• Member Since 6th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen 13 hours ago


I wrote hoers (Ko-Fi/Patreon)


Celestia assigned a seasoned team of Diplomacy Veterans to a very special quest to negotiate peaceful terms with the Kansians. They succeeded. The story is about how they ruined everything.

Written for FamousLastWords. Happy Birthday!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 27 )

At first I thought you meant the famous last words write off and I was like holy shit that was like 3 years ago!

And this is why you always send Sunset Shimmer.

How exactly was that a failure? They still accomplished what they came for even if they wrecked a room.

After reading:
Well that happened

"I hear that, girl," Cheerilee said, taking her glass. "I have some pictures I'd rather not get around, if you know what I mean."

I think there's enough pictures or derpibooru already

Then, Cadance sniffed as she ran a hoof through her mane of bed-head. The most repulsive stench assaulted her nose like that traffic cone did when she was a teen. It was weird. Don't ask.

Okay, please make a story about this

So the chapter is called "Inspired by a true story". How was this inspired by a true story. What story

Spike's a dragon wouldn't that make him immune to drinking?

"Cheerilee. Wake up. We need an adult."


Spike came out of the room wearing only a towel, which is acceptable for a dragon but not for a human.... Let's let that sink in for a second.

Uh? I don't undestand... :unsuresweetie:

As much as this seems inspired by something I would write, I know the incident to which this refers.
Hope the birthday boy loves this.

That chapter title...umm....

Spike came out of the room wearing only a towel, which is acceptable for a dragon but not for a human.... Let's let that sink in for a second.

One of those "you had to be there" moments?

funny enough, but it's not the best unless we have all the context. Here's to hoping I didn't miss a blog post or something!

"I mean, she growned earlier," Cheerliee said, getting up to look in her luggage.


We've shared the vomit hotel room story a few times on the podcast ^^" That's where it's from

Hah!! It wasn't a blog post!

Yeah, I've never been able to tune in to Twitch (you guys use twitch, right) because I've always had some other plans at that time. Hopefully I'll have time to go through the VODs and junk.

It's also all up on Youtube :twilightsmile:

doing the search for "vomit", "puke", and "hangover" also find nothing.
I can only assume that it's in a video where none of those words are in the title. help pls


This one :) I'm not sure -where- exactly, but it's in this

close enough, and I'd wanna watch the whole thing anyways. Thanks a bunch buddy.

I kinda wonder if Trixie looked like The Hulk after this event... Now I have to figure out who each character in the story actually is.

I do. Way more than you guys know. :heart:

"He's going to get torn the fuck apart."

And this is something my grandchildren will hear about. Too amazing.

So essentially this is a girls version of a dorm party in the military? Though it usually ends in a fire to cover the evidence.


Picture of me reading this sulfuric abomination of a story.

...Starlight said, placing a hand on her head.

A hand :rainbowderp:?

Why exactly was it a failure :rainbowhuh:? There was just one drinking game.

Also that's why one should never drink himself into oblivion :rainbowlaugh:!

"Well", added Spike who was being a nice dragon for a change. "I knew Trixie and starlight (capitalize) would knock it out of the park. And I pretty much just watched."

"You know what, girls... and spike (capitalize)?" Princess Cadance said. "I think we've earned a celebration tonight."

The mission was reported as a failure by Cadance and team upon their rearrival in Canterlot.

Spell check says this isn't a word.
Either "return to"
or "arrival in"

Alternatively: Spike’s first convention

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