• Published 12th Apr 2018
  • 4,649 Views, 193 Comments

Fireteam Storm - Lordvessel

Before her grand Invasion in Canterlot, Tempest Shadow seeks aid from some other skilled creatures under the Storm King's command. Like her, they too were promised something...

  • ...

Chapter 9: Captives

Starlight could only wince as a sharp pain relayed throughout the nerves of her face, recuperating from the blow that had been delivered. Whatever hit her had remarkable strength, enough to make her black out. But for how long she wondered. Well, Starlight was about to find out. She slowly raised her head, hoping to get a take of her surroundings and predicament. Things took a horrific turn as the first thing she saw was Starswirl's lifeless body lying face down in a pool of his own blood. She jumped taking a step back only for the rattle of chains and the tug of their restraints to keep her from going back. She panicked, wanting to scream but found she could not speak, feeling the muzzle and bit press hard against her mouth and jaw.
Her mind raced with precarious and nervous thoughts, her eyes darted in all directions only to be met with even more nerve-racking and soul crushing sights. The bodies of Rockhoof and Flash Magnus being loaded onto a cart with even more dead piled on, Innumerable Storm Beasts carrying out their heinous tasks of rounding up and enslaving the population, the sight of the three remaining pillars with tears of sorrow in their eyes being led away in chains. The cherry on top of this nightmare scenario was what was being done to Shining Armor. Unlike the others, a chain had been roped around his neck and legs, all anchored to a metal street lamp. There she saw them, the creatures she hadn't seen for what felt like ages ago, back when she was a different pony. Three of the four stood behind another smaller figure and watched as two Storm beasts sent electric shocks coursing through his body with magically imbued staffs, harnessing the magical element of lightning.

Then there was her. Stepping forward into view and standing before the broken and battered Shining Armor was none other than the pony who brought these creatures here in the first place, the unicorn with the shattered horn. Commander Tempest. She was speaking to Shining Armor, no doubt interrogating him for information, though anything she said was little more than a muffled echo to her as her senses were still recuperating. Nonetheless it seemed the former Captain of the guard was being less than cooperative, as Tempest smiled and nodded to her soldiers to send another wave of electricity coursing through his body. A burst of rage coursed through Starlight as she pressed forward, but to no avail. Her senses had just about returned when she felt a sharp kick to her abdomen. She winced and screamed through her gag as she collapsed to the floor.

"I wouldn't do that." said a menacing voice.

Looking up with an expression of pain and anger, she gazed upon the fourth of the strange creatures, the one that happened to frighten her the most. He stared her down, any expression hidden behind his mechanical mask and the blue haze of his visor

"Hope you had a nice nap. It's good to see you again." He mocked maliciously.

Starlight's eyes went wide as he said that, confirming her fears.

"And It's good to see you remember me." He proclaimed in feigned surprise. "Cause' I certainly remember you."

Starlight began to hyperventilate, recalling the incident that led her to cross paths with these creatures. It was only a year before Twilight came to her village, a pony had come to her commune and seemed a little too eager to give up his cutie mark. She had figured that maybe he was just enthusiastic about the prospect. In reality, he was hiding, seeking refuge from his pursuers, the four strange creatures she now found herself at the mercy of before. He had apparently done dealings with them in past, only for relations to sour to a point where they actively sought to kill him, an endeavor they ultimately succeeded in only after nearly torching her village to the ground.

"I like what you did with the hair, lot better than that 50s bang garbage you had goin' on before. But it wasn't enough to keep me from recognizing you. You see, I never forget a face. Comes with the job, you look down on people through a scope long enough and you discern details in a flash, almost like its second nature. Even if you ponies have the same damn facial structure, there's always one thing that let's me tell you apart."

He took his helmet off, and the face that Starlight often wondered about in her deepest fears somehow surpassed the frightening expectations. No horns, no fangs, no pincers, forked tongue, or slitted pupils, but the face she saw, pale, eyes an almost soulless void of blue bordering on gray, eyes that spoke volumes to the monster he was. The eyes of a killer who relished in his actions. He smiled in pure malice and he leaned in close, too close for comfort before revealing his answer to her.

"It's the eyes. The gateway to ones soul." He revealed. "I almost didn't recognize you, but when I saw those eyes, the eyes of fear that stems from seeing me firsthand, wasn't a doubt in my mind who you were."

He backed away, and Starlight would of felt relieved had he not still been smiling.

"But don't worry, I have an idea to fix that. Make certain that I never forget who you are again."

The creature began to unravel the sleeve on his left arm, rolling it down the entirety of his forearm to reveal a large and grotesque burn scar that stretched over most of his appendage. Starlight felt her heart skip a beat when she saw it, remember that it was she who inflicted it when attempting to escape their assault.

"Besides I still need to pay you back for this lil' parting gift." He said with clear malevolent intent. "You left your mark on me, I think it's only fair I get to leave mine on you. I have just the place in mind."

He began to slowly unsheathe the knife from the back of his belt, slowly but intently twirling it in his hands, moving closer and close towards her face till the tip was mere inch away from her eye. Starlight tried to backpedal, but her bonds prevented her from her escape. She audibly begged for him to stop, but any pleas were drowned out and made inaudible. Just when she thought the knife's tip would pierce her eyes is when a voice ordered him to stop.

"That's enough, Lieutenant." Said a commanding voice that was distinctly feminine.

The creature seemed to reluctantly obey, as his knife was still drawn out for a few seconds longer than what was probably expected. But alas, he complied, his body language giving off the impression that he was dissapointed by this turn of events. Coming up from behind him was the Commander followed by the three other creatures.

"Care to explain why you're torturing this unicorn?" She asked.

"We have history." Jackson replied bluntly.

"We do? When did-" Sanchez blurted when he suddenly gave Starlight another look. "Oh..........Oh wait. ¡Noombre! It's the pink cult leader bitch!"

"Oh my god! You're right!" Green exclaimed.

"Come again?" Tempest asked.

"A run-in from a last year. She was the head of a commune that one of our informants turned traitor sought to hide in with." Carter explained, himself now recognizing her. "Suffice to say, it didn't work. Tore half the village apart before finding him, and Jackson suffered a third degree burn to his arm, courtesy of who you see before you."

Tempest stared down the unicorn mare with indifference, wondering what made this particular unicorn so powerful and mighty when suddenly, she recalled the briefing files on one particular target of interest aside from the elements and the pillars. Then it dawned on her.

"Starlight Glimmer." Tempest said suddenly.

Starlight went cold, as if her bones had frozen over at the mere mention of her name.

"Guessing that's her name, but who is she?" Carter asked.

"Starlight Glimmer." Tempest repeated. "Former enemy turned pupil of Princess Twilight Sparkle."

The others now glared at her, making her even more uncomfortable then what she had thought was possible.

"Remove her gag, but keep the inhibitor hood on." Tempest ordered.

"Yes, ma'am." Jackson replied, seeing as he was the closest.

As he unlatched the brace to her gag, he whispered something into her ear.

"*Consider yourself lucky, guess we'll continue our little meet-and-greet next time.*"

As the heavy piece of metal and leather slipped away from her muzzle, she felt a mix between anger and fear, and thus instinctively lashed out the minute she could talk.

"YOU'RE MONSTERS! MURDERERS! ALL OF YOU!" She shouted with tears in her eyes.

"Bold talk for someone in your position." Carter said. "I'd suggest you dial it back if you don't wanna get hurt."

"Heed the Captain's wisdom, Miss Glimmer. It may just cost you your life." Tempest reinforced.

Tempest then began to circle her, mentally dotting down every detail as she assessed her captive, much to Starlight's dismay.

"What are you doing?" Starlight asked, clearly frightened by her predicament.

"Wondering what makes you so special." Tempest said. "What made the Princess even give you the time of day. You look rather average if I'm being honest."

Tempest was intentionally trying to provoke her, an trap Starlight was all too eager to fall into.

"Then take this hood off! You won't think I'm average when I'm done with you!" Starlight spat venomously.

All but Green were now smirking from amusement, admiring the bravery this little pony had in the face of what could easily have her killed.

"Damn, lot a gall on this one." Sanchez noted.

"Rebellious I see." Tempest chuckled. "You're certainly different from the princess, but what would I expect from someone with such a colorful past."


Before she could finish, Tempest nodded to Jackson, a que to action that he was all too eager to carry out, as reared the butt of his rifle straight into her abdomen. Starlight wheezed a pained yelp before falling to her knees. Tempest slowly approached the collapsed form of Starlight, placing her hoof underneath her chin, forcing her to look up and into her eyes.

"The first outburst was amusing, Miss Glimmer. Any following ones come with consequences. Now be silent and listen, because believe it or not, I'm debating on whether I should let Lieutenant Jackson here kill you or not. I'd prefer not to, but if you become a continual nuisance, I'm afraid you'll outlive your usefulness."

Starlight's attention was focused solely on her captor, never had she met a pony as cruel as this unicorn, made worse by just how effective she was at this interrogation.

"Usefulness?" Starlight questioned. "What use could I be to you? You already won, you have the city!"

"Indeed, I do. But I do need something from you, or more accurately what I need someone else, something that you'll provide."

"Providing what?"

"Insurance, more or less." Tempest answered just as quickly as Starlight had asked. "You'll be relieved to know that Princess Twilight is alive, well, and mobile so to speak."

"Mobile?" Starlight questioned.

"Means she wasn't turned into fucking stone." Jackson clarified.

"The others weren't so lucky." Sanchez added.

As much as she the instinctive need to reprimand these monsters for their abhorrent crime, her fear of Jackson's reprisal prevented her from taking such an action, thus she simply listened, trying her best not to provoke the wrath of her captors.

"For all intents and purposes she was supposed to succumb to that same fate. But upon Green's rather informative argument, she proves more useful to us as a live prisoner. She no doubt has access to several key facilities here in Canterlot, facilities that could prove useful to the Storm King's endeavors. However in order to do that she needs to work with us, and I question her level of cooperation after the events of today."

Tempest finally stopped circling her, standing firmly in front, only to give in to a sly smile.

"That's where you come in." She said in a directive tone.

Starlight was no stranger to where this was going, and it was made evident in her expression, enough for Tempest to pick up on.

"Ah, see where this is going? Perceptive." Tempest said. "So long as Princess Twilight cooperates in our endeavors no harm shall come to you. However, if she proves to be too troublesome and difficult to work with..."

"I die." Starlight said in a defeated tone. "Good to see you're no different than the company you keep."

"Tsk. Tsk. I'd work on that sarcasm, my dear. I'd hate to put an end to you early should you start getting on my nerves." Tempest warned.

As if on que, Jackson cycled a fresh round into the chamber of his Mk.12 SPR, an audible warning that only complimented the Commander's.

"Yes, Ma'am." Starlight begrudgingly conceded.

"Good. To make sure that she's aware of the gravity of her choices, you'll be working as my personal steward in overseeing the tasks across Canterlot. I think knowing that your continued presence will be up to her choices will work wonders. Don't you think?"

Starlight didn't answer, not wanting to give her new cruel master the satisfaction of turning her into what was essentially a slave. However, the others weren't willing to let the matter go.

"The Commander asked you a question." Carter scolded. "I suggest you answer her."

"Yes Ma'am. I think it will work." Starlight answered, a tear running down her cheek.

"Such manners. Keep this up and you'll have nothing to worry about. As I sign of good faith, I'm keeping the gag off. Don't make me misplace my trust."

It was then that the five turned their attention back to the slumped form of Shining Armor, still out cold and smoking from the vigorous torture he had just endured moments ago.

"What about him?" Carter asked. "He may not have talked, but he's a strategic asset. Former Captain of the guard, Prince, as well as being the princess' brother."

"Yet his resistance to our methods makes me hesitant on keeping him around." Tempest admitted.

"So what, we kill him? Make him a message?" Sanchez suggested.

"More like a martyr." Jackson mouthed.

They all turned him, somewhat confused on this sudden reluctance to kill someone.

"This is the first time I think I've ever heard you be against killing someone." Sanchez said in disbelief.

"Oh don't get me wrong, he's gonna die either way." Jackson clarified. "However you do it here, in front of his friends and after he resisted torture, he'll be a rallying cry. Better to make him squeal first."

"I take it you have a suggestion then?" Tempest inquired.

"That I do. Captain Karak is chief interrogation officer on the Black Lighting. I've seen his handiwork first-hand, crafty for a Storm Beast."

"So you think he'll get our friend talking, relinquish what he knows of Canterlot's secrets?"

"More than likely, and make him wish he were never born in the process."

Tempest pondered the idea, as having every outlet on the city and its undoubtedly various vaults and hidden sections could yield many opportunities of exploit.

"Very well." She conceded. "On the condition that he be kept alive until I say otherwise."

"You're the boss." Jackson replied.

Tempest then switched her attention her two elites that stood on either side of the unconscious Shining Armor, relaying her orders to them to which they carried out immediately. As they walked past the group, Jackson got one last word in.

"Tell Karak Jackson sends his regards."

Starlight could swear she could hear the two beasts chuckle, though she couldn't be sure. She was nerve-racked at this nonchalant towards the murder and torture of other ponies. Truly, Starlight saw the reality before her, one in which she wasn't certain she'd walk out from alive. She was now a sheep amongst wolves.

"Well, it seems resistance has been thoroughly quelled in every other sector of the city. Well done, gentleman. The city is ours."

Their posture seemed to relax a bit after that was finally said, though their guard was far from dropped.

"Other than security detail on our VIP, I can't think of any pressing tasks to assign." Tempest said.

While a new recruit could have mistook that as a a chance to take reprieve, Storm was well too versed to see that statement as anything other than incentive to find something else to do.

"Actually Ma'am, we'll need to retrieve the little bird from where we stowed it some 15 miles west of here." Sanchez said.

"He's right, we'll need to nab that before too long lest someone or something stumbles upon it. He'll need his co-pilot." Carter said, clearly indicative that he'd need to go with him.

"Very well, retrieve your vehicle ad have it set down in the balcony plaza with the rest of the ships. Green, escort the rest of the prisoners to holding pens. Jackson, accompany me to the palace. I do believe we need to pay our special guest a visit and inform her of the newly arranged conditions concerning her friend."

"With pleasure, Ma'am." Jackson replied menacingly.

With orders and tasks assigned, they each left to carry them out, with different agendas and thoughts occupying the headspace of their minds. For Jackson, it was revenge, for Sanchez, it was getting to his baby and flying her back to safety. The others however had more complex thoughts to contend with. For Carter, it felt like a burden had been lifted, yet their was still an unshakable feeling that something had been missed. For Green, he felt guilt and regret, uncertain as to whether they were making the right choice, even if it meant it was their only ticket home. For Tempest, she felt like she could finally take a breath and reassess the situation in relative comfort, but worried that if this gamble produced nothing, that it would reflect badly on her performance.

And finally there was Starlight, just made a pawn in a much bigger game that went well above her. A game that could take her life, a prospect that shook her to her core. This wasn't like previous adventures in the past where she would save her friends from Chrysalis' clutches and getting the pillars to make amends with Stygian. She was in company of killers and criminals, slavers and mercenaries. How she was going to pull this off and get out of the city with Twilight in tow still alluded her, but she had to find a way. It seems the fate of Equestria was once again on her shoulders now. For the meantime, she'd have to play along, but starting now, she was beginning to formulate the beginnings of a plan.