• Published 15th Feb 2018
  • 740 Views, 6 Comments

Flash Sentry's Heart and Hooves Nightmare - SaburoDaimando

Why is Flash Sentry hiding from Rarity of all ponies?

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Complete Short

Twilight Sparkle was singing away as she was putting up decorations inside the dining room of her castle. She tied Heart-Shaped Balloons to the lamps, planted red and pink roses in the vases, hung up magenta drapes around the pillars, and placed a pink tablecloth with a white heart on the table. She then proceeded to place forks, napkins and plates on each portion of the table, with at least no less than ten per spot.

"There we go," Twilight Sparkle said as she placed the last utensil on the table. "This Heart and Hooves day lunch is going to be spectacular. Something to at least get the Princesses a break from their usual royal duties. Not to mention the rest of my friends joining in." While Twilight is normally not a Heart and Hooves day mare, she seems more excited over inviting her mentor Princess Celestia, as well as her sister Princess Luna over for a nice lunch. Maybe a break is what they need to relax themselves from the every day stress of ruling Equestria.

"I wonder how Spike is doing with those Cheese and Red bell Pepper Sandwiches?" Twilight said as she trotted on over to the kitchen to check up on the food. For that moment, everything was silent in the dining hall, no a single peep from a single soul.

Then out of nowhere, Flash Sentry comes running in like he saw a ghost. Without a second thought, Flash dived right under the table cover, hiding like something was out to get him, shaking like he's been out too long in the cold. It was obvious that he saw something that caused him to freak out. But as Flash Sentry hid under that table cloth, Twilight Sparkle began to walk out from the kitchen.

"Guess Spike wanted to make them extra special for everyone," Twilight said to herself. "Though judging by that dragon's look, he really wanted to make it for Rarity." But the moment Twilight ended her speech, she saw the kitchen table shake like crazy.

"That's odd," Twilight said to herself. "I don't recall casting a vibration spell on the table." She then lit up her horn to cast a magic spell, allowing her to lift up a portion of the table cloth. But as it finally went up, she saw Flash Sentry holding onto a portion of the table, shaking wildly and in complete fear.

"Flash?" Twilight said as she was baffled by Flash Sentry's presence. "What the hay are you doing under the table?"

"Put down that table cloth, Twilight," Flash Sentry cried. "I don't want that demon to notice me." Those kinds of words only made Twilight giggle at that scenario.

"Oh no. A demon is out to get out," Twilight joked as she made a raspberry. "Now what kind of demon would even want to get you, Flash?"

Flash Sentry gulped as he nervously replied "You know, that horrible white demon with a violet, curly male." That definition sounded like Rarity of all ponies, but Twilight found that ridiculous and started to laugh even harder.

"Oh Flash. You're so cute," Twilight said as she couldn't hold in her laughter. "Why would Rarity be a demon to you?"

Flash was getting frustrated by Twilight not being serious about his situation. Without a second thought, he shook Twilight as he yelled "I'M NOT KIDDING ABOUT THIS TWILIGHT!" Twilight's laughter stopped as soon as Flash stopped shaking her.

Flash then said "I was only able to get over here after the Tyrant from Tatarus locked me in the basement of her boutique." Upon hearing those words, Twilight tried to struggle to keep herself from laughing.

"This isn't funny," Flash added. "She tied me to a chair in the basement, surrounded by Heart and Hooves decorations, pictures of me, and even an assortment of chocolates. Next thing I knew, she came down stairs wearing a wedding dress, stating that she wanted to marry me."

Twilight couldn't hold herself in. She then said "Now why would Rarity want to marry you? I didn't expect her to be attracted to Soldiers of the Royal Guard."

"Even I can't seem to figure her out," Flash Sentry complained as he struggled to keep himself calm. "And I don't even want to! Even getting a glance at her face is enough to freak me out!" Flash then proceeded to pull down the table cloth so that he's not seen by any pony. Twilight just smirked and pulled the table cloth back up before pulling Flash out from under the table.

"Tell ya what, Romeo," Twilight said as she was still amused by Flash's silly story. "I'll go talk with Rarity, and we can sort this whole thing out. I'm sure this is all a big misunderstanding." As she talked, Flash tried desperately to hide back under the table cloth. But is unable to since Twilight's magic was pinning his tail down.

"No. Bad Idea. DON'T WANNA DO IT!" Flash cried as he struggled to pull himself away from Twilight, fearing of what will become of him.

"Oh don't be so silly, Flash," Twilight said as she dragged a struggling Flash Sentry. "What could be so horrible?" But as she finished her sentence, a familiar voice echoed through the halls.

"OH DARLING!" That voice belonged to a generous mare with a white coat, a purple mane, and a distinct tone: Rarity. She was in the hallway, excited to see Flash Sentry. She was wearing what looks like a white wedding dress, covering her body and legs, along with the upper part of her arms. And judging by Flash Sentry's nervous tone, it's clear he doesn't want to get married.

"No. Please. STAY AWAY!" Flash Sentry screamed as he hid behind Twilight. Twilight looked at Rarity as she looked confused by her getup.

"But the wedding bells are ringing, darling," Rarity cheered as her eyes took on the form of hearts. "I've been waiting for this day when we finally get hitched."

"Rarity?" Twilight said as she was puzzled by Rarity's interest in Flash. "What is going on with you?"

"There's nothing wrong with me, Twilight. I just want to be with my darling." Rarity began to march towards Flash Sentry, completely in awe-struck of the stallion guard. Twilight, no longer laughing at Flash Sentry's expense, removes her magic spell from Flash's tail. Immediately, the pegasus flew up into the chandeliers and hung onto it.

"NO! GET AWAY!" Flash Sentry yelled as he swung from the chandeliers. "I DON'T WANT TO MARRY YOU!"

"But we're destined to be together, darling. A true Romeo and Juliet." Without warning, Rarity cast a spell to pull Flash Sentry off. Flash desperately hung onto the chandeliers, struggling to keep away from Rarity.

"Aww. The poor Flashy-pie is stuck up there?" Rarity said as she looked up at Flash Sentry. "Don't worry, Darling. I'll break you free." She then spies the rose bush in the flower vase. Without warning, she frees a rose from the vase with her magic. Then proceeds to levitate the rose up to Flash Sentry, who is still holding on like it's the end of the world. Rarity then proceeded tickle Flash on his left side with the petals of the rose.

"No. Stop. That's my weak point!" Flash laughed as he struggled to resist being tickled by a simple rose. He tried to hang onto the chandelier, but he lost his grip and began falling.

"Rarity, that's dangerous!" Twilight said as her tone became a bit serious.

"Nonsense, Twilight. I know what I'm doing." Rarity watched as Flash fell from the chandelier. She got on her hind legs and reached out with her arms, hoping to catch Flash Sentry. Flash saw her from above and began to open his wings.

"OH NO! I'M NOT STICKING AROUND HERE!" Without a second thought, Flash Sentry flew off, darting out the doorway and out of the castle. Rarity was amused by how Flash flew off while Twilight's jaw dropped to the floor.

"I love it when it plays hard to get, don't you think so?" Rarity said before hopping off in pursuit of Flash Sentry. "Come back here darling. You and I will be the happiest couple of Equestria."

Twilight couldn't believe it. She thought Flash Sentry was joking. But it appears that he was right. Rarity had a crush on him, but in a way that she couldn't put it together. It was as if she were under some sort of spell, a mad love to be exact.

"Twilight, have you seen the black pepper?" Spike said as he walked out. But he saw an odd expression on Twilight.

"Did you see what just happened, Spike? Twilight was freaking out over the event that transpired.

"I'm afraid not, Twilight." Spike said in confusion, having not been in the same room as Twilight was.

"It's Rarity. She's gone madly in love with Flash Sentry of all ponies. But that's not how Rarity is suppose to act." Twilight began pacing back and forth over this odd revelation. Spike was discourage by this news that Rarity loved Flash over him.

"But why?" Spike cried. "I don't get it. What does she see in Flash that's not in me?"

"Oh Spike. You and your obsession with that unicorn." That voice came from a familiar draconequus: Discord, the Spirit of Chaos. He floated inside and positioned himself next to a startled Twilight, sipping on a cup of tea.

"Discord, what did you do to Rarity?" Spike said as he was furious over what just happened. "I don't recall her being all smitten for Flash Sentry." He glanced at Discord, looking like he was going to tear into the spirit of chaos.

"Now why would I want to do that?" Discord replied. "For the record, making Rarity all twitterpated over that stallion sounded like a dumb idea. Besides, I'm not that much of a romantic person."

"Look, I know you're playing innocent with me, Discord." Twilight stared at Discord, looking as if she was ready to snap. "But even if you didn't do it, at least change her back. I don't want Rarity to act like this for the rest of her life."

"Uggh, fine." And with that, Discord snapped his fingers and a flash lit up from outside. When the light went away, Rarity came back inside, confused over the costume she's wearing.

"Why in the name of Celestia am I wearing a wedding gown?" Rarity said as she was puzzled over what she was wearing. She proceeded to take off the wedding dress before folding it up and putting it gently in a box.

"I think you fell madly in love with Flash Sentry," Twilight said as she did let out a slight giggle.

"Me? Love Flash Sentry?" Rarity was confused by Twilight's words. "I mean, I do admit that he's cute. But I'm not one who obsessed over stallions." But those words didn't right well with Twilight, who still can't seem to keep a straight face.

"Oh I know you well, Rarity," Twilight snickered. "Like your crush on Trenderhoof, or Prince Blueblood."

"Well, that was just a past moment," Rarity said as she blushed about those previous times with both Trenderhoof and Blueblood. "Besides, they really weren't my type at all."

"Well look on the bright side. At least you got me." Spike pointed his thumbs at himself, at least giving Rarity a good chuckle.

"Well that's true, my little Spikey-Wikey." Rarity proceeded to give Spike a kiss on the cheek before saying "But who in Equestria would even consider making me madly in love with Flash Sentry?"

Discord looked on and said, "Well like I said, I'm innocent. Why would I even make you twitterpated towards that boring stallion? Besides, Heart and Hooves day is not my style."

"Well if you didn't do it, then who did?" Twilight was still puzzled by why Rarity was twitterpated. But as she pondered, a familiar and gentle voice echoed through the hall.

"I believe I can answer that." That voice came from only one mare: Princess Celestia. She walked on in with a shamed look on her face. Twilight was excited to see her, only to see the expression on her face.

"Princess Celestia," Twilight said as she had a bad feeling about what was to come. "Your face doesn't look all excited. What happened?"

Princess Celestia let out a sigh and said, "You saw what happened with Rarity, and with the royal guard Flash Sentry running away."

"Oh that was a fun show, Princess," Discord said in a bit of an amused tone. "I mean, it's not like you were the one who drugged up Rarity and made her madly in love with a member of the royal guard."

"Actually, I was," Princess Celestia said with a confession.

"WHAT?" That was a shock that came out of Rarity, Twilight, Spike and even Discord of all characters.

" You can't be serious. You made Rarity act like a love magnet to that stallion?" Discord tried to hold it in, but couldn't contain himself as he fell onto his backside and started laughing at the thought of Celestia being the responsible pony for Rarity's love struck madness. Twilight glanced a bit at Discord's chuckle before turning her face towards her mentor.

"Princess Celestia, what did you just say?" Twilight said as she still couldn't believe the words of Princess Celestia.

"I did it." Celestia turned her head in shame. "I was the one who made that potion, but....It wasn't for Rarity."

"But, why would you want to make that ridiculous potion?" Rarity said.

"It's simple, Rarity." Princess Celestia approached Rarity with a sense of guilt in her system. "Princess Cadence and Shining Armor has been having a difficult time with their relationship. It got sour when the stress of ruling the Crystal Empire got the best of them. Not to mention being trapped in stone by the Storm King has been giving Cadence a bad hangover. So they both asked me to make a love potion to help rekindle their romance."

"Wait. Princess Cadence asked you to make a love potion for her?" Discord laughed at the sound of that scenario. "That's a first. The Princess of Love needing a Love Potion."

"I was reluctant to do that," Celestia said. "But if it meant helping heal the hearts of both Cadence and your brother, I went along with it."

"But that still doesn't explain why Rarity wound up drinking the potion," Twilight said as she was confused by the events that transpired. She looked at Celestia and said, "And yet, we wind up with this scenario. Weren't Princess Cadence, my brother and you back in Canterlot?"

Rarity looked at Twilight with an embarrassing smile and said "Actually, I was called upon to decorate the castle with a Heart and Hooves day theme. I wanted it to be lavish and exquisite for the Princess." She struggled to get a few more words out of her mouth. "But then I got thirsty. And I mistook Celestia's potion for a bottle of water. So I took the bottle and drank it. And when it was done drinking the potion, I saw Flash Sentry.....AND I WENT COMPLETELY NUTS FOR HIM!" Without a second thought, Rarity started crying her eyes out as water gushed out like twin waterfalls.

Twilight felt sorry for Rarity. But Celestia was even more sorry for Rarity, especially with what happened. Celestia placed her hoof on Rarity and said, "After what happened, I wished I never made that stupid potion. Guess I have alot to think about."

Discord let out a sigh and said "Drama. This is why I'm not much of a lover. Not to mention this stupid author doesn't give me enough lines. I mean, what a ridiculous fanfiction this has been."

"I'd watch what you said Discord," Twilight said as she cracked a smile. "He could have done a fanfiction where Princess Celestia chased you while she was twitterpated."

"Touche," Discord said in a bit of disgust. "But I believe that Princess Cadence has a lot of explaining to do."

"I believe I do." That voice came from Princess Cadence, who also arrived in the. She was alongside Shining Armor, and a nervous Flash Sentry, still shaking like he had seen a ghost.

"Princess Cadence. Big Brother" Twilight was excited to see her sister-in-law as well as her brother Shining Armor. But she was also disappointed with the events that happened. Especially with Flash Sentry being reduced to a shaking mess.

"I'm afraid Princess Celestia is right," Princess Cadence added. "Ever since the Festival of Friendship, our relationship began to take a sour turn. The anxiety of who will invade next. The bureaucracy involved in our every day lives. Not to mention raising Flurry Heart in this unhealthy environment."

"The next thing we knew, we got into a verbal argument," Shining Armor added. "We shouted at each other like we had become our own worse enemies. It was when Flurry Heart starting crying that we realized something was wrong with us."

"That's...why we asked Celestia to make us that love potion," Cadence said. "We needed something not only to rejuvenate our love for each other, but also to get alot of stress out of our lives." She turns her head towards Flash Sentry. "Unfortunately, it seems Rarity mistook it for water, and look what happened to one of our most loyal of guards."

Rarity saw into Flash Sentry, seeing how emotionally shocked he has been. She walked up Flash, hoping to make amends for today. But the moment Flash saw her approaching, he hid behind Princess Cadence like a child that was scared of another adult.

"It's alright, Flash." Rarity extended her right arm outwards. "I don't have a mad crush on you. It was all a well-placed accident."

Flash glanced out from behind Princess Cadence. He saw Rarity's hoof and began to have second thoughts, still nervous by what she did early ago. But he took another look at Rarity's eyes, and saw a sign of sincerity, not one of obsession. Without a second thought, Flash extended his hoof out in acceptance.

"Apology accepted." Flash Sentry's hoof touched Rarity as he came out of his hiding place. His anxiety towards Rarity began to wane as he got up. He let out a sigh of relief, knowing that Rarity is no longer obsessed with him.

Princess Cadence put her left hoof on his right shoulder and said, "I'm terribly sorry you got all mixed up in this, Flash. To make up for this bad experience, I'm giving you the rest of the week off from your duties."

"Thanks," Flash Sentry said in appreciation. "After what happened to me, I think I need some time to relax."

"Maybe you need someone to share your time off with," Shining Armor said to Flash Sentry. "Perhaps Twily could be your Heart and Hooves Date." Twilight blushed to the side in embarrassment while cracking a smile.

"I'll pass." Flash said, refusing Shining Armor's offer. "I think I'm gonna lay off of the idea of dating for a bit. Sure it may sound like missing out on a big deal, but I'm cool with that."

"No problem, Flash," Shining Armor said as he gave Flash a playful noogie.

"Well that now that our problem is finally settled, why don't we all have something to eat?" Twilight said as she turned to Spike. "Spike, we need extra orders of those bell pepper and cheese sandwiches."

"Right on it, Twilight." Without warning, Spike raced to the Kitchen, ready to make a ton of red bell pepper and cheese sandwiches. Twilight and Celestia faced each other as everyone was walking to the table.

"I know you meant well, Celestia," Twilight said. "But I wish you figured out another way to help Princess Cadence and Shining Armor."

"Guess I have a lot to think about," Celestia laughed.

Discord squeezed in between the two princesses, seeing a bit more interest in Celestia.

"You know, I'm rather impressed you went all chaotic with today," Discord chuckled. "If I was in your horse shoes with that love potion, I would have tricked Starlight and Sunburst into drinking that concoction."

Snickering, Princess Celestia said, "Still up to your old tricks, are ya Discord?"

"Well you seem to pick up habits from yours truly," Discord replied as he gave a raspberry to Princess Celestia.

"I'd be careful if I were you," Celestia said with a smirk on her face. "Next time, I may trick you into drinking a love potion while looking at me." She gave a wink to Discord, who was startled by the sun princess's choice of words.

"Oh real clever, Sunny," Discord said. "Thinking you can get me to fall in love with you."

"Okay you love birds, save your drama for after you get married," Twilight joked as she started giggling again.

"Spoil sport." Both Discord and Celestia said as they snickered at each other.

Everyone sat around the dining table. Next to them were the respective plates, napkins, and forks, at no less than ten per spot. Twilight looked at the table setting and said "You know, I think I could add in more. In case the others come by."

"I don't mind," Flash Sentry said. "Just as long as it's not a date with any pony." Flash's choice of words caused everyone in the dining room to laugh.

"I think I need to lend you my comic book collection in case you get bored," Shining Armor said to Flash Sentry.

As everyone was ready to have a fun time, Spike looks out the kitchen to see everyone is set up for a Heart and Hooves day Lunch. He turns his head towards the reader and says, "Ya know, I don't think I should give Rarity a love potion. As much as she is beautiful, it would be scary if she was madly obsessed with me. But then again, I wasn't the guy who wrote this silly fan fiction with a major Out of Characterization. Anyway, I think the sandwiches are almost ready."


Author's Note:

Originally, my plan was just to have the fan fiction end with Flash Sentry being chased out by Rarity and Twilight just finding that funny. But that felt a bit mean-spirited. So I had to add in this backstory of Cadence and Shining Armor having a bit of a troubled relationship with Celestia's attempt at helping the two, only for it to backfire.

And believe it or not, the whole Rarity loves Flash Sentry, but Flash to be afraid of her was inspired a bit by a reverse Pepe Le Pew situation(Or for you Tiny Toons fans, a Fifi La Fume situation). I've met with Vincent Tong at Comic-Con 2016 and he actually did like the idea(I even gave him a drawing I did invoking that scenario). One day, if he comes back to San Diego with Tabitha St. Germain, I may ask them to do a scenario involving Rarity having a crush on Flash Sentry, only for Flash to be completely afraid of her).

Comments ( 6 )

This was enjoyable. I did get a Pepe le Pew vibe from Flash running from Rarity :rainbowlaugh:

That was ironically, my inspiration for Rarity chasing down Flash Sentry.

It's a very good inspiration XD
Poor Flash. Still, I suppose it could have been worse. He could have several of the Mane 6 chasing him, or something.

Okay, the fourth wall breaking parts make no sense, and you misspelled some words, but this was a fun read. :rainbowlaugh:

They were mainly jabs at myself. XP

Why does this not have more likes, views, and comments?! This story was legit funny.

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