• Published 13th Aug 2018
  • 1,018 Views, 25 Comments

Super Smash Bros. The RPG - FandomPlays1234

When Fandom get's sucked into his favorite game series, his life becomes a whole new world of games, anime, and even the internet

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Chapter 10: New Encounters

After the incident at the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Fandom decided not to make the mistake of going on ahead without training. Lucky for him he managed to find a good grinding area in the creepy woods near the cemetery and took some time off adventuring to get stronger.

Fandom Lvl: 10
Atk: 28
Def: 28
HP: 300/300, HP fully restored!

Reiko Lvl: 10
Atk: 28
Def: 28
HP: 300/300, HP fully restored!

Twilight Sparkle Lvl: 10
Atk: 28
Def: 28
HP: 300/300, HP fully restored!

"Phew, that should be goo enough right?" asked Fandom.

"Yeah I'm tired," said Twilight.

"We should find someplace to rest up before we continue our search," suggested Reiko.

"Good idea," said Fandom pulling up the menu. "Ritsu, do you know which direction Ridley was headed?"

"I believe it was towards the New National Stadium," answered Ritsu.

"Can you scan the area and find us an inn we can stay at?" asked Fandom.

"Roger," answered Ritsu. She closed her eyes as the sound of beeping and clicking could be heard. "Scan complete!" "There appears to be an inn that's only two blocks away from the stadium called Red Luxuries that has vacant rooms,"

"Great we'll head over there," said Fandom "Ritsu lead the way," said Fandom.

'Roger," said Ritsu. Fandom studied the map that Ritsu pulled up and began walking. His two party members didn't argue with his choice considering that they too were exhausted.

The Halberd flew over skies of the anime world almost reaching it's next destination. Commander Tempest and Commander Lust walked through the halls on the battleship passing by a box not thinking twice of the contents hidden underneath it. They hopped on an elevator and ascended to the cockpit.

"Such a shame isn't it?" asked Lust.

"What is?" Tempest asked back.

"The traitors," answered Lust.

"You mean the Scarlet Sisters?" asked Tempest. "Too bad it can't be helped, I'm sure Lord Origin will punish them if he sees there faces again," The elevator bell dinged and opened giving the two access to the cockpit multiple black paper men worked the controls. Standing just few feets away from the two was the captain, Meta Knight.

"How's it going cap?" asked Lust.

"We've almost reached our next destination," answered Meta Knight. "Surely Ridley's decoy led those fools astray,"

"Hopefully," corrected Tempest. "And the prisoners?"

"They're still locked up, but to be honest, the whole damsel in distress thing is kind of cliche," answered Meta Knight.

'What were they again?" asked Lust. "Chihiro Fujisaki and Lillie?"

'I would've preferred if it was Peach and Zelda," said Tempest. At that moment, one of the paper men walked up and started making beeping sound effects.

'Thank you Mr. Game and Watch," said Meta Knight. "We've arrived," Lust walked over to one of the windows and saw New National Stadium just passing underneath them. The Halberd slowly came to a halt as Meta Knight turned around and walked into the elevator. "Well?" Lust shrugged as he and Tempest entered the elevator and descended.

Fandom sipped his coffee as he looked at the stats of his party members.

Lvl: 10
To Next Lvl: 1350 EXP
Atk: 28
Def: 28
HP: 300/300
Skills: Cross Boomerang
Final Smash: None

Lvl: 10
To Next Lvl: 1350 EXP
Atk: 28
Def: 28
HP: 300/300
Skills: Sword Strike, Burst Barrage
Final Smash: None

Twilight Sparkle
Lvl: 10
To Next Lvl: 1350 EXP
Atk: 28
Def: 28
HP: 300/300
Skills: Magic Blast
Final Smash: None

"You sure have grown stronger since last time," said Ritsu.

"Well obviously considering that we were just grinding about 2 hours ago," said Fandom.

"Hey Fandom, are you gonna finish that?" Reiko asked munching on her steak. Fandom shook his head and slid his dinner over to Reiko not paying any attention to her. Reiko excitedly grabbed his plate and began gobbling up his leftovers while Twilight looked at her a WTF expression.

"So what are our plans for tomorrow?" asked Twilight.

"We head over to New National Stadium and search for any clues that might help us figure where Ridley is or what his motives are," answered Fandom. "We'll stop by shops for supplies and maybe grind along the way,"

"Do you even know where that is?" asked Reiko.

"No but that's what we have Ritsu for," answered Fandom.

"Yes sir!" Ritsu cheered saluting.

"Hey what do you think you're doing!?" a voice exclaimed behind them. Fandom turned around to see two young girls talking with three anthropomorphic animals. One was a green chameleon, the second was a panther with yellow eyes, and the third was a wolf with a visor over his right eye.

"Hey aren't those?" asked Twilight.

"Team Star Wolf, the rivaling team of Star Fox," answered Fandom.

"But what are they doing here?" asked Reiko.

"We're about to find out," said Fandom getting out of his chair. He slapped down 10 pieces of gold as he walked over to the group. Reiko and Twilight looked at each other before getting up and followed Fandom.

"I told you, this is specific orders from Commander Tempest, now we're going to ask you to come with us," said Wolf.

"And I say they're not going anywhere," said Fandom. The two girls and Star Wolf looked over to the three strangers that suddenly appeared before them. Fandom looked over their shoulders and back at the two girls. One was slightly shorter than the other, but they both had the same purple hair green eyes. They both had the same purple and white dress with green ties and skirt.

"And who do you think you are?" asked Leon.

"How about what are you doing here harassing young girls Team Star Wolf?" asked Fandom picking at his teeth with a toothpick.

"Hmph so you've heard about us," said Wolf.

"Wait, Wolf this guy isn't he..." said Panther.

"He's right, this guy is the Legendary Hero everyone has been talking about," said Leon.

"What!?" gasped the taller girl.

"Well I guess my identity IS spreading like wildfire," snickered Fandom.

"Listen kid, this is official Star Wolf business, we don't need you butting in," said Wolf.

"And we don't need the Subspace Empire causing trouble after what happened at the Scarlet Devil Mansion," said Fandom pushing the two girls towards Reiko and Twilight.

"Why you little," hissed Leon.

"What, you planning to go?" asked Fandom. "Fine, but just so you know this is an inn, if you start picking fights surely everyone would try to stop you and I'm pretty sure this Commander Tempest doesn't want to hear you getting your asses beat by the legendary hero and a bunch of random strangers," Leon stepped forward before Wolf held him back.

'He's right, there's no point in picking fights here," said Wolf.

"But Wolf!" Panther tried to oppose but Wolf shot him a glare telling him to get back.

"You two are lucky, but don't think there will be someone to save you next time," growled Wolf. "Come on," Wolf turned around and walked out the door as Leon and Panther followed.

"Geez the Subspace Empire just doesn't quit now do they?" sighed Fandom. "Are you two alright?" Fandom asked as he turned to face them.

"Yes somehow," answered the shorter girl.

"I'm Fandom, and these are my friends Reiko and Twilight Sparkle," said Fandom introducing themselves. Reiko and Twilight smiled and waved at the two.

"Yes we know, we heard about you three from Remilia Scarlet," said the taller girl.

"Wow you weren't kidding Fandom," said Ritsu.

Elze Silhoueska
Spells out Strength!

Linze Silhoueska
Mentally Ready!

"We came here because we heard that you two were headed here," said Elze.

"We hoped that you might be able to help us with our current situation but that's when we were stopped by those animals," added Linze.

'Ah yes Team Star Wolf is members of the Subspace Empire so I would expect no less of them causing trouble," said Fandom.

'But wait who told you we were coming here?" asked Reiko.

"From someone by the name of Solid Snake," answered Elze.

'Solid Snake?" asked Fandom. "But he he's not an anime character, where is he now and how did you get to know him?"

"We met him within the first three weeks all this started happening, he was investigating some things here in the anime world and that's when we ran into each other," answered Linze.

"From what he's told us he's on board something called the Battleship Halberd and overheard the workers talking about you three while in hiding," added Elze.

'Did he say anything else besides us?' asked Reiko.

"Well he did mention that you were going after someone named Ridley," answered Linze.

"Does he have a clue to where he might be going?" asked Twilight.

"I'm pretty sure they said he was headed for the Subspace Base located where the old Academy was," answered Elze.

"But that's not right, Ritsu didn't you say that Ridley was head for New National Stadium?" asked Fandom.

"I did but I just checked the radar and the grey mask that was on the front of the Battleship Halberd was there," said Ritsu.

"So they used Ridley as a decoy," said Twilight.

"Damn, they played us!" exclaimed Fandom. "I should've known that the Subspace Empire wasn't going to let us get to Ridley that easy,"

'Well there's no point in going out now," said Ritsu. "The building where the old Academy was is pretty far from here and it's already getting dark,"

"Plus I'm tired," said Reiko.

"Yeah, alright we'll rest up tonight and head over to New National Stadium tomorrow, we might be able to make some sort of progress," said Fandom.

"Hey you guys wouldn't mind if we tagged along tomorrow would you?" asked Elze.

'We want to pay you back somehow for saving us today," added Linze.

"Yeah sure why not, just meet us down here by 10 tomorrow," said Fandom.

'Got it," said Elze.

"Well then goodnight everyone!" exclaimed Reiko.

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Author's Note:

Chapter 10 complete. Finally Fandom you let your party grind. And now look where it's gotten you. Level 10. We also got a sneak peak at what's going on inside the Battleship Halberd. Poor Lillie and Chihiro, hopefully Fandom and his friends can save them. We're also introduced to more new characters. First off Commander Lust which is my OC, then Meta Knight from Kirby, Mr. Game and Watch from Game and Watch, Lillie from Pokemon Sun and Moon and Ultra Sun and Moon, Team Star Wolf from Star Fox, Elze and Linze Silhoueska from In a Another World with my Smartphone, and not exactly but Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid.