• Member Since 16th Oct, 2017
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I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some from ahead and some from behind.But I've bought a big bat, I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles will have troubles with me. - Dr. Seus


Staring into the abyss, one must never flinch, for the abyss stares back. Batman knows this, one step from being that which he fights, one step from being one of the ones that have been taken by the Abyss. But what of gentler souls, how do they act when those that were lost to the abyss cross their paths. Do they stand as uncompromising as the Dark Knight, or do those of Friendship's call choose a different Path. Come and see, the abyss watches, let us observe as well.

Co-Authored By: Equestrian Twist

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 13 )

Great start, looking forward to posting the next chapter. :pinkiehappy:

Pretty interesting so far. Looking forward to seeing how the other cast members pan out. If the description hadn't said that they're not really villains then I would almost expect Pinkie to be allied with the Joker, so her spot is really up for grabs.

And am I the only one to find out weird that Fluttershy has a more dubious connection to the underworld than Dash? :rainbowhuh:

And since I hate leaving some questions unanswered:

What is the one question you can never say yes to..? Think about it. I’ll ask you again later.”

Going by memory, and by what Nigma had planned, I'm going to say the answer is are you dead?

My original intent was for that riddle to be answered after Rainbow Dash woke up. But I honestly like your interpretation better considering the tone of the chapter. :twilightblush:

What is the one question you can never say yes to..? Think about it. I’ll ask you again later.”

The answer can be found in this statement...

Greetings Raymona Dashiell, I trust that your sleep was pleasant?” The recording smirked. “Pay attention now, because that’s the only answer I’ll be giving you tonight.”

Now that I read it aloud, it isn't all that clear in context. It looks like I'll have to take a note from the Riddler's book and think up some better clues. Hopefully this makes more sense...

Looking over it again I can see what you were going for now, and it does make a bit more sense in the chapters context. It could honestly go either way whether you wanted to go cartoon grim or comic dark.

Still looking forward to seeing who else is going to pop up for the rest of the cast.

The next chapter is going to be Oswald Cobblepot and Lady Rebecca Belle. This one is going to be all on me. Samantha Belle may or may not make an appearance as well. The basic story is in my head already just need to flesh it out.

A couple of questions for clarification.

1. Why the switches between Samantha and Spencer? I can understand if it's a nickname, but it seemed a bit inconsistent.


Sweetie and those three friends of hers where known by many as Cataclysm, Mayhem, and Catastrophe for a reason after all.

Wouldn't that be her those Two friends of hers? Or did they pick up Nyx or some other fourth member?

Also, that has to be one of the best abbreviation for the CMC that I've ever seen. :rainbowlaugh:

One bit of musing for the end, who is playing whom? With his legitimate front of a club this could be just a simple high profile costume job for Becky, but that seems kind of dubious given her monologue thoughts. And since the sisters share the same bad habit who knows how much Penguin knows, or even if either of them know anything worth worrying over. :rainbowhuh:

Should be fun reading the next portion either way though.

P.S. Thought, since Sam has shown the ability to keep up with the Wayne's, what would her code name be if she joined up? Somehow I don't think The Dictionary would strike much fear into the criminal underbelly.

The bold is damien monolouging internally, he calls her Spencer because he is making fun of the fact that she is monolouging externally. The italics is her monolouging. It is two, I though I had fixed that but I guess I didn't. As for the abbreviation, they do get into slot of trouble whatever universe they are in, so it applies. Who is play who? Why in the name of Ace the bat dog would I tell you that? I mean it almost like you want spoilers. Oh, and that's Lady Rebecca, there are only two other people that get to call her that and you are neither. Besides Spencer Belle is the one individual that Damien Wayne won't argue with, but I already told you she is aspiring to be a detective in the GCPD. Work under Jim Gordon and all that. That she is kinda dating and later on might be banging the future batman is none of anyone's business. A Lady has to have her secrets after all.

Well, I got the perspective shifts even though it took a few passes to figure out the order. But Samantha only ever referenced herself as Spencer and Damien only called her Spencer when he was talking to her, every other time he thought of her as Samantha. So still just wondering about the Spencer nickname is all.

And the bit about whose playing whom was just some random musings. Wasn't really expecting an answer for it, just voicing thoughts out load about the next chapter.

Honestly it was Damien making fun of her more than anything else, while also being supportive of his 'friend' and Sam was just really committed to her role. Also, read everything I reply via comments realizing that I am the biggest sarcastic ass on the planet and I probably only actually mean half of what I say to people. In fact, give Pinkie Pie Spike levels of snark with a Discord level of scorn and you have something close. All in all I only intend for good fun but often just sound like a jerk. Which makes me grumpy and then I sound more like a jerk. It's a never ending cycle. So, if I sounded like a jerk know that it was not intentional and was meant to be kidding and informative. Any hoo, the next chapter will be Twist's responsibility and after that we will hopefully have the conclusion. When I looked back on what I have planned for this I either have to cut stuff rather severely or make it a three parter. I have not decided which yet. I mean Crap, I never intended this chapter to be a two parter, it just got to long and I had to split it.

No problem with your tone, just takes me awhile to figure people out. And it's easy to misjudge internet comments, one of the reasons I will user emojis to try and make mine clearer. Doesn't always work though. :twilightblush:

And I forgot to mention this last time, but who are the two allowed to call her Becky? Pretty sure Sam is one, would the other happen to be Gotham's most eligible bachelor with the most interesting take on night life? :rainbowhuh: Would find it hilarious if that turned out to be the case. And I'm going to keep calling her Becky if you tell me otherwise. :rainbowlaugh:

That would be Ramona Dashell and one other whose story belongs to Twist. Needless to say the CMC aren't the only trio to have been friends for an exceptionally long time.

The story looks abandoned, I was hoping there would be more chapters.

sadly both me and twist had to put this down because of scheduling conflicts. Mainly mine. I really wish I could've got back to this. But it just never happened. Life gets in the way sometimes.

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