• Published 2nd Jan 2018
  • 577 Views, 3 Comments

The ruler of the sky - Lighting Ace

What makes a king? Is it power of the crown? Is the riches of his land? Or perhaps the love of his subjects? In reality all can be summon in a single sentence. A good king, is the one that treat his realm like his kids, with kindness and love.

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The Attack

Soon after leaving Kaiser on the hoof of Wisteria, both Ember and Ace were confronted by a bunch of politician and diplomat of Equestria who like vultures on a corpse, didn’t waste time and took the opportunity, to drop their ideas, petitions, question and proposition on their claws and force both rulers to listen to them.

At first they try to object but seeing how there was no escape from them, the dragons didn’t have any other choice but to bite the arrow and listen to each and all of their winnie petitions and complaints, for the duration of almost two hours.

The moment they found an opportunity to escape, the dragons did so finding a way to put diplomats against each other, and sneak away while the vultures were busy yelling at one another.

“Geez, and I thought the dragons on your valley were stubborn” Ace tells while looking back the room from where they came from in slight fear. “Those guys are just relentless”

“I feel like I just escape the most noisy, bizarre and somehow boriest storm ever” Ember tells in frustration before looking back at him.

“Do you and Celestia actually have to deal with this sort of things everyday?”

“Kind of, Celly is the master when it comes to deal with them. I help of course but, when it comes to diplomacy she is always the master, of de escalation and fast and best solution”

“Don’t exactly envy that from her, but I have to say, going throw those door everyday and don’t get mad, it’s something worth of praising”

“Can’t argue you with that”

Suddenly they flinch when someone from the other side of the door calls for them.

“Hey where did prince Ace and queen Ember go?” A diplomat ask.

Immediately after the dragon extend their wings and fly away before any pony can see them and continue escaping until they find an empty hallway inside the castle where they take a rest.

“Ok…I think we lost them” Ace says while looking back.

“I swear I will never question my father law of ‘vote by combat’ ever again” Ember tells while holding her knees with her claws.

After a while Ace start to laugh as he lean against a wall.

“What is so funny?” Ember ask confused.

“Oh nothing it’s just, don’t you think it’s a bit ironic, here we are the face that represent our people, the maximum authority of our kingdom, and we are hiding like a couple of kids from a bunch of what is essentially, glorify homework. Not even us can escape that fate apparently”

Ember smile and chuckle a bit “Yeah I can see how that IS funny” She eventually recover and stand upright.

“What do you say if we find a quiet place to have our match? I don’t think you want to return to that mess” She tells pointing at the direction from where they fly off.

“My thoughts exactly” Ace nod and both of them start to walk on the opposite direction, while passing by a group of students heading to the gardens on their right and entering the labyrinth.

“Have you uncover any more clues about the prophecy?” Ember ask while looking in front of her.

Ace sign and shake his head “No, unfortunately we haven’t find anything new, Celestia says that she will explore the royal library as soon as possible, and the moment Kaiser recover his eyesight, he is heading straight to the diamond dog kingdom of the east, an archeologist we know might have some clues to where should we start, digging” He then turn to her.

“What about your end?”

She only shrug and shake her head “Dragons aren’t exactly known for writing things or make sculptors Ace, we prefer to break things up, but we do have some forms of art here and there, I have order my wisest advisor to start searching for anything that will resemble a divine beast. If they are that strong then we sure have fight it once and if there is something we dragons remember and like to talk about it’s a good fight, I’m sure we will find something”

“Good the sooner we find them the sooner we can plan a way for this evil from do what its please”

“You are also worry about your hatchlings are you?”

“Aren’t you? Pika is the same age than Hera and Dawn”

“Well of course I’m, there is a reason why its says that getting between a baby dragon and his mom is worse than it happening to bears, but well if this is really destine, can we really do something to stop it?”

“It’s worth the try, and if not at least reduce it so when they have to confront it nobody gets…”

“Sir! Get down, there are shooters in the castle!” A guard ran toward them before ice arrows start to shoot behind him. Ember and Ace get down on instinct and take cover as the attack continue.

“How did they got pass the castle walls?!” Ace shout at the guard that get closer to them as well as a group of five other soldiers

“We don’t know sir, they just appear on the left wing, and start opening fire ever since then, we believed that they had a trained unicorn that teleport them here” The guard answer.

They cover their eyes as a column collapse near them, and they all hear mares screaming.

“Oh dear god, and there are innocents on the garden near” Ace tells in alarm before addressing his man “Start evacuation of the staff and civilians immediately, and ready the defenses, if a unicorn is not helping the escape send them here and tell them to charge a shield spell”

“Yes sir!” The guard salute and they break as the royals make their way throw the chaos.

“Oh no” A unicorn guard hears a report and look at Ace with worry “Sir I got reports from the guards on the left tower, the attackers…they are heading toward the nursing room!”

“What?!” Ember and Ace say at the same time.

“Sir, the princesses haven’t be evacuated yet, I think that it’s their objective”

“The hell it is!” Ace tells in pure rage as his eyes turn blue and start to discharge electricity. “Contain the attackers here, I will go there”

“But sir that is…”

“Do it!” He order and the guard flinch before salute “Yes sir”

Ace makes a break for it and rush toward the nursing room follow by Ember. “I’m coming too” She tells in anger “I left Pika with your kids, if those bastards touch her, they are as good as death”

Ace look at her and nod as they run “Don’t let your rage blind you Ember…death will be merciful at this moment”

Meanwhile on the medical wing of the castle.

Wisteria guides Kaiser inside while holding his claw and look around the infirmary “Hello? Anypony home?”

At that moment the attack start and she scream in fear, while Kaiser reach immediately and shield Wisteria from the arrows. She is surprise by the noise and hug him by instinct while covering in fear.

“Its ok” Kaiser tell her in a calm voice as he pet his head. She look up and is a bit shock when he see him smiling at her with a bright light behind his head. “I will protect you”

Wisteria is at lost of words until an arrow almost hit them, making her scream. Kaiser act on that and start to move his free hand until he reach for a nearby bed and lift it before putting in front of them to act as a shield.

“Wisteria, I still can’t see, you need to tell me what is going on”

Meanwhile the mare in question has somehow recover from the surprise and now was blushing slightly at the proximity the two were at the moment.


“Ah…what? Oh yeah, yeah. I…I think the castle is under attack, they are using ice arrows” She peak outside the bed and see 3 unicorns fighting at everything “There are three shooters, all wearing what looks like, delivery uniforms, I can’t really see their faces, but they are using wooden crossbows”

“Are they near?”

“Yes but they don’t seem to have notices us, I can’t really see what are they planning”

“Don’t worry I will take care of that” Kaiser tells with a smirk. “Ok Wisteria I need you”

“W…what?! Right now…right here?! K…Kaiser this is not the moment”

“I know I’m asking a lot”

“That is putting lightly!” She tells her cheeks burning at this point

“Have you ever fight before?”

That catch her off guard “Ah?”

“I need you to be my backup, and eyes, I’m going to used a sound spell on them that will make them lose their balance. When that happen I need you to take their weapons and toss them into the nearest window. You think you can do that?”

“Ah…sure, sure I can do that” She tells with some embarrassment.

“Good in that case I need you to guide my head and aim it directly at them”

Wisteria nod and using her hoofs slowly aim his head until he is perfectly lock into the attackers. “You got them?”

“Yes, do it now”

Kaiser inhale and shine for a brief second before launching a whisper that Wisteria can’t hear but soon sees its effects once he see the attacker fighting to stay on their hooves, one not even able to hold the content of his stomach. Wisteria is surprise but then do as she told and disarm the attackers.

The sound continues until the unicorns pass out.

“Kaiser you did it! You knock them out, but how?”

“I made their brains to shot down, net trick right?”

“Yeah, it was incredible you really are of surprise” Reverb tells as she smile and her blush returning

“Ah Reverb, you don’t need to hug me anymore”

“Hmmm…what?” She ask in a slight daze.
On the entrance to the nursing room

Once they reach the place, the royals take cover behind some pillars from a rain of arrows before looking at one another.

“Do you know how to roar?” Ember ask making Ace smirk. “Do my wife raise the sun?”

Nodding, they take a depth breathe before exiting their hiding place and release a mighty roar that breaks windows and arrows alike at the same time that froze the attackers.

Ace manage to take a good look at them, four unicorns all wearing festivities mask possible males do to their shape, and carrying crossbows. Taking advantage of their dizziness both dragons prepare to breath fire and lighting but, recovering a bit one of the attackers throw a glass ball at them, that when shatter release a green dust that incapacitate them.

Falling to their knees, the dragons start to hold their chest and cough violently

“What…was in that thing” Ace manage to say between coughs.

“Those freaking hunters…they have killdragon!” Ember says with a growl. “It cuts our breath and make us lose our balance” She explain before receiving an arrow on her left shoulder.

“Ember!” Ace try to help only to receive an arrow on his chest. “Now!” One of the attacker yell as they throw iron balls at them tying them up, and hitting them with more arrows.

“Now it’s our chance, let's finish them” An attacker tells, once their attack stop

“Don’t, remember we are here for the hybrids” Another one tells. “Just let them bleed to death” Ace lookup and even if he could see him, he could tell that he was smirking. He growl but his body wasn’t reacting and he barely could move at this moment.

The unicorn laugh and turn around to leave but another roar stop them and when they look back they saw a little dragon with butterfly wings looking at the royals in surprise.

“Queen Ember! My king!” She approach Ace and look at his wounds before looking at the attackers in rage “You did this?”

The hunters look at the dragoness before bursting in laughter “What is this, a costume party?” One of them tells “Go home kid, this is no place from cosplayers”

That only makes her even more angry “I’m a dragon!” She tells hitting the marvel floor, making the attackers laugh again.

The eyes of Lumina start to shine, while that happen. Once the laughter stop the hunters look back but are surprise when they see everything upside down and Lumina rush toward them, they try to fired but discover that their weapons have turn into feather dusters.

“What is happening?” One of them ask in panic

“Stay focus, this must be an illusion” Another one tells and pull another set of iron balls that throw at Lumina but do to her body be so small she pass throw without any problems and hit the attacker square on the face before turning around and deliver a strong kick on his chest, do to her claws on the rear legs, the impact leaving a scratch behind.

“Why you little” The hunter try to counter attack and pull out a knife but his hoof suddenly give up and goes limp on the ground. Lumina smirk as she gets in guard in front of them. “My claws have muscular relaxing toxin on them, anyone that I scratch will be unable to used his body for at least an hour.”

Right on cue the stallion collapse as he try to move but his hooves now act like they are spaghetti.

Getting concern, the hunters throw more killdragons grenades at her but she just dash forward without a care “You fools! fairy dragons natural habitat are forest and swamps, no poison can affect us” She tells before jumping out of the cloud and incapacitating two more attacker, leaving the last one behind as he is press against the door.

Lumina looks at him with a predatory smile as he start to get scare.

In a desperate attempt the stallion kick open the door behind him and turn around seeking the fillies but a fireball stop his tracks and make him fall into the ground screaming.

Once Lumina gets close, she notices the fireball having the form of a fox with a red cape who was currently biting the hunters snout.

“Suko?” Lumina ask in surprise, making the fox look back at her with surprise before smiling and nod.

Lumina look up and see the fillies and a yellow baby dragoness that look like Ember being protected by Pyra who has curl them around her along side their baby sitters.

Lumina smile and nod before looking at Suko “Good boy”

Scratching his shoulder Lumina incapacitated the last attacker, and tell Suko that he can stop before looking at the babysitters.

“Are you ok?”

“Y…yeah, Pyra and Suko, got in here the moment the attack started” One of them say still shaking and hugging Hera. “What is happening?”

“Its was an attempt ponynapping but don’t worry we are taking care of it” She tells to calm them down before a groan catch her attention.

“King Ace!” She yells in alarm and rush to his side. Suko kills his flames and run toward him as well.

“Daddy?!” Hera and Dawn tell in concern as tears start to stream of their faces. They try to go to him but the mares holding them prevent it “Don’t go princesses, its dangerous”

“But daddy…” Dawn tells but the babysitter interrupt her.

“Shh its ok, its ok, everything will be ok”

Both fillies start to cry as they try to get away, while Lumina approach the royals.

“Your highness, queen Ember are you ok?” She ask while Suko break the ropes on their bodies

The dragons then struggle to sit against a nearby wall as she help them.

“We will leave…although I don’t know for how long can I stay awake” Embers tells

“Same,Lumina…the kids are they…?”

“They are safe, sir. All of them, Pyra and her cubs protect them”

Ember looks at Zuko still smoking and then look at Ace. “Hell of a guardian dog you have here Ace”

“They are kyubies Ember, they feed off magic, what do you think will happen when they got exposed to so much since they were born?” He chuckle before holding his chest in pain near the arrow wound.

“Please take it easy sir, you are wounded and need medical attention”

“Not as much as what those freaks will need when I’m done with them” Ember tells in anger.

Ace meanwhile look at Suko and then gets confused. “Where are your sisters?”

Right on cue the hallway where he and Ember came from get cover in gemstones and they hear a low bark in the distance.

“Ah…so that is where Amber went…remind me to give her a treat once this is over”

“Oh think they earn more than one” Ember tells him impress at the display.

Both chuckle as their consciousness weakens and eventually pass out.

“Your highness?, Your Highness!? Please stay awake” Lumina yells as more guards arrive at the scene.

Later that night at the royal chambers.

A mare with pink mane and red fur wearing a doctor's trench coat, put on a stethoscope on the king chest and check his vitals as Celestia stay behind with a worry expression. “How is he doctor Mellow?”

After a bit she pull back and take out her instrument before sign “Fortunately his life is no longer in danger your highness, the arrows miss any major organs and if he follow my orders the king will make a complete recovery, unfortunately it will be awhile for the poison to leave his body so until them, he will have to remain in bed for at least four days, I would advise a whole week under observation just to make sure he will no suffer any relapse”

Celestia sign in happiness at that news “Thank the stars”

Doctor Mellow nod and smile “We were very lucky that he and Queen Ember didn’t receive any mayor damages, I can only hope she doesn’t retaliated for this attack while being our guest” Mellow tells.

“Do not worry Dr. Mellow, I already talk with her, and she complete understand that none of this was our fault and she actually seek the attackers on the first place. Still I gave her my apologies and offer her something as compensation and thanks for helping my husband”

“And what did you gave her?”

“I’m afraid that is a private matter doctor” Celestia tells with a calm smile before looking at Ace “Can he take any visits?”

“As long as they don’t make to much noise and do not alter him I see no problem” Mellow tells with a smile as she pack her equipment and head toward the front door.

“Thank you doctor”

“Your highness” She gives them a short bow, and open the door, where Hera, Dawn Luna, and Kaiser are waiting. As well as Pyra and her cubs

“Please, try to be as quiet as possible, the prince needs his rest” Mellow instruct as she let them in, and then leaves.

The group enter and approach the bed. “How is he” Luna ask as she gets next to her sister.

“The doctor says that he will be fine, but unfortunately the poison in his system will take time until its leaves his body” Celestia answers with some sorrow as she see her kids and the foxes climbing on the bed and approaching Ace, while being careful not not stepping on him “He will have to stay in bed for a week, under observation to ensure that he don’t get any relapse”

“Well that sucks” Kaiser voices his opinion. “And just when we were preparing to into a new adventure”

That catch the kids attention “Uncle Kaiser, did you and daddy were planning on going somewhere?” Dawn ask confused.

“Well” Kaiser ear is soon pull by Luna who smile at them and answer “Your dad had a special secret mission for your uncle, dears” She chuckle before pulling Kaiser closer to her “Secret, remember dear?!” She tells with some anger in her voice.

“Ye…yeah what she said” Kaiser tell while in pain before Luna release him. “But unfortunately I suppose I will have to cancel it and…”

“Ace told me about your meeting with Artifact from the Diamond Dog, kingdom Kaiser” Celestia tells him without looking at him.

“You are leaving first thing in the morning”

“Wh…what?! But this, Celestia you can’t possibly be telling me to just sit this one out and let whoever made this, got away”

“And you won't” She tells looking back at him with a neutral expression “But we can’t just stop things because if this, I need you to talk with Artifact, and gather the intel we need, and then after I will put you as the head of the investigation in this case” She tells before looking in front of her again.

“Just please Kaiser, let me grief and console my injure husband. I need to do it if I wish to make any rational decisions” She tells holding his claw with both hoofs.

Kaiser look at her and after signing he ultimate nod “As you wish princess, I will finish my mission as soon as possible”

All of a sudden a groan alert everyone and they look back at Ace who start to wake up. “Ah…where am I?”

“Dad” Soon Ace notices of a pair of hoofs hugging his neck followed by a pair of arms doing the same and looking down he see his children hugging him with tears on her eyes.

“Girls” He try to move but Celestia stop him the moment she sees him flinch “Don’t much to much honey, your body is still too weak” She informs with a smile, and then proceed to nuzzle him, witch calm him down.
“I’m just glad all of you are ok” He tells closing his eyes, and then looking at Kaiser. “Dude, when the attack happen…”

“Don’t worry, Wisteria took actions immediately and put both of us out of harm's way. Good call leaving her to me” He says with a chuckle.

“Good” He then get serious and look up “Celly…how big was the count”

That surprise her as she stand back to look at him “Ace, I don’t think this is the moment…”

“…please, I need to know, how many?”

She sigh and just look down “7 confirm death, 30 on critical conditions, and at least 58 wounded. All of them being maids, butlers and 3 unfortunate colts that were on a school trip” She tells in melancholy. And the room gets quiet for a moment before the cubs whine get Ace attention.

“Its ok, everyone” Ace smile and try to pet them, Ibony even going so far as to going into his claw and putting her head under it. “We will bring this ponies to justice”

He then looks at Luna “Luna I know this is kinda hard to ask but…”

“I will arrange the funeral and memorial for all our fallen subjects, Ace although we can’t erase the pain of all those families, at the very least we will ensure to pay our respects of the fallen”

“Thank you”

Celestia sniff and try to smile again before approaching him “For now just procure to sleep honey, doctor's orders”

Ace nod and lay down in bed again with his kids and pets. “What about Ember?”

“Already taken care of too…which also means that I’m afraid I will have to leave you for just a moment, don’t worry I put general Reverb on your care will I’m gone” She tells before stepping away and heading to the door.

“Where are you going?” Ace ask confused by her actions.

Celestia needs a minute before answering but eventually does, while levitating a small golden bell. “Fortunately the attackers where stop and put under custody, they confess all the information we could gather, now there is only one last thing that need to be done” She tells in a cold tone.

That surprise Ace as he see Ibony leave his side and walk toward Celestia

“Celly you are not seriously consider…we swear that we…”

“…ATTEMPTED REGICIDE!” She yells stopping her hoof on the ground and looking at him with a glare and tear on her eyes. “Invasion of private property, attempted murder, murder, damage of government property, aggression against an ambassador and attempted foalnapping!” She finish with a quiver lip and a shaking voice while trying to contain her anger.

“I know Ace…I know you wish for a better solution, but this…this is unforgiven. This is definitely on the list, and believe me when I’m telling. I’m following the rules of our kingdom. If I were doing this for petty revenge I can assure that things would had be worse”

Ace just look down in defeat and close his eyes “…just please don’t let them suffer to much, they are monsters but there is no reason for us to become that too”

That put a smile on Celestia “Even like that, you wish to grant some form of compassion, by the stars that is one of the many reasons I’m just in love with you” Her expression turn to anger as she exit the room with Ibony “And that is why, I can’t forgive them”

She tells before closing the door.

“Dad, what is mommy going to do?” Dawn ask with concern and Ace look at them “Something I don’t wish to share with you my angel, not yet at least”

Luna looks at them and getting worry get the kids attention “Fillies, why don’t you help me get your dad some nice cookies to lift his spirit?” She offer with a smile. “I have one excellent recipe that will guarantee his fast recovery”

That catch their attention “Really?” Dawn ask as Luna nod

“Indeed, but you better keep the secret its an old family recipe”

“We promise aunt Luna”

“Ok if that is the case, let us depart the sooner we make those cookies the sooner your dad can recover” Luna guides them to the entrance and Ace utter a ‘thank you’ as he watch them leave.

Once gone Kaiser look back at Ace “Ok now that they are gone, you can tell me, what it's going to happen to those criminals?”

Ace look at Pira and her cubs who just close their eyes and huddle closer to him “The fox judgement” He finally tells, catching Kaiser of guard. “Wow that is…well it's kind of fitting but still, harsh”

A knock on the door get their attention and but are left speechless when they see Blueblood on the entrance “Can I come in?”

“Ah…sure Blueblood” Ace is the first in recovering and look at him enter.

“How are you feeling uncle?”

“Being better, but I will survive” Ace tells with a smile “Did you came to see if I’m ok?”

“But of course, we might had our difference in the past, but the harming of the royal family it’s something I can never tolerated” He tells with a theatrical act “I just hope to see you get well soon, uncle”

“Thank you Blueblood that means a lot to me”

“Anytime, and do not worry while you are in bed you can count on me. I will take good care of Hera and Dawn, they will not escape my sight” He tells giving them a slight bow