• Published 14th Jun 2018
  • 28,940 Views, 1,543 Comments

The Worst Equestrian Necromancer - Nobodyslament

Some necromancers want to rule the world. Some want to reign terror across their own demented plane of existence. One just really wants to annoy heroes. These are his stories.

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Many Dark Aeons

Celestia was using Ragar's orb communicator to watch Delie as she ran through Ponyville, playing with foals as her aunt who appeared a few years ago watched. Celestia looked at the games with a smile, turning to look at the skull above her mantle. it had been there sine Luna's return. The very skull Ragar had gifted to her sister on that very night. She smiled as she trotted up to it. "Well Ragar, I will admit you have proven to be an excellent father. Though I'm afraid you did oversell your daughter's pizza making skills." Her smile widened as she picked up the skull. "You know. Luna had wanted to hide your skull away. Apparently she thought having the skull of one of my oldest friend would be traumatizing. But, I believe you would probably enjoy having your skull as a decoration. I have even placed it above my bed in order to make me seem like some sort of evil empress. You would find that amusing I think."

Celestia looked over Canterlot, seeing the small collection of skeletal birds flying around the skyline. A parting gift from Ragar. Celestia giggled. "What was that book you sent me. About the fish-creatures and the giant squid thing. That is not dead which does eternal die? I feel like that may have been a hint. I think if figured it out, and when I see you again, I will demand to know whatever the code was to get to visit your lair. I still never figured it out."

Celestia felt her ears flattened as she heard a cackle echo through her room. While she no longer lived in Canterlot Castle there were bad days where she could hear his laugh as if his orb was just in the other room. It slowly got louder as Celestia closed her eyes. She felt her magic drop as the cackle grew louder and louder. She heard the taps of chitin on tile, until finally the noise stopped. Celestia slowly opened her eyes, a pair of red glowing orbs staring back. "Why Celestia, you simply never asked Ragar his address. You asked to come to help, but never just for a vist. After all, Ragar only ever said he would never visit you, not the other way around."


Black Sun sat at the top Innsmare chapel as he looked over the blueprints of Ragars final amusement park. Black Sun's Zenith. A park focused on horror and frights. He couldn't tell if he was offended of complimented. He didn't turn to the foreman as he walked into the office. "Good timing chief. Look, I think the tunnel of a thousand horrors should exit at the Arcade Of The Yellow King. He asked to have at least one challenger every weekday and I think that would cover it. Of course, we would need to add a few more arcade cabinets but dad left a few spares and the proper spell to duplicate fully functional ones so just leave at least one spare of each. Also let Tooth go try to beat him again. He seemed to like that."

There was silence for a moment before a small click was hear behind him. "Actually, Ragar thinks that the Arcade of the Yellow King should be walked through to get to the exit. Then let the tunnel offload over the cliffs of sudden but brief madness."

Black Sun froze, before jumping backwards. "YOU ABSOLOUTE BASTARD!" Laughing filled the tower as father and son reconvened for the first time in years.


Trixie was not the magical powerhouse Black Sun was. She would never launch the near nuclear power he had. But as she packed up her cart she took a moment to reflect on how much better she was at spells of devious and subtle natures. Black Sun could burn a city to ash and fight dragons. But a simple cloaking spell would be obvious with his power level if anyone with a minor ability to sense magic would now he was nearby. Meanwhile he old master was different. He could weave a million subtle spells you could never see unless you were intimately familiar with his exact style of spell casting. Trixie was so familiar with his spells that they didn't last a second before she turned around in a full gallop and jumped to chest level. "YOU BUCKING MORON!" He hooves wrapped around the rapidly appearing skeleton and hugged him tight.

"NYEHAHAHAHAHA Ragar didn't think you'd miss your senile old master this much!"

Trixie shuddered "Of course I did you absolute nonce!" Her hug quickly changed to a strangle. "AND I'M GOING TO KILL YOU AGAIN FOR LEAVING WITHOUT A WARNING YOU BUCKING LICH!"

Ragar laughed. "AH, you're choking the life out of me!" There was a pregnant pause before Ragar spoke again. "Wait, I don't need to breath. Keep going if it makes you feel better."


One of the last humans on Equestria was sitting on a hill. She was thinking about what had happened since she came back. Apparently her dad had done something to bring her back and he was gone now. But he had to leave afterwards. But he had done another thing to save his aunts and uncles. So they've been helping take care of her. She also had a brother who was a pony. Which was weird but she was used to that weirdness now. Ever since they got lost she had made lots of new friends that were weird. She leaned back and stared at the clouds. "I hope dad gets home soon."

There was a pause before a voice spoke beside her. One both quiet and hesitant. "H-how soon do you want to see him?"

The girl looked beside her, and saw the skeleton sitting down at her side. She may not have been a teenager yet, but she had seen the skeletons around Canterlot or her brother. She tilted her head. "I dunno, as soon as I can I guess."

The skeleton spread it's arms open. "Well then munchkin. Daddy's home. I know I may not look quiet the same as when you last saw me. I lost a bit of weight, oh and I switched to a new moisturizer. But it's your old man. Promise."

Delie looked the skeleton up and down. The voice was right, and he looked kinda like her dad. He definitely stood like him. There was a pause before Delie smiled. "Daddy!" She went from prone to buried in Ragar's chest in near supersonic speed." Ragar let out a loud yell, twirling his daughter around him as a surge of magic flew into the air. All of Equestria could see a final message from the skeleton that had held many titles. He was the poorest secret in canterlot, the maker of magic and fear, the mastermind of amusement, the father of game shows, and the most proud title he held lit up the noon time sky.


Author's Note:

And with that the finale is over. The plot threads closed up, and the only plot thread left is the Celestia/Ragar thing. I'm probably going to throw those in the side-story later but I can proudly mark this fic finished.

Comments ( 53 )

And the story is completed. A bit late but there you go

Man you have been cracking through these last few chapters, very impressive.

It really has been a while since this story started, no? Glad to see you finally put the finishing touches on it.

What a long, but fulfilling journey you have taken me along. Thank you sir. Though I don't mind to see what would happen to Black Sun and Twilight in the later years.

Though I'm afraid you did oversell your daughter's pizza making skills.

Cadance: Don't worry Delie! The Princess of Love and Pizza is here to help you master the craft of baking deliciousness.

Why Celestia, you simply never asked Ragar his address.

Celestia: RAAAAGAAARRRR!!! [yanking her mane off]

A good story. I’m interested in seeing these side stories, but this does seem a perfectly good place to stop. Well done.

I absolutely loved this. And I am so glad you came back and finished it. :heart:

This was a lovely ride and I’m glad to see it meet the end. Thanks for the enjoyable read my good author.

This is cute. Im glad it came back for a complete send off. Thank you for ending this fun story.


Really cute ending and tirek got what was coming to him

I lived this thank you so much for all the hard work it was the best read.

You absolute lad. You did it. You finished the story. Good on ya!

What a wonderful story, thank you very much :twilightsmile:

<raises a cup> to Ragnar, long may his whimsy reign.

Four years I’ve waited.
Four long years, and you know what?
It was damn worth it.


What is it about July and old stories being resurrected to their conclusion… If I had a nickel for each one, I’d have at least two nickels. Which isn’t a lot… But you know the rest of the quote.

Anyway, thank you for the conclusion to the story! I’d love to see more about the other humans and what they end up doing in Equestria in the side story, should you feel so inclined, I also look forward to seeing where Ragar and Celestia go!

This was ultimately a fun read.

A delightful bow to wrap up this ghoulish tale. A proper ending seems so rare on this site even if it means an end to the fun.

Oh my god, this came back? It's been so long since I read it that I got it mixed up with the other necromancer story when I peeked in on chapter one. I'm gonna have to read this all again and I'm excited! :pinkiehappy:

A glorious end. Thanks for all the work dude!

But... How he returned without phylactery?
Or the anti-elements were not spent to dust in the True Resurrection spell?

HA! HE'S BACK!:yay:

Guybrush Threepwood has returned.:rainbowwild:

Just like the Doctor, Ragar has a mutual understanding with the Afterlives?

They dont try and take him, he only calls for a visit but dont stay? :trixieshiftright:

a true necromancer always plans for his death

Beautiful ending. I was crying and giggling hysterically through all three chapters.

Nicely done and good on you for this work of art my friend.

What about reformed Nightmare? Is she spent and destroyed? That would be a pity =(

Gratz! I like the stories where the origin of necromancy is the failed ambition of a man trying to bring his family back to life, and this story is that, but he won. This makes him the best necromancer by definition.

Long may Ragar reign! I do wonder how he returned after sacrificing his phylactery though.

nightmare aint a necromancer, just a disembodied sprit

While I'm ecstatic that this wonderful work was finished, I must note that the last three chapters took an absolute nosedive in terms of technical quality. Did you rush all three out with zero proofreading?

What a ride! Bravo!

I'm not crying, you're crying 😭

Ok seriously though this series was great!

Woo! Congrats!


I’m a little sad to see the fic finished, but also glad

This was worth it. Thank you.:twilightsmile:

It’s finally over. I started this story a while ago, and just now got to finish it. Every single chapter had been an amazing read, with every single on emaking me feel adventurous, mischievous, or even in awe. This story has taken me on one of the most wonderful journeys ever, and I am proud to say this is one of my most favorite stories on the site. Definitely one of the best stories on FimFiction!

Our favorite necromancer will leave a great big Ragar-shaped hole in my heart! 100/10!:twilightsmile::fluttercry:

Question, I never watched G1 MLP but I kinda know some of the characters, are the humans tirek killed the G1 humans or just new ppl for this story?

This was a sweet ending. And I was surprised that he and Tirek had history. Thought this was, "Guy comes to Equestria knowing the show and messes around." But it wasn't, it came off as a little sudden, but I haven't seen many stories where the human faces off against him or where he's the primary antagonist they're building up to. Usually that goes to Sombra or Discord or Chrysalis.

Well it’s been a wiled ride but now it’s over. Thank you for finishing such a great story.

it's insane to consider that it has ended, but I'm so glad that you continued it. This is easily one of my favorite fics of all time.. thank you so much for writing it dear author. thank you. I'm only sad that I haven't been paying attention to Fim Fiction, and so, missed the start of the end as it was happening, but I got to read it now and so I'm just very happy. Thank you. :heart::heart::heart::twilightsmile:

Not gonna lie, sad to see it go, but if i had to choose between the story never ending or this...

I'm real glad we got this instead.

Good shit OP... Good shit...

Don't get me wrong, I've loved this story for years, but I can't help but feel the ending felt a but abrupt, and the last few chapters are loaded with typos. Overall I think it's a great story it's just the sudden flood of typos and rushed ending were a little off-putting.

Awwww!!! Im so happy hes back! How is he back though? And how did he bring the other adults back? I mean I love the happy ending regardless! It’s lovely that everyone gets a reunion and Ragar gets to be with his daughter again. Thanks for continuing this through to the end ^^

As always, all things must come to end, but their story still lives on.

Huh guess Celestia and him never met up for that tea party 120 yrs ago. Imo the story was fine it was a lil funny thing and a nice reference to skeletor only thing messing was a challenger dress up as he man I could kinda tell you didn't really had a plan for this story even the oc never made sense hell his different form made no sense I feel like it drifted away from what it might be was is a 5 part of a lich messing with Celestia. Eh 5/10 not good not great imo but I enjoyed it for what it was. Besides the ocs different form and the met up 120yrs ago we never found out if that pony got uncurse the one that broke into rags room

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