• Published 14th Jun 2017
  • 1,086 Views, 40 Comments

Starlight Glimmer and Friends: Adventures in Equestria (Season 1) - StormLuna

Starlight has come of age and is now going to aid Celestia with bigger issues. What she doesn't know is that things will not only change for her, but her friends as well.

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The Annoying Showmare

Another day had arrived in Ponyville and Starlight and Spike were at the cafe enjoying some lunch when a loud ruckus interrupted their meal. There by their table were two colts, Snips and Snails trying to get their attention. This did not sit well with Starlight. She glared at the two and asked, "What's going on? What's up with the ruckus?"

Snails excitedly said, "Haven't you heard, there's a new unicorn in town."

Snips added, "Yeah and they say that she has more magical talent than anypony ever!"

Starlight rolled her eyes and asked, "Where is this unicorn anyway?"

Snips exclaimed, "Follow us, she's over in the town square!"

Starlight sighed, "Look, we need to finish our lunch and then we'll go see this unicorn."

Ten minutes later Starlight and Spike finished their meal and headed over to the town square and Starlight would cringe at what she saw. There was Trixie, up on her stage doing the same street magic that she did during her entrance exam. She walked up next to Lemon Hearts and asked, "So this is the unicorn everypony is making such a big deal out of?"

Lemon Hearts sighed, "Yes and I don't see what is so great about her."

Snips, who was standing right next to them said, "Look at all the stuff she can do! She can make fireworks appear out of nowhere and look at all the other stuff she is doing!"

Starlight laughed, "Oh that's nothing." She pointed at Lemon Hearts and continued, "That may seem impressive to you but for us unicorns who can do REAL magic, it is nothing."

Before they could continue their discussion, Trixie began the main part of her show. She exclaimed, "Come one, come all, come and see the magical powers of The Great and Powerful Trixie!"

Minuette, who had joined them scoffed, "The Great and Powerful Trixie?" She turned to Starlight and laughed, "Hey, isn't that the one who failed her remedial magic exam?"

Starlight laughed, "Yes, it is."

Lemon Hearts added, "For a pony who can't teleport she sure is full of herself."

Trixie heard them talking and decided not to just issue them a challenge, but the whole town. She boasted, "I challenge you Ponyvillians, anything you can do, I can do better."

By this time the rest of Starlight's friends had arrived and all six began to laugh at Trixie's claim. She pointed them out and scoffed, "Oh, I see it is Celestia's little pets! You may be able to do fancy stuff but you'll never have the showstopping abilities of The Great and Powerful Trixie!"

One of the ponies in the crowd shouted, "So Trixie, what is it you think you can do better than us?"

None of Starlight's friends wanted to stoop to the level of street magic but Applejack would accept the challenge. There were a couple of apple trees nearby so she got an idea. She headed to the trees and asked, "So, can your fancy magic do this?"

Applejack kicked the tree, clearing it with one kick. She said, "Top that missy!"

Trixie laughed, "Oh you're so funny." She grabbed the tree in her aura and easily removed the apples. This caused the crowd to go wild thinking that Trixie had bested Applejack. She continued, "You see, Trixie is better because she doesn't have to use her legs!"

This naturally irritated one of the local pegasus ponies, Rainbow Dash. She laughed, "Here Trixie, beat this!"

There were a few clouds in the sky so despite not having the sky cleared in her plans, she took off and began clearing the sky entirely. She landed on Trixie's stage and exclaimed, "Let's see you do that!"

Trixie laughed, "Oh that's nothing!" She grabbed Rainbow in her aura and began spinning her around, making her very dizzy, dizzy to the point where she was laying on the stage unable to stand. When she finally was able to get up, Trixie made a small thundercloud that hit her with lightning.

Trixie laughed, Ha, you see, Trixie can make weather too!"

Spike suggested, "What we need is another unicorn to show her up."

Applejack added, "A unicorn to show this unicorn who's boss."

While Starlight had no desire to show off her advanced magic at that moment, she figured that if she could shut Trixie up, she would but first she wanted to expose her. She shouted, "Hey Trixie, want to tell all these ponies how you failed your remedial magic exam in front of Princess Celestia?"

The whole crowd gasped when Starlight brought this up, causing Trixie to stand there on stage with her mouth hanging open. It would not take long for Trixie to regain her composure and yell, "She lied. The Great and Powerful Trixie has never failed any exams!"

Starlight sighed, "Well then Trixie, since you seem so confident in your abilities, let's see you do this!"

Starlight levitated herself into the air and began to fly around. The crowd looked at her in awe seeing a unicorn flying around. Applejack turned to Rainbow and said, "You know Rainbow, if you focus more on the Wonderbolts than doing your job, Celestia could have her replace you!"

Rainbow grunted, "That's what Moondancer said the day she cleared the skies for me."

Finally Starlight landed on the stage next to Trixie and shouted to the crowd, "And that isn't it! I'll show you another thing this showboat can't do!"

Starlight grabbed hold of Trixie and began teleporting the two all over the place. After six different teleportations, Starlight finally returned to the stage and laughed, "Alright Ponyville, let's see if she can put her money where her mouth is." Starlight teleported back into the crowd and continued, "Alright Trixie, fly and teleport on your own!"

Trixie knew that there was no way she could do it. She yelled, "Trixie would but The Great and Powerful Trixie can't with Celestia's little pet watching her! Having her watch anypony would make them fail!"

Lyra shouted, "That's not true. It was her who helped me levitate things. I did it perfectly fine with her watching me."

Trixie became flustered and projected an image of herself and a bear for all to see. She boasted, "Starlight may have all these weird powers but only The Great and Powerful Trixie has vanquished an Ursa Major!"

Starlight and her friends broke down laughing. Twinkleshine laughed, "Yeah right, sure you have!"

Moondancer added, "Prove it Trixie. Prove that you can vanquish an Ursa Major!"

Trixie's pupils shrank and she replied, "Well Trixie doesn't know where one is or she would!"

Soon the whole crowd began to laugh at Trixie calling her a fraud and a charlatan. Once this happened she left the stage and hid in her trailer. The whole crowd surrounded Starlight and one pony asked, "Wow Starlight, how did you learn to fly? You're a unicorn for pony's sake!"

Starlight, who hates crowds and confined spaces replied, "I just woke up with the ability one day." She became more paranoid and continued, "I'd love to stay and chat but I really have to get going."

She teleported her and Spike back into the library and when they arrived, Starlight appeared to be hyperventilating. Spike asked, "Starlight, are you ok?"

Starlight replied, "Yeah, I am now. You know how crowds freak me out."

After Starlight had teleported away and the crowd had dispersed, two young colts were having a discussion over Trixie and her claims. Snips said, "Wow, I never knew she was that powerful. I bet Starlight's never done that!"

Snails replied, "Well maybe we ought to go find one and bring it here so Trixie can show her superiority."

It wouldn't be long until they had entered the Everfree Forest searching for the Ursa's cave. They saw numerous pairs of eyes watching them from behind the trees but decided to ignore them so they could find the Ursa and take it home with them.

Finally they found the cave and headed in. It was so dark that neither one of them could see where they were headed so Snails, despite having a hard time doing so, lit his horn up to discover they were right under the Ursa's nose. Even worse for them, they woke it up and it let out a great roar which then caused a much louder second roar to sound.

The two ran out of the cave screaming and yelling for their lives running from the Ursa. Snips yelled, "I never imagined it was that big or that vicious!"

Snails added, "I didn't either and I didn't know there were two of them."

While the two colts were rushing home Starlight was in the library reading a book and Spike was talking about Trixie's claims, "Can you believe Trixie claimed that she vanquished an Ursa Major?"

Starlight scoffed, "You don't actually believe her, do you?"

Spike replied, "Well no, I'm just shocked that somepony would make such a ridiculous claim."

Starlight knew that he did believe what Trixie said a little but kept her composure. Soon that composure would be rattled when she heard two very loud roars coming from outside and felt the ground shake beneath her. She gasped, "What is that?"

While Starlight was in the library Snips and Snails were banging on Trixie's wagon which did not sit well with her. She opened her window and yelled, "What do you two want? Don't you see what time it is?"

Snips replied, "Well you see, we have a problem."

Snails added, "Well actually, we have two problems."

Trixie snapped, "What could be so important that you two couldn't wait till morning to disturb Trixie?"

Trixie heard two roars and felt the earth beneath her shake. When she saw the two Ursas she shrieked in terror and took off. She fled off in the direction of the library when Starlight rushed out to see what was going on. She would not be thrilled when she saw an Ursa Minor prowling through town and a much, much larger Ursa major beginning to smash ponies' homes.

She saw the two colts standing outside the library with sheepish grins on their faces and had a good idea of what happened. She yelled, "Did you two do this? Did you bring them into town?"

Snails replied, "Yeah" he then pointed at Trixie and continued, "but don't worry, Trixie will vanquish them!"

Trixie had a stunned look on her face, realizing that these two colts would be responsible for exposing her as a fraud. She held her head down and sighed, "I can't. Nopony can, I just made it up to try and show up Starlight."

The two gasped, "Made it up?"

Starlight saw this and while the whole town had gathered outside to see what was going on, she rushed up to her friends. Moondancer was the first to say anything, "Starlight, what are we going to do?"

Lyra added, "I know you have powerful magic but I don't know if you'll be able to handle these things or not."

Lemon Hearts continued, "Twinkleshine, you calmed down that chimera and convinced it not to eat us, maybe you could do the same with them?"

Twinkleshine protested, "Are you nuts? That chimera wasn't much bigger than us, these two things are huge!"

Before anypony else could say anything they saw a yellow pegasus, Fluttershy, fly up to the larger Ursa and land on it's nose. Fluttershy stared it straight in the eyes and began, "You, just who do you think you are going around destroying other ponies' property. You may be huge, have sharp teeth and shake the ground when you walk but you do not, I repeat, you do not destroy Ponyville!"

The larger Ursa cowered down and whimpered, causing the smaller one to go silent. The larger Ursa began to growl a bit and Fluttershy could make out what it said. She continued, "I'm sorry they woke you two up but they're tiny compared to you."

The Ursa growled again and Fluttershy again continued, "Now come on, let's get you two home. You've had a rough night and you need some rest."

Fluttershy began to lead the Ursas back into the forest and to their cave, leaving everypony shocked. Starlight gasped, "Wow, can you believe that? The timid pony with the songbird choir calmed them down and led them home?"

Applejack added, "I know she's good with animals but this is unbelievable. She defeated two Ursas with kindness! Who would have imagined that?"

Trixie laughed, "Ha! You see Starlight, even you can't vanquish them!"

Starlight replied, "Trixie, some things simply can't be defeated with magic. Just like the chimera in the Everfree Forest, kindness was way more effective."

Trixie, despite being outdone by Starlight earlier in the day boasted, "Well, you may be able to fly and teleport but you'll never have the showstopping abilities of The Great and Powerful Trixie!"

Trixie took off and all Starlight could do was sigh in frustration. She walked around town and looked at the damage in disgust. Lemon Hearts joined her and said, "Well I guess tomorrow ponies will have to start rebuilding."

Starlight realized that this would be yet another chance to show off her amazing magic. She grabbed the shattered houses in her aura and reconstructed them almost immediately. The whole town gasped over her feat. The unicorn Lyra and Minuette first met, Rarity gasped, "Wow, you truly are magical! It is no wonder you are 'Celestia's little pet' as Trixie put it."

That term did not sit well with Starlight. She growled, "Well the proper term is protege and I still am her protege."

Rarity apologized, "Oh, I'm sorry. I just didn't know what the proper term was."

Applejack put her hoof around Starlight and asked, "Starlight, I'm wondering, if we need it would you be willing to help fix things up on the farm?"

Starlight replied, "Of course I will. Any relative of Lemon Hearts is a friend of mine!" She yawned and continued, "Well it's been a long day for us all. How about we all turn in for the night?"

Everypony agreed and headed home. Starlight thought to herself, "I knew the day Trixie failed her remedial magic exam that I would run into her someday and wow, she hasn't improved a bit!"