• Published 7th May 2017
  • 1,147 Views, 27 Comments

Return to Equestria - StormLuna

After the death of Sonata and deteriorating relations with Adagio, Aria has decided the time to return to Equestria. Once she returns, she quickly learns that life won't be as easy as she thought.

  • ...

Final Items of Business

Once they arrived in the throne room they sat down to discuss what to do with Adagio and Sunset, given that they had returned after their they had been gone for so long. The first to say anything was Twilight, "So Celestia, what are we going to do with these three?"

Celestia asked, "These three?"

Twilight replied, "Sunset, Adagio and Aria."

Before Celestia could say anything Colgate said, "Regarding Aria, I have already taken her into my home, we had been up in Canterlot and I was helping her access her newfound magic and once she has a good enough grasp on it, I'm hiring her as my receptionist so she is taken care of."

Adagio asked, "But won't she need proof of citizenship to apply for a job?"

Celestia replied, "Aria's citizenship records are up in Canterlot Tower along with everypony else's records and don't worry, yours was right next to hers."

Adagio asked, "So I won't have to worry about applying for citizenship or anything like that?"

Celestia replied, "No, you won't. But I do want to know though, what are your plans now that you are back in Equestria? What do you plan to do with your life?"

Adagio replied, "I'm not sure. You just dragged me back here and you expect me to already have plans? I don't even know anything about Equestria or how much it has changed since I was last here."

Colgate interjected, "Celestia, since I took Aria in and have a job ready for her, I suppose I could do the same for Adagio" She gave Aria and Adagio a glare and continued, "assuming you two can put your past behind you and get along."

Adagio asked, "Could my sister and I talk in the next room? We really need to work out our differences."

Celestia replied, "Yes, you may."

Adagio and Aria headed into the next room to talk. Once they got out of earshot of everypony Adagio glared at Aria and asked, "Was this your plan? Was it your plan to have Celestia go through the mirror and bring me back here?"

Aria replied, "No Dagi, Celestia didn't even know about my history until Colgate took me to the palace to check on citizenship."

Adagio asked, "How did she know you were one of the sirens Starswirl banished? Did you just go there and confess the whole truth hoping she wouldn't punish you?"

Aria replied, "Actually it was Colgate who told me to tell her about my whole past. One thing I learned is that Celestia respects those who are honest and so does Colgate. But I will let you know something, I did tell Celestia about Twilight's misuse of that cursed mirror so I suppose I could say I'm partially responsible."

Adagio sighed, "Well maybe this won't be so bad but we do have other issues to discuss, issues involving personal matters."

Aria groaned, "Oh, I take it you're still upset over how I started treating you once you became a softy?"

Adagio began, "It is much more than that. This involves everything, your putting Sonata down after she died, you killing her boyfriend, you driving her to suicide...."

Aria interrupted, "I did not drive her to suicide. As I remember, the coroner said that Sonata just rolled over in her sleep and suffocated herself."

Adagio snapped, "Yes that is what he said but that does not rule out suicide and you know you treated her like shit. You know you constantly belittled her and perhaps she just couldn't take it anymore. Maybe she wanted to get away from you and thought that death was the only way out."

Aria could tell that this argument was going nowhere in a hurry and didn't feel like having a shouting match that would not be well received by either Colgate or Celestia. She sighed, "Dagi, we have been through a lot. We were banished to a horrid place for a thousand years, we lost our ability to sing and we lost our sister so I think we need to stop dwelling on everything because we can't go back and change things. We can only move forward and I don't know about you but I want to move forward and become a productive member of Equestria. I just want to wash my hooves of that horrid place we were stuck in."

Adagio was not thrilled by this. She snapped, "So you want to wash your hooves of Sonata?"

Aria replied, "I never said that. I said I wanted to wash my hooves of that place, NOT Sonata. Sonata was sent there with us too, remember?" She put her hoof over her face and continued, "Look, I'm going to admit, in our final months in the human world, I grew to despise you but I want to put that behind me. We are back in Equestria and I want a fresh start. My hate towards you was from that world and I want no part of it."

Adagio snapped, "So you really think it will be easy for me to just forget how you treated me? You treated me worse than you ever did Sonata in the days leading up to when you came back here...."

Aria interrupted, "Look Dagi, Colgate is offering to help you in the same way she helped me. Celestia has records of your citizenship so getting copies of that should be no problem and I bet that I could easily get her to take you in like she did me and convince her to help you access your unicorn magic." She put her hoof around Adagio and finished, "Sis, I simply want you to be able to assimilate into Equestria. I don't want you having to live in the Everfree Forest or in some homeless shelter in the big city. At least consider what I am suggesting, I think you owe yourself the opportunity you have."

There was something about the last part of what Aria said that hit Adagio. It wasn't the words she said, but how she said it. She seemed like she actually cared about her well-being. She seemed like she was being the sister she was so long ago before they were banished. She put her hoof around Aria and replied, "Ok sis, we'll start from scratch. I know it won't be easy but we'll do it."

Aria pulled Adagio close and continued, "We may be unicorns in this new Equestria but in our hearts we are still sirens and siren sisters are always there for one another." Her voice began to break as she continued, "And we lost our way in that world. We stopped acting like sirens, we began to act like humans."

Adagio's voice too began to break, "I agree but no more. Let's put our sisterly bond first again."

The two nodded and could feel that perhaps they were finally on the right path to not only making amends but becoming close sisters like they were in ancient times, in the times prior to their banishment.

While Adagio and Aria were in the other room hashing things out, Celestia and Twilight began to discuss Sunset's future. There was an odd silence at first until Sunset broke it, "So now that it seems like Adagio's future is taken care of, what about mine." She cast her gaze at Celestia and asked, "So would you be willing to take me back into your school?"

Celestia sighed, "I don't know Sunset. I remember how you were, I remember your impatience, I remember the scowls you would give me, I remember you talking about how you could become a princess just like me and the fact that you would just run off like that still bothers me."

Sunset asked, "So is that a no?"

Celestia replied, "I know everything you did in more recent times, stealing Twilight's crown, having control over a lot of those students in the human world, turning into a she-demon and most recently, those glares you gave me in your house and your anger over me destroying that mirror." She paused for a minute and her voice became a bit sad, "I'm sorry Sunset. As much as I think it would benefit you, I don't think I could trust you to......"

Twilight interrupted, "Well I could always take her in and she could be my student."

Sunset's ears perked up when she said this, "Really Twilight, you'd be willing to take me in as your student?"

Twilight replied, "Of course! I already kind of had you as a friendship student in the human world but now you'll be here and I can help you out even more!"

Sunset asked, "But what about Starlight?"

Twilight replied, "Starlight graduated and now she's spending more time helping another pony with friendship and magic so you would be my number one focus."

Sunset asked, "But where would I live?"

Twilight replied, "I have no shortage of extra rooms here in the castle so you would live here. That way you'll always be available and we can do what normal friends do too."

Sunset hugged Twilight, "That's great!"

Before she could say anything else Aria and Adagio returned to the throne room with smiles on their faces. Colgate saw this and asked, "I take it you two resolved your differences? I take it you two can at least co-exist without constantly yelling at one another?"

Aria replied, "Yes Colgate, we have."

Adagio added, "We had a good talk and we realized that in the human world we forgot what made us so close back when we were sirens, sisterhood. We have decided to be true sisters again."

Colgate gave them a smile and said, "Good." She got up, headed towards the door and continued, "Well Adagio, you'll move in with me, Aria and my sister Lyra." She gave them both a larger smile and continued, "Now let's go up to Canterlot and help Aria improve her magic and help you access yours."

Both enthusiastically agreed and followed Colgate out the door. Celestia gave Twilight and Sunset a smile and said, "Well it looks like everything turned out just fine."

Twilight gave her a smile and replied, "I guess it did."

Celestia said, "Now there is one more thing I need to take care of, I need to clean up that mess in your chambers and lock it away somewhere that it will never be seen again."

Twilight's face dropped when Celestia said this prompting her to continue, "I know how you are Twilight. I know you would find one way or another to fix it and given your intelligence, you would probably succeed."

Both Twilight and Sunset sighed when Celestia headed up to remove not just the shattered mirror, but all the equipment Twilight had up there. Sunset sighed, "Well I guess this is truly the end of us seeing the human world again."

Twilight replied, "I was hoping she wouldn't clean that up because I would have tried to fix it and together we could have fixed it."

Sunset continued, "Well I guess maybe it just isn't meant to be. I can make friends here in Equestria and like it seems to be with Aria and Adagio, I can make my life better. With you by my side, anything is possible."

Twilight gave her a smile and said, "Well since Celestia is up cleaning my room for me, how about we get you settled into yours?"

Sunset put her hoof around her and replied, "You're too good to me Twilight, way too good."

Sunset did know that she would miss her human friends but she did wind up forging close friendships with all of Twilight's friends and the friendship between her and Twilight grew closer than ever. For Aria and Adagio, things went better for them than they could have imagined. Both Aria and Adagio became good with magic and through extra studying, they began to learn the more advanced stuff. In the end Aria did become Colgate's receptionist and Colgate was able to get Adagio a job as a receptionist at the hospital. Most important for them though, the sisterly bond they had back when they were sirens returned.

Comments ( 22 )

My first comment: Is there going to be a sequel? Second, this was good, but Celestia seemed out of character. Third, what are the Humane 5 going to think about this?

8147061 Regarding the sequel, I'm not sure. If I do decide to do one it will be following them through their new lives in Equestria and yes I know I made Celestia a bit out of character. What the Humane 5 thinks about it is pretty much irrelevant at this point since not only did Celestia destroy the mirror, but she also confiscated the debris from it so Twilight couldn't fix it. Thanks for thinking it was good.

Maybe a sequel where Sunset gets mad at Celestia for taking away her ability to see her friends and Celestia realizes that she was in the wrong for destroying the mirror and tries to fix things for them.

Also this gets a fave and a like.....as usual.

8147317 Yeah, I'd like a sequel like that.

8147221 WHAT THE BUCK IS THIS?! THIS S HORSE CRAP!:flutterrage:

You actually expect me to accept this this..garbage as a ending for such a story.
Aria forced Adagio to accept things Aria never changed she still a freaking cold hearted Bitch in the end, and Celestia a freaking TYRANT!!
She took their choice to return against their will, and overruled Twilight as a Princess, and pretty much compared Sunset to the past version of her with even bother to check on how much she changed from before, what so ever, proving she a FAILURE as a teacher and mentor.
The human version don't matter? BAH! I know they be heartbroken and sure they relay that thru Sunset's book, which was left behind

It because she can't be with the Good Sombra Starswirled the Bearded did the same thing to her and she just being bitter mare, and figured to do it to others.
Nothing was resolved and feels rushed and down right nonsense.
This is nothing more then lazy writing.

8147950 Here you are complaining about this story but you can't even make a comment without multiple typos and horrid grammar. I'd hate to think how bad one of your stories would be. Next time you decide to make a comment on a story, get an editor.


Was more annioyed and upset on how this story ended and in such a bad manner, I wrote too fast. But not talking about grammar just how...well the story ended it's...nonsense.
Anyways my comment was edited and fixed and hope reads better.

I still stand by it, the story was good but the ending is bad.


Seems she didn;t even bother to check up on Susnet what so ever, provings he a FAILURE as a teacher and mentor.

The human version irrvelant BAH! I know they be devasted and heart broken and relay that thru Sunset's book.

Celestia never did go check on Sunset because she just took off. Regarding the show, Celestia never went and checked on her, she just moved on. I don't think that makes Celestia a failure as a teacher and mentor, that is simply a matter of Sunset being a lousy student.

When I said the human world is irrelevant, I meant that in the case I wrote a sequel because all ties between Equestria and the human world have been cut forever. Yes they are devastated but that would have no effect on the story itself because Sunset can't even interact with them anymore.

And regarding Aria and Adagio, yes Aria kind of forced her to go back and may have seemed like a heartless bitch imposing her will on her but the way I wrote it, it was Aria being concerned about her sister transitioning to her new life in Equestria.

I disgaree she didn't move on she just forget Susnet, she wrote her off and never bothered to learn from her msitakes.
Like what she done she says Twilight a Princess but still treats her like a misgudied student, she doesn't even care Sunset may of gotten better or improved and took Sunset away from her friends forever. That is wrong and never be redeemed.

Celestia has shown she hasn't learn a dam thing, she repeating the same mistakes like she did with Luna which drove her to becoming nightmare moon.

Also Aria did forced Adagio to come to that world so it be easier to make her forget Sonata, she proven she a horrible friend, sister and comrade.
Adagio be better off cutting off ties with her for good and moving with Twilight and Sunset.


I still think Aria is in the wrong


I know it has been over three years but I just had a thought cross my mind. To break my writer's block, I may write one where Celestia has a change of heart and allows Twilight and Sunset to fix the mirror so they can visit their friends and I'm also thinking about a possible resurrection spell to revive Sonata and her boyfriend. I'm not sure about what I would have Sunset's fate be because she has grown to love Equestria and Twilight is seriously considering Alicornhood for her....Twilight prior to episode 26 and regarding Sonata and her boyfriend, they'd move to Equestria to be with her sister.....her boyfriend would become a unicorn too....I just have to think of a pony name for him and something he'd be good at.

I've sort of forgotten a lot of the details that you talked about, since, as you said, it's been years, but I remember liking this series and I'd definitely like a sequel! :twilightsmile:


I know it has been a long while but after re-reading this one, I began to wonder about a sequel and everything that could be done with it. Now Aria will continue to live with Lyra and Colgate because with the way she helped her out, she couldn't imagine living anywhere else. With Dagi, I am seriously considering things because despite their deciding to be siren sisters again, she STILL has her doubts about not only Aria and her having Tia bring her to Equestria but the thing with Sonata will always linger in her mind....and of course Sunset misses her human friends. This will likely take me much longer than any of the other stories did given everything that is going on in my life but I'm going to give it a go.

I'm glad you're reviving this series! I might have to reread it to remember, but that's certainly not a bad thing.


I am thinking of something, probably way too late. I am working on multiple other stories but I am thinking of working on one where Celestia begins to feel bad over destroying the mirror and allows Twilight and Sunset to work on fixing it. Once it is back up and running, both Adagio and Aria really want to bring their sister back so what they'll do is study up on resurrection magic or perhaps convince Celestia to learn it. They will then go to the human world and dig up both Sonata and her boyfriend's caskets, bring them to Equestria and then use the spell on them, bringing them back to life.

That way the three sisters can be back together again, Sonata can be truly happy and Twilight and Sunset will be able to visit their friends in the human world. Celestia will have only one condition though, that she be allowed to stand guard to keep anything bad from coming through while they are gone. What do you think?

That sounds good. I also think it'd be a good idea to acknowledge the indifference celestia had to taking away Sunset's friends and just destroying the mirror in general (also sorry for responding so late, I forgot to respond when I first saw it).


It's alright. I've been thinking and given that I have used resurrection spells in my "Terror in Equestria" series, I thought why not here too? One major issue I just realized though, how the hell are they going to get their caskets out of the ground and into Equestria. Well if I choose to do this, I'll figure something out.


Alright, I have come up with an idea for a sequel, I've already began work on it....and this involves something that you and everyone else probably never expected....I won't give any spoilers but all I'm going to say is that it will be a shock to everyone. Hopefully I can get this done sometime in March or April at the latest given my current life situation.


The sequel is done and it is called "Sisters' Reunion"


Well the fifth and final part of the series is up....I have a feeling you'll like it more than the fourth one.

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