• Published 24th Jan 2019
  • 3,239 Views, 148 Comments

Reformation... It's a Pony Thing - Lets Do This

Tempest finds the path of reformation is not easy... it just doesn't *feel* right. Then she learns of a disquieting trade in the Southlands, and then a close friend is ponynapped... and she discovers the kind of pony she is meant to be...

  • ...

Part IV -- The Die is Cast

The sunlight was shimmering on the broad expanse of White Bay, over which the Rainbow Phoenix was holding station at dive height.

Sitting on the railing near the extended gangplank was one of Tempest's soldiers. He clung tight to the rigging with one huge paw, peering down at the water below. Beside him was Fluttershy. She patted his arm consolingly. "Now, I know the water makes you nervous, Fred," she told him. "Because you're used to fighting on land. But you really needn't be worried. Swimming isn't all that different, really. It's just like flying! Oh. Well, I suppose that's more helpful if you're a pegasi or a hippogriff. But even so, once you get used to the water, it's a lot of fun! Especially if you're transformed into a seapony, like we were."

She pointed down to the water, where Applejack and Rainbow Dash, already transformed, were racing each other under the waves, occasionally breaching the surface and then splashing back.

"I mean, we've been all the way to Seaquestria and back, and the transformation spell from the Pearl made it no trouble at all." Fluttershy smiled at the memory. "I actually got to like having fins for a while. And I don't usually take to new things myself, so that's saying something."

The soldier rumbled and hooted dispiritedly.

"Oh, don't think like that. You'll do fine. Just do what Tempest tells you, and look after Twilight and the others. Oh, and get Rarity back safely for us! I'm sure everything will work out..."

He gave her a plaintive look, and mumbled worriedly.

"Well..." She glanced at the water nervously. And then she nodded. "Of course I'll come along, if it helps. Tempest may need me to translate for you, in any case." She looked around. "I wonder where she is? It's her turn next..."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Captain Celaeno peered intently at the crystal, which they'd moved to the enclosed rear compartment of the main deck. "So... as long as it's glowing steady like that, everything's fine? We just need to keep anyone from messing with it?"

"That's right." Tempest nodded. "I've topped up the magic so it should be self-sustaining for however long we're down there." She gave Celaeno a grateful smile. "And do I appreciate you and your crew staying up here, to look after this end of things."

"It's not a problem." Celaeno shrugged. "I might like the look of parrot-fish... doesn't mean I'd ever want to be one. Besides, we need to make sure no barnacle-bitten marauders run off with our new ship!"

They turned and headed out through the bulkhead door to the main deck. "Now, my other question is," Celaeno went on, "how are we going to stay in range of you while you're down there? I mean, the entire bay is shallow enough that we don't have to worry about the depth. But how will we know which way you're headed?"

"I may have a solution for that," Fluttershy called to them. She was hovering beside one of the soldiers, carefully draping a pirate bandanna across his mask-like face. Then she gently prodded him with her hooves, so that he spun round in place.

"Ooooh! Pin the Tail on the Pony!" Pinkie shouted, stotting happily. "I call playing winner!"

"Now, Fred," Fluttershy said gently, "point at Tempest."

The soldier was currently facing away from them and to the right. He turned slightly, and then stuck out a paw without looking around... pointing straight at Tempest.

"All of you, I mean."

Every one of the soldiers standing on the deck pointed directly at Tempest, making her take a worried step backward.

"See?" Fluttershy beamed. "Fred always knows where you are. He has to, so he can appear wherever you want him to be."

Tempest trotted up to the soldier, who was already removing the bandanna from his face-mask. She eyed him appraisingly. "So... uh, Fred..." she said cautiously. "A squad of you will stay up here, to guard the crystal and the ponies we've rescued... and also give Celaeno a bearing to follow." She looked around at the captain. "If that's all right with you, Captain?"

Celaeno nodded. "A good sailor trusts her compass. Doesn't matter what it looks like! We'll stay as close as we can."

"Then I think we're all set here." Tempest squared her shoulders, and crossed the main deck...

... to where Queen Novo and her guards were standing near the port-side railing and the gangplank. Twilight and Spike were standing next to the Queen, and Twilight gave Tempest a reassuring smile. Queen Novo by contrast simply glared disapprovingly. In her claws was the Pearl, shimmering with arcane fire. She held it nervously, protectively, as Tempest approached and then bowed.

Tempest looked up, meeting Novo's gaze uneasily. "You know, Your Majesty," she said, conversationally, "you might not be so worried about someone stealing that Pearl's magic if it was... I don't know... spread out somehow, rather than concentrated all in one place. Uh... just a thought."

Queen Novo arched an eyebrow. "I'll take it under advisement. Are you ready?"

Tempest blinked at that, surprised. "Sorry... I don't normally get asked that." She nodded. "I'm ready!"

She unlatched and stripped off her armor and shoes, let Grubber pack them safely away in a handy sea-chest. "How about you, Grubber? You still can wait up here, if you want."

"Nah, I'm with ya, boss!" He looked up at her nervously. "Just so long as I don't turn into a clam or something..."

"No promises. On three, then... one... two... three!"

She galloped toward the gangplank. Grubber hurried along after her. Queen Novo projected the Pearl's spell at them, transforming them both as they jumped from the end and plunged towards the waves. There was a loud double splash from below.

Twilight, Spike, and Pinkie hurried to the railing, staring down at the water. They saw Applejack and Rainbow bobbing in the waves below.

"Is she all right?" Twilight called down.

"Don't know," Rainbow called up. "She hasn't come up yet. Whoa!"

With a massive splash, Tempest rocketed out of the water, launching herself astonishingly high in the air. In seapony form she seemed to be all streamlined body and tail, with broad, shimmering berry-red fins. She arced up and over the top of the ship's balloon, coming down on the far side and knifing smoothly into the water.

"Now that's awesome!" Rainbow crowed.

"Ah'd say she's doin' all raight!" Applejack observed with a smile.

There was a smaller splash behind her. "Hey, check me out!" said Grubber. "This is cool!"

Applejack turned, and jerked back in surprise. Grubber had been transformed into a large gray eel, with a snow-white crest and needle-sharp teeth. He gazed around, beaming toothily. "Hey, look! I can tie knots in myself!" He disappeared under the surface. Then he reappeared after a moment, looking slightly choked. "Glk! Uh... a little help?"

Tempest resurfaced close by, treading water easily. Her head turned about as she admired herself. "This is really nice! Though without my armor, I feel... I don't know... naked!"

Applejack laughed at that. "Been like that all my life, hon. Never hurt me!"

Tempest scowled, not sure if she was being ridiculed or not. She turned her angry look toward the ship, and the soldiers standing at the railing. "Why haven't they changed yet?"

Rainbow smirked. "I think you need to tell them to get in the water first!"

Tempest rolled her eyes. "Give me a minute, Rainbow. I've only been in charge of an eldritch army again for what, a day or two? It'll come back to me." Raising her voice, she shouted up. "The rest of you... down here! Now!"

The soldiers looked at each other uncertainly. Then they leapt en masse from the ship's railing, splashing heavily into the water around her... where they began floundering helplessly, struggling just to keep from sinking.

Tempest rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on! You must have some sort of aquatic form! Find it!"

Twilight called down to her. "You might need to reset the spell, Tempest. Just dismiss them and resummon them!"

Tempest shrugged. "If you say so, Princess. Here goes... company, dismissed!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In the cabin of the ship, the soft amber glimmering of the crystal suddenly increased in intensity, as the energy sustaining the soldiers was returned to it. And then the glow flickered briefly, and went out. And then it snapped alight once more, back at its original intensity.

And in the ship's aft vent room, Strife suddenly found himself sprawling on the glowing grid floor... outside the cage.

Glancing around in surprise, he lifted from the floor, finding his magic back in full working order. Wasting no time he sped away upward, straight toward the entry door. Prying it gently open, he peered out and then darted through, slamming it behind him.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In the water around Tempest, there was suddenly a school of large dolphins... or something very like them. The soldiers' aquatic form was long and grey, with maroon-and-red striped crests, broad fins and tails, and the familiar masked faces above their dolphin-like snouts.

"That's better," Tempest said. "Now we find out if the rest of this still works." She looked up to Twilight. "It'll take me a little while to get used to managing them like this. But you're welcome to come down whenever you're ready, Princess!"

"Okay!" Twilight replied, watching as Tempest and the others dove under the waves. Then she turned back to Queen Novo.

Who frowned doubtfully at her. "Just... have a care not to start any wars, while you're down there," she said. "Remember, we don't interfere with the sharks, they don't hassle us. At least I thought they didn't, until they grabbed Silverstream."

"I'm sure that was just a misunderstanding, Your Majesty," Twilight said. "We only want to ask them where Rarity's been taken, and then go find her. That's all!"

"Right. Well... look after yourself, now. Don't want to be sending any unhappy letters back to Princess Celestia!"

"I will!" She looked around as Pinkie and Fluttershy joined her. And Capper as well.

"Fluttershy? You're coming along?"

"I told Fred I would," she replied, shrugging. "This is new to him, too. He might need someone to talk to."

"And Capper? You're willing to go?"

"On one condition, y'all," he said, warningly. "No catfish jokes, all right?"

"We promise." Twilight nodded. Then she turned back to Queen Novo.

"Okay... let's do this!"