblush:
I'll go over it.

Poor Fleur! This chapter has a very creepy tone to it with the effect of all those eyes on her constantly.

Sorry to be such a pain, but I noticed this sentence:

“Seven years back luck” he tuts “Of course, with me around, quite a bit more so” He pops the shard of glass in his mouth and crunches it like a potato chip.

I think it may be missing some punctuation marks.

7894945 Yeah, Alex Warlorn already told me. I make my fics on Microsoft Word and they get rid of the punctuation at the end of speech marks. I'll go over it, don't worry.

Okay, that scenes were Fluer is taking a shower to get the mud off, and admits she hallucinated hundreds of eyeballs on tiny stalks crawling up her like worms... that was genuinely SCARY to read!!!

That alone deserves mention. That is true nightmare fuel.

And the worst part is that APPLEJACK IS RIGHT! Despair and self-pity DOES hurt those around us!

AND I LOVE the Sherlock Scan he gives Fluer here in the flash back!!!

They once saved the Princess’s life.

I imagine that's a bungle of history.

"That’s our marriage.
That’s our story.
And I’ve never been happier than to be a part of it."

Nice closing line dude.

7917616 Thanks so much for the approval. Glad I've made a decent contribution.
Fancy and Fleur have always been my favourite characters (Closely followed by Derpy and Zecora) and I feel they deserved mention.
Thank you for all the help as well.
Keep up the good work. :rainbowdetermined2::yay::derpytongue2::twilightsmile::moustache::raritywink::ajsmug:

Poor Fancy, I hope he will be able to make peace with Fleur and himself after what Discord did.

7924562 Well, you'll find out later.
Fancy's always been my favourite but I hope I didn't make him too aggrandized with him standing up to Discord.

8173156 Certainly one of the franchise's most interesting villains.
And such fun to write. :pinkiehappy:

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