• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2017
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


Just some loser with an unusual interest no one else has.


The Storm King survives his death and is sidetracked from his revenge mission against Twilight and Tempest by his hate for cuteness, leading him to a vendetta against the three cutest ponies - Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity. How can they defeat him?

Of course, it is subjective as to who the cutest ponies are, but most of us can agree that Fluttershy is the cutest. Also, this story isn't meant to fit into canon (hence the Alternate Universe tag), and in no way do I have a headcanon that the Storm King survived, I'd like to think he and Sombra stay dead as of canon.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 11 )

Okay...that happened. Well...it was funny...and meta...and I don’t really have anything clever to say right now.

Have a like!

You shouldn't make fun of the Storm King like this. Cuteness killed his parents.
Cute though.

The meta levels are OVER 9000!!! THERE'S NO WAY THAT CAN BE RIGHT!!!

But anyway...this was a funny little fanfic. Some of the dialogue felt a little weak, but I'm willing to overlook that.

By the way, can we all agree that the Storm King is basically the in-universe representation of Anti-Bronies?

Probably, on the cuteness-hating alone, because the ponies represent cuteness, especially Fluttershy, and anyone who's anti-brony must hate cuteness, otherwise the ponies would win their heart for sure like it did for me, early Season 2 before Sombra even blew up (which is the kind of thing I typically look for in a kid-friendly show so I know it doesn't try to be too childish). And the way he backstabs Tempest, like how anti-bronies would ditch their brony friends.

Though I always thought Garble represented that the most.

I dunno. For me, it was never the cuteness that made me change my mind about MLP. What got me into it was the characters and the stories. No minor disasters like running out of tea or missing a dress or any of that stupid nonsense. What I saw were actual life lessons that people could relate to. And of course, the fact that the show occasionally goes into darker (but not too dark) implications helped win me over as well. That, and Rainbow's situation in Read It and Weep was pretty much the exact same thing I went through. ("I love this show! I love MLP!...I'm a brony...)

It's a shame that people still don't take the time to examine this show for what it really is. I've been a Brony for about a year now, and I've enjoyed every step of the way so far.

What makes it even worse is that, IMO, the show is now declining in quality, and people are now leaving the fandom, and some of them are turning into spoiled brats who complain about every little thing. (Seasons 1-5 were awesome, Season 6 had its share of dull episodes but some really good episodes too, and Season 7 was meh, there were only two episodes I really liked in the whole season) Which of course doesn't change Seasons 1-6, but Batman & Robin ruined the Tim Burton Batman series for everyone and made people forget the three good films easily, probably even before the too-dark-and-realistic Batman Begins came out.

The show's reaching the end of its time, so it's probably a wise move to end it at Season 9. Though, they should have ended it at Season 7 and said Chrysalis was killed in the explosion in Season 6 (or otherwise had her return and either die or reform in the Season 7 premier), coz Season 9 likely won't end on a good note.

Yeah, another part of it for me was the lovable characters, and it took a while but I found I could relate to all of them in some way, most notably Rainbow Dash (in terms of loyalty, love for awesome, and need for speed) and Fluttershy (in terms of stage fright and being really sensitive). And of course with situations only we could appreciate just like the Disney movies, and it was nice to hear my brother, who isn't really into the show, use it to contrast Pokemon in this way.

And if people would give the pilot episode of G1 a chance, they might be impressed at Tirek threatening to behead Spike, and later getting killed up front by a rainbow after an epic battle. THAT is how MLP began as a TV series, not with the Tales or G3 stuff.

Of course, FiM is still superior in terms of character development, comedy, and pop culture references, plus the animation is better.

It's a good thing the Storm King never saw a filly. Otherwise, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Zipporwhill would be in a lot of trouble. ...Boysenberry? ...Dinky?

I'll turn Fluttershy to stone and smash her into a thousand tiny pieces! And since she's the exact opposite of evil she CAN die!"

Unless, of course, she has Yellow Immortality. :twilightsmile:

Oh my god! This is one of the funniest fanfics I ever read! Great job! xDD I had so much fun reading this and laughing so hard. xDD

Adorable and hilarious! Wonderfully done, my friend!

"Maybe he just has really powerful defense," said Rarity. "And Tail Whip lowers defense!" She whipped her tail back and forth again.

Ahahaha Pokémon reference goes brrr-

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