• Member Since 16th Nov, 2016
  • offline last seen Saturday

Phantom Night

I see skies of blue and clouds of white, the bright blessed day, the dark sacred night


Have you ever thought about your place in the universe, well for Sunset she ponders over her place in the multiverse.

During a fateful walk home on a rainy day, she will get an answer to her place in this new world, and she may not be comfortable with it.

(This story takes place after "Monday Blues" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmhifH1Wx8k)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 16 )

Wow... That ending. Thanks for the feels.

Thank you for both the fave and this comment
I was a bit unsure about this fic since it is my first published story on this site, but i am glad that you enjoyed it :twilightsmile:

Very good not bad of course.

Kind of want sequel. Great story.

Thank you

I been thinking about writing a chapter about Sunset trying to find the woman she met (who is the human Sunsets mom) and try to talk with her. Not sure if i am gonna do it but at least i have an idea as how to continue the story.


Hmm i would say do it.

The word I is always meant to be capitalized. Please respond to this comment.

Sorry, I wrote this in a rush (made a bet to myself to publish it before New Years Eve), will definitely have to edit some parts, including making all I's capital
Thanks for your input, it's good to know where I failed so I can improve :twilightsmile:

Not bad for a first try. And let's face it, its what makes the most sense when it comes to where human Sunset is.

I'd say pay attention to how people construct paragraphs, and ask yourself why certain ones strike you and why others don't. Read a little of a great story then read some utter garbage. It'll help you grow as a writer.

Good Job. :pinkiehappy:

Thank you commenting and i appreciate the advice given.

Good luck with Barleycorn, the last chapter was one of the stories best and i am really looking forward to the conclusion.

Now i am going to write a story that is even more horrifying than any Lovecraft novel: Flash and Twilights Wedding :raritycry:

Go for it. it would be an interesting story to read.

Thanks for the encouragement, i'll start working on it when i get the time to :pinkiehappy:

Also I agree with the human sunset being dead. For it will be the only possibility way for sunset to be even able to live in the human world as long as she has with out trouble.

The ending was predicable but still a good ending nonetheless. The fact that she ran into the mother of the human sunset makes me question why I haven't seen a fic where someone from Equestria comes through the portal just with the goal of taking over their human counterparts life. It could be a thrilling horror story about the human version of the character trying to cling to their sanity while the Equestrian version grows more and more evil. Think of the classic double doppelganger story but EQG

Finally, schools over for the day and i can't wait to get home. Even the rain, still pouring outside, couldn't put a damper on my mood as i started to pack my bag. It hasn't been the most interesting of days, but it was not bad by any means. For one this was another rainy day where i reflected over the difference with the weather on Earth and Equestria. Most of these reflections ended with me wishing that i could control the Earths weather just like the Equestrian. Sure, i am not a pegasus and i have never studied any weather spells, but at the very least i knew what weather was planned for the week. Here however you just have to deal with it, if it rains it rains and even if the forecast says sun, it will still rain and to be honest, unpredictable weather kind of has it charm to it as the unpredictability makes the weather somehow more magical here rather then it being controlled to perfection as it is back in Equestria.

You get used to it pretty quickly.

I looked at the woman in front of me and was to say the least, stunned at what i saw. She looked so familiar, with crimson and yellow hair that was styled in a bun and wearing a black overcoat.

What a coincidence if you ask me.

Sunset Shimmer

I did not expect this plot twist.

Suddenly i saw a name, a name that made my think about my place here on Earth and several unansvered questions recieving a sudden ansver. Thoughts went back to the woman i had just fled from and now, my eyes started to swell with tears as i looked at the name inscribed on the tombstone.

Sunset Shimmer

that is hard

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