• Member Since 18th Apr, 2013
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Ponies are only scary until they are snuggled.

A baby dragon learns this first-handly.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 82 )

Currently homesick ATM, so have some flash chapter snuggles.

Writing on the shittiest keyboard around, so I'll have to do edits a few days from now.

Keep warm, folks.

Best of luck with future chapters. I'll be eagerly awaiting more. :twilightsmile:

Snuggles are the best, put your sister to the test!

I love this so much! Twi and Spike's relationship is my absolute favorite thing about the show! Twi is the best Mommy Big Sissy and Best friend to her little baby dragon. And Spike is the best Son Little Brother and best friend to his Mama, Big Sis, and best friend Twilight.

I love your choice of words, your pauses, and the way you explain those subtle but really important moments throught the conversations.

My heart is pleased :heart:

I liked it, nice and sweet.

By the way, i was listening to the quintet version of "i love you"(woodkid) while reading the end of the first chapter, i was melting at that point.
But I'm okay now.
I think...

The fluff is reall i love it.

It’s too early for emotional stuff to happen!
Upvote and Faved.

Too bad there were some hindrances along the way.

And now I'm scared. Well done my dude.

D'aww! Such a touching story between Spike and Twilight. I wonder if something like this may have actually happened as Twilight advanced in her studies? Spike always seeing all sorts of ponies and having a deep seated fear that, when a change happened, he'd be replaced, sent away, etc.

I do always love seeing Twilight being a 'mother figure'. She is all about "#1 Assistant" and "Best friend". She has even said she loves him but it is really nice to see moments where, even if not biological, Twilight being more of a mom than a friend / boss.

The descriptive terms you used throughout the story helped bring out tons of emotion. That nightmare was quite a visual, too. Well worded to capture that feeling of dread and loneliness along with abandonment.

Great job!

Aww, this is so precious, can't wait for the next chapter! :heart: :twilightsmile:

I'm going to cry:fluttercry:.

I'm sorry Anti-Cry God.

Anti Cry God:

Twi is an awesome big sister in this, amazing job my old friend, amazing job.

Blargh, sorry for the lack of quality in this one, folks.

I'm at a loss for what to write for descriptors. Writing far from home on a weird keyboard has had a drastic affect on my writing, something which I can't really do much about. Since I'm at a lost of quality, I might as well compensate with quantity by making this a daily fic.

Hope you folks are doing well.

That's start... jeez this is gonna be a feels train isn't it? Well I knew what I was getting into. Gentleman prepare the tissues and walls. There are many a tears to shed or many a wall that require holes.

This is developing into a really strong emotional tale. Spike wants his mother figure and Twilight may now be seeing how much she really cares for and wants Spike around.

It will be neat to learn how things go with Fluttershy. :)


I love you. How's boss man doing?

cant tell if romantic spilight or platonic spilight. not sure how I feel about that.

All aboard the feels train! Next stop, Daggers-to-My-Heartville!

Boss man is great! He's got a good job, loves his work and has even started writing again(HURRAY). I've been skulking around the site reading fics from time to time. You've let out a lot of good fics since I've been gone.
I am really looking forward to this one. Is this going to be one flowing story or anthology?

Strange chapter but I liked it.

Omg km not gonna cry 6’3 football player at 300 lbs. I am not gonna....:applecry::fluttercry: DAMMIT amazing story

can i just say how content pinkie looks in the picture

Tell me about it, sister.

This is such an adorable series. I am particularly happy with how you gave Dashie some genuine depth beyond her ongoing quest to be 'awesome'. To show how she is just like any other pony with her own concerns, strengths, and weaknesses. Letting her open all this up to Spike was just perfect.

I'll definitely look forward to reading more as you get to writing it. Very cute, very meaningful, and so much positive to take away from the interactions that help strengthen Spike's self-esteem.

1000000000000/10 best!!!

gimme your height man

Blargh. Wrote this sleep-deprived, so sorry for the dip of quality.

This story has derailed a bit from its roots. Not too proud of this chapter but at least its done. The next chapter is Pinkie, and I'm hoping for mostly snuggles. This story should be wrapped up by Sunday.

Bedtime, nighty!

Dude, this story is great.
I can relate to Spike about a lot of things here.

Thank you for the kind words.

Apologies for the short chapter, but I'm running low on fumes, and wanted to spend the rest of my birthday being lay instead of writing. We have two more chapters to go before the show is over, but until then, it's time for me to go to bed, because when aren't I writing sleep-deprived?

This way it came out delightfully random, so don't worry, it's good.

Good night bro. If I have anything to say this is very Pinkie. If this was an episode Pinkies should be the shortest of the six. She doesn't need a reason to be friends being friends is reason enough. I am actually curious to see how you handle Rarity in this. Happy belated? Birthday!

Last one's Rarity and everything's going to come out.

Just caught up on this story and I gotta say, what a rollercoaster of emotion and skillful execution this is!!!

I cannot wait till the final chapters are out and damn am I not enthralled by the character development and interactions you have built here.

Also also, I can’t help but crack up every time I see Hawkeye in a Santa hat and pipe when I look up at your pic, so thank you for that.

Remember how I was supposed to go to sleep? Yeah, that didn't work out, but writing and going out for drinks on your B-day are pretty nice substitutes. Sorry once again for the short chapter, but I'm itching to wrap this tale up. The next chapter sees the best friend finally reunited after all this time.

Spike has learned a lot from the girls, feeling as though he's finally become their friends. But what does this all mean to the unicorn that made him feel like had to go on this journey in the first place?

I've got no clue! Night-night, and this time for real!

Just finished reading the 'Applejack' chapter. However it wouldn't let me comment on it so I'll leave a comment here and then comment on Pinkie Pie after I read it. :)

The amount of depth put into the events that transpired from Dash getting Spike to AJ to AJ working with Spike until the snuggles was simply awe inspiring! I say this as it all touched on many insecurities that people can have over themselves. The way you handled them were up there with how a therapist may advise a client in coping with feelings of worthlessness and self-doubt. Way to go!

You've really created a story that covers a large gambit of the human experience through Spike. It's reading I'd recommend to anyone who is having a difficult time coping with who they are and how they find themselves in the world we live in.

The best example I can bring up is how authors, artists, etc. tend to feel when it comes to the works of others. I've met so many who believe their work is junk compared to someone else. They also believe new people who seem to rise to fame in a shorter time than they do are obviously 'better' than they are. However they forget about how their own talent is what brings people to follow them. It's what 'they' do, rather than emulate, which gets them true fans.

As I've continued as a writer I learned a very valuable lesson I empart on many others who get upset over their degree of 'popularity'. This being the fact of how "One view beyond yourself is still a show that someone cares about what 'you' do.". Some of us may never see 10,000 watchers, views, etc. but what we will see are the development of our talents, friendships, and the humbling knowledge that we played our own part in expanding the creative universe. Some of us make bigger splashes than others but knowing we put ourselves out there to grow, make friends, and see how far we can go is very important and great for building self-esteem.

So, as I save this Pinkie Pie chapter for later, I hope you realize how astounding this series is in illustrating the experience of trying to 'fit in' without beating yourself up over expectations that we self-impose. Things change and the changes may not be what we want nor expect. However this doesn't mean we can't still grow through reaching out and being just who we are. :)

So loving this!

Love that pink mare!
Great job!:moustache::pinkiehappy:

A short, yet very deep, chapter. Friendship can be just for the sake of friendship. No real reason need be given nor motive. If you think someone is a fun person and one you are comfortable in being kind with that is all you need.

This chapter makes you think more deeply on how we define the various friendships in our lives. You need to consider what it really is that makes your pal, well, your pal. Is it only because you both like a game? Perhaps a movie? Or engaging in a team sport? That's fine but what if that factor was removed? Would the friendship last? Does it matter if it doesn't?

I've had times where common bonds have broken but the knowledge that the friendship is still there remains. Sure you may not be as close but you care about each other enough to know you're still friends. Unconditional friends. Like Pinkie and Spike here.

Moving on to prep for the next chapter. Really loving this. :)

Very nice! I was curious if you were going to touch on his crush here but you instead gave us far more depth into their friendship along with just how much Twilight means to Spike.

Maybe Rarity will have special feelings for Spike and maybe she won't. However it is clear she does see him like at least a 'little brother' to whom she is willing to care for more than she'd do for just anyone. There may never be a marriage-driven relationship but they definitely have something special that will be treasured by both forever.

I love the back story about the book Twilight read and how it ties in with who he is now. Just beautiful writing. :)

I'm gonna make a guess that the last chapter will be named 'Spike' lol

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