• Published 13th Nov 2018
  • 1,595 Views, 27 Comments

Flurry, Pumpkin, Pinkie, And Spike - Silver Butcher

Spike atempts to Make Flurry and Pumpkin Friends, Instead they Rival over getting him a date with Pinkie

  • ...

The Worst Indoor Storm

Pumpkin and Flurry were sitting to the side of the bathroom as Pinkie and Spike seemed to declare war on each other. It had Started with Spike accident splashing Pinkie with his tail, and then Pinkie had splashed him, then he had splashed back, after a few minutes the two fillies were now watching the two adults assault each other with a barrage of rubber ducks. It was kind of funny at first but the two had abandoned the tub when the two started getting a little too rough with one another, They had gotten so into their fight they hadn't even noticed the tub was overflowing, most of the bathroom was now covered in water and bubbled, the only reason it hadn't reached the halls was due to Flurry and Pumpkin setting up a magical barricade.

"Wow," Flurry said as Spike got Pinkie in a headlock only for her to flip him over him and dunk him into the water. "I've never seen Uncle Spike have this much fun,"

"Well, I see it all the time," Pumpkin bit back "Every time he and I hang out,"

"Oh yeah," Flurry said sarcastically. "I'm sure he just lives for it,"

"He does," Pumpkin snapped back.

"Oh please at the very best your just someone he can teach magic to, and one day I'll happily be taking that role so he won't need you,"

"He loves me," Pumpkin snapped back "I'm one of his favorite ponies,"

"Um?" Spike said as he and Pinkie stood frozen in the tub, "Did something happen while me and Pinkie where-"

"He loves me more," Flurry snapped back as he horn came to life.

"He loves me more," Pumpkin snapped back before blasting a spell at the Alicorn, who did the same, The Spells collided and the magic shot up to the ceiling, Flurry let out a cry and jumped at Pumpkin, who used the first spell she'd ever used and phased threw the wall, Flurry did the same and jumped after her.

"We better go stop them," Pinkie said as she hopped out of the tub.

"Yeah I think we may miss something," Spike agreed, A Loud crack made the two freeze and look up at a huge storm cloud quickly filled up the room.

"Oh no," Pinkie managed to say before both she and Spike were swallowed by it.

Pumpkin was flying thanks to her magic and blasting random spells at Flurry, who flew with better control but less speed. Flurry was also blasting random spells at Pumpkin, each time theirs spells collided the seemed to evaporate. Flurry Charged a Spell and blasted it at Pumpkin, who dogged it and was about to fire her own when Flurries collided with the castle wall and the entire building began vibrating.

"Um?" Pumpkin questioned when the walls suddenly began warping into a solid crystal, the Windows to the outside being consumed and blocking out the light. "Oh, Twilight's gonna be mad at you," Pumpkin scolded only to be tackled out of the air, Pumpkin lit her horn and ended outside the castle. "This should give me some time to-" Another flash appeared next to her and Flurry stood at the ready.

"Got you," She cheered out as she slapped at Pumpkin, who slapped back, after a moment their battle deteriorated into slapping each others hooves and telling the other to stop.

A bright light filled the Bathroom before the Door was blasted off its hinges and both Spike and Pinkie went flying threw the hall.

"Ow," Pinkie moaned as she got up, both she and Spike had signed and were both sore.

"It occurs to me," Spike said as he got up "That they might not like each other as much as they were letting on,"

"I noticed," Pinkie replied as she watched the massive storm cloud begin to pour into the hall "let's get out of here before that thing zaps us again," The Two made it about three feet before the entire Castel began shaking, they watched as the windows where sealed shut and the walls and floors became dangerously smooth. The second it reached them the two started slipping on the sleek surface.

"I have no idea what this spell is," Spike managed to declare before falling flat on his face "But I don't like it," he decided as Pinkie tried to help only to slip with him.

"Spike the cloud is-" Pinkie was cut off as the two were once again struck by lightning and sent sliding down the hall to the staircase.

"My everything," Spike complained as he used the rails to pull himself up. Pinkie joined him when a thunderous boom blasted threw the castle.

"Spike," Pinkie said as an odd sound hit their ears "How many storm clouds can Pumpkin make?" The two watched as the Stormcloud that had struck them twice reached the stairwell and flew to the upper level just as a wave of water came down the stairs in a torrent.

"A Lot," Spike managed to cry out before both he and Pinkie were hit by the wave and washed down the stairs.

Pumpkin and Flurry were still having their slap fight when the area around them began shacking the two stopped and watched as the front entrance warped into a solid wall of crystal.

"Oh, Twilight's gonna be super mad," Pumpkin chilled at Flurry who was about to retort when a voice replied.

"Mad doesn't begin to cover it," Twilight yelled making the two jump, the two turned and watched as she made her way to the duo. "There I was, having a picnic with Fluttershy when suddenly I see my entire Castle shaking, and when I get here I find you two snacking each other as the door turned into a wall," Twilight made an angry horse noise as she looked up at her home. "And where's Spike?" She asked as the two fillies flattened their ears.

"Oh my stars," Flurry cried out "We left Pinkie and Spike inside," Twilight sighed and enveloped the two in her magic.

"Flurry do you know the counterspell to...this?"

"I don't even know what spell I cast," Flurry replied "I was just trying to blast Pumpkin out of the air," Twilight gave another sigh before teleporting the two inside, It was pitch black inside and Twilight was instantly neck-deep in water, without hesitation she bubbled herself and the two fillies and lit her horn, they were standing on the other side of where the front door had been, the three looked around as the water began quickly flowing into the first floor.

"Sweet Celestia," Twilight said in shock as the water level steadily rose and their bubble was fully engulfed.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait, but I hope you enjoyed the Chapter.

Comments ( 4 )

What do you mean?

Said i would finish the story by 2020

You know what, I had forgotten that :rainbowlaugh: besides 2020 has been nothing but crazy so I think i can forgive ya lol plus you never know, 2020's not over yet :twilightsmile: You just take care of what ya need to, I'm not going anywhere and I don't mind the wait :pinkiehappy: Take it easy out there and be safe :twilightsmile:

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