• Published 12th Jan 2019
  • 15,614 Views, 164 Comments

Tacet - Horse Girls Are Watching

Song and magic are two parts of the same whole in Equestria. When Rose saw Anon, it was love at first sight, and as if to shake any doubt, she heard their song. It was the happiest moment of her life. Until she realized he couldn't hear it.

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Your flower arrangements drifted in the light morning breeze as you waited on your stool in front of your stand, eyes drifting across the early morning crowd. You set up, same as every day, on a small bend, giving you a view of a long dirt path with carts, tents, and small shops to either side.

There was Applejack, setting up her apple cart with her little sister, Carrot Top fiddling with her vegetables, making sure each carrot was in a row. Time Turner even organized science instruments in his own, slightly spastic ways, fussing over odds and ends with his hooves. It was rather cute the way he was, you had to admit. You passively wonder if Twilight or Derpy will win his attention for their respective herds.

But your gaze wasn’t there for them. You had someone else you always looked for, despite how much you hated yourself for it. He didn’t come everyday, you had to remind yourself, but you could never stop from hoping you’d see him—the human. A tall creature stepped out from behind a hawker’s tent and your heart skipped a beat. A nervous smile grew on your muzzle, though at the same time, a heavy, familiar ache welled up in your chest.

It’d start soon, like it always did when you saw him. Whispered notes on the breeze—an echo of old magics. Sometimes you resisted or ignored it. That was the right thing to do. But deep down you knew why you sometimes sang anyways. Your ears went back as you watched him bounce from seller to seller, his smile brighter than the morning sun. He’d be down to your stall soon enough. Anon always ordered the same thing, a simple rose centered arrangement.

You parted your lips, letting the smallest fraction of the song out into the crisp morning air.

“What is this feeling…”

Your heart fluttered as Anon seemed to pause for a moment, examining a bauble from Turner’s stand. He put it down and moved onto another merchant.

“That I can’t contain…”

You could almost hear the echo of the other side of the duet, the return of the melody in a lower register. Hope flickered in you again as Anon seemed to pause, facing your stall down the dirt path before looking back to his list and turning around. You let out a small groan. Why did you do this to yourself?

“Your smile lights a fire within me…”

Your eyes glazed over with tears and you looked down with a sob. Every fiber of your being wanted to leap up and sing your heart out. But you didn’t dare sing any louder.

The memory of the first time you sang to him still sat fresh in your mind.

You stood, beaming up at him in the marketplace, chest heaving after you let out the first verse. A warmth surged in you as you waited for his lines to come. Everyone stared wide eyed at the two of you, waiting to bear witness to something few ever even heard about.

Anon had been around for a few weeks, getting his bearings while living in Twilight’s castle. You’d heard stories, caught bare glimpses from far away… I want to meet him, you’d thought. He sounds nice. But when your eyes met, everything changed.

Everypony knew the legends. The songs that come when soul mates meet. It was a thing of fairy tales; songs that herald great magics, an old power beyond even Celestia. You wouldn’t have believed it existed if not for Ponyville’s very own Cake family. There were precious few like that. Everypony else herded.

Happy tears welled up in your eyes as the feeling in the air surged and Anon’s melody came, lyrics hidden to all but him. Your heart beat in your chest like a drum, hardly able to bear the happiest moment of your life. You never imagined it… a one and only somepony… just for you.

He looked down at you, a mix of confusion and embarrassment playing across his features.

“Um… nice to meet you too.”

Your smile melted and you took a step back. “What?”

He looked at you like a deer in the headlights before glancing around, his gaze seeking answers. “I don’t understand. Is there something I’m supposed to do?”

Everyone turned to face you, the music hidden to all but the two of you. They weren’t part of it. Their silence was deafening. A few narrowed their eyes.

You stood stock still, waiting, hoping. Something had simply gone wrong. There was some part that Anon only knew, you had to trust him. You felt the pull of the music, driving you instinctively to answer a verse that hadn’t come. You sang, a beautiful melody that made your heart soar, keeping your eyes only on him until you passed it back once more.

He merely stared at you.

A dull ache welled up in your chest at the passing of his chorus answer. You didn’t sing the return this time.

“What’s going on…?” you said, eyes widening. “Anonymous, you keep missing your half.”

He gave you a strange look, head cocked slightly to the side.

”I don’t know what you’re talking about, but um, well it was nice meeting you, miss,” Anon said with an awkward shrug.

He ruffled your mane and walked past, his groceries in tow. You sat there for a moment, frozen in place. Ponies around you whispered, some sounding harsh and biting.

You sank to your haunches, staring down into the dirt with a blank expression. “I don’t get it. He… didn’t sing back? Why? I don’t understand. Does he not…”

Your skin turned cold, and your chest felt like someone had dropped a house on it. You felt warm liquid drift down your cheeks and drip onto the road at your hooves. Were you… crying? You touched a hoof to your face and pulled it back with a sniffle. Oh… you were. That didn’t make sense. That wasn’t how the stories went.

This was supposed to be the happiest day of your life.

“Rose, you okay?”

You jerked upright, almost losing your balance on the stool. Anon stood in front of your stand, his brow knit together, mouth a small frown on his face that made you want to leap up and give him a hug. Why did he have to look at you like that…

“Something wrong, Rose? You seem kinda down.”

You blinked, mouth slightly ajar. “Oh, um. It’s… nothing. Just thinking I guess,” you said with a limp shrug. “You here for the usual?”

He nodded and gave you that beautiful smile of his. “You know me well.”


He had an amazing sense of direction, liked extra maple syrup on his pancakes, was adorably susceptible to brain freezes, and disliked carrots unless they were honey glazed. And he loved the smell of spring, particularly fresh roses. The two of you had spent plenty of time together since you met. Anon had made you come out of your introverted shell, and the last month had been some of the most fun you’d had with another pon—person. It didn’t matter what you did, it was enjoyable if you were together. He wasn’t an overwhelming ball of energy like a certain mare in town. Anon was honest and clever and caring… But there was always a barrier between you. He never brought up the song, so neither did you, yet it was always there when you were with him, hovering at the back of your mind and hoping to be sung. But he was only a friend…

It had been a while since the two of you did anything together. Lately it had hurt to spend time with him, so you’d made up excuses. You loved being with him. But it had gotten too hard to be a friend.

You ignored the sting and shook the thought off as you hopped down from your stool, turning to your trimmers and the flowerboxes. Anon always came to take home a simple rose centric arrangement every three days or so. Despite knowing exactly what he liked, you never pre-crafted his, unlike the other regulars, instead opting to make it with him there. You bit your lip as you snipped a thorn, unable to stop the same thoughts that happened every time. Maybe this time…

You glanced over at him, meeting his eyes for a just a moment before returning to your flowers. It was enough to make your heart skip, and with it, you felt the notes on the breeze, just like you always did. The melody welled up on the wind, aching to be released, but you held it for a moment. It was familiar to you now— there were slight variations each time, but always with the same beauty that made you leap to feel it within you. Although, It had gotten quieter, more subdued with time. Sometimes it came late, like a slow, icy river, remembering to flow in spring as the sun warmed its banks. Maybe one day it might not come at all. Then maybe you’d stop torturing yourself, you thought.

You glanced over to Anon, watching him rock on his heels and look out over the early crowds. Sun, he was so handsome.

You lightly hummed the notes as they came despite yourself, letting them waft off on the wind. The other half’s verse entered, filled only by the distant echo of the unsung notes in your mind. You hummed again in answer, the notes sounding wilted but still beautiful. Why do you do this to yourself…? You glance over to Anon to see him watching you, head cocked slightly as he listened. The next notes came, lyrics crafting themselves effortlessly over them, but you held the words down, sticking only to the melody. Anon paused, and took the slightest step toward you. His mouth worked and you could see a look in his eye, like he was seeing something for the first time.

Please Anon, you thought. Please, don’t sit there silently. Don’t do this to me anymore. I don’t know how much longer I can take this. An answer verse passed, unsung once more, and you picked up the barest hint of your part. You snipped the last rose petal and turned to him, looking him in the eyes. A spark—the barest hint of something reflected in his eyes back at you. Please…!

He took a breath.

“Hey, big guy! Whatchu doin here so early?”

Anon jerked up and looked over to a mint green unicorn who waved at him from a little ways away. You felt a pinch of nausea as the melody washed away. No! Don’t leave, you yelled in your head. He felt something for sure this time—just a few more notes and… maybe...

No matter how much you tried to get it back, you couldn’t recall how the song went. Your chest ached as Lyra bounded over to him and he smiled, giving her a mane tussle. You never learn, do you?

He talked to her for a moment, while you stared numbly at the two of them like a zombie. Lyra looked so happy talking to him. You don’t blame her. A colt like Anon was one in a million, even if not everyone thought so.

“I’ll see you tonight then, champ,” Lyra said with a salute. She glanced in your direction as Anon turned for his flowers. Her chipper demeanor shifted, and she gave you a pitied smile, like someone looking at a foal in time out. Neither of you said a word and she left through the thin crowd. She didn’t have to say anything. Lyra wasn’t a bad pony.

But like everyone else, she didn’t believe you.