• Published 31st Mar 2018
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Airship Mauled - Darkonshadows

We crash landed on a goddess. Welcome to Airship Mauled, where everything could possibly be worse.

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Chapter Sixteen, Fishing with Vikings: Thinking ensues.


I woke up with hooves wrapped around me, I was going to be a cuddle toy for the rest of my life. I guess I’m okay with that, but I was definitely discussing this with Fizzle. We needed to talk instead of just showing each other we cared.

Sleeping with my nose clogged up was hard, but I somehow managed to resist suffocating in my sleep. I wonder how things went last night, Sekhet probably didn’t need sleep and would know if anything important happened last night.

I’m not surprised that Fizzle accidentally shot down two Viking ships with requisite Viking warriors piloting them. It was bound to happen by accident eventually.

As to be expected of crashing airships, Sekhet took it like a boss. Quetzalcoatl… not so much and he hadn’t expected it. Instead Quetzalcoatl just watched us as I dragged Fizzle away, Fluttershy and Cheerilee were already clear of the crash zone.

Nobody got hurt, except for the two gods of course. They survived it perfectly fine, though I find Sekhet’s response to the incoming airships silly in how accepting she was that it was going to happen. I got to see Quetzalcoatl’s comical wide eyed stare, as I ran for it while dragging Fizzle with me.

What happened afterwards was not going to be entirely unexpected, but everyone decided to ignore the Vikings and get some rest.

It was probably not the best idea to leave two differing groups of Vikings to their devices, but we weren’t going to deal with it. I and Fizzle needed rest, Fluttershy needed to go home and Cheerilee was tired from keeping lemmings in line the whole trip. I never said it, but I think fillies and colts are kind of like lemmings.

“Fizzy, wake up.” I gently started to poke Fizzle with my tail.

“Mm… what is it Jade?” Well Fizzle, you were too comfortable with snuggling me a little too much and you were a little too clingy. Not that being clingy was a bad thing, but I felt like we were not doing this two way street thing correctly. She sleepily opened her wonderful eyes slightly. “What do you want?”

I would maybe like for you, Fizzle, to respect that I may need space from you sometimes and that you could at least ask me to sleep next to you instead of assuming I would do so automatically.

I only currently do so because I like you as a friend and possibly more, I was willingly sacrificing my own personal comfort for your needs.

I feel awkward about your closeness to me being built upon my helping you use your magic with a stopgap method, but I appreciate your affection more than you could ever imagine.

You could stand to use your magic more often and eventually get a handle on it to a point that you won’t need your horn restored to fully utilize it. It might have been draining to use your magic due to the large bleed off, but you have proven successfully powerful enough to sneeze airships out of the air. If you grew how much magic you could store through flexing it like a muscle, then the bleed off wouldn’t feel so bad.

Preferably, I think you needed to learn how to be a strong independent mare that’s not always going to be too reliant on me Fizzle, or even agree with everything I do. You needed at least some level of self-reliance that you could act autonomously and lead a more healthy social life.

I wanted you to be able to look me in the eyes and tell me exactly when I’ve done something wrong or that I have upset you in some way when necessary. You do not need to bottle up your old emotional scars, I wanted you to let go of them and move forward with your head held high.

Despite Just about every friend you have was because I made that friend first. You were kind of my first friend that wasn’t a god or my mother. When you make a friend on your own Fizzle, it will certainly be a very magical moment for you.

I also wanted you to be able to recognize your own worth, not only as my friend, but as my special some pony in a still budding relationship. What we had could become an enduring love if nurtured correctly, it was still quite fragile at the moment. In this train of thought, I would like for you to learn how to sleep by yourself so that I may be able to do things with some sense of privacy again.

I didn’t want to say any of that to your face… and didn’t want to hurt your feelings by telling you that you had flaws. Flaws that I've recently noticed and weren’t related to you defining yourself by your horn or magic. Not when you could define yourself as Fizzlepop Berrytwist and make yourself whatever you wanted to be.

A cutie mark never really sets a pony in stone and tells them what they can’t do, it only shows them what they excel at most.

I didn’t mind that you or others pointed out my flaws, if it makes any of you feel better. Being bad at math being the given one that I readily recognize. I was also sometimes a jerk, I wasn’t an outright hero, stealing could be necessary at times and I could do very questionable things.

I tried to keep myself grounded despite being capable of so much more with magical alchemy, it wasn’t easy to not go on a total power trip when I used some of my magical alchemy items. There was also always that temptation to abuse my sun given ability in the back of my mind, the fire that was still going out there. I could do so much with that, but I chose not to.

“I need to use the litter box and do my morning sun salutation.” I said after a few minutes after letting the silence continue while I was in my thoughts. To the litter box, then I would also blow my nose quite a few times and see if mom could get to work on some sinus searing soup. To achieve this, I would first need to get Fizzle to stop getting my fur covered in her snot. “Also could you please stop using me as a living tissue Fizzy?”

“Sorry… Jade… go do cat things.” Muttered the still drowsy Fizzle who released me. “Will help… apologize… later.”

Not all Abyssinian’s did cat things, despite almost all of our buildings having prime scratching post materials included somewhere in the design. The buildings weren’t great scratching poses, but they worked in a pinch.

Maybe I can talk to her about me brushing her mane and tail once in a while, since she’s so dead set on brushing my hair to the point that it looks nice. She wasn’t really picky about me not being feminine, likewise I wasn’t picky about her being more geared towards being a rough and tumble pony.

Making my way downstairs, I heard the noise of battle going on outside and ignored it to see Fresh Start already preparing the restaurant. Apparently mom was going to get some business today.

“Hey Fresh… is mom in the kitchen.” Snorting loudly, I was still quite under the weather and needed to bathe after having a Fizzle rub her nose all over me.

“Yeah, she’s already preparing soup for you and Fizzle. She also told me to tell you this in these exact words.” The maid turned waitress inhaled and I could see Fresh was gearing up for a shout at me. “Go back to bed and wait for me to bring the soup up. While I know you don’t like spicy things Jaded, it can’t be helped when it makes breathing easier while your sinuses are messed up. Also milk is bad for congested people.”

“What, no yelling?” Consider me slightly disappointed, I was about to sneeze when a hoof cupped a tissue over my nose and took a wad of my phlegm in it. She held out the tissue box and I took it reverently from her hoof, she then point behind me. “Oh… you wanted to do the yelling yourself.”

“I’m not going to yell Jaded, now get your tail up to bed.” Being the motherly figure that she portrayed herself as, mom ran her fingers over my ears and rubbed at them gently making me mewl in protest. “Get moving kitten.”

“One thing first, what’s going on outside?” The doors to the restaurant opened and I peered through them. Griffons, yaks and dragons were fighting each other valiantly in a random manner outside and in walked Sekhet looking perfectly fine.

“Eh, the Vikings are fighting one another for sport and I’m officiating it as the local goddess of war.” Rolling her eyes Sekhet took long striding steps towards me looking happy. “I heard all that stuff they’re doing out there is quite normal for them. Also none of them have died or have been permanently injured yet and that’s kind of amazing after they’ve been fighting outside all night. I mean that quite literally if you can’t guess. Sit there and let me hold the door open for you.”

Thus began the show to something really dumb.

“I am not Jormungandr!” Quetzalcoatl screamed at all the Vikings trying to attack him with thrown spears, after a moment they all stopped.

“Die Fafnir!” One of the Viking yaks shouted.

“Hey, isn’t Fafnir like a fake dragon guy that was cursed or something?” One of the Viking dragons asked.

“He doesn’t look like a dragon.” After a griffon Viking said that, now all the Vikings stopped to converse on the likelihood of Quetzalcoatl being Fafnir. “He looks like a serpent to me.”

“I am not Fafnir either!” He seemed a bit angry, but at least Quetzalcoatl wasn’t attacking any of them.

“That’s exactly what Jormungandr would say!” The previous Viking yak said loudly.

“Rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble!” All the other Vikings chanted for a short bit, even the ones who not minutes ago were beating each other senseless with various weapons. Notably the ground was littered with shattered wooden shields.

“You do have to realize that that actually makes absolutely no sense.” Quetzalcoatl tried to reason with the crowd. It was quite unfortunate for him that they were Vikings and idiocy knows no bounds. “I can’t possibly be both of them!”

“Which is exactly the statement Ouroboros would make!” The yak yelled while waving his sword wildly. “Rabble, rabble!”

“Rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble!” The Vikings in the general area started chanting again.

“Isn’t Ouroboros the same thing as Jormungandr?” Tried Quetzalcoatl in the hopes that they might see reason, he didn’t understand the principle of the argument here.

“See, he admits that he knows what he is!” The same Viking yak yelled loudly.

“Do I look long enough to be world spanning snake?” This was pretty amusing so far, wonder how Quetzalcoatl was going to convince the Vikings to leave him alone.

“You could just be having a bad day!” The Viking yak commented idly before adding. “It’s either that or you’ve recently lost a lot of weight. You were really quite fat Jormunboros, glad to see you finally taking your health into an account.”

“Okay now you’re just being a jerk good sir.” The general gasps throughout the crowd let Quetzalcoatl know that all the Vikings were now focused on him. “What… what did I say?”

“Ouroboros nor Jormungandr would ever say sir, they don't have honor as yak!” The Viking yak trailed off thinking hard about something, hard enough that smoke started rising from his head. “So that must mean…”

“That means what?” At this point Quetzalcoatl was quite beleaguered by the idiocy of these mortals, they’ve been attacking him for a while now. Not one of them has managed to do worse than both the flaming airships crashing into him.

“That this isn’t Fafnir?” One of the various Viking dragons asked dumbly.

“No, not Fafnir, it is obviously Nidhoggr!” All the Vikings started nodding and agreeing to that and chatting admirably among themselves.

“Sounds about right to me.” One of the griffons commented loudly.

“He’s not female enough to be Wadjet.” A Viking dragon agreed while nodding.

“He could be crossdressing!” Now all the Vikings looked less confident that Quetzalcoatl was male and were giving him eerie leers and appraising looks.

“Oh come on, that’s not even in the right pantheon anymore!” Complained Quetzalcoatl who should have just left things well enough alone at this point.

“We Vikings are well read, we read many books by hitting them with our weapons!” The Viking yak that seemed to be the spokesperson for them declared. “Rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble!”

“Okay I’ve had enough of this, get that soup up to me and Fizzle soon." There was only so much dumb I could take and these Vikings were kind of dim.

“A word before you go Jade, will you please do us the honor of going on a date with you?” it seemed Maries were eager to hear my response, I just stared at them for a long while. Maria spoke up. “We wish to take you fishing!”

I opened my mouth to say something to that, only to be cut off from saying anything by another head.

“Not today obviously, you are still ill our friend. We want to do this when both you and Fizzle are feeling better.” At least Mara and Maries as a whole understood that I wasn’t feeling too well today, what was Marie going to say now? She usually spoke up when Mara and Maria had a turn and I wasn’t disappointed when the snake head turned to give me puppy dog eyes. The effect was ruined because it was a snake doing the puppy dog eyes thing. “Please, go out with us?”

“Fine, when I’m better, now if you’ll excuse me I have tissues to deliver to Fizzle and a bath to take.” For a second it looked like I was about to get pounced upon. “Don’t pounce on me, you don’t want to get sick too!”

“We agree, we shouldn’t get sick and will let matriarch Kuril take care of you.” The three heads of Maries said to me while nodding and then they went to sit down at a table.

“It’s quite interesting around here darling.” The pegasus mare turned to the male unicorn and nuzzled.

“Yes, a breath of fresh air, we might just stay here another day.” The two snuggled up to and kissed one another as I made my way up the stairs. “I must admit, I thought for a second that the Vikings were all very dangerous after seeing them come here last night. They are too dumb to really mean any intentional harm except to each other.”

Ah, it was good to be home.

-Fizzle, twenty minutes later-

I really needed something to disable my horns magic… I needed Sekhet! Jade walked in looking as miserable as I felt, it looks like she had washed off all the snot.

“Jade go get Sekhet and have her come up her to disable my magic for a while.” I pointed out a large circular scorch mark on the wall, of which she noticed immediately. “I don’t want my sneezing to destroy our home.”

Jade sighed, turned around and left to go get Sekhet.

Author's Note:

I am so tired after the fourth of July, 'Explosion Day' was fun though.

I got to explode twice.

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