• Member Since 4th Sep, 2016
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Dare to be different. The world is full of the ordinary.

Comments ( 487 )

How come Star Eater has the first letter of each word capitalized, but The one with the heart doesn't?

Will some of the items you have described with images in it?

Edit: i rewriting my question to make it more sense

We will watch your career with great interest!

I don't really have a clue. Thats hot the writer made the title and I wanted to be accurate.

Deciding to just head straight into town I hoped that nothing else would happen today. At least without me being away from it so I can figure out why god just went "Oh, lets give him specifically all my power and yeet him into a different setting just to screw with him!".

God does as he wishes, and if thats Yeeting people into other dimensions with his power than you better damn well go with it.

I just made the cover image, thanks for reminding me. I hadn't thought about actually drawing anything for the story, but I might throw in a couple of pictures here and there.

I like your oc character, the black leather on his body. Kind of how I picture my own pony body to be. Except for the white mane, I prefer black, like the pony called Borealis Aurora.

I didn't put his mane in, did I? Youll see it in the next chapter probably

Edit: I meant to say name.

Borealis Aurora?

At this time of day, at this time of year, in this part of the country, localized entirely within ylr kitchen.


How to describe this story with a song.

Two hours of non-stop DnB badassery.

Thank you Lovecraftia, very cool

Next release date is June 8th. I made a schedule and I am gonna try to stick to it.

I finished editing the next one, but I'm sticking to a schedule so I can pace myself. I will normally be posting on the 8th and 21 of each month, at around noon. So hold on, my fellow humans and equines!:scootangel:

8th of June!?!

What. The. Hell.

That’s longer than 99% of the authors I know take to write, edit, and post a chapter. Most authors are like “I’ll post a chapter every two to three weeks, and if not that then I’ll post the next chapter whenever I can.”

My god that’s either a huge gap between chapters, especially ones so short, or your underestimating yourself in your skill of writing. If you’ve already got the next chapter done, then why make people wait? Most people on this site will literally take like seven minutes to read this chapter entirely before moving on, Like I did. I love this story and, quite frankly, think that the gap is a little too big.

These chapters aren’t the larget I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seem authors post larger chapters more quickly because they are either a skilled writer or put a lot of time of their day into the story.

I understand having real life, because I have a story on Hiatus(Won’t be for long because schools out.). But the skill at which you write tells me two things.
1) You’re a really good writer, and want to pace yourself with a strict schedule, like you said.
2) You likely had some sort of pacing trouble before(?).

I mean, I’m no person to judge, but the gap just seems a little too long.

Anyways, that was my rant for the day, onto the chapter.

It was a good one, shows a bit of his personality, and that he’s rather bad with women. A typical, yet unique character. Hope to see more of him!

There was maybe a little too many characters introduced this chapter. Say, Nether, Silver, and the Mare were all fine, but the mystery character at the last bit of the chapter was a bit too much. Too many plot elements, not enough time between them. I am in the process of completely re-writing my own story so it’ll be less of a randomly thrown together mess. This chapter is a really good one, clean and well organized.

To be honest though, the best part of the chapter was when the branch he was holding onto broke, and the squirrel with the walnuts fell onto his head while he was talking about trying to take one... Pretty hilarious Irony I must say.

Typing in a moving car on a phone while said car is bouncing is really hard, by the way.

Finally done with the Graduation Ceremony. It was over 100° out here... And I am going home to a nice cold drink of ice water and a nap, because I woke way too early.

It's not that I have trouble pacing myself, It's the fact that I want the other readers to, oh what the hell. I just want people to enjoy it. Looks like I have to re-think the schedule. Sorry, I'm quite new with people actually reading my stuff. That and I have short chapters.

And don't worry about the mystery character. They'll be revealed in chapter 9.

Omg don't tell he have Stealth device to stab nightmare moon also more please.

You'll see this Sunday. That's when I plan to release the next chapter. That and whenever I feel like I'm in a good mood.:scootangel:

So is he Going to kill nightmare moon to free Luna cause don't kill Luna she a best princess.
Don't kill her

As a female time lord once said, "Spoilers."

Don't worry, they don't actually kill each other, just one of them brings the other close to it. Which one, you'll have to wait to find out.:pinkiecrazy:

I would say you will have more likes to the story but the main character is a coward he doesn't like to touch females for some reason this story also has a sex tag are they going to be any even in the story hope it beats on the next chapter.

Why did it take so long for them to get to this part of the story six chapters really doesn't make no sense 1 singing took 6 chapters to do

There is a reason he is uncomfortable with coming into contact with females that lies in his subconscious. Yes, there will be sex, (Eventually) and yes, he is a coward now, but that changes the more the story goes on.

And the reason it took so long was that I like to go slow with my stories as to build up tension. Sorry if it's not to your liking, but after the next few chapters it begins to kinda speed up.

I hope you're still interested in the story, I'm not used to people liking it. :twilightsheepish:

Yes I like the story so far I'll get to enjoy it more.

I think twilight would have been a LOT more shocked about him being an alicorn. Especially back in those seasons she would go a little nuts to anything alicorn related.

Don't worry, she won't try anything on him yet.

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