• Published 4th Jan 2019
  • 4,313 Views, 93 Comments

Leave It All Behind - ShowShine

After Twilight destroys her school, she runs away from home, taking Spike with her. She stumbles across a small town called Ponyville.

  • ...

Working in the fields

Twilight slowly opened her eyes, her head pounding. She sat up and looked around to see that she was in a room. She looked down to see she was on a bed with a blanket decorated with apples. An old green mare walked into the room and looked surprised.

“I see that you’re awake, you’ve been out for two hours.” The mare said. Twilights eyes widened. Had it really been that long?

“What your name youngin?” The mare asked.

“Twilight.” She said.

“My name is Granny Smith.” She said. Twilight looked around.

“Where am I?” She asked.

“Well, you’re just in the best apple farm in all of Equestria, Sweet Apple Acres!” Granny Smith said.

“Now What was a filly like you doing in the forest?” Granny Smith asked suspiciously. Twilights ears flattened.

“Well, I was on my way home when a timberwolf jumped out and attacked me. I tried to run away but it grabbed Spike-“ Twilights eyes widened.

“WHERE’S SPIKE!?” Twilight asked in a panic. Granny Smith tilted her head.

“Are you talking about a small purple dragon?” She asked. Twilight frantically nodded her head.

“He’s in the other room playing with Applebloom. He seemed mighty worried about you.” Granny Smith stated.

“He was?” Twilight asked.

“Mhm, the little feller wouldn’t stop cryin and tried to stay with you. We had to clean him up, poor thing was covered in blood. I think his right eye is permanently mess up too.” Granny Smith said. Twilight shuddered at the thought of Spike being cover in blood.

“Can I see him?” Twilight asked. Granny Smith smiled.

“Of course you can.” She said while gesturing for Twilight to follow her. Twilight got out of the bed and her hooves touched the cold wooden floor. She followed Granny Smith out of the room and down the hallway. The house was very roomy. Granny Smith led Twilight into a room. It looked like a baby's room. It had a crib and various amount of toys on the floor. Spike had a white ace bandage covering his right eye and tail.

“I thought I told you to go to bed.” Granny Smith said sternly, making the orange pony whip around.

“I’m sorry Granny, I just wanted to watch them play for a little longer.” The orange pony said. Granny Smith sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose.

“Applejack, you know we can’t afford you being tired in the morning, you have to work in the orchards tomorrow. We’re already far behind on shipments.” Granny Smith scolded. Applejacks ears flattened.

“I’m sorry Granny.” She said apologetically. Twilight felt pitiful.

“I can help,” Twilight said, making both ponies look at her.

“We couldn’t ask you do that youngin, it’s too much work.” Granny Smith said.

“I can help you get back on time with your harvesting. I can use magic.” Twilight said, making her horn glow as a demonstration. Applejack shook her head.

“I know you’re trying to help, but we don’t use magic to buck our apples.” She said. Granny Smith raised her hoof to Applejack.

“Now wait just a minute their sugar, maybe she’s on to something.” Granny Smith turned around to face Twilight.

“We could use your help. I’m too old to work in the orchards and all we have is Big Mac and Applejack. If you can bring us back on track, you can be apart of the family business.” Granny Smith said. Twilight smiled and saluted.

“I won’t let you down.” She said enthusiastically.

“I don’t think your parents would want you missing all night, so you should get going.” Granny Smith said. Twilights ears perked up.

“Oh my parents are, um, on a business trip, they wouldn’t mind if I stayed here.” Twilight lied with a large fake grin, sweating profusely. Granny Smith gave her a sympathetic look.

” She’s lying, I know the face of a liar. Poor kid must be an orphan. She doesn’t want to tell anyone about it.” Granny Smith thought to herself.

“Well you better get going to bed then, I need you both up by sunrise.” Granny Smith said. Both fillies nodded their heads. Applejack walked out of the room and Twilight crouched down next to Spike. Spike turned around and his eye widened when he saw Twilight. He broke out into a large grin and put his hands on Twilight's face, giggling. Twilight let out a laugh.

“I missed you too,” Twilight said. Spike climbed onto her head and nestled into her hair. Twilight stood up and started to walk out of the room.

“Thank you for letting me stay for the night, Granny Smith.” Twilight said happily. Granny Smith smiled.

“It’s no problem at all.” Granny Smith said with a smile. Twilight walked out of the room and made her way back to the room she was staying in. She walked into the room and closed the door behind her.

Twilight walked over to the bed and placed Spike in it before laying down next to him. Spike tried to grab her hoof but missed by a few inches. He blinked in surprise and tried to grab her hoof again but missed. His lip started to quiver. Twilight rolled her eyes and put her hoof in his hand. He cuddled into her hoof in closed his eye.

“We need to work on you hoof to eye coordination,” Twilight said before closing her eyes. Was she going to be able to help the farm without messing up? Twilight only said that to get there hopes up, she never worked on a farm. She let out a sigh. Tomorrow would be hard work.

“Pssst, Twilight wake up.” A voice said. Twilight stirred awake and opened her eyes to see Applejack standing over her.

“What time is it?” Twilight asked.

“Five in the morning. We need to get an early start.” Applejack said. Twilight looked over at Spike who was still sleeping.

“You can just put him in the crib with Applebloom.” Applejack said. Twilight picked Spike up and both fillies walked out of the room.

“When your done putting him to sleep, breakfast is ready downstairs.” Applejack said as she walked down the stairs. Twilight entered Appleblooms room and looked over her crib. Applebloom laid there silently, breathing peacefully. Twilight placed Spike next to her. Both babies unconsciously cuddled into each other. Twilight smiled and left the room. She walked into the kitchen to see three bowls of porridge with apple slices sitting on the table.

“Eat up, you need your carbs before you start working.” Granny Smith said. Twilight nodded her head and sat next to Applejack. She started to eat her porridge, which was absolutely delicious. A young stallion walked into the kitchen with frazzled hair.

“Macintosh, you need to wake up earlier than this!” Granny scolded. Macintosh mumbled an apology and started to eat his food.

“Twilights gonna be helpin you with bucking today, so show her the ropes,” Granny said to both children.

“Yes, granny.” They said as the put there bowls in the sink. Twilight put her bowl in the sink and rushed after Applejack. When Twilight got outside, she saw rows and rows of apple trees. Applejack walked over to a tree.

“First you need to rear your hindquarters, and then kick as hard as you can.” Applejack said while kicking the tree as a demonstration. Apples fell out of the tree and into wooden buckets. Twilight nodded her head and tried to copy what Applejack did. A few apples fell out of the tree and one hit her on the head. Applejack snickered.

“Just stick to using your magic.” Applejack said as she made her way to the next tree. Twilight nodded her head and concentrated on a tree. Her horn started to glow and the tree branches shook. Dozens of apples fell out of the trees and into the buckets. Applejack gaped.

“Woo wee, if you keep goin at this rate, we’ll have enough apples in no time!” Applejack exclaimed. Twilight smiled. Maybe she could do this.

“LUNCHTIME!” Granny Smith hollered as she rang a bell. All three fillies came running toward the house.

“How did you three do today?” Granny Smith asked. All three children grinned.

“Twilight did great, we’re ahead of schedule!” Big Mac exclaimed. Granny raised her eyebrows in surprise when she saw how many apples they had gotten.

“Well, I’ll be...” She said in disbelief. She turned around a smiled at Twilight.

“You saved this farm,” Granny said, patting Twilight on the shoulder.

“Now you three come inside so you can eat.” She said, letting the children in. Applebloom and Spike both sat in high chairs, eating apple sauce. Spike struggled to grab his plastic spoon and kept missing. Twilight levitated the spoon into his hand and sat down at the table to eat her zap apple sandwich.

Twilights eyes widened as she took a bite. This was the best thing she ever tasted. She looked over to Spike who was trying to scoop up food but kept missing the jar. Twilight levitated the spoon and started to feed him.

“He has to get used to that eye,” Granny commented. Twilight sighed.

“I know.” She said. Twilight continued eating her sandwich as she fed Spike. Once they all finished Twilight took the plates and cups off of the table and started to wash the dishes.

“You don’t have to do that.” Granny Smith said. Twilight smiled.

“It’s okay, I want too.” Twilights said as she washed the dishes cheerily. Granny Smith smiled. Once Twilight finished, Granny cleared her throat.

“Since you don’t have any more work to do today, I’d like to see where you live.” Granny Smith said. Twilight tensed up.

“It surely isn’t safe for a little filly to walk in the forest all by herself.” She said. Twilight nodded her head.

“Sure, I’ll show you.”