• Member Since 16th Apr, 2016
  • offline last seen Apr 12th, 2022

Earth To Evie

A Girl Would Want To Be Anything But Plain. ~ 🌬🌈🌙☀️🎨



Pom a small sheep on a mission, runs into a group of stallions in search of revenge. She will have to show kindness to a weary soul to survive this fight, knowing inside her heart that all living things deserve a second chance.

Them's Fightin Herds/ MLP:FiM Crossover.

Part One Of The Twenty Issue Arc Of The Them's Fightin Friends Series.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 12 )

I didn't know Pom has a Scottish accent, but okay. This has to be the second- third TFH crossover I've read and I like it so far.

What info I gathered and listening to her voice lines in game. She does seem to have some kind of scottish accent, which I found charming and thought playing it up in story woud be sweet.

Excellent job on the exchanges, characterizations, action, general wrap-up and future story set-up in all the right places in this one-shot. I particularly liked your spin on how the story mode for the game might go (which, to be honest, I, too, really hope the game's writers go for a similar route in their story mode) as well as the reason for the main characters of the games to be in Equestria. And I'm pretty sure this is one of the few FiM/TFH crossover stories that has Pom prominently interacting with ponies other than Fluttershy, which is another great touch.

Of course, one has to wonder how the other main characters of the game are going to react to the denizens of Equestria and vice-versa. but I suppose that's what the OTHER stories in this series are going to tackle anyway.

Why ty. :twilightsmile:

Glad you enjoyed.

I like it, I didn’t know Tempest, Fizzle if you prefer was violet, and her horn, did Pom realize it was broken?

She did though not brought up till Pom, brings it up around issue four.

I was using a general color pallet, but ty I did extra digging and her bio says she's dark orchid.

I can change it now yay!:yay:

Where can I find those voice clips, as well as clips from the rest of the characters of Them's Fightin Herds?

I found some voice clips on youtube, for pom find a vid with her fighting in arcade mode. Before each match and after she wins, you get a few clips here and there.

Some of the characters also have Spotlights, Arizona has one on youtube. Just type in Arizona Spotlight and you should find a vid, showing off movesets etc.

Woah thanks for answering, don’t stop writing!:heart:

Shook, not many authors actually answer comments, thanks for doing so.

I say if you take the time to read a story, the author should have time to reply to questions etc.

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