• Member Since 8th Feb, 2012
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Friendship takes many forms, and friends can face many trials together. But true friendship can withstand anything.

Chapters (32)
Comments ( 94 )

Not a bad start. I almost thought that something like this would happen in the show, with Trixie being jealous of Starlight making other friends and needing to get along with them, but when she actually meets her other friends in Uncommon Bonds she gets along just fine with them.

Thanks. I figured there could be a story worth telling there.

Speaking of friends getting along since....

That was pretty good :twilightsmile:

Wouldn't that Pharynx a prince?

Yay I love the Bug Bros

No matter what, brothers are brothers. I hope we see more of Pharynx eventually.

Aww, I would have loved to know where Garble ended up.

I like events that bring the creatures together. Glad to see Discord prove innocent, and Garble once again put in his place.

Now that Spike has got them wings......

Stygian might not have the best past, but that doesn’t make him bad forever. Some of the most popular characters are reformed villains.

This took place on School Daze.

So this is how the Student Six all ended up at the castle. Nicely done.

This has got to be the most heartwarmingly charming character interaction I've ever seen. I sincerely hope that we get to see more of these in the future.

When's the wedding?

I really like the interactions between Spike and Smolder in the show and you capture them perfectly here. I feel like Smolder has kinda taken on a big sister role for a Spike, teaching him about dragon culture and being protective of him.

I still ship Spike with Ember, so him and Smolder having a sibling-like-bond is acceptable for me.

I admit a Discord seemed to act like a bigger jerk than usual in this episode but at the same time not even being invited to the opening of the school seems a bit harsh. He might have done a lot to torture the students and tricked the Mane Six away, but you do a very good job writing this aftermath chapter.

That episode was horrible, discord was very unlikeable here and the reason for him to act like that didn't buy it for me, and then theres that moment when starlight turn into a O.P. Mary Sue by banishing him into the school

Anyway, it was good story you did here

Sounds to me Silverstream wants to Gallus to be part of hers in Holy Matrimony.

I admit, I like Gallus and Silverstream together a lot more than I did at the start of the season. They really do work well together. Gallus might be a grump sometimes but he deserves a family.

Nice to see Terramar with his big sis, and as must ship Gallus and Ocellus he also look good with Silverstream

Starlight and Sunburst are so cute together. It is pretty amazing to see how far they have come when they look back on how they started.

I never actually realized until now that Stygian and Rockhoof are both storytellers, albeit in different ways.

More shiping fuel, nice one

First Gallus and Silverstream now Spike and Smolder.

More shipping for Gallus and Silverstream. I guess they should count themselves lucky they got a big fight like this out of the way before they become “official”, thanks to their friends.

I loved this holiday special. This was a nice little wrap up to it. Hope your Christmas was Merry and that you have a Happy New Year!

Great chapter with an interesting concept. I kinda wish you did more stories about the Equestria Girls and the human world, especially since some of the first stories I found by you were the Flashlight stories you wrote not long after the first Equestria Girls film.

To be honest, I have been giving some thought to the idea. There are a couple of possibilities I'd like to write, like Starlight making a return visit to the human world.

That sounds like it would be interesting. The only thing I really hope for is no Timberlight appearing at all. I hate that ship with a passion. I liked your early stories with Flashlight and hope you do more of that in someway.

Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't mind the Timberlight pairing. And I prefer to save the Flashlight stories for their pony counterparts.

I have seen so many headcanons where Star Swirl has dealt with Discord previously that seeing them meet for the first time in the Present is a bit surprising. Seeing such a unique creature with unique magic would be surprising for anyone.

What if Twilght encountered a Cheese Ladybug?

Wonder if they had Girls' Night.

Nice bonding with these two

That would be fun to see, plus then Sandbar and Gallus could have a Guys Night.

Let's just hope the EEA doesn't say something vile to Ponyville's resident dragon.

Is everyone in the EEA a racist jerk? Did Neighsay influence that or is it a requirement to be a member?

I prefer to think Neighsay pushed all of them to follow his example, and do things "by the book".

Personally, I always preferred to think of Spike as Twilight's son instead of her little brother. But I can live with him being considered a little brother, and in a way Twilight is kinda both to him anyway.

For a spirit of chaos, Discord doesn’t really seem to like change. He often resists trying new things until he realizes that they aren’t that bad.

With Starlight becoming the new headmare who's going to become the guidance counselor to take her place?

Good follow up for this episode :twilightsmile:

Sweet follow-up to the latest episode featuring my fave dragon pair. Kinda wished they added something like this at the end but at the very least this loose end of the Spike/Garble feud has finally been tied down. Gotta wonder if the writers will gives us an answer to the biggest loose end in Spike story (where his egg came from) before the show ends this year, here's hoping! :moustache:

Great chapter all around, looking forward to the next one! :twilightsmile:

I notice the protectiveness Smolder has on Spike almost like she's protecting what's hers.

Good follow up. Nice to see Garble finally get some character development beyond simply being a jerk or the sociopath other episodes made him out to be.

Also, Fluttershy and the baby dragons were too adorable.

Personally, I see it as her acting like a big sister figure to him, but I understand what you are getting at.

Some good ships in this one.

I'm with you. When it comes to the EQG universe, I do Timberlight and SunFlash. However for the pony world, Flashlight. I just don't see FlashLight happening in EQG.

Nice. I think this is the first fic I've seen where Diamond Tiara meets with Babs post-reform. It's an interesting concept that could go several ways, but I like your version.

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