• Member Since 25th May, 2016
  • offline last seen 7 minutes ago


"Show my head to the people, it is worth seeing." - Georges Danton

Comments ( 12 )

Too bad that the story ended like it did, I quite liked it, and the scene with the tragic backstory even made me laugh out loud, but the end... Ehhh too "roflmao wtfbbq" for my taste. Poke me if you ever write a "serious" tale of a middle manegement pony!

"he hadn’t realized that until a swarm of test subject had been lost to his trial batch." You forgot your plural s
" he had attempted to conduct a case study on deathclaws" If this is Fallout Equestria based on Kkats setting should it be Hellhounds
"crashing against its frame and revealing yet another empty storage locker" You forgot a period in the end of this sentence

Look some ponies pick the wild wasteland perk and some don't.

Unfortunately, Jingo was born with it.

Anyways, thanks for the feedback.

Author Interviewer

Still life wasn’t too terrible. His years of wandering, and attempting to recruit lab assistants, had given him a pretty good grasp on the art of bullshitting. With this, he had managed to land himself a pretty sweet middle management position at a niche firm which did a lot of local consulting work.

Oh sure, the firm in question was a raider gang, the middle management position was that of gang boss, and the consultant jobs usually involved him shooting something. But hey, work was work and somepony needed to put food on the table.

This joke is a thing of transcendent beauty.

Nine Millimetre rolled her eyes. “Every time we go on one of these things you always mention rape. It’s really fucking weird, dude.”


Also what the actual fuck

Wait until you learn that i have Deltarune and Owl House fanfiction 👀

Author Interviewer

do they also take place in the Fallout universe and/or feature delusional middle managers? :B

oh uh no... i just know you've been getting into those fandoms recently :P

Author Interviewer

honestly, I think that's overselling my involvement :/

Ah, my apologies i thought you were writing fics for those fandoms. my mistake.

Author Interviewer

I mean, I wrote a couple, but that's way different than actually participating in a fandom :B

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