• Published 15th Mar 2017
  • 1,356 Views, 14 Comments

A Thoroughly Ruined Night - Ebonysdagger

Twilight and Luna are stuck overseeing a school dance much to their consternation. Or at least so it seems.

  • ...

Chapter 1

It was a rather lively evening in Canterlot Castle filled with cavorting colts and fillies as Celestia’s School For Gifted Unicorns held sway over the ballroom. It was the annual dance where the students of the school would be allowed to cut loose for a night of revelry in a place where their no doubt noble parents could not criticize them for being seen. As such it was a bit wild for a Canterlot party but still restrained. This year perhaps was the most stunted it had ever been in some ways given who were playing the chaperones of the dance. Two princesses did their best to keep out of the way and allow the young children to have fun unhindered but knew their presence dampened the spirits of such overly social conscience younglings.

“Luna, you ever get the feeling that your sister is having a laugh at us?”, Twilight asked as she tried to content herself with checking the punch to make sure it was not spiked through the application of a full chemical testing kit she had summoned for the task.

“Only every time she makes us do something like this. Seriously, just because we got a little carried away a tiny bit during that spell demonstration was no reason to saddle us with this job.” Luna pouted to herself or at least tried to. It was rather hard to believe she was too upset given that her face kept trying to switch to one that practically radiated ‘I found something adorable’ when she would look at Twilight being her nerdy self.

“Well we did shatter her crown’s jewel with the spell frequency we generated.”

“How were we to know it would do that?” Luna sputtered while she pretended not to notice Lady Lovelace’s son trying to keep Earl Grey’s daughter from noticing he had a second date on the other side of the ball room with the child of the court wizard, Charmed Life.

“I would agree with you on that if I didn’t know you made the crown and knew exactly the threshold of the gem it had. Seriously, why did you get me involved in your prank?” Nodding to herself that the punch was not spiked, Twilight put her kit up and subtly slipped something she had bought from Applejack and then experimented on to make strong enough for an alicorn to actually feel it into the bowl with a smirk. Teach all those little brats dancing out there to laugh at her when she tried to dance earlier that night.

“Perhaps because the face you made when it happened would be hilarious? Which it was mind you. Or maybe it was because I knew sister would look for any excuse to foist this task onto anyone and I wanted an excuse to spend the night with you?”

“Seriously? Trying to pull the mastermind routine on me? Please. It is more likely I set you up to do all of this with some minor hints at livening up court since the demonstration was rather simple in my opinion.”

“Twilight, most magic is rather mundane and simple for you. How many fields do you hold the title of grand magus in again?”

“Twelve that are recognized fields of unicorn magic. Twenty three if you count some that unicorns don’t traditionally use. Still what shall we do about this? Lovelace’s son, Olelace, seems to have been caught by Grey Lining in his attempt to two time her.”

The two alicorns watched the childish drama begin pondering how best to interrupt the nonsense. Seriously there was a reason the princesses regularly held something just short of a brawl for the honor of not being the one stuck doing this job. The over wrought lunacy of the young and their romantic problems and an overly developed sense of social standing that came with both being a teenager and nobility always lead to some disaster during these events. Even if that disaster was only one lonely student coming in to loudly proclaim in metered verse the futility of life and the universe in protest. Twilight was still rather upset that Celestia still shared the story of when she did that with Luna and had no real ammo to get back at her.

“Perhaps some of that punch will lead to cooler heads?” Luna pondered as they sit and listen to voices rising in anger with rather a lack of concern of the proceedings.

“They drink enough of it now and they will have cooler heads alright. Just let me fill out the forms where they generously donate their bodies to science first.” Twilight answered back.

Luna chuckles at her lovely mad scientist's possible joke before she gets up and starts to wade her way through the spectators to the shouting match. “Enough.”

The two noble ladies who were wronged stopped their shouting at the cowering would be playboy and sat back as Luna arrived before them. Twilight floated over to the band and instructed them on what to play next as Luna sorted out the whole affair with all the aplomb of an absolute ruler who was a thousand years removed from the current era or as expected told the young male off for stringing the girls along rather than having invited them both as his date and let them know he wanted to be with both. There was nothing wrong with a wife and a mistress after all or at least that was Luna’s opinion so long as they both knew of the other. While that caused perhaps even more commotion Twilight chuckled to herself and tuned it out.

After a few minutes during which Luna actually gained some knowledge of more modern customs which upset her because it made no sense to her to hide that you had a mistress from your wife regardless of how many of the young students assured her that was how their parents worked in this modern era she stepped back to let them return to their dancing and socializing. As she did a particular tune began from the band which put an extra pip into her step and her eye was drawn to Twilight who had hopped down and made her way to her.

With an eye wiggle meant more for laughs than seduction Twilight stepped up to Luna and invited her to a dance. Luna, in spite of her better judgment, nodded to Twilight’s invitation and the two began to dance. As the music picked up and the two got more into their dance they smiled to one another as they lost track of everything around them.


“Yes, Luna?”

“How do we explain to Celestia that we destroyed the ball room?”

“By telling her that we danced of course.”

“You did that on purpose didn’t you?”

“Of course. Nothing causes a stampede off of a dance floor like me stepping onto it.”

Luna nodded as she looked around at the mess of a shattered room. The mass exodus to either safety or sanity the students had gone on had resulted in quite a lot of damage to the room. Doors torn from their hinges, tiles of the floor cracked as panicked ponies tried to flee, a few smears of blood here and there from where some no doubt fought one another to be the first to leave, and other such mess were rather typical results she had seen after her friend would begin to dance.

“Hehehe, vengeance you popped up twits.” Twilight cackled to herself for a moment over the destruction she had caused and how thoroughly she had wrecked the night. “Celestia will think twice now about sticking us with something like this on a date night.”

“Twilight, now isn’t the time to celebrate ruining the night of the younger nobility. I think we should perhaps be making arrangements for a vacation. Preferably away from Equestria if possible.”

“Oh? Why ever for?”

“Because I think I saw Charmed Life’s daughter snatching the punch bowl you spiked as she fled alongside Grey Lining. They seemed to have been commiserating with each other about stallions and I think I heard at least one of them swearing them off.”

“Ivory Charm? Really? Oh, and if I recall both of their parents objected to our openly dating didn’t they?”

“Twilight, do you think perhaps you are hanging around Discord too much. That level of manipulation is a bit over the top.”

“Like you can talk, oh Lady of the Stars and Fate.”

“Touche. Shall we abscond before Celestia hears about this?”

“I know a good cave in the dragon lands that they said was mine as an honorary dragon.”

“That works.” And thus the moon and stars fled before the light of day would find a reason to give chase.

Just ten minutes after the room emptied out Discord appeared and looked around. “And ponies think I’m the dangerously crazy one. Look at this mess. If those two weren’t so much fun to watch I’d be upset and think they were trying to unseat me.” The chimeric Lord of Chaos snapped his fingers fixing the ball room before he left since he knew he would be blamed for the mess someway otherwise.

Author's Note:

A bit of an attempt at a type of story I'm not too good at. I hope it amuses you for a moment at least. A lot more talk than usual even for me perhaps but I'll admit that is the framework from which I hang a story, the dialogue. Thank you for reading.

Comments ( 14 )

cute story and what luna said about wife and mistress is mostly likely true for most of the nobleaity in cantolot

Oh, god. That was hilarious! :rainbowlaugh:

“Of course. Nothing causes a stampede off of a dance floor like me stepping onto it.”

This line had me cracking up.

Heh, that got some good chuckles out of me. :moustache:

Twilight with a little bit of sociopathic comedy... Heh. :trollestia:

a little bit ooc but still good.

Luna isnt so abrasive, and twilight is not so brash.

As is expected in my stories and noted by the alternate universe tag. Consider it a consequence of author bias if you will.

It's all fine,

good job though.

Thanks. I hope others enjoy it.

the last part with discord make me feel warm that the lord of chaos is trying to help out his "friends" that and not get blame for evertying

Yea, I enjoyed this.
It was rather funny and Twilight and Luna were adorable together.

So good and funny

subtly slipped something she had bought from Applejack and then experimented on to make strong enough for an alicorn to actually feel it into the bowl with a smirk. Teach all those little brats dancing out there to laugh at her when she tried to dance earlier that night.


Well that was cute. If a little bit weird. I wouldn't have pegged Twilight for being the kind to spike the punch, even with good reason.

Well, 'Twi can't dance' jokes stopped being funny in 2011 ... but it's still a cute Tuna fic.
I like this more mischievous incarnation of Twilight.

Twilight has been hanging around Discord to much.

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